Seven Quantitative Customer Satisfaction Surveys - Mail and Telephone Surveys

Generic Clearance of Customer Satisfaction Surveys

SSI Internet Use Survey Instrument and Correspondence

Seven Quantitative Customer Satisfaction Surveys - Mail and Telephone Surveys

OMB: 0960-0526

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SSI Internet Use Survey
Prior to beginning the survey, the interviewer will reiterate the purpose of the survey already
described in the prenotice letter that will be sent to all participants.
1. First, I’d like to know if you had any recent business with Social Security. In the past
12 months, did you contact Social Security to report a change or to ask a question about
your SSI benefits?
[Do not read responses; select only one.]
a. Yes
b. No [Skip to Q4.]
c. Don’t know [Skip to Q4.]
d. Refused [Skip to Q4.]
2. How many times did you contact Social Security?
[Do not read responses; select only one.]
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
e. Five or more

Don’t know

g. Refused
3. How did you make those contacts? Did you:
[Read responses; select all that apply.]
a. Call Social Security’s National 800 number
b. Call a local Social Security office
c. Visit a local office, or
d. Use their website
e. Some other way [Do not read.]

Don’t know [Do not read.]

g. Refused [Do not read.]

4. Social Security would like to know how you would prefer to conduct your SSI business with
them in the future. For example, you may want to report a new address or a change in your
income. For your future business, are you most likely to:
[Read responses; select only one.]
a. Call Social Security’s National 800 number
b. Call a local Social Security office
c. Visit a local office, or
d. Use their website
e. Some other way [Do not read.]

Don’t know [Do not read.]

g. Refused [Do not read.]
5. Now Social Security would like to know about your experience using the Internet, and your
interest in handling your SSI business online.
[If response to Q3 or Q4 = Use their website (d), read:]
First, I’d like to confirm, you do currently use the Internet. Is that correct?
[For all others, read:]
First, I’d like to know, do you currently use the Internet?
[Do not read responses; select only one.]
a. Yes [Skip to Q7.]
b. No
c. Don’t know [Skip to Q35.]
d. Refused [Skip to Q35.]


6. Can you tell me why you don’t use the Internet?
[Do not read responses; select all that apply.]
a. Just not interested
b. Do not have a computer
c. Too expensive
d. Too difficult
e. I do not have access

I am physically unable

g. It is not secure.
h. Other [Record response.]

Don’t know


[All responders to Q6 skip to Q11.]

7. How would you rate your level of experience using the Internet? Are you:
[Read responses; select only one.]
a. Very experienced
b. Somewhat experienced
c. Not very experienced, or
d. Not at all experienced
e. Don’t know [Do not read.]

Refused [Do not read.]

8. How do you access the Internet? Do you use:
[Read responses; select only one.]
a. Only a personal or laptop computer
b. Only a wireless handheld device like a smartphone or iPad [Skip to Q11.]
c. Both a personal computer and a wireless handheld device
d. Don’t know [Do not read.]
e. Refused [Do not read.]


9. Where do you access the Internet?
[Read responses; select only one.]
a. Only at home
b. Only at work [Skip to Q11.]
c. Both at home and at work, or
d. Only somewhere else [Record response; skip to Q11.]
e. Don’t know [Do not read; skip to Q11.]

Refused [Do not read; skip to Q11.]

10. At home, does your PC or laptop have a high-speed connection to the Internet, (for example,
through a cable provider) or do you use a dial-up telephone service?
[Do not read responses; select only one.]
a. High-speed connection
b. Dial-up telephone service
c. Not applicable- do not have a PC or laptop at home
d. Don’t know
e. Refused
11. Social Security is testing the use of self-service kiosks in public locations, such as the library
or a social services office. These kiosks will make Social Security online services available
to people who might not have another way to use them. For example, if they receive
benefits, people can get a letter verifying the amount of their SSI payment. How likely would
you be to use a self-service kiosk like this?
[Read responses; select only one.]
a. Very likely
b. Somewhat likely
c. Not very likely, or
d. Not at all likely
e. Don’t know [Do not read.]

Refused [Do not read.]
[If Q5 = No (b), skip to Q35. All others, continue.]

Now I’m going to read a short list of activities that some people do on the Internet. I’d like to
know how often you do each of these online.
[If Q8 = Only a personal or laptop computer (a), ask Q12 - Q16, then skip to Q22.]
[If Q8 = Only a wireless handheld device like a smartphone or iPad (b), skip to Q17. See
instruction before Q17.]


[If Q8 = Both a personal computer and a wireless handheld device (c), ask Q12 - Q21. See
instruction before Q17.]
12. Using a personal or laptop computer, do you send email
[Read responses; select only one.]
a. Often
b. Sometimes, or
c. Never
d. Don’t know [Do not read.]
e. Refused [Do not read.]
13. Look for information online
[Read responses; select only one.]
a. Often
b. Sometimes, or
c. Never
d. Don’t know [Do not read.]
e. Refused [Do not read.]
14. Make purchases online
[Read responses; select only one.]
a. Often
b. Sometimes, or
c. Never
d. Don’t know [Do not read.]
e. Refused [Do not read.]
15. Bank or pay bills online
[Read responses; select only one.]
a. Often
b. Sometimes, or
c. Never
d. Don’t know [Do not read.]
e. Refused [Do not read.]


16. Use Facebook, Twitter, or other social networking site
[Read responses; select only one.]
a. Often
b. Sometimes, or
c. Never
d. Don’t know [Do not read.]
e. Refused [Do not read.]
[If Q8 = Only a wireless handheld device like a smartphone or iPad (b), read intro to Q17:]
Using a wireless handheld device, do you:
[If Q8 = Both a personal computer and a wireless handheld device (c), read intro to Q17:]
Now I’m going to ask how often you do these same online activities using your wireless
handheld device. Do you:
17. Send e-mail
[Read responses; select only one.]
a. Often
b. Sometimes, or
c. Never
d. Don’t know [Do not read.]
e. Refused [Do not read.]
18. Look for information online
[Read responses; select only one.]
a. Often
b. Sometimes, or
c. Never
d. Don’t know [Do not read.]
e. Refused [Do not read.]
19. Make purchases online
[Read responses; select only one.]
a. Often
b. Sometimes, or
c. Never
d. Don’t know [Do not read.]
e. Refused [Do not read.]

20. Bank or pay bills online
[Read responses; select only one.]
a. Often
b. Sometimes, or
c. Never
d. Don’t know [Do not read.]
e. Refused [Do not read.]
21. Use Facebook, Twitter, or other social networking site
[Read responses; select only one.]
a. Often
b. Sometimes, or
c. Never
d. Don’t know [Do not read.]
e. Refused [Do not read.]
22. Social Security offers a service called “my Social Security” where people can create a
secure online account with a user name and password to conduct various types of business.
For example, people can get a letter verifying the amount of their SSI payment. Have you
already created your “my Social Security” account?
[Do not read responses; select only one.]
a. Yes [Skip to Q32.]
b. No
c. Don’t know [Skip to Q32.]
d. Refused [Skip to Q32.]


To create a “my Social Security” account, Social Security must verify your identity. I’m going to
read you a list of personal information Social Security might ask you to give. Please tell me how
comfortable you would be providing each item over the Internet.
23. If asked to give your name, would you be:
[Read responses; select only one.]
a. Very comfortable
b. Somewhat comfortable
c. Not very comfortable, or
d. Not at all comfortable
e. Don’t know [Do not read.]

Refused [Do not read.]

24. Your Social Security number
[Read responses; select only one.]
a. Very comfortable
b. Somewhat comfortable
c. Not very comfortable, or
d. Not at all comfortable
e. Don’t know [Do not read.]

Refused [Do not read.]

25. Your current address
[Read responses; select only one.]
a. Very comfortable
b. Somewhat comfortable
c. Not very comfortable, or
d. Not at all comfortable
e. Don’t know [Do not read.]

Refused [Do not read.]


26. Your date of birth
[Read responses; select only one.]
a. Very comfortable
b. Somewhat comfortable
c. Not very comfortable, or
d. Not at all comfortable
e. Don’t know [Do not read.]

Refused [Do not read.]

27. Your phone number
[Read responses; select only one.]
a. Very comfortable
b. Somewhat comfortable
c. Not very comfortable, or
d. Not at all comfortable
e. Don’t know [Do not read.]

Refused [Do not read.]

To verify your identity, Social Security would need to match the personal information you give
against other records. How comfortable would you be if Social Security matched your
28. Against Social Security’s own records
[Read responses; select only one.]
a. Very comfortable
b. Somewhat comfortable
c. Not very comfortable, or
d. Not at all comfortable
e. Don’t know [Do not read.]

Refused [Do not read.]


29. Against records from a private company, like a credit bureau
[Read responses; select only one.]
a. Very comfortable
b. Somewhat comfortable
c. Not very comfortable, or
d. Not at all comfortable
e. Don’t know [Do not read.]

Refused [Do not read.]

30. How likely would you be to create a “my Social Security” account for handling future SSI
[Read responses; select only one.]
a. Very likely [Skip to Q32.]
b. Somewhat likely [Skip to Q32.]
c. Not very likely, or
d. Not at all likely
e. Don’t know [Do not read; skip to Q32.]

Refused [Do not read; skip to Q32.]

31. What is the main reason you might not be likely to create a “my Social Security” account?
(Do not read responses; select only one.)
a. Prefer to speak to a person
b. Concerned about security or privacy of my information
c. Problem with computer or Internet access
d. Concerned that completing my business online might be too hard, complicated
e. Other [Record response.]

Don’t know

g. Refused


32. There are several features that Social Security is considering adding to help people do
business online. One is online chat that allows customers to instant message with a Social
Security employee to receive help. How likely would you be to use online chat?
[Read responses; select only one.]
a. Very likely
b. Somewhat likely
c. Not very likely, or
d. Not at all likely
e. Don’t know [Do not read.]

Refused [Do not read.]

33. How likely would you be to use a link that allows you to speak with a Social Security
employee while you’re working online?
[Read responses; select only one.]
a. Very likely
b. Somewhat likely
c. Not very likely, or
d. Not at all likely
e. Don’t know [Do not read.]

Refused [Do not read.]

34. How likely would you be to use secure email to ask Social Security questions about your
online business?
[Read responses; select only one.]
a. Very likely
b. Somewhat likely
c. Not very likely, or
d. Not at all likely
e. Don’t know [Do not read.]

Refused [Do not read.]


35. For their final question today, Social Security would like to know a little more about you.
What is the highest level of education you have completed?
[Do not read responses; select only one; if respondent is reluctant to give information, offer
to read ranges.]

Not a high school graduate


High school graduate or GED


Trade, technical, or vocational training


Some college


College graduate


Graduate degree or postgraduate training


Don’t know



[End survey by thanking the person for participating.]


Prenotice letter for SSI Internet Use Survey


Dear Social Security Customer:
Social Security believes that conducting surveys is one of the best ways to find out how well we
are serving you. That’s why we will soon be asking about your experience using the Internet and
your preferences for conducting future business with us.
Over the next two months, an interviewer from [insert contractor name] will be calling to ask
you to take part in our survey. When you receive their call, we hope that you will take the time
to answer our questions. Please be assured that [insert contractor name], who is conducting this
survey for us, will only give your responses to my staff here at Social Security and will not use
them for any other purpose. Social Security will report the survey results by summarizing the
answers of everyone who takes the survey; we will not report any individual responses.
Our records show that you receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits for yourself or
on behalf or someone else. The telephone number we have for you is [insert sampled
individual’s telephone number]. If this number is incorrect, or if there is another number that is
more convenient for us to reach you on, please contact [insert contractor name] toll-free on
[insert contractor’s toll-free phone number] to give them that number.
If you have a question about your SSI benefits, please visit our web site
at or call our toll-free information line at 1-800-772-1213. The
interviewers at [insert contractor name] cannot answer questions about your benefits.
The survey will only take about 10 minutes to complete and it can be scheduled at your
convenience. We look forward to hearing your opinions.


Peter D. Spencer
Deputy Commissioner for Budget, Finance, Quality, and Management
Social Security Administration

The Social Security Administration is authorized to collect the information for this survey under
Executive Order 12862, “Setting Customer Service Standards.” Your response to these
questions is strictly voluntary. The information you provide will be used to help us improve the
service that we give you. Your response will not be disclosed to any other government or private

This information collection meets the requirements of 44 U.S.C. § 3507, as amended by
Section 2 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. You do not need to answer these questions
unless we provide a valid Office of Management and Budget control number. The OMB control
number for this survey is 0960-0526. We estimate that it will take about 10 minutes to listen to
the questions and give your responses. You may send comments on our time estimate above to:
Social Security Administration, 6401 Security Blvd., Baltimore, MD 21235-6401. Send only
comments relating to our time estimate to this address.

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2014-08-12
File Created2014-08-12

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