Attachments to CAPSA Pilot Test

Attachment C_all other CAPSA materials_05-10-13.pdf

Generic Clearance for Cognitive, Pilot and Field Studies for Bureau of Justice Statistics Data Collection Activities

Attachments to CAPSA Pilot Test

OMB: 1121-0339

Document [pdf]
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Attachment C. Table of Contents




Cover Letter—Agency/Company Head ......................................................................



Agency/Company Information Form ..........................................................................



Cover Letter—Public Agency Respondent .................................................................



Cover Letter—Private Company Respondent .............................................................



CAPSA Questionnaire Topic Sheet (Public Agency) .................................................



CAPSA Questionnaire—Sample Web Screen Shots (Public Agency) .......................



Telephone Interview Introductory Script ....................................................................



Thank-you/Reminder Postcards ..................................................................................



Nonrespondent Telephone Scripts ..............................................................................



Final Thank-you Letter ...............................................................................................


Attachment C1. Cover Letter—Agency/Company Head
Agency Head Name
Agency Address

Dear <>,

The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) and its data collection agent Westat, is beginning work on a new BJS project,
the Census of Adult Probation Supervising Agencies (CAPSA), 2014. The American Probation and Parole
Association is also contributing to this important study. We are writing to request your [PUBLIC: agency’s/
PRIVATE: company’s] participation in the pilot test for the 2014 CAPSA national study.
The 2014 CAPSA national study will be a special, one-time project with two key goals: 1) to develop a
comprehensive listing of adult probation supervising agencies/companies in the United States; and 2) to gather
information about the structures and characteristics of supervision. The last time BJS conducted a probation census
of this scope was in 1991 but as you are aware, since then the nature of probation has changed drastically. The
national study will provide federal, state and local stakeholders with information on current practices and policies of
adult probation supervision nationwide, the various functions of probation supervision, and the different populations
supervised. The CAPSA information and standard definitions are critical to providing a clear, comprehensive
description of the organization of probation in the United States and the varying structures and nature of probation
both across and within states. The Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended (42 USC
3732), authorizes the collection of these data.
The pilot test in which we are asking you to take part will involve responding to the draft CAPSA questionnaire.
While your participation is voluntary, we need your help to ensure the CAPSA pilot test data are complete and
accurate. The results from the pilot test are critical to identifying ways to minimize burden on respondents in the
national study and to evaluating the survey questionnaire and data collection procedures.
At this time, we would like you to please do the following:

Review the enclosed Agency Information Form and confirm the accuracy or update the information.
Identify, on the form, someone to respond to the CAPSA pilot test survey. The designated respondent
should be able to answer questions about your agency’s structure, operational responsibilities,
characteristics of probation supervision, and types of population supervised.
[PUBLIC: Indicate on the form if the designated respondent would be able to access the survey via the
Fax the completed form to the Westat Agency Support Team toll free at 1-XXX-XXX-XXXX or email it
to [email protected] by June XX, 2013. In early July, we plan to send the designated respondent
information on how to complete the survey.

We understand that you have competing demands and we greatly appreciate your assistance with this important pilot
test. We look forward to hearing from you. If you have any questions about the 2014 CAPSA or about this request,
please contact Westat’s Agency Support Team at 1-888-329-8124 or by email at to [email protected]. Also,
please feel free to contact me directly via email at [email protected] or by telephone at (202) 616-5164
or Lauren Glaze, BJS CAPSA Project Manager, at [email protected] or (202) 305-9628 with any questions.



Daniela Golinelli, Ph.D.
Corrections Statistics Program
Bureau of Justice Statistics

Lauren Glaze
Statistician and CAPSA Project Manager
Corrections Statistics Program
Bureau of Justice Statistics


Attachment C-2. Agency/Company Information Form

[PUBLIC: Agency / PRIVATE: Company] Information Form
Please review the information below. Indicate whether the [PUBLIC: head of agency / PRIVATE: corporate
point of contact] information is correct and make updates as needed. Also, please designate a survey
respondent [PUBLIC: and indicate whether the respondent would be able to complete the survey via the
[PUBLIC: Head of Agency / PRIVATE: Corporate Point of Contact]
Information on file

Updated information

Address 1
Address 2
City, State Zip





All information is correct.

Designated Survey Respondent
Address 1
Address 2
City, State Zip




[PUBLIC: If requested, would the designated respondent be able to respond to the
survey through the Internet?]


Please fax or email this information to Westat by , 2013
Email: [email protected]
Attn: CAPSA Survey
If you have any questions, please telephone 1-888-329-8124 or email [email protected].


Attachment C-3. Cover Letter—Public Agency Respondent
Agency Name
Agency Address

Dear <>,
The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) and its data collection agent Westat, is beginning work on a new BJS project,
the Census of Adult Probation Supervising Agencies (CAPSA), 2014. The American Probation and Parole
Association is also contributing to this important study. In response to a request that we made to AGENCY NAME,
you have been designated as the agency respondent for the pilot test of the 2014 CAPSA national study.
The 2014 CAPSA national study will be a special, one-time project with two key goals: 1) to develop a
comprehensive listing of adult probation supervising agencies in the United States; and 2) to gather information
about structures and characteristics of the agencies. The national study will provide federal, state and local
stakeholders with information on current practices and policies of adult probation supervision nationwide, the
various functions of probation agencies, and the different populations supervised by them. The CAPSA information
and standard definitions are critical to provide a clear, comprehensive description of the organization of probation in
the United States and the varying structures and nature of probation both across and within states. The Omnibus
Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended (42 USC 3732), authorizes the collection of these data.
While your participation in this pilot test is voluntary, it is vital to the implementation and success of the planned
2014 CAPSA national study. Your participation will also ensure the CAPSA pilot test data are complete and
accurate. The results from the pilot test will help to identify ways to minimize burden on agencies in the national
study and to evaluate the survey questionnaire and data collection procedures.
The survey website is open now and you can sign in, review the survey questions, and enter responses directly on
the web. The website is secure and allows you to save and close the survey at any time and re-open it later to
continue or edit your entries. To access your agency’s survey:


Go to:
Enter your agency’s PIN: xxxx]

An interviewer from Westat will contact you in the next week or so to complete the pilot test survey questionnaire.
You can complete the interview at that time or schedule a call for a time that would be convenient to you.]
Reviewing the enclosed materials should help in answering the survey questions:

List of topics addressed in the questionnaire. This list provides an overview of the questions that you
will be asked.
Study definitions. Since CAPSA is a national study and agencies often use different terminology, we have
developed a set of standard definitions for the purpose of this census.
List of adult probation supervising agencies in your state. One of the survey questions asks you to
identify agencies that are responsible for supervising adult probationers that are not listed on the enclosed
list of agencies.

Please complete the survey by the due date, August 15, 2013.


Thank you in advance for your assistance in this special request. We understand that you have competing demands
and may need to complete several steps for preparing your agency’s data. Please let Westat know if this will impact
submitting your survey data by the due date, and if/how we can assist you. If [PUBLIC WEB RESPONDENT: you
are unable to submit your survey online or] you have any questions about the pilot test or the 2014 CAPSA please
contact Westat’s Agency Support Team at 1-888-329-8124 or by email at [email protected]. Please feel free
to also contact Lauren Glaze, BJS CAPSA Project Manager, directly via email at [email protected] or by
telephone at (202) 305-9628 with any questions.

Daniela Golinelli, Ph.D.
Corrections Statistics Program
Bureau of Justice Statistics

Lauren Glaze
Statistician and CAPSA Project Manager
Corrections Statistics Program
Bureau of Justice Statistics


Attachment C-4. Cover Letter—Private Company Respondent
Agency Name
Agency Address

Dear <>,
The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) and its data collection agent Westat, is beginning work on a new BJS project,
the Census of Adult Probation Supervising Agencies (CAPSA), 2014. The American Probation and Parole
Association (APPA) is also contributing to this important study. In response to a request that we made to AGENCY
NAME, you have been designated as the agency respondent for the pilot test of the 2014 CAPSA national study.
The 2014 CAPSA national study will be a special, one-time project with two key goals: 1) to develop a
comprehensive listing of adult probation supervising agencies/companies in the United States; and 2) to gather
information about the structures and characteristics of supervision. The national study will provide federal, state and
local stakeholders with information on current practices and policies of adult probation supervision nationwide, the
various functions of probation supervision, and the different populations supervised. The CAPSA information and
standard definitions are critical to providing a clear, comprehensive description of the organization of probation in
the United States and the varying structures and nature of probation both across and within states. The Omnibus
Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended (42 USC 3732), authorizes the collection of these data.
While your participation in this pilot test is voluntary, it is vital to the implementation and success of the planned
2014 CAPSA national study. Your participation will also ensure the CAPSA pilot test data are complete and
accurate. The results from the pilot test will help to identify ways to minimize burden on agencies in the national
study and to evaluate the survey questionnaire and data collection procedures.
The pilot test questionnaire is enclosed. Once completed, please return the questionnaire in the enclosed preaddressed postage paid envelope. Please complete the survey by the due date, August 15, 2013.
We understand that you have competing demands and may need to complete several steps for preparing your
company’s data. Please let Westat know if this will impact submitting your survey data by the due date, and if/how
we can assist you. If you are unable to submit your survey online, please contact Westat’s Agency Support Team
at 1-888-329-8124 or by email at [email protected].
Thank you in advance for your assistance in this special request. We greatly appreciate your time and help with the
pilot test to ensure the success of the 2014 CAPSA national study. If you have any questions about the 2014 CAPSA
or about this request, please contact Westat’s Agency Support Team. Please feel free to also contact Lauren Glaze,
BJS CAPSA Project Manager, directly via email at [email protected] or by telephone at (202) 305-9628
with any questions.

Daniela Golinelli, Ph.D.
Corrections Statistics Program
Bureau of Justice Statistics

Lauren Glaze
Statistician and CAPSA Project Manager
Corrections Statistics Program
Bureau of Justice Statistics


Attachment C-5. CAPSA Questionnaire Topic Sheet (Public Agency)

Questionnaire Topics
Almost all the questions in the CAPSA questionnaire ask for a Yes or No answer, or provide a list of response
options from which to select answers. Exceptions include 1 question on the number of probation officers in your
agency that supervise adult probationers and 5 questions about numbers of offenders supervised (by type). In
addition, 3 questions ask for the names and county locations of other public and private adult probation supervising
agencies/facilities in your state.
The following is a list of the major topics addressed in the CAPSA questionnaire:

Branch (e.g., Executive, Judicial) and level (e.g., state, local) of government in which your agency is


Functions of probation performed by your agency (e.g., administrative, reporting, supervisory)


Populations supervised by your agency (e.g., reporting/non-reporting probationers, adults on pretrial status
or parole, juveniles)


Authority and operational responsibility for budgetary, staffing, and policy/practices related to adult
probation supervision


Sources of funding for adult probation supervision, including Federal, state, and local government and
fees/fines collected from probationers


Methods of supervision (e.g., face-to-face, telephone, mail, email, other electronic means)


Methods of assessing probationers’ risks/needs


Services for sex offenders and offenders with mental illness, provided by your agency or through a third


Your agency’s role in setting terms or conditions of supervision (e.g., granting early positive discharge or
extending the period of supervision)


Number of officers supervising adult probationers


Number of persons supervised by your agency, and from these:

Total number of adult probationers
Number of adult probationers supervised for a felony
Number of adult probationers supervised for a misdemeanor
Number of adult probationers supervised by a private company


Your agency’s use of correctional residential facilities (community-based facilities operated for
correctional purposes) to confine or provide services to any adult probationers, including the name of any
facilities used by your agency and the counties in which the facilities are located


Your agency’s use of private companies to supervise adult probationers, including the name of any
companies used by your agency and the counties in which the companies operate in your state


The name and county location of other agencies that supervise adult probationers in your state, not listed on
the enclosed Supervising Agency Roster


Attachment C-6. CAPSA Questionnaire—Sample Web Screen Shots (Public Agency)



Attachment C-7. Telephone Interview Introductory Script

Telephone Interview Introductory Script
Hello, this is <>. I’m calling on behalf of the Bureau of Justice Statistics regarding the pilot test for
the Census of Adult Probation Supervising Agencies (CAPSA). We recently sent your agency a survey
packet describing the study. Did you receive it?
[If no, offer to send again and ask where to send the packet – email address, mail address, fax number.]
I’m calling today to conduct the interview.
[If respondent cannot do the interview at this time, schedule callback. Otherwise, continue.]
The Census of Adult Probation Supervising Agencies (CAPSA) is designed to identify and enumerate adult
probation supervising agencies in the United States and obtain information about their organizational
structures, authority, functions and populations supervised. Most questions asked in the census focus on the
agency’s practices; only a few questions ask for numerical information, specifically aggregate counts of
probationers and supervision officers.
On average, we expect the interview to take about (IF PUBLIC: 50 / IF PRIVATE: 30) minutes to
complete. Your participation is voluntary but we need your help to make the CAPSA pilot study data
complete and accurate.
[Continue with (PUBLIC: Web / PRIVATE: Paper) questionnaire.]

C - 10

Attachment C-8. Thank-you/Reminder Postcards

Public Agency Web Thank-you/Reminder Postcard
Agency Name
Agency Address

Dear <>,
The pilot study for the Census of Adult Probation Supervising Agencies (CAPSA) was fielded in  2013
by Westat, on behalf of the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Thank you for your willingness to participate. The survey
was due on August 15, 2013. If you have already submitted your survey, we thank you for your participation. After
reviewing the information you provided, Westat may contact you to clarify answers and to ensure they represent
your agency as accurately as possible.
If you have not submitted your survey, please do so as soon as possible. We understand that there may have been
circumstances that impeded your ability to complete your survey by the due date. We hope you will now complete
the survey on the web using the sign in information on the enclosed information sheet. If this is not possible, please
contact Westat’s Agency Support Team (1-888-329-8124 or [email protected]), and they will arrange to
collect your data by telephone. Westat will work with you to collect any data that you may provide, even if you
cannot complete the entire survey. If you have general questions about the CAPSA pilot test, you may also contact
Lauren Glaze, the project manager at the Bureau of Justice Statistics, at (202) 305-9628 or by email at
[email protected].
We look forward to receiving your completed survey and thank you in advance for your assistance with this special
Daniela Golinelli, Ph.D.
Corrections Statistics Program
Bureau of Justice Statistics

Lauren Glaze
Statistician and CAPSA Project Manager
Corrections Statistics Program
Bureau of Justice Statistics

C - 11

Private Agency Mail Thank-you/Reminder Postcard
Company Name
Company Address

Dear <>,
The pilot study for the Census of Adult Probation Supervising Agencies (CAPSA) was fielded in  2013
by Westat, on behalf of the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Thank you for your willingness to participate. The survey
was due on August 15, 2013. If you have already returned your survey by mail or completed a telephone interview,
we thank you for your participation. After reviewing the information you provided, Westat may contact you to
clarify answers and to ensure they represent your company as accurately as possible.
If you have not completed your survey, please do so as soon as possible. We understand that there may have been
circumstances that impeded your ability to complete your survey by the due date. We hope you will now complete
the survey and return it or contact Westat’s Agency Support Team (1-888-329-8124 or [email protected]),
and they will arrange to collect your data by telephone. Westat will work with you to collect any data that you may
provide, even if you cannot complete the entire survey. If you have general questions about the CAPSA pilot test,
you may also contact Lauren Glaze, the project manager at the Bureau of Justice Statistics, at (202) 305-9628 or by
email at [email protected].
We look forward to receiving your completed survey and thank you in advance for your assistance with this special
Daniela Golinelli, Ph.D.
Corrections Statistics Program
Bureau of Justice Statistics

Lauren Glaze
Statistician and CAPSA Project Manager
Corrections Statistics Program
Bureau of Justice Statistics

C - 12

Attachment C-9. Nonrespondent Telephone Scripts

CAPSA Pilot Test, Script for telephone prompting of nonrespondent public agencies asked to complete the
survey online

Hello, this is <>. I’m calling on behalf of the Bureau of Justice Statistics regarding the pilot test for the
Census of Adult Probation Supervising Agencies (CAPSA). We recently sent your agency a survey packet
describing the study. Did you receive it?
[If no, offer to send again and ask where to send the packet – email address, mail address, fax number.]
We haven’t received your survey yet and the due date was August 15, 2013. I’m calling to see if you will be able to
provide the necessary survey data for your probation agency and if there is anything we can do to assist you in
submitting your survey.
[Address concerns, answer questions, negotiate due date, review response mode options (web, telephone, fax), etc.]

CAPSA Pilot Test, Script for telephone prompting of nonrespondent private companies asked to complete the
survey by mail

Hello, this is <>. I’m calling from the American Probation and Parole Association on behalf of the Bureau
of Justice Statistics regarding the pilot test for the Census of Adult Probation Supervising Agencies (CAPSA). We
recently sent a study questionnaire to you. Did you receive it?
[If no, offer to send again and ask where to send the questionnaire – email address, mail address, fax number.]
We haven’t received your survey yet and the due date was August 15, 2013. I’m calling to see if you will be able to
provide the necessary survey data for your company and if there is anything we can do to assist you in submitting
your survey.
[Address concerns, answer questions, negotiate due date, review response mode options (web, telephone, fax), etc.]

C - 13

Attachment C-10. Final Thank-you Letter
Agency/Company Name
Agency Address

On behalf of the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) and Westat, we would like to thank you for your participation in
the pilot test of the Census of Adult Probation Supervising Agencies (CAPSA). We truly appreciate your support
and your (agency’s/company’s) efforts in completing the survey. Your participation and the data you provided will
be used to inform the design of the CAPSA collection planned for 2014.
We look forward to working with you in the future. In the meantime, if you have questions or updates to the contact
information for you or your (agency/company), you may contact the Westat Agency Support Team at 1-888-3298124 or by email at [email protected]. If you have general questions about the CAPSA pilot test, you may also
contact Lauren Glaze, the project manager at the Bureau of Justice Statistics, at (202) 305-9628 or by email at
[email protected].

Daniela Golinelli, Ph.D.
Corrections Statistics Program
Bureau of Justice Statistics

Lauren Glaze
Statistician and CAPSA Project Manager
Corrections Statistics Program
Bureau of Justice Statistics

C - 14

File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorMonica Basena
File Modified2013-05-23
File Created2013-05-23

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