Appendices supporting Memo to OMB

Appendices A-F.pdf

Generic Clearance for Cognitive, Pilot and Field Studies for Bureau of Justice Statistics Data Collection Activities

Appendices supporting Memo to OMB

OMB: 1121-0339

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National Pretrial Reporting Program Jurisdictional Capacity Survey (JCS)
Initial Contact Protocol
Official Invitation Letter to Participate in JCS
Follow-Up Phone Call/Email
Thank You Postcard/Email
Debriefing Protocol

Appendix A. National Pretrial Reporting Program Jurisdictional Capacity Survey (JCS)

D R A F T
The Urban Institute
National Pretrial Reporting Program
Jurisdictional Capacity Survey
On behalf of the Bureau of Justice Statistics – the statistical research arm of the
U.S. Department of Justice – the Urban Institute (UI), a non-profit research
organization located in Washington, D.C., and the Pretrial Justice Institute (PJI)
are exploring the feasibility of collecting nationally representative statistics on
pretrial outcomes and performance. This effort is known as the National
Pretrial Reporting Program (NPRP). Generating nationally representative
statistics on pretrial practice is crucial for understanding national trends in
criminal case processing and identifying ways to improve system efficiency and
defendant outcomes.
To develop the data collection methods for NPRP, UI and PJI are fielding a survey to understand both
the variation in pretrial practices across jurisdictions and the information jurisdictions have available
about their pretrial populations. Your jurisdiction is one of several jurisdictions selected across the
country to participate in this jurisdictional capacity survey (JCS). Enclosed is a letter from the National
Association of Pretrial Services Agencies (NAPSA) and the National Association of Counties (NACo)
endorsing this survey.
Although this survey is voluntary, we appreciate your cooperation to make the results comprehensive,
accurate, and timely. Your feedback will be invaluable to our effort in identifying the types of pretrial
data that should be collected at the national level as well as the feasibility of collecting such data
elements. All answers, including your contact information, will be kept strictly confidential. Under the
BJS Use of Data Statute (42 U.S.C. § 3735): “Data collected by the Bureau shall be used only for
statistical or research purposes, and shall be gathered in a manner that precludes their use for law
enforcement or any purpose relating to a private person or public agency other than statistical or
research purposes.”
If you have questions about this survey or need assistance, please e-mail UI at [email protected] or call
UI at 1- 855-709-0870. Also, please feel free to contact Tracey Kyckelhahn, the BJS Project Manager, at
[email protected] should you have any questions about this project. Thank you for
your cooperation in this important data collection effort.
Bureau of Justice Statistics
William J. Sabol, Ph.D.
Acting Director
Bureau of Justice Statistics


D R A F T
The Urban Institute
Instructions for Completing the Survey
1. The survey consists of 37 questions, some of which may require you to look up information or
consult with another agency in your jurisdiction. We do not expect that your agency will be able
to answer all or even the majority of the questions. This survey is simply intended to provide
feedback about the types of data elements that jurisdictions like yours collect about their
pretrial population and the effort required to compile such data. Therefore, any information
you provide will be useful; we are equally interested in learning about which questions you
cannot answer as we are in receiving completed responses. We also recognize that pulling
together this data may be a time-consuming process. Please complete all the questions that
you are able to and let us know how long each one took – the survey will prompt you to report
this information. Again, all of this feedback will be invaluable to us as part of the NPRP process.
2. We acknowledge that technical definitions for common terms relating to pretrial case
processing may vary widely across jurisdictions. Some of the legal and procedural terms used in
this survey may not be entirely clear or applicable to your jurisdiction. Please answer all
questions in a way that most closely reflects pretrial operations in your jurisdiction. Should you
need to give an explanation for an answer or define any of the terms used as they specifically
relate to your jurisdiction, please use the space provided at the end of the survey.
3. Please return the survey by Month-Day, 2013.
4. If you need assistance to answer any question, please email [email protected] or call UI at 1855-709-0870.


D R A F T
The Urban Institute
Survey Completed By:
First Name
Last Name
Position Title
_______________________ ________________________ _______________________________
Organization Name
Organization Type (e.g. jail, sheriff’s office, etc.)
Official Address

A1. Is your agency responsible for reporting to another entity or authority on matters related to the
management of the pretrial population?
☐Other _____________
If yes, please list all the entities to which you report.
Entity Name

Point of Contact

Email and/or Telephone

A2. Is your agency responsible for the supervision and/or treatment of pretrial defendants (in other
words, is your agency considered a pretrial agency)?
A3. Does your agency have access to case-level data regarding the supervision and/or treatment of
pretrial defendants?
☐Yes (skip to Section B)
☐No (skip to A4)


D R A F T
The Urban Institute
A4. If your agency is not responsible for the supervision and/or treatment of pretrial defendants or
your agency does not have access to case-level data, please provide the following information for the
agency/agencies that is/are responsible for collecting and/or maintaining information on your
jurisdiction’s pretrial population and case-level data.
Entity Name

Point of Contact

Email and/or Telephone

[Thank you for your time. You are now done with the survey. We will contact the appropriate agency
to complete the survey using the contact information you provided above.]


D R A F T
The Urban Institute

B1. Please indicate the stages at which pretrial defendants are referred, or otherwise made known, to
your agency (check all that apply).
☐Initial appearance
☐Preliminary hearing
☐Other _________________






B2. Does the above figure closely reflect the general case flow of pretrial defendants in your
If no, please explain.

B3. Indicate the stages at which your agency collects or obtains access to case-level data on pretrial
defendants (check all that apply).
☐Initial appearance
☐Preliminary hearing
The first stage you indicated above makes up your working definition of the pretrial population for
the remainder of this survey.


D R A F T
The Urban Institute
B4. In your jurisdiction, do the police issue a citation, or summons, to appear in court to an arrestee
accused of committing the following (check all that apply):
☐Traffic infractions
☐Petty offenses
☐None of the above


D R A F T
The Urban Institute

C1. Does your jurisdiction use an actuarial risk assessment tool to assess the risk of pretrial defendants?
C1a. If yes, what is the name of the actuarial risk assessment tool that your jurisdiction uses?
C1b. How is information from the actuarial risk assessment tool maintained? (Check all that apply.)
☐Paper files
☐Other _________________
C2. Please indicate the available supervision and treatment options for the pretrial population in your
jurisdiction. (Check all that apply.)
☐Electronic monitoring
☐Supervision is not provided
☐Other (please specify) _________________
C2a. Please indicate the available treatment options for the pretrial population in your jurisdiction.
☐Substance abuse treatment
☐Mental health treatment
☐Treatment is not provided
☐Other (please specify) _________________
C3. Please indicate the financial release mechanisms that your jurisdiction offers.
☐Deposit bond
☐Surety bond
☐Property bond
☐Other (please specify) _________________


D R A F T
The Urban Institute
C3a. Please indicate the non-financial release mechanisms that your jurisdiction offers.
☐Release on recognizance
☐Unsecured bond
☐Supervised release
☐Other (please specify) _________________
C4. Does your jurisdiction allow defendants to be released on financial bond while under pretrial


D R A F T
The Urban Institute

D1. What was the caseload of the pretrial population (as defined in B3) for 2012?

For questions D2 – D4
 Please report data for the total population only if it is not possible to distinguish
between felony and misdemeanor charges.
 If exact numbers are not available, please provide best estimates. Indicate that
you have provided an estimate by checking the “Est.” box.
 If you are not able to provide an estimate, please write “-99” in each box.

D2. While awaiting case adjudication, how many of the defendant population in 2012, as reported in
D1, were:
Felony (#)

(Most serious charge)




Misdemeanor (#)
(Most serious charge)


Total (#)



D3. While awaiting case adjudication, how many defendants reported in D2 were released by the
following mechanisms:

Financial release (total)

Felony (#)
Misdemeanor (#)
(Most serious charge) Est. (Most serious charge) Est. Total (#) Est.
























Release on recognizance




Unsecured bond




Supervised release




Non-financial release (total)


D R A F T
The Urban Institute
D4. While awaiting case adjudication, how many defendants reported in D2 were
Felony (#)
(Most serious charge)
…detained on financial bail?


…detained without bail?


Misdemeanor (#)
(Most serious charge)


Total (#) Est.



Now that you have answered questions D2-D4, the next couple of questions ask about the level of
effort in completing these questions.
D5. What is the total number of labor hours for all persons involved in answering items D2-D4?
D6. What challenges, if any, did you experience when completing items D2-D4?
☐1. All items were completed without challenges.
☐2. Information is not collected.
☐3. Information is collected, but not accessible due to legal or administrative complications.
(please explain below)
☐4. Information is collected and accessible, but not easily extracted. (please explain below)
☐5. Information is available for reporting, but is too labor-intensive to provide.
☐6. Other (please explain below)
If you faced any challenges when completing these items, please explain further.

Now let’s continue with questions about pretrial processes. After a set of substantive questions, we
will repeat questions about the level of effort and challenges in completing those questions for the
remainder of this survey.
D7a. What was the average bail amount (in dollars) for released pretrial defendants in 2012?
D7b. What was the average bail amount (in dollars) for pretrial defendants in 2012 who were not
D8. What is the total number of labor hours for all persons involved in answering items D7a-b?

D R A F T
The Urban Institute
D9. What challenges, if any, did you experience when completing items D7a-b?
☐1. All items were completed without challenges.
☐2. Information is not collected.
☐3. Information is collected, but not accessible due to legal or administrative complications.
(please explain below)
☐4. Information is collected and accessible, but not easily extracted. (please explain below)
☐5. Information is available for reporting, but is too labor-intensive to provide.
☐6. Other (please explain below)
If you faced any challenges when completing these items, please explain further.


D R A F T
The Urban Institute

For question E1
 If exact numbers are not available, please provide best estimates. Indicate that
you have provided an estimate by checking the “Est.” box.
 If you are not able to provide an estimate, please write “-99” in each box.

E1. How many of the defendant population released while awaiting case adjudication in 2012 – as
specified in item D2:
Count (#)
…failed to appear (FTA) in court?
…were arrested?
…violated the terms of supervision?


E2. Through your data system, is it possible to track whether FTA cases are brought back into court?
E2. Through your data system, is it possible to identify whether those arrested were arrested for a
felony offense or a misdemeanor?
E4. What is the total number of labor hours for all persons involved in answering question E1?
E5. What challenges, if any, did you experience when completing question E1?
☐1. All items were completed without challenges.
☐2. Information is not collected.
☐3. Information is collected, but not accessible due to legal or administrative complications.
(please explain below)
☐4. Information is collected and accessible, but not easily extracted. (please explain below)
☐5. Information is available for reporting, but is too labor-intensive to provide.
☐6. Other (please explain below)


D R A F T
The Urban Institute
If you faced any challenges when completing these items, please explain further.

For question F1
 If exact numbers are not available, please provide best estimates. Indicate that
you have provided an estimate by checking the “Est.” box.
 If you are not able to provide an estimate, please write “-99” in each box.

F1. Please provide the number of detained defendants for the following subpopulations:
Count (#)




Offense Charged
(most serious)


Non-Hispanic, American Indian or Alaska Native


Non-Hispanic, Asian


Non-Hispanic, Black or African American


Hispanic or Latino


Non-Hispanic, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander


Non-Hispanic, White


More than one race


17 or below


18 - 24


25 - 39


40 - 54


55 or above






Violent Crime


Property Crime


Drug Crime


Motor Vehicle/DUI





D R A F T
The Urban Institute
F2. What is the total number of labor hours for all persons involved in answering item F1?
F3. What challenges did you experience when completing item F1?
☐1. All items were completed without challenges.
☐2. Information is not collected.
☐3. Information is collected, but not accessible due to legal or administrative complications.
(please explain below)
☐4. Information is collected and accessible, but not easily extracted. (please explain below)
☐5. Information is available for reporting, but is too labor-intensive to provide.
☐6. Other (please explain below)
If you faced any challenges when completing these items, please explain further.


D R A F T
The Urban Institute
For questions F4 – F5
 If exact numbers are not available, please provide best estimates. Indicate that ou
have provided an estimate by checking the “Est.” box.
 If you are not able to provide an estimate, please write “-99” in each box.

F4. Please provide the number of defendants who failed to appear in court while released pretrial by
the following populations:
Count (#)




(most serious)

Release Type


Non-Hispanic, American Indian or Alaska Native


Non-Hispanic, Asian


Non-Hispanic, Black or African American


Hispanic or Latino


Non-Hispanic, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander


Non-Hispanic, White


More than one race


17 or below


18 - 24


25 - 39


40 - 54


55 or above






Violent Crime


Property Crime


Drug Crime


Motor Vehicle/DUI




Financial (e.g., cash, surety bond)


Non-financial (e.g., supervised release, release on recognizance)



D R A F T
The Urban Institute
F5. Please provide the number of defendants arrested for a new crime while released pretrial by the
following populations:
Count (#)
Non-Hispanic, American Indian or Alaska Native


Non-Hispanic, Asian


Non-Hispanic, Black or African American


Hispanic or Latino


Non-Hispanic, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander


Non-Hispanic, White


More than one race


17 or below


18 - 24


25 - 39


40 - 54


55 or above






Violent Crime


Property Crime


Drug Crime


Motor Vehicle/DUI




Financial (e.g., cash, surety bond)


Non-financial (e.g., supervised release, release on recognizance)





(most serious)

Release Type


F6. What is the total number of labor hours for all persons involved in answering items F4-F5?


D R A F T
The Urban Institute
F7. What challenges did you experience when completing items F4-F5?
☐1. All items were completed without challenges.
☐2. Information is not collected.
☐3. Information is collected, but not accessible due to legal or administrative complications.
(please explain below)
☐4. Information is collected and accessible, but not easily extracted. (please explain below)
☐5. Information is available for reporting, but is too labor-intensive to provide.
☐6. Other (please explain below)
If you faced any challenges when completing these items, please explain further.

Please use the space below to add any comments or suggestions about how to make the gathering of
pretrial information easier and how to encourage participation among jurisdictions when the National
Pretrial Reporting Program (NPRP) is fielded in the future. Thank you for completing the survey!


Appendix B. Initial Contact Protocol

2013 NPRP Jurisdictional Capacity Survey
Initial Contact Protocols

My name is ________ and I’m calling on behalf of the Bureau of Justice Statistics to gather information
about pretrial data in your jurisdiction. May I please speak with someone who has access to or manages
such information?



Could you please tell me his/her name and telephone number?

What other agency in your
jurisdiction would maintain or
handle data on pretrial processing?

Could you please transfer me to him/her?
[Call Transfer]
My name is ________ and I’m calling on behalf of the Bureau of
Justice Statistics to gather information about pretrial data in
your jurisdiction. May I please speak with Mr./Ms. ________?
Do you have access to case-level data on pretrial defendants in
your jurisdiction?
If Yes

The Bureau of Justice Statistics is conducting a survey to
collect information about pretrial case processing, and
you seem like the appropriate person to answer the
survey. I’d like to send you more information about the
survey. May I have your email/mailing address? I will
send you information shortly.

If No

Could you please tell me how to get in touch with
someone in your agency or in your jurisdiction who has
access to case-level information on pretrial defendants?

Thank you very much for your time.

Could you please tell me the contact
information of that agency?

Appendix C. Official Invitation Letter to Participate in JCS

U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
Bureau of Justice Statistics
Washington, D.C. 20531

, Dear , On behalf of the Bureau of Justice Statistics – the statistical research arm of the U.S. Department of Justice - the Urban Institute (UI), a non-profit research organization located in Washington, D.C., and the Pretrial Justice Institute (PJI) are exploring the feasibility of collecting nationally representative statistics on pretrial outcomes and performance. This effort is known as the National Pretrial Reporting Program (NPRP). Generating nationally representative statistics on pretrial practice is crucial for understanding national trends in criminal case processing and identifying ways to improve system efficiency and defendant outcomes. To develop the data collection methods for NPRP, UI and PJI are conducting a survey to understand both the variation in pretrial practices across jurisdictions and the information jurisdictions have available about their pretrial populations. Your jurisdiction is one of several jurisdictions selected across the country to participate in this jurisdictional capacity survey (JCS). Enclosed is a letter from the National Association of Pretrial Services Agencies (NAPSA) and the National Association of Counties (NACo) endorsing this survey. Please complete your survey online () by using the username and password below. Once you log in, you may complete the survey at your own pace. You will be able to login as many times as you need and the web system will save your responses until you are ready to submit the completed survey. Username: Password: Although this survey is voluntary, we appreciate your cooperation to make the results comprehensive, accurate, and timely. Your feedback will be invaluable to our effort in identifying the types of pretrial data that should be collected at the national level as well as the feasibility of collecting such data elements. All answers, including your contact information, will be kept strictly confidential. Under the BJS Use of Data Statute (42 U.S.C. § 3735): “Data collected by the Bureau shall be used only for statistical or research purposes, and shall be gathered in a manner that precludes their use for law enforcement or any purpose relating to a private person or public agency other than statistical or research purposes.” If you have questions about this survey or need assistance, please e-mail UI at [email protected] or call UI at 1-855-709-0870. Also, please feel free to contact Tracey Kyckelhahn, the BJS Project Manager, at [email protected] should you have any questions about this project. Thank you for your cooperation in this important data collection effort. Sincerely, William J. Sabol, Ph.D Acting Director Bureau of Justice Statistics Appendix D. Follow-Up Phone Call/Email 2013 NPRP Jurisdictional Capacity Survey Phone Follow Up Script--Pretest Hello, may I please speak with [INSERT CONTACT NAME]. INTERVIEWER: IF R NO LONGER WORKS THERE, ASK FOR PERSON WHO CURRENTLY HOLDS R’s POSITION. RECORD UPDATED INFORMATION, AND PROMPT NEW R TO COMPLETE ONLINE BY SENDING SURVEY LINK, PIN AND PASSWORD. OPTION 1: My name is [INTERVIEWER NAME]. I am calling on behalf of the Bureau of Justice Statistics regarding the National Pretrial Reporting Program. We recently sent you information about the survey and I am following up on this correspondence. Do you remember seeing the letter/e-mail? NO, did not receive letter/e-mail: I am sorry that the email didn’t reach you. I have your email as [READ EMAIL]. Is this right email address? Or Should I try a different one? I will send you information about our survey shortly and check back with you to make sure of its delivery. Please don’t hesitate to reach me toll-free at [1-855-709-0870] if you experience any difficulties in accessing our survey. Once you complete the survey to the extent you can, we may contact you to arrange a time to discuss the survey. The debriefing should take less than half an hour of your time and we will use your feedback to inform the national data collection effort. YES, did receive letter/email: Good! Do you have any questions about the NPRP Jurisdictional Capacity Survey? If you have any questions, please call us tollfree at: 1-855-709-0870. This number can also be found in the web survey. Please remember to complete the survey as soon as possible. We will call next week to check in regarding any questions you may have. Thank you in advance for your participation Appendix E. Thank You Postcard/Email 2013 NPRP Jurisdictional Capacity Survey Thank you Postcard/Email Dear , , Thank you very much for participating in the National Pretrial Reporting Project survey. Your responses will be crucial for our efforts to identify the types of pretrial data that should be collected at the national level and the feasibility of collecting such data. If you have any further questions or concerns about this survey, please e-mail UI at [email protected] or call UI at 1855-709-0870. For additional information about this project, please feel free to contact Tracey Kyckelhahn, the BJS Project Manager, at [email protected]. Thank you once again for your participation in this important survey. Appendix F. Debriefing Protocol 2013 NPRP Jurisdictional Capacity Survey Phone Follow Up Script Hello, My name is ________ and I’m calling on behalf of the Bureau of Justice Statistics regarding the National Pretrial Reporting Program. May I please speak to _____? I’m calling regarding the NPRP Jurisdictional Capacity Survey you recently completed for us. Thank you so much for participating in the survey. While reviewing your survey responses, we believed that it would be helpful to conduct a debriefing of the survey with you. It shouldn’t take more than half an hour. Is this a good time for you to go over some of the survey responses with me? …If yes, make sure they have copy of completed survey in front of them. …if no, schedule a time to conduct a debriefing and follow up. Great, so let me walk you through the basic process of how the debriefing will work. We’ll review some of the survey questions and your overall ease at providing the information. I have your survey responses in front of me. Do you have any questions before we start? For each question unanswered, probe:     If anything was unclear, confusing, or missing in the wording or any terminology needed to be better defined; If R can provide an estimate if the information sought is unavailable or missing; What prevented them from completing the survey item?; and What steps would be necessary to get the information?
File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorRao, Shabani
File Modified2013-12-11
File Created2013-12-05

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