Correctional Populations in the United States, 2009


Annual Parole Survey, Annual Probation Survey, Annual Probation Survey (Short Form)

Correctional Populations in the United States, 2009

OMB: 1121-0064

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U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
Bureau of Justice Statistics

Bureau of Justice Statistics

December 2010, NCJ 231681

Correctional Populations in the United
States, 2009
Lauren E. Glaze,
BJS Statistician


orrectional authorities supervised
7,225,800 offenders at yearend 2009, which
was slightly fewer offenders (down 48,800)
than in 2008 (figure 1). Correctional supervision
includes adults supervised in the community on
probation or parole and those incarcerated in state
or federal prisons and local jails. This was the first
decline (down 0.7%) observed in the total correctional population since the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) began reporting this population in 1980.1
This report provides summary data on the correctional population and highlights significant changes
in the components of the population. Also, it covers
adults supervised in the community or held in adult
correctional facilities. The total prison population
may include juveniles held in adult facilities in the
six states with combined jail-prison systems.
1See Methodology for a discussion about the sources of correc-

tional data.

Figure 1.
Estimated number of adults under correctional supervision and annual
percent change in correctional population, 1980-2009



Note: The annual percent change in the correctional population between 1996 and 1997
and 1997 and 1998 was adjusted to account for expanded probation coverage during those
years. See Methodology for more details.

Prison populations: A comparison between the jurisdiction and custody populations
BJS’s official measure of the prison population is the count of
prisoners under the jurisdiction or legal authority of state and
federal correctional officials (1,613,740 in 2009) (see appendix
table 1). These prisoners may be held in prison or jail facilities
located outside of the state or federal prison system. The prison
population reported in table 1 is the custody prison population,
which is different from the jurisdiction prison population. The
custody prison population represents the number of prisoners
physically housed in state (1,319,426 in 2009) and federal
(205,087 in 2009) correctional facilities, regardless of which
entity has legal authority over the prisoners (see appendix table
2).2 This includes state and federal prisoners held in privately

operated facilities. The difference between the custody and
jurisdiction counts is the number of state and federal prisoners
held in the custody of local jails or inmates out to court or
otherwise in transit. Because table 1 presents data on the
number of individuals under correctional supervision by
correctional status, the custody prison population is presented
instead of the jurisdiction prison population. The custody
prison population accounts for the total number of individuals
incarcerated in state or federal prisons, eliminating the
possibility of double counting individuals who may be under
the jurisdiction of one entity but who were in the custody of
another entity.


For more information on the jurisdiction and custody prison populations, see
Methodology in this report and Methodology and Definitions in Prisoners in
2009, BJS Web, December 2010.

For a list of publications in this series, go to

The total number of offenders under correctional
supervision at yearend 2009 represented about 3.1%
of adults in the U.S. resident population, or 1 in
every 32 adults (table 1).3 This rate has remained
relatively stable since 2000, while the growth in the
correctional population slowed during the first 8
years, and then declined during the last year.
Between 2000 and 2009, the increase (up 788,400
offenders) in the number of offenders under correctional supervision was smaller than the increases
observed during the 1990s (up 1,696,000) and 1980s
(up 2,215,200).4 The slowing growth in the correctional population since 2000 was consistent with the
smaller increase in the correctional population
compared to the two previous decades. The annual
rate of growth in the correctional population slowed
to an average of 1.5% between 2000 and 2008 before
declining (down 0.7%) during the last year.

The total correctional population was adjusted to account for
some offenders with multiple correctional statuses. For this reason, the change in each of the four correctional populations during the last year will not sum to the total change (down 48,800)
in the correctional population. See Methodology.


Probation coverage was expanded beginning in 1998 through
1999. The change and average annual rate of growth in the correctional population during the 1990s was adjusted to account
for the expanded coverage. See Methodology.

The rate of growth observed between 2000 and
2008 was less than half the average rate observed
annually between 1990 and 1999 (up 3.7%) and
about a sixth of the average rate of growth observed
annually during the 1980s (up 9.2%).

Decreases in the probation, parole, and jail
populations during 2009 contributed to the
decline observed in the total correctional
The majority (70%) of offenders under correctional
supervision at yearend 2009 were supervised in the
community (5,018,900) either on probation or
parole, remaining relatively unchanged since 2000
(71%). The community supervision population
(down 0.9%) declined for the first time during 2009
due to the first decreases observed in both the probation (down 0.9% or 40,079) and parole (down
0.7% or 5,526) populations.
During 2009 the incarcerated population, including
inmates held in the custody of state or federal prisons and local jails, declined (down 0.7%) for the
first time since 1980 when BJS began reporting this
population. The overall decrease in the incarcerated
population during 2009 was attributed to the
decrease in the jail population (down 2.2% or
17,452). (See Jail Inmates at Midyear 2009-Statistical
Tables, BJS Web, 3 June 2010).

Estimated number of adults under correctional supervision, by correctional status, 2000, 2005-2009
Average annual percent change,
Percent change, 2008-09

Total correctional

Community supervision






613,534 1,316,333
740,770 1,448,344
759,717 1,492,973
773,341 1,517,867
777,852 1,522,834
760,400 1,524,513




Note: In 2009, population counts were revised to include adult jail counts; therefore, data may not be comparable to previously published BJS reports. Community supervision population counts for 2009 are for December 31; the 2000 and 2005-2008 counts are for
January 1 from the next reporting year because some probation and parole agencies update their counts. See Methodology for more
details. Jail counts are for June 30 and prison counts are for December 31.
aEstimates were rounded to the nearest 100 and were adjusted to account for some offenders with multiple correctional statuses. For

these reasons, details do not sum to totals. See Methodology for more details.

Estimates were rounded to the nearest 100 and include some offenders held in a prison or jail but who remained under the jurisdiction of a probation or parole agency. The 2007-2009 estimates were adjusted to account for offenders with dual community supervision statuses. For these reasons, details do not sum to totals. See Methodology for more details.


Includes jail inmates and prisoners held in private facilities.

dTotals represent adults held in local jails. Totals for 2000 and 2006-2009 are estimates based on the Annual Survey of Jails. See appen-

dix table 3 for standard errors. Total for 2005 is a complete enumeration based on the 2005 Census of Jail Inmates. See Methodology for
more details.
eIncludes prisoners held in the custody of state or federal prisons and may include juveniles held in adult facilities in the 6

states with
combined jail-prison systems. The custody prison population is not comparable to the jurisdiction prison population. See the text box
on page 1 of this report for a discussion about the differences between the two prison populations.

fIncludes population counts estimated by BJS because some states were unable to provide data. See

2 Correctional Populations in the United States, 2009

Methodology for more details.

The rate of decline in the jail population during
2009 was the highest rate of change observed
among all four correctional populations, including
the probation, parole, jail, and prison populations.
In absolute numbers, the probation population
experienced the largest decrease (down 40,079)
among all four correctional populations.
While the probation (down 0.9%), parole (down
0.7%), and jail (down 2.2%) populations declined
during 2009, the total number of prisoners held in
the custody of state or federal prisons remained relatively stable during the year (up 0.1% or 1,679).
However, the number held in the custody of state
prisons declined (down 0.4%) during 2009 while
the number held in federal prisons increased
(3.4%). During 2009, the rate of growth in the total
number of prisoners held in the custody of state or
federal prisons was the slowest annual increase
observed since 2000.

Men under correctional supervision were
more likely than women to be incarcerated;
women were more likely to be supervised in
the community
In 2009, the majority (82%) of the total correctional
population was male, and 18% was female. Men
comprised a smaller portion of the total correctional population in 2009 than in 1990 (86%), while

Figure 2.
Estimated number of adult men under correctional
supervision, by correctional status, 1990-2009

the percentage of women increased within the total
correctional population since 1990 (14%).
At yearend 2009, about two-thirds (3,911,300) of
men under correctional supervision were under
community supervision either on probation or
parole, compared to about a third (2,086,400) who
were incarcerated in prison or jail (figure 2).
Among men under correctional supervision, since
1990 the portion that was incarcerated has
increased from 28% to 35% (2009). Consistent with
this increase was a corresponding decline in the
portion of men under correctional supervision who
were supervised in the community between 1990
(72%) and 2009 (66%).
A smaller portion of women (15% or 198,600)
under correctional supervision were incarcerated in
prison or jail at yearend 2009, compared to men
(35%) (figure 3). While women incarcerated
accounted for a slightly larger portion of the female
correctional population in 2009 compared to 1990
(13% or 78,500), the increase observed was less than
the increase in the male correctional population
that was incarcerated (28% in 1990; 35% in 2009).
Women (85%) under correctional supervision at
yearend 2009 were more likely than men (66%) to
be supervised in the community on probation or
parole. This finding was consistent with a trend
observed since 1990 (72% of men; 87% of women).

Figure 3.
Estimated number of adult women under
correctional supervision, by correctional status,




Note: Coverage of probation agencies was expanded
beginning in 1998 and continued through 1999. The
additional probationers resulting from the expansion of
coverage are reflected in these estimates. See Methodology for
more details.

Note: Coverage of probation agencies was expanded beginning
in 1998 and continued through 1999. The additional
probationers resulting from the expansion of coverage are
reflected in these estimates. See Methodology for more details.

December 2010 3

Sources of data
The data in this report were collected through five
separate Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) data collections:
Annual Probation Survey; Annual Parole Survey.
BJS’s Annual Probation Survey and Annual Parole
Survey began in 1980. The National Criminal Justice Information and Statistics Service of the Law
Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA),
BJS’s predecessor agency, began a statistical series
on parole in 1976 and probation in 1979.
The Annual Probation Survey and the Annual
Parole Survey collect data on the total number of
adults supervised in the community on January 1
and December 31 each year, and data on the number of adults who entered and were discharged from
community supervision during each year. Both surveys also collect data on the characteristics of the
populations, and both cover the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the federal system. BJS
depends upon the voluntary participation of state
central reporters and separate state, county, and
court agencies for its annual data on probation and
parole. For more information, go to the Probation
and Parole Population series page on the BJS website at  for the Probation and
Parole in the United States annual reports.
Annual Survey of Jails. BJS’s Annual Survey of Jails
(ASJ) began in 1982. The ASJ collects data from a
nationally representative sample of local jails and
has been conducted annually except for 1983, 1988,
1993, 1999, and 2005 in which a complete census of
U.S. local jails was conducted. The ASJ collects data
on the size of the jail inmate population at midyear,
the characteristics of the population, information
about jail capacity, and in recent years data on
weekly admissions and releases. BJS depends upon
the voluntary participation of local jails and jail
jurisdictions for the ASJ data. For more information, go to the Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear
series page on the BJS website at  for
the Jail Inmates at Midyear statistical products.
Prior to 2007, the Jail Inmates at Midyear statistical
products were titled Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear.
Census of Jail Inmates. BJS’s Census of Jail Inmates
(CJI) is part of a series of data collection efforts
aimed at studying the nation's locally administered
jails. To reduce respondent burden and improve
data quality and timeliness, the Census was split
into two data collections in 2005: the CJI and the
4 Correctional Populations in the United States, 2009

Census of Jail Facilities. The CJI collects data on jail
jurisdictions' supervised populations, inmate
counts and movements, and persons supervised in
the community. The Census of Jails began in 1970
and was conducted in 1972, 1978, 1983, 1988, 1993,
1999, 2002, and in 2005. For more information on
the 2005 CJI, go to . For more information on the original Census of Jails, go to .
National Prisoner Statistics Program. Begun in
1926 under a mandate from Congress, the National
Prisoner Statistics (NPS) program collects data on
the number of state and federal prisoners at midyear and yearend. BJS depends upon the voluntary
participation by state departments of corrections
and the Federal Bureau of Prisons for NPS data.
The NPS distinguishes between prisoners in custody and prisoners under jurisdiction. To have custody of a prisoner, a state or federal correctional
authority must hold a prisoner in one of their own
facilities or in a private facility under their authority. To have jurisdiction over a prisoner, a state or
federal prison must have legal authority over the
prisoner. The NPS custody counts include all
inmates held within a respondent’s facilities, including inmates housed for other correctional facilities.
The NPS custody counts exclude inmates held in
local jails and in other jurisdictions.
Updating community supervision population counts
each year
Some jurisdictions update their probation and
parole population counts for different reasons after
submitting the data to BJS. Updated population
counts usually include data that were not entered
into the information system before the survey was
submitted or data that were not fully processed by
yearend. For these reasons and with the exception
of the probation and parole data reported for 2009,
the total correctional population counts on December 31 for years 1980 through 2008 include the January 1 probation and parole updated counts for the
next reporting year. The correctional population
count for the most recent year, which is yearend
2009, includes the probation and parole population
counts as of December 31, 2009.

Adjustments to total correctional population counts
to account for offenders with multiple correctional
Offenders under correctional supervision may have
multiple correctional statuses for a number of a reasons. For example, probation and parole agencies may
not always be notified immediately of new arrests, jail
admissions, or prison admissions; absconders
included in a probation or parole agency’s population
in one jurisdiction may actually be incarcerated in
another jurisdiction; individuals may be admitted to
jail or prison before formal revocation hearings and
potential discharge by a probation or parole agency;
and individuals may be serving separate probation
and parole sentences concurrently.
In 1998, BJS began collecting some data on the
number of offenders with multiple correctional statuses and has expanded on the information collected since 1998. The total correctional populations from 1998 through 2009 that are reported in
figure 1 and the 2000 through 2009 correctional
populations reported in table 1 were adjusted based
on available information to account for offenders
with multiple correctional statuses.
Below are the adjustments that were made to the
total correctional population to exclude offenders
with multiple correctional statuses:
• 1998 excludes 28,805 probationers in jail and
20,734 probationers in prison
• 1999 excludes 23,906 probationers in jail and
22,758 in prison
• 2000 excludes 20,400 probationers in jail and
22,136 in prison
• 2001 excludes 23,415 probationers in jail and
20,226 in prison
• 2002 excludes 29,325 probationers in jail and
20,939 in prison
• 2003 excludes 25,497 probationers in jail and
21,478 in prison
• 2004 excludes 34,387 probationers in jail and
21,595 in prison
• 2005 excludes 32,630 probationers in jail, 22,073
probationers in prison, 18,325 parolees in jail, and
18,355 parolees in prison
• 2006 excludes 33,884 probationers in jail, 21,679
probationers in prison, 20,722 parolees in jail, and
15,677 parolees in prison
• 2007 excludes 19,286 probationers in jail, 23,055
probationers in prison, 18,827 parolees in jail,
14,623 parolees in prison, and 3,562 parolees on

• 2008 excludes 23,799 probationers in jail, 32,443
probationers in prison, 19,273 parolees in jail,
15,585 parolees in prison, and 3,905 parolees on
• 2009 excludes 21,356 probationers in jail, 23,130
probationers in prison, 19,123 parolees in jail,
14,339 parolees in prison, and 4,420 parolees on
All of these estimates are based on reported data
provided by the probation and parole agencies that
were capable of providing the information within
the specific year. Because some probation and
parole agencies were not capable of providing these
data each year, the numbers may underestimate the
total number of offenders with multiple correctional statuses between 1998 and 2009. Because of
these adjustments, the details in table 1 will not sum
to the total correctional population.
Probation coverage expanded beginning in 1998
through 1999
Coverage of probation agencies was expanded
beginning in 1998 and continued through 1999 to
include misdemeanor probation agencies in a few
states that fell within the scope of this survey but
were previously excluded. In 1998, survey coverage
was expanded to include 35 additional probation
agencies, which accounted for 27,644 additional
probationers beginning with the January 1, 1998
probation population. Expansion of probation coverage continued through 1999 and in that year, an
additional 178 probation agencies were added to the
collection, which accounted for 259,744 additional
probationers beginning with the January 1, 1999
probation population.
In figure 1, the probation data used to estimate the
total correctional population for 1980-2008 represents the January 1 probation populations for the
next reporting year because agencies update their
probation counts annually. Therefore, the 1997 correctional population reported in figure 1 includes
the January 1, 1998 probation population, which
includes the additional 27,644 probationers added
through the expansion of coverage in 1998. The
1998 correctional population reported in figure 1
includes the January 1, 1999 probation population,
which includes the additional 259,744 probationers
added through the expansion of coverage in 1999.
This is also applies to the probation data included in
figures 2 and 3.
To calculate the annual change in the correctional
population between 1996 and 1997, the 27,644 probationers added through the expansion of coverage
in 1998 were subtracted from the 1997 total correctional population reported in figure 1. The 259,744
December 2010 5

probationers added through the expansion of coverage in 1999 were subtracted from the 1998 correctional population total in order to calculate the
annual change between 1997 and 1998. In addition,
the change in the correctional population between
1990 and 1999 (1,696,000) is based on comparable
reporting agencies and excludes the additional probationers added through expanded coverage in
1998 (27,644) and 1999 (259,744).
Estimating some types of correctional data in specific
Because the ASJ did not begin until 1982, the 1980
and 1981 adult jail populations were estimated
based on data from the 1978 Census of Jails. Oklahoma was unable to provide community supervision data in 2007. Community supervision data for
Oklahoma were estimated by BJS and included in
the 2006 probation and parole population counts,
which are based on the updated January 1, 2007
population counts. See Probation and Parole in the
United States, 2007 – Statistical Tables, available
online at . Nevada was unable to provide
prison data for 2007. Prison data for Nevada were
estimated by BJS. See Prisoners in 2007, available
online at . Virginia was unable to provide parole
data for January 1, 2008. Virginia’s parole population on January 1, 2008 was estimated by BJS and
included in the 2007 parole population count,
which is based on the updated January 1, 2008 population count. See Probation and Parole in the
United States, 2008, available online at 
Estimates of men and women under correctional
supervision, by correctional status
The number of men and women incarcerated represent the reported number of men and women in the
custody of state and federal prisons plus the
reported number of adult men and women in the
custody of local jails, within the reference year.
The number of men and women under community
supervision were estimated through two different
steps for years 1990-2006 and three steps for years
2007-2009. First, the sex totals were adjusted to
account for nonresponse by using ratio estimation
based on the distribution of reported data. Second,
the yearend sex totals were weighted up to the January 1 probation and parole populations from the
next reporting year, with the exception of 2009,
because probation and parole agencies update their
counts; totals were weighted using ratio estimation
based on the adjusted yearend sex distributions.
The third step for years 2007-2009 was necessary to
6 Correctional Populations in the United States, 2009

weight to the total community supervision population which was adjusted to account for parolees
who were also on probation (i.e., a dual community
supervision status).
Since 2007, the Annual Parole Survey has collected
data on the number of parolees who were also on
probation. To estimate the breakout of men and
women, the sex distribution among the parole population within the reference year was applied to the
total number of parolees on probation. The estimated number of men on parole who were also on
probation was then subtracted from the total number of men under community supervision. This
same method was used to adjust the number of
women under community supervision.
The number of men and women under correctional
supervision from 1990-1997 were estimated by
combining the number incarcerated and under
community supervision, by sex. For 1998-2009, the
total correctional population was adjusted to
account for offenders with dual correctional statuses; therefore, the number of men and women
under correctional supervision in these years were
adjusted to add to the control total.
Beginning in 1998, the Annual Probation Survey
collected data on the number of probationers who
were in jail or prison. To estimate the breakout of
men and women within each year from 1998-2009,
the sex distribution among the jail and prison populations, respectively, within the reference year was
applied to the total number of probationers
reported to be in jail and prison, respectively, within
the reference year. The estimated number of male
probationers in prison and jail was then subtracted
from the total number of men under correctional
supervision within the reference year, and this same
method was used to adjust the number of women
under correctional supervision.
Beginning in 2005, the Annual Parole Survey collected data on the number of parolees who were in
jail or prison. The same method discussed to
account for probationers in jail or prison was used
to adjust the number of men and women under correctional supervision and account for those with
parolees with a dual incarceration status. The 20072009 correctional population totals also included
adjustments to account for offenders with dual
parole and probation statuses.
The method described in the paragraph above was
also used to adjust the total number of men and
women under correctional supervision from 20072009 to account for male and female parolees who
were also on probation.



Prisoners under state or federal jurisdiction at
yearend, 2000, 2005-2009

Inmates held in custody in state or federal prisons or in local jails, December 31,
2000, 2008-2009


Number of prisoners

Note: Jurisdiction refers to the entity having legal authority over
a prisoner, regardless of where the prisoner is held. For more
information, see the text box on page 1 of this report and Prisoners in 2009, BJS Web, December 2010.

Number of inmates
Inmates in custody
1,937,482 2,308,390 2,292,133
140,064 198,414 205,087
Federal prisonersa
133,921 189,770 196,318
Federal facilities
124,540 165,252 171,000
Privately operated facilities
Community Corrections Centersb
State prisonersc
1,176,269 1,324,420 1,319,426
621,149 785,556 767,620
Local jailsd
Incarceration ratee

2.2 %
4.4 %
1.5 %
3.0 %
1.3 %

-0.7 %
3.4 %
-0.4 %
-2.3 %
-1.6 %

Note: Total includes all inmates held in state or federal prison facilities or in local jails. It does not
include inmates held in U.S. territories, military facilities, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement facilities, jails in Indian country, and juvenile facilities. See the text box on page 1 of this report
for a discussion about the differences between the custody and jurisdiction prison populations. See
Methodology for sources of incarcerated data.
aAfter 2001, responsibility for sentenced prisoners from the District of Columbia was transferred to

the Federal Bureau of Prisons.
bNon-secure, privately operated community corrections centers.

Includes prisoners held in privately operated facilities under state authority. There were 71,845
state prisoners held in privately operated facilities in 2000, 96,320 in 2008, and 95,249 in 2009.


Estimated number of adults and juveniles held in local jails on June 30.

eThe total number in custody per 100,000 U.S. residents. Resident population estimates were as of

January 1 of the following year.


Estimated standard errors for adult jail inmates, 2000, 2005-2009


Survey estimate

Standard error

Percent of relative
standard errora
0.42 %
0.50 %
0.51 %
0.55 %
0.58 %

~ Not applicable. Total represents a complete enumeration based on the 2005 Census of Jail
aCalculated by dividing the standard error by the survey estimate and multiplying by 100.
bTotal is estimated based on reported data adjusted for nonresponse.

December 2010 7

U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
Bureau of Justice Statistics


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Washington, DC 20531

Official Business
Penalty for Private Use $300

The Bureau of Justice Statistics is the statistical agency of the
U.S. Department of Justice. James P. Lynch is director.
Lauren E. Glaze wrote this report. Lauren E. Glaze analyzed
the data and prepared the tables and graphs with assistance
from William J. Sabol, Fan Zhang, Heather C. West, and
Todd D. Minton. Fan Zhang, Todd D. Minton, William J.
Sabol, and Thomas B. Bonczar provided statistical
verification. Sheri R. Simmons provided statistical review.
The U.S. Census Bureau served as the BJS data collection
agent for the 2009 Annual Parole Survey, 2009 Annual
Probation Survey, 2009 National Prisoners Statistics
Program, and the 2009 Annual Survey of Jails.
Catherine Bird and Jill Thomas edited the report, Tina
Dorsey produced the report, and Jayne Robinson prepared
the report for final printing under the supervision of Doris J.
December 2010, NCJ 231681

8 Correctional Populations in the United States, 2009

This report in portable document format and in ASCII and its
related statistical data and tables are available at the BJS website:

Office of Justice Programs
Innovation • Partnerships • Safer Neighborhoods

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleCorrectional Populations in the United States
Subjectoffenders, parole, probation, prisoners, prison, incarceration
AuthorBureau of Justice Statistics
File Modified2010-12-21
File Created2007-03-19

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