USDA/1994 Tribal Scholars Program

USDA/1994 Tribal Scholars Program

USDA 1994 Appplication

USDA/1994 Tribal Scholars Program

OMB: 0503-0016

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Tribal Scholars Program
A partnership between the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1994 Land-Grant
Tribal Colleges and Universities, and the American Indian Higher Education

Application Booklet
For Students Attending
1994 Land-Grant Tribal Colleges and Universities
Seeking careers in food, agricultural, natural
resources sciences and other related disciplines


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The USDA/1994 Tribal Scholars Program is designed to assist USDA managers attract talented and diverse
students to their agency. It combines a scholarship with an internship experience to fill critical positions
within an agency.
The USDA helps students attain academic and employment success during and after their attendance at tribal
colleges. We strive to nurture students through their transition into and through post-secondary education so
that they can pursue their dreams. We hope to attract students attending 1994 Land-Grant Institutions
interested in the food, agricultural, and natural resources science, and other related disciplines who would be
willing to work for a USDA agency after their graduation in said degree.
The 1994 Land-Grant Institutions are tribally-controlled colleges and universities that were granted Land–
Grant status under an Act of Congress first in 1994 and subsequent legislation in 1998, 2002, 2004, 2005,
and 2008. The ranks of the 1994 Institutions have grown to include an Alaska Native controlled college
through legislation in 2008.
The purpose of the USDA/1994 Tribal Scholars Program is to:
1. Strengthen the long-term partnership between USDA and the 1994 Land-Grant Institutions;
2. Increase the number of students studying agriculture, food, and natural resources sciences; and
3. Offer career opportunities to USDA/1994 Tribal Scholars at the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Scholarships are awarded annually and must be used at one of the thirty-two 1994 Land-Grant Institutions.
USDA agencies provide scholars with the following benefits:
Full tuition payment, required fees, and books
Loan of a USDA computer (laptop, printer, and software) while a scholar
Transportation stipend
One-week orientation
Mentoring, tutoring, career development, and leadership training
Paid summer employment/internship with sponsoring USDA agency
Permanent USDA position upon graduation
• Students must attend a 1994 Land-Grant Institution
• Demonstrate an interest in public service and pursuing a career with USDA
• Have a recommended minimum GPA of 2.5 (on a 4.0 scale)
• Study agriculture, food, natural resources sciences, or other related disciplines
• Not yet have a bachelor’s degree
• Be a U.S. citizen
The USDA/1994 Tribal Scholars Program recipients incur a service obligation of one year for each year of
scholarship support received (or the part-time equivalent) with a minimum service period of one year at
either Washington, DC USDA Agencies or USDA field offices throughout the U.S.A, which may or may not be
close to the Scholar’s home community.



USDA’s mission is to provide leadership on food, agriculture, natural resources, and related issues
based on sound public policy, the best available science, and efficient management. USDA’s vision
is the desire to be recognized as a dynamic organization that is able to efficiently provide the
integrated program delivery needed to lead a rapidly evolving food and agriculture system. USDA
began in 1862 when President Abraham Lincoln founded this federal agency. He called it the
“people’s Department” because this is the agency that would feed the people and serve a large
portion of the population—farmers. Today, USDA does much more than helping farmers and
• USDA leads the Federal anti-hunger effort with the Food Stamp, School Lunch, School Breakfast,
and the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Programs;
• USDA is the steward of our nation’s 192 million acres of national forests and rangelands;
• USDA is the country’s largest conservation agency, encouraging voluntary efforts to protect soil,
water, and wildlife on the 70 percent of America’s lands that are in private hands;
• USDA brings housing, modern telecommunications, and safe drinking water to rural America;
• USDA is responsible for the safety of meat, poultry, and egg products;
• USDA is a research leader in everything from human nutrition to new crop technologies that
allow the United States to grow more food and fiber using less water and pesticides;
• USDA helps ensure open markets for U.S. agricultural products and provides food aid to needy

The Office of USDA 1994 Program was established to develop policy guidelines and procedures;
coordinate and oversee further participation in the Department’s programs and activities; and
monitor, evaluate, and report on agency compliance with policy and Executive Orders to increase
participation of 1994 Land-Grant Institutions.
USDA coordinates its partnership with the 1994 Land-Grant Institutions through the USDA Office of
the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (OASCR). OASCR supports the USDA and the American
Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC) Leadership Group, a national advisory body comprised
of USDA Mission Area representatives and 1994 Institutions’ Presidents that provides the strategic
direction for the USDA and 1994s partnership. As such, the USDA/1994 Program is a mutual effort
between the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the American Indian Higher Education
Consortium (AIHEC). Together, we work to accomplish the USDA/1994 Program Mission.
Enhancing the capability of American Indian/Alaska Natives to attain educational excellence and to
contribute positively to the fulfillment of the USDA’s mission.
While conducting our mission, we value:
Trust—Respond with honest action;
Respect—Honor the unique cultures and histories;
Commitment—Are dedicated to compassionate service;
Partnerships—Work together and share one vision.

USDA/1994 Tribal Scholars Program
“Food and agricultural sciences” (as defined by the National Agricultural Research, Extension,
and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3103 (8))) means:
Basic, applied, and developmental research, extension, and teaching activities in food and fiber,
agricultural, renewable natural resources, forestry, and physical and social sciences, including
activities relating to the following: a) animal health, production, and well-being; b) plant health and
production; c) animal and plant germplasm collection and preservation; d) aquaculture; e) food
safety; f) soil and water conservation and improvement; g) forestry, horticulture, and range
management; h) nutritional sciences and promotion; i) farm enhancement, including financial
management, input efficiency, and profitability; j) home economics; k) rural human ecology;
l) youth development and agricultural education, including 4-H clubs; m) expansion of domestic and
international markets for agricultural commodities and products, including agricultural trade barrier
identification and analysis; n) information management and technology transfer related to
agriculture; o) biotechnology related to agriculture; and p) the processing, distributing, marketing,
and utilization of food and agricultural products.
The following disciplines are examples of possible majors and interests for students to consider:
• Agriculture
• Agronomy
• Animal Science
• Biological Sciences
• Botany
• Chemistry
• Computer Engineering
• Computer Science Specialist
• Computer Scientist
• Engineering
• Entomology
• Forestry
• Genetics
• Mathematics
• Microbiology
• Natural Resources Management
• Nutrition
• Public Health
• Soil Conservation
• Statistics
• Veterinary Medicine
• Zoology

Administrative/Professional Intern Program
Administrative Officer
Agricultural Marketing/Business
Civil Rights
Compliance Officer
Computer Specialist
Human Resources
Information Technology Specialist
Loan Specialist
Policy Analyst
Political Science
Program/Management Analyst
Public Administration
Public Affairs
Research Economics
Social Science
Other Appropriate Administrative/Professional


1994 Land-Grant Institutions
The Tribal Colleges and Universities*
Bay Mills Community College, Brimley, Michigan
Blackfeet Community College, Browning, Montana
Cankdeska Cikana Community College, Fort Totten, North Dakota
Chief Dull Knife College, Lame Deer, Montana
College of the Menominee Nation, Keshena, Wisconsin*
Diné College, Tsaile, Arizona*
Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College, Cloquet, Minnesota*
Fort Belknap College, Harlem, Montana
Fort Berthold Community College, New Town, North Dakota
Fort Peck Community College, Poplar, Montana
Haskell Indian Nations University, Lawrence, Kansas*
Ilisagvik College, Barrow, Alaska
Institute of American Indian Arts, Santa Fe, New Mexico*
Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College, Hayward, Wisconsin
Leech Lake Tribal College, Cass Lake, Minnesota
Little Big Horn College, Crow Agency, Montana
Little Priest Tribal College, Winnebago, Nebraska
Navajo Technical College, Crownpoint, New Mexico
Nebraska Indian Community College, Macy, Nebraska
Northwest Indian College, Bellingham, Washington
Oglala Lakota College, Kyle, South Dakota
Saginaw Chippewa Tribal College, Mount Pleasant, Michigan
Salish Kootenai College, Pablo, Montana*
Sinte Gleska University, Mission, South Dakota
Sisseton Wahpeton College, Sisseton, South Dakota
Sitting Bull College, Fort Yates, North Dakota*
Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Stone Child College, Box Elder, Montana
Tohono O’odham Community College, Sells, Arizona
Turtle Mountain Community College, Belcourt, North Dakota*
United Tribes Technical College, Bismarck, North Dakota
White Earth Tribal and Community College, Mahnomen, Minnesota
*Bachelor’s (4 year) Program
1994 Land-Grant Institutions and the 1994 Tribal College and the University Liaison
Specialists’ contact information are included on pages 14-17.

OMB No.

USDA/1994 Tribal Scholars
Program Application
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required
to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number
for this information collection is 0503-XXXX. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to
average 3 ½ hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources,
gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.

Privacy Act Advisory Statement

The Privacy Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-579) requires that you be given certain
information in connection with this request for information.
Accordingly, pursuant to the requirements for the Act, please be advised:
1. The authority of the collection of these data is Executive Order 11155.
2. Furnishing the information requested is voluntary.
3. The data will be used for selection of USDA/1994 Tribal Scholars, printing of certificates, and
related activities.
4. Other routine uses of the data are for preparation of the public affairs and press releases to
Affirmation of Candidacy
and Authorization for
Release Information

I, ________________________, understand that I am a candidate for the honor of
USDA/1994 Tribal Scholar, have read the Privacy Act Advisory Statement, and affirm
my wish to be considered. In the event I am named a USDA/1994 Tribal Scholar,
permission is hereby given for the release of materials submitted by me for the use of
the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the thirty-two 1994 Land Grant Institutions as
deemed appropriate for purposes of the USDA/1994 Tribal Scholars Program. I
further consent to the release of photographs which may be taken of me, by or for
the U.S. Department of Agriculture in connection with the Program. I am (check
one) willing _____unwilling _____to appear on radio and/or television if such
arrangements can be made by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in connection with
the USDA/1994 Tribal Scholars Program.


OMB No.

Section I. Biographical Information
Legal Name in Full (Please Print)
Sex __Male __Female
Permanent Home Address
Zip Code
Telephone __________________ Are you a U.S. Citizen? __Yes ___ No
Section II. Education
Name of High School _______________________________Telephone _______________________
School Address
Zip Code
School Counselor Contact ______________________________ Position ______________
Contact Telephone _____________________________
GPA (4.0 scale) _______

OR GED Received (date)____________________

Are you currently enrolled in a college or University?





Name of college or university in which you are currently enrolled
Zip Code

OMB No.

List any other schools you have attended in the last 4 years. List the schools in order of
attendance with the one you attended most recently first.
Name of School

Location (city & state)

Dates of Attendance

List any advanced or special programs, courses or summer courses you have taken listing the
most recent first.
Course/Program Name of School
Location (City & State) Dates of

What course of study (major) will you pursue if you were to receive a USDA/1994 Tribal Scholars
1st Choice ______________________________ 2nd Choice ________________________________
What 1994 Land-Grant Institution do you want to attend? See page 6 and pages 14-18
1st Choice ___________________2nd Choice _____________________ 3rd Choice__________
Section III. Transcripts
You must provide an official, signed and sealed transcript from your high school and any college or
university you have attended and include them with your application. The USDA/1994 Program will
accept an unofficial transcript from the college registrar provided it meets the deadline and a receipt
from the registrar is included indicating an official, signed transcript is being sent.
If you are a High School Applicant see page 19 for working with your School Counselor
to assist in this.
If you are not a High School Applicant please have the official, signed and sealed transcript sent to
the Tribal College and University Liaison Specialist that represents the school or schools you want to
attend. If you want to attend more than one school and that school is represented by another Tribal
College and University Liaison Specialist, you must complete another application package and have
it sent to her. See page 6 and pages 14-18 for the schools and appropriate contact information.

The USDA/1994 Tribal Scholars Program offers support for an Associate’s Degree (up to 2-Years
support) or Bachelor's of Science Degree (4-Years support).
I am applying for:
___1-Year Scholarship Support (student will have completed at least one year of coursework in an
Associate degree program before award period)
___2-Year Scholarship Support (student will be a new entering student who plans to enroll in an
Associate degree program)
___3-Year Scholarship Support (student will have completed at least one year of coursework in a
Bachelor’s degree program OR a 2+2 Associate/Bachelor’s program)
___4-Year Scholarship Support (student will be a new entering student who plans to enroll in a
Bachelor’s degree program OR a “2+2” Associate/Bachelor’s program)
Are you currently enrolled in or planning to enroll in an Associate’s Degree (2-Year) with no plans
to continue to a Bachelor's Degree?
Yes ________ No ________ If yes, field of study
Are you currently enrolled in an Associate’s Degree (2 year) program and plan with the intention of
transferring to a 4-Year Bachelor's Degree Program, elsewhere ("2 Plus 2 Program")?
Yes _______ (Year Enrolled: ___ First; ___ Second) No ______
If yes, which educational institution do you chose when you transfer?
and in what field of study?
Are you initially applying for a 4-year Bachelor's Degree Program?
Yes_______ No ____ If yes, field of study

Section V. Activities
List any activities in which you have participated in or outside of school, i.e., sports, music, student
government, clubs, church, civic, etc.

Name of

Dates of service/


Special awards

List all volunteer services or jobs held in the last three years.

Dates of Participation

Offices Held

Special awards, honors,

Section VI. Essay Question
Essay must be addressed to the USDA/1994 Selection Committee
Write a 500-800 word essay describing 1) How you became interested in studying the food,
agricultural, and related natural resources sciences or another related discipline in college; 2) How
USDA will benefit if you are selected for the USDA/1994 Tribal Scholars Program (immediately and
in the long term); and 3) what motivated you to consider a career in public service working for the
U.S. Department of Agriculture. Include information about your educational and career goals and
how this scholarship may assist you to achieve them.
Section VII. Recommendation Instructions (see page 21).
You will need to submit two recommendations from two different sources using the
Recommendation Form 1 on pages 21-22 and Recommendation Form 2 on pages 23-24. One
recommendation must be from a someone who knows your academic work. The second
recommendation can be from (as an example) a current or previous school counselor, teacher, principal, Tribal College and University President, or employer. Make sure the recommendation is from
someone who knows you well and can speak to your abilities.

VIII. USDA/1994 Tribal Scholars application check list

I have read this section, especially those elements detailing the
eligibility requirements, schools that I must attend, and the
February 1, 2009 deadline in which my completed application
package must be postmarked.


I have filled out Section I.


I have filled out Section II.


I have included an official, signed and sealed transcript or have included an unofficial copy of my
transcript from the college registrar and a receipt from the same registrar to indicate the official
copy will be received shortly from the schools I have attended and have included any and all in my
application package to complete Section III.


I have filled out Section IV.


I have filled out Section V.


I have written my essay and included it in my application to complete Section VI.


I have provided the Recommendation Instructions to my recommenders and have ensured that one
knows my academic work.


I have read and filled out Section IV Application and written my essay. I understand Section II must
be to the postmarked no later than February 1, 2009, in order to meet the eligibility


I have given Section VI, (Letter of Recommendation instructions) to my counselor/teacher to fill out.
I understand this section must be postmarked no later than February 1, 2009. Further, I have
explained to my counselor/teacher the need to have all transcripts enclosed with this response and
sent to the USDA Tribal College and University Liaison Specialist assigned to the 1994 Land-Grant
Institution I have selected to attend.

Section IX. Signatures
Please review this form to make sure you have answered all the questions completely.

I certify that I have completed this application and that all statements are true and accurate to the best of my
knowledge. Any false statements may eliminate me from consideration for this
___________________________________ ___________________
Signature of Applicant
___________________________________ __________________
Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian
(if applicant is under 18 years of age)

February 1

This is the last date that can be postmarked on your application.
Student submits application package by mail to the appropriate 1994
Tribal College and University Liaison Specialist’s home base.
Western Region: Little Big Horn College in Montana—Pages 14-15
Central Region: Sitting Bull College in North Dakota– Pages 16-17
Eastern Region: USDA 1994 Program, Washington, DC.—Page 18
Within 3 months student will have a decision from USDA.

February 16-29 1994 TCU Liaison Specialists review applications for completeness;
forwards student profiles to USDA/1994 Program Director. 1994 TCU staff
conduct peer review panels to review and rank applications submitted to
their regions and forward top 10 finalists per 1994 Institution to the 1994
Program Director for review.
March 1

USDA/1994 Program Director forwards top ranked student profiles to
USDA Agency Coordinators for review and recommendation to their
Agency Heads for final selection and USDA agency sponsoring commitment.


USDA sponsoring agencies notify 1994 Program Director of their final
scholar selections and funding commitment. Student acceptances due to
USDA sponsoring agency which communicates acceptances to USDA 1994
Program Director.
USDA/1994 Program Director communicates acceptances to 1994 TCU
Liaison Specialists. Sponsoring USDA Agency HR engages with selected
student(s) and their elected 1994-Grant Institution to sign a USDA/1994
Tribal Scholars Student Career Experience Program (SCEP)/Service
Agreement, arrange for summer housing/agency summer employment.


Selected students begin USDA summer employment with sponsoring


Annual 1994 TCU Liaison Specialist Training


USDA/1994 Tribal Scholars Student One-Week Orientation in
Washington, DC or other location.

August to

Student begins Fall Semester

Where To Apply for the USDA/1994 Tribal Scholars Program
If you plan to attend one of the 1994 Land-Grant Institutions in the WESTERN REGION – see fourteen
1994 Land-Grant Tribal Colleges below – please mail your USDA/1994 Tribal Scholars Program
application materials to:

Ms. Velma Real Bird
Tribal College and University Liaison Specialist – WESTERN REGION
1994 Program
United States Department of Agriculture
Little Big Horn College
PO Box 370
Crow Agency, MT 59022
TEL: (406) 638-3194
FAX (406) 638-3169
Email: [email protected]
Blackfeet Community College: President John Salois, PO Box 819, Browning, MT 59417
TEL: (406) 338-7755, FAX (406) 338-3272; E-mail: [email protected] or Terry J. Tatsey, USDA
Director Land Grant Programs: TEL: (406) 338-5111; FAX: (406) 338-2644; E-mail: [email protected]
Chief Dull Knife College: President Richard Littlebear, PO Box 98, Lame Deer, MT 59043
TEL: (406) 477-6215, FAX (406) 477-6219; E-mail: [email protected] or Yvonneda (Henry) Thompson,
Director, Cooperative Extension Service, TEL: (406) 477-6215 x 123; FAX: (406) 477-6219; E-mail:
[email protected]
Diné College, Arizona/New Mexico campuses: President Ferlin Clark, PO Box 126, Tsaile, AZ 86556
TEL: (928) 724-6669, FAX (928) 724-3327; E-mail: fclark@Diné or Benita Litson, Director,
Land Grant Office, TEL: (928) 724-6940; FAX: (928) 724-6649; E-mail: blitson@Diné
Fort Belknap College: President Carole Falcon-Chandler, PO Box 159, Harlem, MT 59526
TEL: (406) 353-2607, FAX: (406) 353-2898; E-mail: [email protected] or Mary John Taylor, Dean of
Academic Affairs, TEL: (406) 353-2607; FAX: (406) 353-2898; E-mail: [email protected]
Fort Peck Community College: President James Shanley, PO Box 398, Poplar, MT 59255
TEL: (406) 768-6300, FAX: (406) 768-5552; E-mail: [email protected] or Carrie Sue Archdale, Agriculture/
Extension Director, TEL: (406) 768-3025; FAX: (406) 768-6301; E-mail: [email protected]
Ilisagvik College: President Beverly Patkotak Grinage, PO Box 749, Barrow, AK 99723
TEL: (907) 852-3333, FAX: (907) 852-1821

Where To Apply for the USDA/1994 Tribal Scholars Program
Institute of American Indian Arts: President Robert Martin, 83 Avan Nu Po Rd., Santa Fe, NM 87508
TEL: (505) 424-2300, FAX: (505) 424-0050; E-mail: [email protected] or Laurie Logan Brayshaw, Director,
office of Sponsored Programs, TEL: (505) 424-2305; FAX: (505) 424-0900; E-mail: [email protected]
Little Big Horn College: President David Yarlott, Jr., PO Box 370, Crow Agency, MT 59022
TEL: (406) 638-3100, FAX (406) 638-3169; E-mail: [email protected] or Latonna Old Elk,
Extension Agent, TEL: (406) 638-3139; FAX: (406) 638-3169; E-mail: [email protected]
Navajo Technical College: President Elmer Guy, PO Box 849, Crownpoint, NM 87313
TEL: (505) 786-4100, FAX (505) 786-5644; E-mail: [email protected] or Anthony Howard, Extension
Agent, TEL: (505) 786-4164; FAX: (505) 786-4164; E-mail: [email protected]
Northwest Indian College: President Cheryl Crazy Bull, 2522 Kwina Rd., Bellingham, WA 98226
TEL: (360) 676-2772, FAX: (360) 738-0136; E-mail: [email protected] or Susan Given-Seymour, Director of
Outreach and Community Education, TEL: (360) 676-2772 x4248; FAX: (360) 738-0136; E-mail:
[email protected]
Salish Kootenai College: President Joseph McDonald, PO Box 70, Pablo, MT 59855
TEL: (406) 275-4800, FAX (406) 275-4801; E-mail: [email protected] or Virgil Dupuis, Extension
Director, TEL: (406) 275-4899; FAX: (406) 675-4809; E-mail: [email protected]
Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute: President Jeffrey Hamley, 9169 Coors Rd., NW, PO Box 10146,
Albuquerque, NM 87184
TEL: (505) 346-2348, FAX: (505) 346-2343; E-mail: [email protected] or Valerie Montoya,
Vice-President of Academic Programs; TEL: (505) 346-2351; FAX: (505) 922-6509; E-mail:
[email protected]
Stone Child College: President Melody Henry, RR1, Box 1082, Box Elder, MT 59521, TEL: (406) 395-4875,
FAX: (406) 395-4836; E-mail: [email protected] or Mary Ruth St. Pierre, Extension Faculty, TEL:
(406) 395-4313; FAX: (406) 395-4836; E-mail: [email protected]
Tohono O’odham Community College: President Olivia Vanegas-Funcheon, PO Box 3129, Sells, AZ 85634,
TEL: (520) 383-8401, FAX: (520) 383-8403; E-mail: [email protected] or Paul Buseck, Instructor,
Agriculture & Natural Resources, TEL: (520) 383-0063; FAX: (520) 383-4566; E-mail:
[email protected]

Where To Apply for the USDA/1994 Tribal Scholars Program
If plan to attend one of the 1994 Land-Grant Institutions in the CENTRAL REGION – see thirteen 1994
Institutions below and on the following page– please mail your application materials to:

Ms. Lisa Yellow
Tribal College and University Liaison Specialist –CENTRAL REGION
1994 Program
United States Department of Agriculture
Sitting Bull College
1341 92nd Street
Fort Yates, ND 58538
TEL: (701) 854-8130
FAX: (701) 854-3403
Cankdeska Cikana Community College: President Cynthia Lindquist Mala, PO Box 269, Fort Totten, ND
TEL: (701) 766-4415, FAX: (701) 766-4077; E-mail: [email protected] or James J. Garrett, Ph.D.,
Director/Faculty, Agriculture/Natural Resources, TEL: (701) 766-1330; FAX: (701) 766-4077; E-mail:
[email protected]
Fort Berthold Community College: President Russell D. Mason, Jr., 220 8th Avenue North, PO Box 490, New
Town, ND 58763
TEL: (701) 627-4738, FAX: (701) 627-3609; E-mail: [email protected] or Gene Morsette, AG Outreach
Specialist, TEL: (701) 627-4738 x267; FAX: (701) 627-4808; E-mail: [email protected]
Haskell Indian Nations University: President Linda Warner, 155 Indian Ave., PO Box 5030, Lawrence, KS
TEL: (785) 749-8404, FAX: (785) 749-8411; E-mail: [email protected] or Dr. Smokey McKinney,
Director of Distance Education: Information Technology, Extension, Endowment, TEL: (785) 832-6697;
FAX: (785) 830-2720; E-mail: [email protected]
Leech Lake Tribal College: President Leah Carpenter, PO Box 180, Cass Lake, MN 56633
TEL: (218) 335-4200, FAX: (218) 335-4215; E-mail: [email protected] or Harold Lueck, Science
Faculty, Tel: (218) 335-4200 x 4232; FAX: (218) 335-4209; E-mail: [email protected]
Little Priest Tribal College: President Georgianna Tiger, PO Box 270, Winnebago, NE 68071
TEL: (402) 878-2380, FAX: (402) 878-2355; E-mail: [email protected] or Dr. Betty Red Leaf, Dean of
Academics; TEL: (402) 878-2380; FAX: (402) 878-2355; E-mail: [email protected]
Nebraska Indian Community College: President Michael Oltrogge, College Hill, PO Box 428, Macy, NE
TEL: (402) 837-5078, FAX: (402) 837-4183; E-mail: [email protected] or Dr. Ardis Bad
Moccasin, Academic Dean, TEL: (402) 837-5078; FAX: (402) 837-4183; E-mail: [email protected]
Oglala Lakota College: President Thomas Shortbull, 490 Piya Wiconi Rd., Kyle, SD 57752
TEL: (605) 455-6000, FAX: (605) 455-6023; E-mail: [email protected] or Leslie Henry, Department Chair,
Agriculture and Natural Resource Department, TEL: (605) 455-6086; FAX: (605) 455-2411; E-mail:
[email protected]

Where To Apply for the USDA/1994 Tribal Scholars Program

Sinte Gleska University: President Lionel Bordeaux, 101 Antelope Lake Circle, PO Box 105, Mission, SD
TEL: (605) 856-8100, FAX: (605) 856-5401; E-mail: [email protected] or Michael H. Benge, Vice
President: Equity, Extension, TEL: (605) 856-5472; FAX: (605) 856-5401; E-mail: [email protected]
Sisseton Wahpeton Community College: President Diana Canku, Agency Village Box 689, Sisseton, SD
TEL: (605) 698-3966, FAX: (605) 698-3132; E-mail: [email protected] or Harvey Du Marce, Vice President
for Academic Affairs, TEL: (605) 742-1116; FAX: (605) 742-0394; E-mail: [email protected]
Sitting Bull College: President Laurel Vermillion, 1341 92nd St., Fort Yates, ND 58538
TEL: (701) 854-8000, FAX: (701) 854-3403; E-mail: [email protected] or Koreen Ressler, Vice President of
Academics, TEL: (701) 854-8001; FAX: (701) 854-8197; E-mail: [email protected]
Turtle Mountain Community College: President James Davis, PO Box 340, Belcourt, ND 58316
TEL: (701) 477-7862, FAX: (701) 477-7807; E-mail: [email protected] or Michelle Short-Azure, Principal Investigator: Extension, TEL: (701) 477-7862; FAX: (701) 477-7862; E-mail: [email protected];
United Tribes Technical College: President David Gipp, 3315 University Dr., Bismarck, ND 58504
TEL: (701) 255-3285, (FAX): (701) 530-0605; E-mail: [email protected] or Karen Paetz, Director of Land
Grant Programs, TEL: (701) 255-3285 x 1426; FAX: (701) 530-0622; E-mail: [email protected]
White Earth Tribal & Community College: President Robert "Sonny" Peacock, 210 Main St. South, PO Box
478, Mahnomen, MN 56557
TEL: (218) 936-5610, FAX: (218) 935-0708; E-mail: [email protected] or Stephanie Williams, Extension
Coordinator, TEL: (218) 935-0417 x313; FAX: (218) 935-5614; E-mail: [email protected]

Where To Apply for the USDA/1994 Tribal Scholars Program
If plan to attend one of the 1994 Land-Grant Institutions in the EASTERN REGION – see five 1994 Institutions below – please mail your application materials to:
By regular mail:

Stephanie Koziski
1994 Program Analyst and
Tribal College and University Liaison Specialist –EASTERN REGION
USDA/1994 Program Office
300 7th Street SW, Suite 266
Washington, D.C. 20024
TEL: (202) 205-4490
FAX: (202) 205-3831

Bay Mills Community College: President Michael Parish, 12214 West Lakeshore Dr., Brimley, MI 49715,
TEL: (906) 248-3354, FAX: (906) 248-2011; E-mail: [email protected] or Aaron Tadgerson, Recruiter/
Land Grant Coordinator, TEL: (906) 248-3354; FAX: (906) 248-3351; E-mail: [email protected]
College of Menominee Nation: President Verna Fowler, PO Box 1179, Keshena, WI 54135,
TEL: (715) 799-5600, (Toll Free) (800) 567-2344, FAX: (715) 799-1308; E-mail: [email protected] or
Chad Waukechon, Director of Education, Outreach and Extension, TEL: (715) 799-5600; FAX: (715) 7991336; E-mail: [email protected]
Fond du Lac Tribal College: President Patty Petite, 1720 Big Lake Rd., Cloquet, MN 55720,
TEL: (218) 878-2688, FAX: (218) 879-4146; E-mail: [email protected] or Larry Anderson, Vice
President of Administrative and Academic Affairs, TEL: (218) 879-0842; E-mail: [email protected]
Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College: President Danielle Hornett, 13466 West Trepania Rd.,
Hayward, WI 54843
TEL: (715) 634-4790, FAX: (715) 634-5049; E-mail: [email protected] or Jessica Hale, Extension Director,
TEL: (715) 634-4790; FAX: (715) 634-2121; E-mail: [email protected]
Saginaw Chippewa Tribal College: President Karen Radell, 2274 Enterprise Dr., Mount Pleasant, MI 48858,
TEL: (989) 775-4123, FAX: (989) 772-4528; E-mail: [email protected] or Carla Sineway, Dean of
Instruction and Student Services, TEL: (989) 775-4123; FAX: (989) 775-4528; E-mail: [email protected]

High School Applicant

USDA/1994 Scholars Program Secondary School Report
For School Counselor
Student’s Legal Name in full (please print) _______________________________________________
Student: Please indicate on the back of this page the Tribal College and University Liaison Specialist to which
this form should be sent.
To comply with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, a school must obtain signed
authorization before it can release student information for use in this scholarship program.
Permission is hereby given to school officials to release school record and other requested information for consideration in the
scholarship program named above.
Student’s Signature ______________________________________ Date ______________________________
Parent’s Legal Guardian’s Signature _____________________________________ Date ______________________________

Note for the counselor: The student named above is a candidate for the honor of the United States Department
of Agriculture/1992 Land-Grant Institution Tribal Scholar. To process this application, we need the following:
a carefully considered character and ability assessment by a teacher or professor who knows the student well, a
summary of the teacher’s judgments of the student, and an official transcript of the student’s secondary school
Thorough responses will greatly enhance your student’s candidacy. This information will be used only in
connection with the selection of Scholars and will be seen only by qualified persons involved in the selection
This form must be postmarked no later than February 1, 2008 and sent to the Tribal College and
Liaison Specialist that represents each 1994 Institution the applicant wants to attend.
Name of Counselor
Please type or Print with black ink
B. Are you confident that the student will receive a high school diploma during the academic year
C. Student’s Class Rank _______________

Total Students in Class ___________________

D. Student’s cumulative grade point average _____________________
E. Student’s ACT Composite Score

______________ and/or SAT Combined Score _______________

F. Secondary School Record
The student’s ACT and/or ACT scores, along with an official secondary school transcript (with seal and
signature), including grades 9 through 12 must be attached. If the official transcript is not provided, the
candidate will not be considered for the scholarship.
Counselor’s signature ______________________________Date __________________________________
This form and the candidate’s transcript must be returned to the address/addresses checked on the back of this
page. This must be postmarked by February 1, 2009.




Ms. Velma Real Bird
Tribal College and University Liaison Specialist –
1994 Program
United States Department of Agriculture
Little Big Horn College
PO Box 370
Crow Agency, MT 59022
TEL: (406) 638-3194
FAX (406) 638-3169
Email: [email protected]

Ms. Lisa Yellow
Tribal College and University Liaison Specialist –
1994 Program
United States Department of Agriculture
Sitting Bull College
1341 92nd Street
Fort Yates, ND 58538
TEL: (701) 854-8130
FAX: (701) 854-3403
Email: [email protected]

Stephanie Koziski
1994 Program Analyst and
Tribal College and University Liaison Specialist –
USDA/1994 Program Office
300 7th Street, S.W.
Suite 266
Washington, D.C. 20024
TEL: (202) 205-4490
FAX: (202) 205-3831
Email: [email protected]

OMB No.:

Recommender 1
Applicant, please check the box next to the name of the 1994 Tribal College and University Liaison on the
opposite side of this page that represents the 1994 Land-Grant Institution you want to attend and provide this
to the person you are having make the recommendation.
Applicant, please write in your name: : ___________________________________________
Name of recommender _________________________________________________________________________________
Please type of print using black ink
Title: ________________________________________B. Length of relationship ____________________________
C. Considering what you know of the applicant’s interests, work habits, and life goals, what is your assessment of the chances that
the applicant will be motivated to take advantage of the opportunities available in college? Please give reasons for your assessment
You may choose to respond to this on a separate sheet of paper.


F. Has the applicant shown exceptional talent or originality in agriculture, food, natural resource sciences and/
or other related disciplines?
G. Sometimes special circumstances should be considered when evaluating an applicant’s achievement
records and test scores. If, in your opinion, this student may have been disadvantaged by any such
circumstances, please specify on an additional sheet of paper.
H. In the spaces below, please summarize your assessment of the applicant:
1. Participation in discussion
□ Always involved, often initiates discussion
□ Occasionally participates
□ Seldom participates
□ Not applicable

5. Critical and questioning attitude
□ Often challenging
□ Occasionally probes
□ Rarely questions
□ Not applicable

2. Involvement in classroom activities
□ Active, usually shows genuine interest
□ Mild, politely attentive
□ Languid, attention often wanders
□ Vacillates greatly
□ Poor understanding
□ Not applicable

6. Depth of understanding
□ Excellent insight
□ Good understanding
□ Some insight
□ Little insight
□ Not applicable
7. Personal responsibility
□ Always accepts fully
□ Usually accepts fully
□ Sometimes refuses
□ Often refuses

3. Pursuit of independent study
□ Considerable study and major project(s)
□ Some study and minor project(s)
□ No evidence of independent study

8. Consideration for others
□ Always considerate for others
□ Usually considerate of others
□ Sometimes inconsiderate
□ Often inconsiderate

4. Evenness of performance
□ Even, varies no more than one mark
□ Slightly uneven, often varies one mark
□ Uneven, often varies two marks
□ Erratic, performance fluctuates greatly
□ Inadequate opportunity to observe

Recommender’s Signature __________________________________ Date _________________
This form must be returned to the following Tribal College and University Liaison Specialist checked below.

Ms. Velma Real Bird
Tribal College and University Liaison Specialist
1994 Program
United States Department of Agriculture
Little Big Horn College
PO Box 370
Crow Agency, MT 59022



Stephanie Koziski
1994 Program Analyst and
Tribal College and University Liaison Specialist
USDA/1994 Program Office
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Mail Stop 9577
Ms. Lisa Yellow
Tribal College and University Liaison Specialist –
1994 Program
United States Department of Agriculture
Sitting Bull College
1341 92nd Street
Fort Yates, ND 58538

OMB No.:

Recommender 2
Applicant, please check the box next to the name of the Tribal College and University Liaison on the opposite
side of this page that represents the 1994 Land-Grant Institution you want to attend before providing this to the
person you are having make the recommendation.
Applicant, please write in your name: : ___________________________________________
Name of recommender _________________________________________________________________________________
Please type of print using black ink
Title: ________________________________________
Considering what you know of the applicant’s interests, work habits, and life goals, what is your assessment of the chances that the
applicant will be motivated to take advantage of the opportunities available in college? You may choose to respond to this on a
separate sheet of paper.


F. Has the applicant shown exceptional talent or originality in agriculture, food, natural resource sciences and/
or other related disciplines?
G. Sometimes special circumstances should be considered when evaluating an applicant’s achievement
records and test scores. If, in your opinion, this student may have been disadvantaged by any such
circumstances, please specify on an additional sheet of paper.
H. In the spaces below, please summarize your assessment of the applicant:
1. Participation in discussion
□ Always involved, often initiates discussion
□ Occasionally participates
□ Seldom participates
□ Not applicable

5. Critical and questioning attitude
□ Often challenging
□ Occasionally probes
□ Rarely questions
□ Not applicable

2. Involvement in classroom activities
□ Active, usually shows genuine interest
□ Mild, politely attentive
□ Languid, attention often wanders
□ Vacillates greatly
□ Poor understanding
□ Not applicable

6. Depth of understanding
□ Excellent insight
□ Good understanding
□ Some insight
□ Little insight
□ Not applicable
7. Personal Responsibility
□ Always accepts fully
□ Usually accepts fully
□ Sometimes refuses
□ Often refuses

3. Pursuit of independent study
□ Considerable study and major project(s)
□ Some study and minor project(s)
□ No evidence of independent study

8. Consideration for others
□ Always considerate for others
□ Usually considerate of others
□ Sometimes inconsiderate
□ Often inconsiderate

4. Evenness of performance
□ Even, varies no more than one mark
□ Slightly uneven, often varies one mark
□ Uneven, often varies two marks
□ Erratic, performance fluctuates greatly
□ Inadequate opportunity to observe

Recommender’s Signature __________________________________ Date _________________
This form must be returned to the following Tribal College and University Liaison Specialist checked below
by February 1, 2009.

Ms. Velma Real Bird
Tribal College and University Liaison Specialist
1994 Program
United States Department of Agriculture
Little Big Horn College
PO Box 370
Crow Agency, MT 59022



Stephanie Koziski
1994 Program Analyst
Tribal College and University Liaison Specialist
USDA/1994 Program Office
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Mail Stop 9577
Ms. Lisa Yellow
Tribal College and University Liaison Specialist –
1994 Program
United States Department of Agriculture
Sitting Bull College
1341 92nd Street
Fort Yates, ND 58538

This page intentionally left blank

5 CFR Part 213—Excepted Service, Student Educational Employment Program—Student Career
Experience Program
5 CFR Part 410—Training
Equity in Education Land Grant Status of 1994
Executive Orders 12015 and 13270
Food, Agriculture, Conservation and Trade Act of 1990; P.L. 101-624, Sec. 2501, Sec. 2830
Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002; P.L. 107-171; H.R. 2646
Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
USDA/1994 Program
300 7th Street SW, Suite 266
Washington, DC 20024
Tele: (202) 720-1772
Fax: (202) 205-3831
Email: [email protected]
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the
basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and
marital or family status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who
require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.)
should contact USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of
discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 300 7th Street NW, Suite 521, Washington, DC
20024 or call (202) 401-0005 or (800) 795-3272
USDA is an equal opportunity employer.

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleTribal Scholars Handbook For Review Jan 09 Feb 1
File Modified2009-01-08
File Created2009-01-08

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