653 2013 653 DOS Blogs Questionnaire

American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) E-Government Website Customer Satisfaction Surveys

2013 653 DOS Blogs Questionnaire.xlsx

2013 637 UPSTO Mobile Questionnaire - 2013 657 SBA Questionnaire

OMB: 1090-0008

Document [xlsx]
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Current Model Qsts
Current Custom Qsts

Sheet 1: Guidelines

Questionnaire Management Guidelines


One consolidated document to track all model and CQ changes throughout the life of the project

Questionnaire always matches the live survey

Easy and error-free way to submit CQ changes

All changes tracked and reflected in one document (DOT will help)

Questionnaire Resources:

Questionnaire Design and Approval Process

Question Grouping Rules

OPS vs. Skip Logic Decision for "Other, Please Specify"

Model and Custom Question Checks_ SRA

Model and Custom Question Checks_ Team LeadManager

Model and Custom Question Checks_ DOT

Sheet 2: Current Model Qsts

Model Instance Name: Dipnote Blog Survey

Dipnote Blog Survey

MID: JBsww1IIh8IhhxgYIBZMNg==

Date: 11/9/2009

Model questions utilize the ACSI methodology to determine scores and impacts

ELEMENTS (drivers of satisfaction)

Conversation Content (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)
Future Participation (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
1 Please rate how thought-provoking the discussions are on this blog. 14 What is your overall satisfaction with this blog?
(1=Very Dissatisfied, 10=Very Satisfied)
17 How likely are you to express your thoughts or ideas to this Department in the next 90 days?
2 Please rate the degree to which this blog covers issues that are important to you. 15 How well does this blog meet your expectations?
(1=Falls Short, 10=Exceeds)

Trust (1=Strongly Disagree, 10=Strongly Agree)
3 Please rate how up-to-date the content on this blog is. 16 How does this site compare to your idea of an ideal blog?
(1=Not Very Close, 10=Very Close)
18 I can count on this Department to act in my best interests.

Look and Feel (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

19 I consider this Department to be trustworthy.
4 Please rate the visual appeal of this blog.

20 This Department can be trusted to do what is right.
5 Please rate the balance of graphics and text on this blog.

Communicate Experience on Blog (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
6 Please rate the readability of the pages on this blog.

21 How likely are you to contribute to a blog post on this website?

Navigation (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

Share Content (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
7 Please rate how well the blog is organized.

22 How likely are you to share content (like a video or article) from this blog by linking it to a social network website (Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, etc.)?
8 Please rate the options available for navigating this blog.

Communicate Experience on Social Network (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
9 Please rate how well the blog layout helps you find what you are looking for.

23 How likely are you to share your experiences on this blog with a friendship group on a social network website? (MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, etc.)
10 Please rate the number of clicks to get where you want on this blog.

Online Transparency (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

11 Please rate how thoroughly this blog discloses information about what this Department is doing.

12 Please rate how quickly Department information is made available on this blog.

13 Please rate how well information about this Department's actions can be accessed by the public on this blog.

Sheet 3: Current Custom Qsts

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

Dipnote Blog Survey

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: JBsww1IIh8IhhxgYIBZMNg==


Date: 10/20/2009 blue + -->: REWORDING


(Group ID)
Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions 25 character limit. Leave blank if you want DOT to fill this part out. CQ Label

How frequently do you visit this blog? First time
Radio button, one-up vertical single y

More than once a day


About once a week

About once a month

Every 6 months or less

Which best describes you? Foreign Service Officer
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y OPS Group Role

Non-governmental org.


Citizen Journalist/Blogger

Retired Foreign Service Officer



Other, please specify: A

CWS02863 A Other role

Text area, no char limit
N OPS Group Other Role

Where do you primarily live now? In the U.S.

Single Y

Outside of the U.S.

Prefer not to answer

Did you find what you were looking for? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y
Did You Find


What is your primary news source? Newspaper/print media
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group News Source



Traditional websites (ex: Cnn.com)

Government websites (ex: state.gov)

Blogs (ex: blogs.state.gov)

Other, please specify: F

CWS02867 F What other news source:

Text field, <100 char
N OPS Group Other News Source

How often do you comment on blogs in general? Infrequently
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Comment on blog



Nearly every time

I have never commented on a blog

How likely are you to comment on a blog from blogs.state.gov? 1=Not very likely
Radio button, scale, has don't know Single Y
Likely to blog









10=Very likely

Don't Know

How would you describe your participation in blogs.state.gov? View blogs only
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y
Describe Participation

view and contribute to blogs

view, contribute, and share blogs in other social media networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)

I don't know

What source brought you to the blog today? Internet search engine (ex: Google, Yahoo!, MSN)
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group Source

Email subscription to Dipnote

Came across blog entry from social media network (ex: Twitter post)

Link from a U.S. Embassy web site

Link from another web site

Link from other U.S. Federal website

Referred by a friend or colleague

Other, please specify: A

CWS02872 A What "Other" source?

Text field, <100 char
N OPS Group

Have you ever viewed a video blog on blogs.state.gov? Yes B Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group View Video

No C

CWS02874 B Did you view a video blog today? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Video Today

No C

CWS02875 C Why have you not viewed a video blog on blogs.state.gov?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Why no video

Do you subscribe to RSS feeds? Yes E Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group RSS Feeds


CWS02877 E Do you subscribe to RSS feeds from blogs.state.gov? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Our RSS Feeds


Were you aware that blogs.state.gov has a presence on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Presence in SM


How would you rate your familiarity with social media on the web?
View and contribute often
Drop down, select one Single Y Multiple Lists Group SM_Facebook

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Twitter View and contribute often
Drop down, select one Single Y Multiple Lists Group SM_Twitter

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Flickr View and contribute often
Drop down, select one Single Y Multiple Lists Group SM_Flickr

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Digg View and contribute often
Drop down, select one Single Y Multiple Lists Group SM_Digg

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

MySpace View and contribute often
Drop down, select one Single Y Multiple Lists Group SM_MySpace

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

YouTube View and contribute often
Drop down, select one Single Y Multiple Lists Group SM_YouTube

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Delicious View and contribute often
Drop down, select one Single Y Multiple Lists Group SM_Delicious

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Reddit View and contribute often
Drop down, select one Single Y Multiple Lists Group SM_Other

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

Other View and contribute often
Drop down, select one Single Y Multiple Lists Group SM_Other

View often and contribute occasionally

View often but don’t contribute

View and contribute occasionally

View occasionally but don’t contribute

No familiarity

How would you most like to interact with this blog? (Please select all that apply) Bookmark or tag pages
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N OPS SM_Preferred

In social networks

In virtual worlds

By adding comments, ratings, or reviews

Reading blogs

Contributing to wikis

Receiving newsletters/email updates

Subscribing to RSS feeds

Listening to Podcasts or audio

Watching Vodcasts or video

Adding a widget or gadget to my personalized page

Following a microblog

Other (please specify) A

CWS02889 A Other social media interaction

Text field, <100 char
N OPS OE_Preferred SM

Which of the following <b>social media services</b> have you participated in during the last month? Facebook
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y OPS Social Media Services







Internet Forums



Other, please specify: D

CWS02891 D What other social media services have you participated in during the last month?

Text field, <100 char Single N OPS OE_Social Media Services

Please select the category that includes your <b>age</b>? 17 and under
Radio button, one-up vertical single Y

18 – 24

25 – 34

35 – 44

45 – 54

55 – 64

65 and over

I prefer not to respond

Did you look for blog entries that were not found on the homepage? Yes E Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Use Search


CWS02894 E How did you go about looking for these blog entries? Archives by date
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi
Skip Logic Group Search Method

Archives by topic

Links from "Most Popular Entries"

Links from "Recent news"

Search feature

"Videos" link on top of page

Gray out other options if this is selected ------------> I did not use any of these features

If there was one thing that blogs.state.gov could do that would get you more engaged with our blog, what would it be?

Text area, no char limit
Improve engagement

Sheet 4: Types

Text field, <100 char
Text area, no char limit
Drop down, select one
OPS Group
Radio button, one-up vertical
Matrix Group
Radio button, two-up vertical
Rank Group
Radio button, three-up vertical
Comparative Matrix Group
Radio button, scale, has don't know
Skip Logic Group
Radio button, scale, no don't know
Multiple Lists Group
Checkbox, one-up vertical
Anchor Answer Choice
Checkbox, two-up vertical
Checkbox, three-up vertical
Adjust Template/Style Sheet
File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created0000-00-00

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