574 Freddie Mac V3 9.4.2012

American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) E-Government Website Customer Satisfaction Surveys

2012 574 Freddie Mac V3 - 9.4.2012.xlsx

562 AHRQ Enterprise_9-10-12_UPDATED - 589 CDC SM Posting Survey

OMB: 1090-0008

Document [xlsx]
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V3 Model Qsts
Current Custom Qsts V3
Current Custom Qsts V3 (9-4-12)
Custom Qsts V3 (7-11-12)
OLD V2 Model Qsts
OLD V2 Custom Qsts
Custom Qsts (3-27-12)
Custom Qsts 10-6-11
Custom Qsts 3-15-11
Custom Qsts 3-10-11
Custom Qsts (7-28-10)
Custom Qsts (2-9-09)

Sheet 1: V3 Model Qsts

Model Instance Name:

Freddie Mac V3

MID: ccwFxAZIZAYdJ1ko4lJhcA==

Date: 4/1/2012

Partitioned: Y

Freddie Mac V3
Model questions utilize the ACSI methodology to determine scores and impacts

ELEMENTS (drivers of satisfaction)



MQ Label

MQ Label

MQ Label

Content (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)


Return (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)

Content - Accuracy Please rate your perception of the accuracy of information on this site.
Satisfaction - Overall What is your overall satisfaction with this site?
(1=Very Dissatisfied, 10=Very Satisfied)

Return How likely are you to return to this site in the next 30 days?

Content - Quality Please rate the quality of information on this site.
Satisfaction - Expectations How well does this site meet your expectations?
(1=Falls Short, 10=Exceeds)

Recommend (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)

Content - Freshness Please rate the freshness of content on this site.
Satisfaction - Ideal How does this site compare to your idea of an ideal website?
(1=Not Very Close, 10=Very Close)

Recommend How likely are you to recommend this site to someone else?

Functionality (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

Primary Resource - Information (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)

Functionality - Usefulness Please rate the usefulness of the website tools provided on this site.

Primary Resource - Info How likely are you to use this site as your primary resource for obtaining information from this organization?

Functionality - Convenient Please rate the convenient placement of the website tools on this site.

Primary Resource - Support (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)

Functionality - Variety Please rate the variety of website tools on this site.

Primary Resource - Help How likely are you to use this site as your primary resource for obtaining help / customer support from Freddie Mac?

Look and Feel (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

Look and Feel - Appeal Please rate the visual appeal of this site.

Look and Feel - Balance Please rate the balance of graphics and text on this site.

Look and Feel - Readability Please rate the readability of the pages on this site.

Navigation (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

Navigation - Organized Please rate how well the site is organized.

Navigation - Options Please rate the options available for navigating this site.

Navigation - Layout Please rate how well the site layout helps you find what you are looking for.

Navigation - Clicks Please rate the number of clicks to get where you want on this site.

Site Performance (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

Site Performance - Loading Please rate how quickly pages load on this site.

Site Performance - Consistency Please rate the consistency of speed from page to page on this site.

Site Performance - Errors Please rate the ability to load pages without getting error messages on this site.

Sheet 2: Current Custom Qsts V3

Model Instance Name: red & strike-through: DELETE

Freddie Mac V2 underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: ccwFxAZIZAYdJ1ko4lJhcA==


Date: 9/4/2012

blue + -->: REWORDING


(limit to 50 characters each)
Skip to Type Required
Select one or multi Special Instructions CQ Label

How frequently do you visit freddiemac.com? This is my first time
Drop down, select one Y Single

Daily or almost every day

Once or several times a week

Once or several times a month

Less than once a month

Did you find what you were looking for today? Yes
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group

No A, B

I was just browsing

MCW0732 A We are sorry you could not find what you were looking for. What might you do next? Call Freddie Mac
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group

Visit freddiemac.com again later

Try Fannie Mae's website

Try websites other than Fannie Mae

Ask someone I know

Give up

Don't know

MCW0733 B What were you unable to find? (Please provide as much detail as possible in your response)

Text area, no char limit Y Single Skip Logic Group

Which best describes your role in visiting the site today? Homeowner H, R Radio button, one-up vertical Y single Skip Logic Group Role (ALL)

Homebuyer/Renter H, R

Single-Family Seller, Servicer or Mortgage Broker M, O, X, Y

Multifamily Seller, Servicer and/or Borrower O, P, X, Y

Other Real Estate Professional Z, U

Investor O, S


Job Seeker

Other T

MCW0735 H Which of the following best describes your primary reason for coming to the site today: Learn how to avoid foreclosure
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single Skip Logic Group Home Primary Reason

Find out if Freddie Mac owns my loan

Learn how to buy or sell a home

Learn about refinancing or loan modification

Learn about Freddie Mac

Other (Please specify) J

MCW0736 J Other reason for coming to the site today:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group

MCW0737 R How would you describe the language/terminology used on this site? Very easy for me to understand
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single
Home Language

Somewhat difficult for me to understand

Very difficult for me to understand

MCW0738 M What were you mainly trying to do today? Access AllRegs
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group Single Reason

Download guide forms and information

Log in to Loan Prospector

Log in to the Selling System

Learn about selling loans to Freddie Mac

Learn about servicing loans

Find requirements for our single-family mortgage products

Get pricing for Freddie Mac products

Sign up to become a seller / servicer

Sign up for training

Download training and education materials

Other (please specify) N

MCW0739 N Other task you were trying to do:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group Single Reason Other

MCW0740 O What information were you primarily interested in? Single-family loans
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single Skip Logic Group Business Info

Multifamily loans

Debt and/or mortgage securities

General information about Freddie Mac

Company news

Economic and housing research

Investor relations

Information for home buyers and homeowners and/or avoiding foreclosure tips

Job Search


MCW0741 Z What information were you primarily interested in? Information about Single-Family loans
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single Skip Logic Group Other Real Pro Info

Information about buying a Freddie Mac-owned property

Information about short sales

Information about Making Home Affordable (MHA) programs or other alternatives to foreclosure

General information about Freddie Mac

Other (please specify) W

MCW0742 W Please describe what information you were interested in today:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group Other OE Real Pro Info

MCW0743 P More specifically, what is your role? Multifamily lender
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group Multi Role

Multifamily borrower

Other (please specify) Q

MCW0744 Q Other multifamily role

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group Multi Role Other

MCW0745 T Please describe your occupation:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group All Other Role

MCW0746 U Please describe your occupation:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group Other Real Estate Prof

MCW0747 S More specifically, what is your role? Mortgage Securities Investor or Trader
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group Other Investor Role

Deb Securities Investor

Equity Investor/Analyst

What did you hope to accomplish when coming to the Freddie Mac site today?

Text area, no char limit N single

If you could identify one improvement to freddiemac.com site, what would that improvement be? (Optional)

Text area, no char limit N Single

Sheet 3: Current Custom Qsts V3 (9-4-12)

Model Instance Name: red & strike-through: DELETE

Freddie Mac V3 underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: ccwFxAZIZAYdJ1ko4lJhcA==


Date: 9/4/12

blue + -->: REWORDING

(limit to 50 characters each)
Skip to Type Required
Select one or multi Special Instructions CQ Label
How frequently do you visit freddiemac.com? This is my first time
Drop down, select one Y Single

Daily or almost every day

Once or several times a week

Once or several times a month

Less than once a month

Did you find what you were looking for today? Yes
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group

No A, B

I was just browsing

MCW0732 A We are sorry you could not find what you were looking for. What might you do next? Call Freddie Mac
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group

Visit freddiemac.com again later

Try Fannie Mae's website

Try websites other than Fannie Mae

Ask someone I know

Give up

Don't know

MCW0733 B What were you unable to find? (Please provide as much detail as possible in your response)

Text area, no char limit Y Single Skip Logic Group
Which best describes your role in visiting the site today? Homeowner H, R Radio button, one-up vertical Y single Skip Logic Group Role (ALL)

Homebuyer/Renter H, R

Single-Family Seller, Servicer or Mortgage Broker M, O, X, Y

Multifamily Seller, Servicer and/or Borrower O, P, X, Y

Other Real Estate Professional Z, U

Investor O, S


Job Seeker

Other T

MCW0735 H Which of the following best describes your primary reason for coming to the site today: Learn how to avoid foreclosure
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single Skip Logic Group Home Primary Reason

Find out if Freddie Mac owns my loan

Learn how to buy or sell a home

Learn about refinancing or loan modification

Learn about Freddie Mac

Other (Please specify) J

MCW0736 J Other reason for coming to the site today:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group
MCW0737 R How would you describe the language/terminology used on this site? Very easy for me to understand
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single
Home Language

Somewhat difficult for me to understand

Very difficult for me to understand

MCW0738 M What were you mainly trying to do today? Access AllRegs
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group Single Reason

Download guide forms and information

Log in to Loan Prospector

Log in to the Selling System

Learn about selling loans to Freddie Mac

Learn about servicing loans

Find requirements for our single-family mortgage products

Get pricing for Freddie Mac products

Sign up to become a seller / servicer

Sign up for training

Download training and education materials

Other (please specify) N

MCW0739 N Other task you were trying to do:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group Single Reason Other
MCW0740 O What information were you primarily interested in? Single-family loans
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single Skip Logic Group Business Info

Multifamily loans

Debt and/or mortgage securities

General information about Freddie Mac

Company news

Economic and housing research

Investor relations

Information for home buyers and homeowners and/or avoiding foreclosure tips

Job Search


MCW0741 Z What information were you primarily interested in? Information about Single-Family loans
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single Skip Logic Group Other Real Pro Info

Information about buying a Freddie Mac-owned property

Information about short sales

Information about Making Home Affordable (MHA) programs or other alternatives to foreclosure

General information about Freddie Mac

Other (please specify) W

MCW0742 W Please describe what information you were interested in today:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group Other OE Real Pro Info
MCW0743 P More specifically, what is your role? Multifamily lender
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group Multi Role

Multifamily borrower

Other (please specify) Q

MCW0744 Q Other multifamily role

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group Multi Role Other
MCW0745 T Please describe your occupation:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group All Other Role
MCW0746 U Please describe your occupation:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group Other Real Estate Prof
MCW0747 S More specifically, what is your role? Mortgage Securities Investor or Trader
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group Other Investor Role

Deb Securities Investor

Equity Investor/Analyst

MCW0748 X Do you use a mobile device, such as a mobile phone or tablet, to access the internet? Yes AA Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single Skip Logic Group Mobile Internet


MCW0749 AA What type of mobile device do you use? Android
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single Skip Logic Group Mobile Device



Windows Mobile


Other (please specify) CC

MCW0750 CC What type of mobile device do you use?

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group Mobile Device Other
MCW0751 Y If this website had a mobile version would you access it form your mobile device? Yes BB Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single Skip Logic Group Mobile Website

No, I don't have a mobile device that allows me to access the web

No, I would not use my mobile device to access this website

Not Sure

MCW0752 BB What information would you like to see on the mobile website?

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group Mobile Website Other
Did you use the site's search feature (search box in upper right hand corner) during your visit today? Yes A, B Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group Search Usage


Not Sure

MCW0754 A Which of the following best describes your experience with the search feature today: Search results were helpful/Search returned results I expected
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single Skip Logic Group Search Experience

Results were not relevant/not what I wanted

Too many results/I needed to refine my search

Not enough results

Returned NO results

Received error message(s)

Search speed was too slow

Other AA

MCW0755 AA Please describe the other search experience you had today:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group Other Search Exp
MCW0756 B What terms did you type into the search feature today:

Text area, no char limit Y Single Skip Logic Group Search Terms
What did you hope to accomplish when coming to the Freddie Mac site today?

Text area, no char limit N single

If you could identify one improvement to freddiemac.com site, what would that improvement be? (Optional)

Text area, no char limit N Single

Sheet 4: Custom Qsts V3 (7-11-12)

Model Instance Name: red & strike-through: DELETE

Freddie Mac V2 underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: ccwFxAZIZAYdJ1ko4lJhcA==


Date: 7/26/2010

blue + -->: REWORDING

(limit to 50 characters each)
Skip to Type Required
Select one or multi Special Instructions CQ Label
How frequently do you visit freddiemac.com? This is my first time
Drop down, select one Y Single

Daily or almost every day

Once or several times a week

Once or several times a month

Less than once a month

Did you find what you were looking for today? Yes
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group

No A, B

I was just browsing

MCW0732 A We are sorry you could not find what you were looking for. What might you do next? Call Freddie Mac
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group

Visit freddiemac.com again later

Try Fannie Mae's website

Try websites other than Fannie Mae

Ask someone I know

Give up

Don't know

MCW0733 B What were you unable to find? (Please provide as much detail as possible in your response)

Text area, no char limit Y Single Skip Logic Group
Which best describes your role in visiting the site today? Homeowner H, R Radio button, one-up vertical Y single Skip Logic Group Role (ALL)

Homebuyer/Renter H, R

Single-Family Seller, Servicer or Mortgage Broker M, O, X, Y

Multifamily Seller, Servicer and/or Borrower O, P, X, Y

Other Real Estate Professional Z, U

Investor O, S


Job Seeker

Other T

MCW0735 H Which of the following best describes your primary reason for coming to the site today: Learn how to avoid foreclosure
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single Skip Logic Group Home Primary Reason

Find out if Freddie Mac owns my loan

Learn how to buy or sell a home

Learn about refinancing or loan modification

Learn about Freddie Mac

Other (Please specify) J

MCW0736 J Other reason for coming to the site today:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group
MCW0737 R How would you describe the language/terminology used on this site? Very easy for me to understand
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single
Home Language

Somewhat difficult for me to understand

Very difficult for me to understand

MCW0738 M What were you mainly trying to do today? Access AllRegs
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group Single Reason

Download guide forms and information

Log in to Loan Prospector

Log in to the Selling System

Learn about selling loans to Freddie Mac

Learn about servicing loans

Find requirements for our single-family mortgage products

Get pricing for Freddie Mac products

Sign up to become a seller / servicer

Sign up for training

Download training and education materials

Other (please specify) N

MCW0739 N Other task you were trying to do:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group Single Reason Other
MCW0740 O What information were you primarily interested in? Single-family loans
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single Skip Logic Group Business Info

Multifamily loans

Debt and/or mortgage securities

General information about Freddie Mac

Company news

Economic and housing research

Investor relations

Information for home buyers and homeowners and/or avoiding foreclosure tips

Job Search


MCW0741 Z What information were you primarily interested in? Information about Single-Family loans
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single Skip Logic Group Other Real Pro Info

Information about buying a Freddie Mac-owned property

Information about short sales

Information about Making Home Affordable (MHA) programs or other alternatives to foreclosure

General information about Freddie Mac

Other (please specify) W

MCW0742 W Please describe what information you were interested in today:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group Other OE Real Pro Info
MCW0743 P More specifically, what is your role? Multifamily lender
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group Multi Role

Multifamily borrower

Other (please specify) Q

MCW0744 Q Other multifamily role

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group Multi Role Other
MCW0745 T Please describe your occupation:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group All Other Role
MCW0746 U Please describe your occupation:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group Other Real Estate Prof
MCW0747 S More specifically, what is your role? Mortgage Securities Investor or Trader
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group Other Investor Role

Deb Securities Investor

Equity Investor/Analyst

MCW0748 X Do you use a mobile device, such as a mobile phone or tablet, to access the internet? Yes AA Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single Skip Logic Group Mobile Internet


MCW0749 AA What type of mobile device do you use? Android
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single Skip Logic Group Mobile Device



Windows Mobile


Other (please specify) CC

MCW0750 CC What type of mobile device do you use?

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group Mobile Device Other
MCW0751 Y If this website had a mobile version would you access it form your mobile device? Yes BB Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single Skip Logic Group Mobile Website

No, I don't have a mobile device that allows me to access the web

No, I would not use my mobile device to access this website

Not Sure

MCW0752 BB What information would you like to see on the mobile website?

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group Mobile Website Other
Did you use the site's search feature (search box in upper right hand corner) during your visit today? Yes A, B Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group Search Usage


Not Sure

MCW0754 A Which of the following best describes your experience with the search feature today: Search results were helpful/Search returned results I expected
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single Skip Logic Group Search Experience

Results were not relevant/not what I wanted

Too many results/I needed to refine my search

Not enough results

Returned NO results

Received error message(s)

Search speed was too slow

Other AA

MCW0755 AA Please describe the other search experience you had today:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group Other Search Exp
MCW0756 B What terms did you type into the search feature today:

Text area, no char limit Y Single Skip Logic Group Search Terms
What did you hope to accomplish when coming to the Freddie Mac site today?

Text area, no char limit N single

If you could identify one improvement to freddiemac.com site, what would that improvement be? (Optional)

Text area, no char limit N Single

Sheet 5: OLD V2 Model Qsts

Model Instance Name:

Freddie Mac V2

MID: 4gdN4cMtwIoYJN1xVZElIg==

Date: 2/5/2009

Model questions utilize the ACSI methodology to determine scores and impacts

(1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

(1=Poor, 10=Excellent)

Likelihood to Return
(1=Not Very Likely, 10=Very Likely)
1 Please rate the availability of information on freddiemac.com. 21 What is your overall satisfaction with freddiemac.com? 24 How likely are you to return to freddiemac.com?
2 Please rate how current the information is on freddiemac.com. 22 How well does freddiemac.com meet your expectations?

3 Please rate how well the information on freddiemac.com provides answers to your questions. 23 How does freddiemac.com compare to your idea of an ideal website?
(1=Not Very Likely, 10=Very Likely)

(1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

25 How likely are you to recommend freddiemac.com to someone else?
4 Please rate the usefulness of the services provided on freddiemac.com.

Primary Resource - Information
(1=Not Very Likely, 10=Very Likely)
5 Please rate the convenience of the services on freddiemac.com.

26 How likely are you to use freddiemac.com as your primary resource for obtaining information from Freddie Mac?
6 Please rate the ability to accomplish what you wanted to on freddiemac.com.

Primary Resource - Help
(1=Not Very Likely, 10=Very Likely)

Look and Feel
(1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

27 How likely are you to use freddiemac.com as your primary resource for obtaining help / customer support from Freddie Mac?
7 Please rate the visual appeal of freddiemac.com.

8 Please rate the amount of graphics and text on each page of freddiemac.com.

9 Freddie Mac: We don't need to change the wording, but I wanted to touch base on how ForeSee came up with the phrase "Please rate the clean layout of this site." Please rate the ease of reading the pages on freddiemac.com.

(1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

10 Please rate how well freddiemac.com. is organized.

11 Please rate the options that are available for you to navigate on freddiemac.com.

12 Please rate how well the site layout helps you find what you are looking for.

13 Please rate the number of clicks to get where you want on freddiemac.com.

Site Performance
(1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

14 Please rate the speed of loading the page on freddiemac.com.

15 Please rate the consistency of speed on freddiemac.com.

16 Please rate the reliability of site performance on freddiemac.com.

(1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

17 Please rate the usefulness of search results on freddiemac.com.

18 Please rate how freddiemac.com provides comprehensive search results.

19 Please rate the organization of search results on freddiemac.com.

20 Please rate how the search feature helps you to narrow the results to find the information you want.

Sheet 6: OLD V2 Custom Qsts

Model Instance Name:
red & strike-through: DELETE

Freddie Mac V2
underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: 4gdN4cMtwIoYJN1xVZElIg==


Date: 7/26/2010

blue + -->: REWORDING

(limit to 50 characters each)
Skip to Type Required
Select one or multi Special Instructions CQ Label
How frequently do you visit freddiemac.com? MCW0730A001 This is my first time
Drop down, select one Y Single

MCW0730A002 Daily or almost every day

MCW0730A003 Once or several times a week

MCW0730A004 Once or several times a month

MCW0730A005 Less than once a month

Did you find what you were looking for today? MCW0731A001 Yes
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group

MCW0731A002 No A, B

MCW0731A003 I was just browsing

MCW0732 A We are sorry you could not find what you were looking for. What might you do next? MCW0732A001 Call Freddie Mac
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group

MCW0732A002 Visit freddiemac.com again later

MCW0732A003 Try Fannie Mae's website

MCW0732A004 Try websites other than Fannie Mae

MCW0732A005 Ask someone I know

MCW0732A006 Give up

MCW0732A007 Don't know

MCW0733 B What were you unable to find? (Please provide as much detail as possible in your response)

Text area, no char limit Y Single Skip Logic Group
Which best describes your role in visiting the site today? MCW0734A001 Homeowner H, R Radio button, one-up vertical Y single Skip Logic Group Role (ALL)

MCW0734A002 Homebuyer/Renter H, R

MCW0734A003 Single-Family Seller, Servicer or Mortgage Broker M, O, X, Y

MCW0734A004 Multifamily Seller, Servicer and/or Borrower O, P, X, Y

MCW0734A005 Other Real Estate Professional Z, U

MCW0734A006 Investor O, S

MCW0734A007 Media

MCW0734A008 Job Seeker

MCW0734A009 Other T

MCW0735 H Which of the following best describes your primary reason for coming to the site today: MCW0735A001 Learn how to avoid foreclosure
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single Skip Logic Group Home Primary Reason

MCW0735A002 Find out if Freddie Mac owns my loan

MCW0735A003 Learn how to buy or sell a home

MCW0735A004 Learn about Freddie Mac

MCW0735A005 Other (Please specify) J

MCW0736 J Other reason for coming to the site today:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group
MCW0737 R How would you describe the language/terminology used on this site? MCW0737A001 Very easy for me to understand
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single
Home Language

MCW0737A002 Somewhat difficult for me to understand

MCW0737A003 Very difficult for me to understand

MCW0738 M What were you mainly trying to do today? MCW0738A001 Access AllRegs
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group Single Reason

MCW0738A002 Download guide forms and information

MCW0738A003 Log in to Loan Prospector

MCW0738A004 Log in to the Selling System

MCW0738A005 Learn about selling loans to Freddie Mac

MCW0738A006 Learn about servicing loans

MCW0738A007 Find requirements for our single-family mortgage products

MCW0738A008 Get pricing for Freddie Mac products

MCW0738A009 Sign up to become a seller / servicer

MCW0738A010 Sign up for training

MCW0738A011 Download training and education materials

MCW0738A012 Other (please specify) N

MCW0739 N Other task you were trying to do:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group Single Reason Other
MCW0740 O What information were you primarily interested in? MCW0740A001 Single-family loans
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single Skip Logic Group Business Info

MCW0740A002 Multifamily loans

MCW0740A003 Debt and/or mortgage securities

MCW0740A004 General information about Freddie Mac

MCW0740A005 Company news

MCW0740A006 Economic and housing research

MCW0740A007 Investor relations

MCW0740A008 Information for home buyers and homeowners and/or avoiding foreclosure tips

MCW0740A009 Job Search

MCW0740A010 Other

MCW0741 Z What information were you primarily interested in? MCW0741A001 Information about Single-Family loans
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single Skip Logic Group Other Real Pro Info

MCW0741A002 Information about buying a Freddie Mac-owned property

MCW0741A003 Information about short sales

MCW0741A004 Information about Making Home Affordable (MHA) programs or other alternatives to foreclosure

MCW0741A005 General information about Freddie Mac

MCW0741A006 Other (please specify) W

MCW0742 W Please describe what information you were interested in today:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group Other OE Real Pro Info
MCW0743 P More specifically, what is your role? MCW0743A001 Multifamily lender
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group Multi Role

MCW0743A002 Multifamily borrower

MCW0743A003 Other (please specify) Q

MCW0744 Q Other multifamily role

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group Multi Role Other
MCW0745 T Please describe your occupation:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group All Other Role
MCW0746 U Please describe your occupation:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group Other Real Estate Prof
MCW0747 S More specifically, what is your role? MCW0747A001 Mortgage Securities Investor or Trader
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group Other Investor Role

MCW0747A002 Deb Securities Investor

MCW0747A003 Equity Investor/Analyst

MCW0748 X Do you use a mobile device, such as a mobile phone or tablet, to access the internet? MCW0748A001 Yes AA Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single Skip Logic Group Mobile Internet

MCW0748A002 No

MCW0749 AA What type of mobile device do you use? MCW0749A001 Android
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single Skip Logic Group Mobile Device

MCW0749A002 iPhone

MCW0749A003 iPad

MCW0749A004 Windows Mobile

MCW0749A005 Blackberry

MCW0749A006 Other (please specify)

What type of mobile device do you use?

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group Mobile Device Other
MCW0751 Y If this website had a mobile version would you access it form your mobile device? MCW0751A001 Yes BB Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single Skip Logic Group Mobile Website

MCW0751A002 No, I don't have a mobile device that allows me to access the web

MCW0751A003 No, I would not use my mobile device to access this website

MCW0751A004 Not Sure

MCW0752 BB What information would you like to see on the mobile website?

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group Mobile Website Other
Did you use the site's search feature (search box in upper right hand corner) during your visit today? MCW0753A001 Yes A, B Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group Search Usage

MCW0753A002 No

MCW0753A003 Not Sure

MCW0754 A Which of the following best describes your experience with the search feature today: MCW0754A001 Search results were helpful/Search returned results I expected
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single Skip Logic Group Search Experience

MCW0754A002 Results were not relevant/not what I wanted

MCW0754A003 Too many results/I needed to refine my search

MCW0754A004 Not enough results

MCW0754A005 Returned NO results

MCW0754A006 Received error message(s)

MCW0754A007 Search speed was too slow

MCW0754A008 Other AA

MCW0755 AA Please describe the other search experience you had today:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group Other Search Exp
MCW0756 B What terms did you type into the search feature today:

Text area, no char limit Y Single Skip Logic Group Search Terms
What did you hope to accomplish when coming to the Freddie Mac site today?

Text area, no char limit N single

If you could identify one improvement to freddiemac.com site, what would that improvement be? (Optional)

Text area, no char limit N Single

Sheet 7: Custom Qsts (3-27-12)

Model Instance Name: red & strike-through: DELETE

Freddie Mac V2 underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: 4gdN4cMtwIoYJN1xVZElIg==


Date: 7/26/2010

blue + -->: REWORDING

(limit to 50 characters each)
Skip to Type Required
Select one or multi Special Instructions CQ Label
How frequently do you visit freddiemac.com? This is my first time
Drop down, select one Y Single

Daily or almost every day

Once or several times a week

Once or several times a month

Less than once a month

Did you find what you were looking for today? Yes
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group

No A, B

I was just browsing

KFB00362 A We are sorry you could not find what you were looking for. What might you do next? Call Freddie Mac
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group

Visit freddiemac.com again later

Try Fannie Mae's website

Try websites other than Fannie Mae

Ask someone I know

Give up

Don't know

AKR2056 B What were you unable to find? (Please provide as much detail as possible in your response)

Text area, no char limit Y Single Skip Logic Group
Which best describes your role in visiting the site today? Homeowner H, R Radio button, one-up vertical Y single Skip Logic Group Role (ALL)

Homebuyer/Renter H, R

Single-Family Seller, Servicer or Mortgage Broker M, O, X, Y

Multifamily Seller, Servicer and/or Borrower O, P, X, Y

Other Real Estate Professional Z, O, U

Investor O, S


Job Seeker

Other T

EDO04492 H Which of the following best describes your primary reason for coming to the site today: Learn how to avoid foreclosure

Skip Logic Group Home Primary Reason

Find out if Freddie Mac owns my loan

Learn how to buy or sell a home

Learn about Freddie Mac

Other (Please specify) J

EDO04494 R How would you describe the language/terminology used on this site? Very easy for me to understand

Home Language

Somewhat difficult for me to understand

Very difficult for me to understand

KFB00365 M What were you mainly trying to do today? Access AllRegs
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group Single Reason

Download guide forms and information

Log in to Loan Prospector

Log in to the Selling System

Learn about selling loans to Freddie Mac

Learn about servicing loans

Find requirements for our single-family mortgage products

Get pricing for Freddie Mac products

Sign up to become a seller / servicer

Sign up for training

Download training and education materials

Other (please specify) N

KFB00366 N Other task you were trying to do:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group Single Reason Other
KFB00367 O What information were you primarily interested in? Single-family loans
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single Skip Logic Group Business Info

Multifamily loans

Debt and/or mortgage securities

General information about Freddie Mac

Company news

Economic and housing research

Investor relations

Information for home buyers and homeowners and/or avoiding foreclosure tips

Job Search


Z What information were you primarily interested in? Information about Single-Family loans
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single Skip Logic Group Other Real Pro Info

Information about buying a Freddie Mac-owned property

Information about short sales

Information about Making Home Affordable (MHA) programs or other alternatives to foreclosure

General information about Freddie Mac

Other (please specify) W

W Please describe what information you were interested in today:

Text area, no char limit Y Single Skip Logic Group Other OE Real Pro Info
KFB00368 P More specifically, what is your role? Multifamily lender
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group Multi Role

Multifamily borrower

Other (please specify) Q

KFB00369 Q Other multifamily role

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group Multi Role Other
ACQLiv0007874 T Please describe your occupation:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group All Other Role
ACQLiv0007875 U Please describe your occupation:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group Other Real Estate Prof
ACQLiv0007876 S More specifically, what is your role? Mortgage Securities Investor or Trader
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group Other Investor Role

Deb Securities Investor

Equity Investor/Analyst

X Do you use a mobile device, such as a mobile phone or tablet, to access the internet? Yes AA Radio button, one-up vertical


AA What type of mobile device do you use? Android
Radio button, one-up vertical



Windows Mobile


Other, please specify

Y If this website had a mobile version would you access it form your mobile device? Yes BB Radio button, one-up vertical

No, I don't have a mobile device that allows me to access the web

No, I would not use my mobile device to access this website

Not Sure

BB What information would you like to see on the mobile website?

Text area, no char limit

What did you hope to accomplish when coming to the Freddie Mac site today?

Text area, no char limit N single

If you could identify one improvement to freddiemac.com site, what would that improvement be? (Optional)

Text area, no char limit N Single

Sheet 8: Custom Qsts 10-6-11

Model Instance Name: red & strike-through: DELETE

Freddie Mac V2 underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: 4gdN4cMtwIoYJN1xVZElIg==


Date: 7/26/2010

blue + -->: REWORDING


(limit to 50 characters each)
Skip to Type Required
Select one or multi Special Instructions CQ Label

How frequently do you visit freddiemac.com? This is my first time
Drop down, select one Y Single

Daily or almost every day

Once or several times a week

Once or several times a month

Less than once a month

Did you find what you were looking for today? Yes
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group


No A, B

I was just browsing

KFB00362 A We are sorry you could not find what you were looking for. What might you do next? Call Freddie Mac
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group

Visit freddiemac.com again later

Try Fannie Mae's website

Try websites other than Fannie Mae

Ask someone I know

Give up

Don't know

AKR2056 B What were you unable to find? (Please provide as much detail as possible in your response)

Text area, no char limit Y Single Skip Logic Group

Which best describes your role in visiting the site today? Homeowner Resources G,H,R Radio button, one-up vertical Y single Skip Logic Group Role (ALL)

Business Resources K,O


Homeowner H, R

Homebuyer/Renter H, R

Single-Family Seller, Servicer or Mortgage Broker M, O

Multifamily Seller, Servicer and/or Borrower O, P

Other Real Estate Professional O, U

Investor O, S


Other T

EDO04490 G Which best describes your role in visiting the site today? Homeowner



Media / Economic / Housing Policy Researcher

Nonprofit Professional / Housing Counselor / Educator

Other (Please specify) I

EDO04491 I Other description of yourself:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group

EDO04492 H Which of the following best describes your primary reason for coming to the site today: Learn how to avoid foreclosure

Skip Logic Group Home Primary Reason

Find out if Freddie Mac owns my loan

Learn how to buy or sell a home

Learn about Freddie Mac

Other (Please specify) J

EDO04494 R How would you describe the language/terminology used on this site? Very easy for me to understand

Home Language

Somewhat difficult for me to understand

Very difficult for me to understand

EDO04495 K Which best describes your role in visiting the site today? Single-Family Seller, Servicer or Mortgage Broker M

Skip Logic Group

Other mortgage-related financial services provider

Mortgage Securities Investor or Trader

Debt Securities Investor

Equity Investor/Analyst

Multifamily Seller, Servicer and/or Borrower


Job Seeker

Freddie Mac Employee

Other (Please specify) L

EDO04496 L Other description of yourself:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group

KFB00365 M What were you mainly trying to do today? Access AllRegs
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group Single Reason

Download guide forms and information

Log in to Loan Prospector

Log in to the Selling System

Learn about selling loans to Freddie Mac

Learn about servicing loans

Find requirements for our single-family mortgage products

Get pricing for Freddie Mac products

Sign up to become a seller / servicer

Sign up for training

Download training and education materials

Other (please specify) N

KFB00366 N Other task you were trying to do:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group Single Reason Other

KFB00367 O What information were you primarily interested in? Single-family loans
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single Skip Logic Group Business Info

Multifamily loans

Debt and/or mortgage securities

General information about Freddie Mac

Company news

Economic and housing research

Investor relations

Information for home buyers and homeowners and/or avoiding foreclosure tips

Job Search


KFB00368 P More specifically, what is your role? Multifamily lender
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group Multi Role

Multifamily borrower

Other (please specify) Q

KFB00369 Q Other multifamily role

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group Multi Role Other

T Please describe your role in coming to the site today:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group All Other Role

U Please describe your role in coming to the site today:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group Other Real Estate Prof

S More specifically, what is your role? Mortgage Securities Investor or Trader
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group Other Investor Role

Deb Securities Investor

Equity Investor/Analyst

What did you hope to accomplish when coming to the Freddie Mac site today?

Text area, no char limit N single

Did you use the search feature during your visit today? Yes A, B Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single Skip Logic Group


Don't recall

ACQCol0003984 A What specific search terms did you use to try to find the information/product?

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group

ACQCol0003986 B Were the search results relevant to your needs? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical N Single Skip Logic Group



Which of the following do you use as your mobile phone ? iPhone (Apple)

Android (Google)


Windows Mobile


Other Smartphone

Standard non-Smartphone

I don’t use a mobile phone

If you wanted to do something on your phone, would you be more likely to go first to a website in your mobile browser, or look for an app that can do the same thing? Mobile browser


If you could identify one improvement to freddiemac.com site, what would that improvement be? (Optional)

Text area, no char limit N Single

Sheet 9: Custom Qsts 3-15-11

Model Instance Name: red & strike-through: DELETE

Freddie Mac V2 underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: 4gdN4cMtwIoYJN1xVZElIg==


Date: 7/26/2010

blue + -->: REWORDING


(limit to 50 characters each)
Skip to Type Required
Select one or multi Special Instructions

How frequently do you visit freddiemac.com? This is my first time
Drop down, select one Y Single

Daily or almost every day

Once or several times a week

Once or several times a month

Less than once a month

Did you find what you were looking for today? Yes
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group


No A, B

I was just browsing

KFB00362 A We are sorry you could not find what you were looking for. What might you do next? Call Freddie Mac
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group

Visit freddiemac.com again later

Try Fannie Mae's website

Try websites other than Fannie Mae

Ask someone I know

Give up

Don't know

AKR2056 B What were you unable to find? (Please provide as much detail as possible in your response)

Text area, no char limit Y Single Skip Logic Group

What information were you primarily interested in on the site: Homeowner Resources G,H,R Radio button, one-up vertical Y single Skip Logic Group

Business Resources K,O


EDO04490 G Which best describes your role in visiting the site today? Homeowner/Homebuyer




Media / Economic / Housing Policy Researcher

Nonprofit Professional / Housing Counselor / Educator

Other (Please specify) I

EDO04491 I Other description of yourself:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group

EDO04492 H Which of the following best describes your primary reason for coming to the site today: Learn how to avoid foreclosure

Skip Logic Group

Find out if Freddie Mac owns my loan

Learn how to buy or sell a home

Learn about Freddie Mac

Other (Please specify) J

EDO04493 J Other reason for coming to the site today:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group

EDO04494 R How would you describe the language/terminology used on this site? Very easy for me to understand

Somewhat difficult for me to understand

Very difficult for me to understand

EDO04495 K Which best describes your role in visiting the site today? Single-Family Seller, Servicer or Mortgage Broker M

Skip Logic Group

Other mortgage-related financial services provider

Mortgage Securities Investor or Trader

Debt Securities Investor

Equity Investor/Analyst

Multifamily Seller, Servicer and/or Borrower


Job Seeker

Freddie Mac Employee

Other (Please specify) L

EDO04496 L Other description of yourself:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group

KFB00365 M What were you mainly trying to do today? Access AllRegs
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group

Download guide forms and information

Log in to Loan Prospector

Log in to the Selling System

Learn about selling loans to Freddie Mac

Learn about servicing loans

Find requirements for our single-family mortgage products

Get pricing for Freddie Mac products

Sign up to become a seller / servicer

Sign up for training

Download training and education materials

Other (please specify) N

KFB00366 N Other task you were trying to do:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group

KFB00367 O What information were you primarily interested in? Single-family loans
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single Skip Logic Group

Multifamily loans P

Debt and/or mortgage securities

General information about Freddie Mac

Company news

Economic and housing research

Investor relations

Information for home buyers and homeowners and/or avoiding foreclosure tips

Job Search


KFB00368 P More specifically, what is your role? Multifamily lender
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group

Multifamily borrower

Other (please specify) Q

KFB00369 Q Other multifamily role

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group

What did you hope to accomplish when coming to the Freddie Mac site today?

Text area, no char limit N single

Did you use the search feature during your visit today? Yes A, B Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single Skip Logic Group


Don't recall

ACQCol0003984 A What specific search terms did you use to try to find the information/product?

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group

ACQCol0003986 B Were the search results relevant to your needs? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical N Single Skip Logic Group



Which of the following do you use as your mobile phone ? iPhone (Apple)

Android (Google)


Windows Mobile


Other Smartphone

Standard non-Smartphone

I don’t use a mobile phone

If you wanted to do something on your phone, would you be more likely to go first to a website in your mobile browser, or look for an app that can do the same thing? Mobile browser


If you could identify one improvement to freddiemac.com site, what would that improvement be? (Optional)

Text area, no char limit N Single

Sheet 10: Custom Qsts 3-10-11

Model Instance Name: red & strike-through: DELETE

Freddie Mac V2 underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: 4gdN4cMtwIoYJN1xVZElIg==


Date: 7/26/2010

blue + -->: REWORDING


(limit to 50 characters each)
Skip to Type Required
Select one or multi Special Instructions

How frequently do you visit freddiemac.com? This is my first time
Drop down, select one Y Single

Daily or almost every day

Once or several times a week

Once or several times a month

Less than once a month

Did you find what you were looking for today? Yes
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group


No A, B

I was just browsing

KFB00362 A We are sorry you could not find what you were looking for. What might you do next? Call Freddie Mac
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group

Visit freddiemac.com again later

Try Fannie Mae's website

Try websites other than Fannie Mae

Ask someone I know

Give up

Don't know

AKR2056 B What were you unable to find? (Please provide as much detail as possible in your response)

Text area, no char limit Y Single Skip Logic Group

What information were you primarily interested in on the site: Homeowner Resources G,H,R Radio button, one-up vertical Y single Skip Logic Group

Business Resources K,O


EDO04490 G Which best describes your role in visiting the site today? Homeowner/Homebuyer


Media / Economic / Housing Policy Researcher

Nonprofit Professional / Housing Counselor / Educator

Other (Please specify) I

EDO04491 I Other description of yourself:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group

EDO04492 H Which of the following best describes your primary reason for coming to the site today: Learn how to avoid foreclosure

Skip Logic Group

Find out if Freddie Mac owns my loan

Learn how to buy or sell a home

Learn about Freddie Mac

Other (Please specify) J

EDO04493 J Other reason for coming to the site today:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group

EDO04494 R How would you describe the language/terminology used on this site? Very easy for me to understand

Somewhat difficult for me to understand

Very difficult for me to understand

EDO04495 K Which best describes your role in visiting the site today? Single-Family Seller, Servicer or Mortgage Broker M

Skip Logic Group

Other mortgage-related financial services provider

Mortgage Securities Investor or Trader

Debt Securities Investor

Equity Investor/Analyst

Multifamily Seller, Servicer and/or Borrower


Job Seeker

Freddie Mac Employee

Other (Please specify) L

EDO04496 L Other description of yourself:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group

KFB00365 M What were you mainly trying to do today? Access AllRegs
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group

Download guide forms and information

Log in to Loan Prospector

Log in to the Selling System

Learn about selling loans to Freddie Mac

Learn about servicing loans

Find requirements for our single-family mortgage products

Get pricing for Freddie Mac products

Sign up to become a seller / servicer

Sign up for training

Download training and education materials

Other (please specify) N

KFB00366 N Other task you were trying to do:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group

KFB00367 O What information were you primarily interested in? Single-family loans
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single Skip Logic Group

Multifamily loans P

Debt and/or mortgage securities

General information about Freddie Mac

Company news

Economic and housing research

Investor relations

Information for home buyers and homeowners and/or avoiding foreclosure tips

Job Search


KFB00368 P More specifically, what is your role? Multifamily lender
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group

Multifamily borrower

Other (please specify) Q

KFB00369 Q Other multifamily role

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group

What did you hope to accomplish when coming to the Freddie Mac site today?

Text area, no char limit N single

Did you use the search feature during your visit today? Yes A, B Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single Skip Logic Group


Don't recall

A What specific search terms did you use to try to find the information/product?

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group

B Were the search results relevant to your needs? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical N Single Skip Logic Group



Which of the following do you use as your mobile phone ? iPhone (Apple)

Android (Google)


Windows Mobile


Other Smartphone

Standard non-Smartphone

I don’t use a mobile phone

If you wanted to do something on your phone, would you be more likely to go first to a website in your mobile browser, or look for an app that can do the same thing? Mobile browser


If you could identify one improvement to freddiemac.com site, what would that improvement be? (Optional)

Text area, no char limit N Single

Sheet 11: Custom Qsts (7-28-10)

Model Instance Name: red & strike-through: DELETE

Freddie Mac V2 underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: 4gdN4cMtwIoYJN1xVZElIg==


Date: 7/26/2010

blue + -->: REWORDING


(limit to 50 characters each)
Skip to Type Required
Select one or multi Special Instructions

How frequently do you visit freddiemac.com? This is my first time
Drop down, select one Y Single

Daily or almost every day

Once or several times a week

Once or several times a month

Less than once a month

Did you find what you were looking for today? Yes
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group


No A, B

I was just browsing

KFB00362 A We are sorry you could not find what you were looking for. What might you do next? Call Freddie Mac
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group

Visit freddiemac.com again later

Try Fannie Mae's website

Try websites other than Fannie Mae

Ask someone I know

Give up

Don't know

AKR2056 B What were you unable to find? (Please provide as much detail as possible in your response)

Text area, no char limit Y Single Skip Logic Group

Which best describes your role in visiting the site today? Homeowner D Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single Skip Logic Group


Homebuyer D

Media / Economic / Housing Policy Research D

Nonprofit Professional / Housing Counselor / Educator D

Single-Family Seller, Servicer or Mortgage Broker B

Other mortgage-related financial services provider D

Mortgage Securities Investor or Trader D

Debt Securities Investor D

Equity Investor/Analyst D

Multifamily Seller, Servicer and/or Borrower D

Shareholder D

Job Seeker D

Freddie Mac Employee D

Other (Please specify) G

KFB00364 G Other description of yourself:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group

What information were you primarily interested in on the site: Homeowner Resources G,H,R Radio button, one-up vertical Y single Skip Logic Group

Business Resources K,O


EDO04490 G Which best describes your role in visiting the site today? Homeowner/Homebuyer


Media / Economic / Housing Policy Researcher

Nonprofit Professional / Housing Counselor / Educator

Other (Please specify) I

EDO04491 I Other description of yourself:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group

EDO04492 H Which of the following best describes your primary reason for coming to the site today: Learn how to avoid foreclosure

Skip Logic Group

Find out if Freddie Mac owns my loan

Learn how to buy or sell a home

Learn about Freddie Mac

Other (Please specify) J

EDO04493 J Other reason for coming to the site today:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group

EDO04494 R How would you describe the language/terminology used on this site? Very easy for me to understand

Somewhat difficult for me to understand

Very difficult for me to understand

EDO04495 K Which best describes your role in visiting the site today? Single-Family Seller, Servicer or Mortgage Broker M

Skip Logic Group

Other mortgage-related financial services provider

Mortgage Securities Investor or Trader

Debt Securities Investor

Equity Investor/Analyst

Multifamily Seller, Servicer and/or Borrower


Job Seeker

Freddie Mac Employee

Other (Please specify) L

EDO04496 L Other description of yourself:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group

KFB00365 M What were you mainly trying to do today? Access AllRegs
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group

Download guide forms and information

Log in to Loan Prospector

Log in to the Selling System

Learn about selling loans to Freddie Mac

Learn about servicing loans

Find requirements for our single-family mortgage products

Get pricing for Freddie Mac products

Sign up to become a seller / servicer

Sign up for training

Download training and education materials

Other (please specify) N

KFB00366 N Other task you were trying to do:

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group

KFB00367 O What information were you primarily interested in? Single-family loans
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single Skip Logic Group

Multifamily loans P

Debt and/or mortgage securities

General information about Freddie Mac

Company news

Economic and housing research

Investor relations

Information for home buyers and homeowners and/or avoiding foreclosure tips

Job Search


KFB00368 P More specifically, what is your role? Multifamily lender
Drop down, select one Y Single Skip Logic Group

Multifamily borrower

Other (please specify) Q

KFB00369 Q Other multifamily role

Text area, no char limit N Single Skip Logic Group

What did you hope to accomplish when coming to the Freddie Mac site today?

Text area, no char limit N single

Which of the following do you use as your mobile phone ? iPhone (Apple)

Android (Google)


Windows Mobile


Other Smartphone

Standard non-Smartphone

I don’t use a mobile phone

If you wanted to do something on your phone, would you be more likely to go first to a website in your mobile browser, or look for an app that can do the same thing? Mobile browser


If you could identify one improvement to freddiemac.com site, what would that improvement be? (Optional)

Text area, no char limit N Single

Sheet 12: Custom Qsts (2-9-09)

Model Instance Name: red & strike-through: DELETE

Freddie Mac V2 underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: 4gdN4cMtwIoYJN1xVZElIg==


Date: 2/5/2009

blue + -->: REWORDING

(limit to 50 characters each)
Skip to Type Required
Select one or multi Special Instructions
How frequently do you visit freddiemac.com? This is my first time
Drop down, select one Y Single

Daily or almost every day

Once or several times a week

Once or several times a month

Less than once a month

Did you find what you were looking for today? Yes
Drop down, select one Y Single

No A

I was just browsing

KFB00362 A We are sorry you could not find what you were looking for. What might you do next? Call Freddie Mac B Drop down, select one Y Single

Visit freddiemac.com again later B

Try Fannie Mae’s website B

Try websites other than Fannie Mae B

Ask someone I know B

Give up B

Don't know B

AKR2056 B What were you unable to find?

Text area, no char limit Y Single
Which best describes you? Single-Family Seller, Servicer or Mortgage Broker B Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single

Multifamily Seller, Servicer and/or Borrower D

Mortgage Securities Investor or Trader D

Debt Securities Investor D

Other mortgage related financial services D

Potential Homebuyer/Homeowner D

Shareholder D

Equity Investor/Analyst D

Housing Research, Nonprofit or Policy D

Media / Press D

Freddie Mac employee D

Other (please specify) A

Which best describes your role in visiting the site today? Homeowner D Radio button, one-up vertical Yes Single

Homebuyer D

Media / Economic / Housing Policy Research D

Nonprofit Professional / Housing Counselor / Educator D

Single-Family Seller, Servicer or Mortgage Broker B

Other mortgage-related financial services provider D

Mortgage Securities Investor or Trader D

Debt Securities Investor D

Equity Investor/Analyst D

Multifamily Seller, Servicer and/or Borrower D

Shareholder D

Job Seeker D

Freddie Mac Employee D

Other (Please specify) G

KFB00364 G Other description of yourself:

Text area, no char limit N Single
KFB00365 B What were you mainly trying to do today? Access AllRegs
Drop down, select one Y Single

Download guide forms and information

Log in to Loan Prospector

Log in to the Selling System

Learn about selling loans to Freddie Mac

Learn about servicing loans

Find requirements for our single-family mortgage products

Get pricing for Freddie Mac products

Sign up to become a seller / servicer

Sign up for training

Download training and education materials

Other (please specify) C

KFB00366 C Other task you were trying to do:

Text area, no char limit N Single
KFB00367 D What information were you primarily interested in? Single-family loans
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Single

Multifamily loans E

Debt and/or mortgage securities

General information about Freddie Mac

Company news

Economic and housing research

Investor relations

Information for home buyers and homeowners and/or avoiding foreclosure tips

Job Search


KFB00368 E More specifically, what is your role? Multifamily lender
Drop down, select one Y Single

Multifamily borrower

Other (please specify) F

KFB00369 F Other multifamily role

Text area, no char limit N Single
If you could identify one improvement to freddiemac.com site, what would that improvement be? (Optional)

Text area, no char limit N Single

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created0000-00-00

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