

Annual Survey of Alternative Fueled Vehicles

OMB: 1905-0191

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U.S. Energy Information Administration

Office of Energy Statistics

Office of Energy Consumption and Efficiency Statistics

Supporting Statement for Survey Clearance

Form EIA-886, Annual Survey of Alternative Fueled Vehicles

OMB 1905-0191

Part A: Background and Proposal

Original Date: November 2012

EIA-886, Annual Survey of Alternative Fueled Vehicles Supporting Statement, Part A


The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) is the statistical and analytical agency within the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). It collects, analyzes, and disseminates independent and impartial energy information to promote sound policymaking, efficient markets, and public understanding regarding energy and its interaction with the economy and the environment. The Form EIA-886, Annual Survey of Alternative Fueled Vehicles (OMB No. 1905-0191), discussed in this document, is part of this comprehensive energy data program.

The objectives of the Form EIA-886 data collection are to (1) comply with Section 503 of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPACT92) that requires EIA to report on specific aspects of alternative fueled vehicles (AFVs) and alternative transportation fuels (ATFs); (2) respond to public requests for information on AFVs and ATFs; and (3) provide Congress with a measure of the extent to which the objectives of EPACT92 are being achieved.

An alternative fueled vehicle is defined as an on-road vehicle designed to operate on an alternative fuel (e.g., compressed natural gas, methane blend, electricity). The vehicle can be either a dedicated vehicle designed to operate exclusively on alternative fuel or a non-dedicated vehicle designed to operate on both alternative fuel and traditional fuel.

Alternative fuels for transportation applications include the following:

  • Methanol

  • Denatured ethanol, and other alcohols

  • Fuel mixtures containing 85 percent or more by volume of methanol, denatured ethanol, and other alcohols with gasoline or other fuels

  • Natural gas, including compressed and liquefied natural gas

  • Liquefied petroleum gas (propane)

  • Hydrogen

  • Coal-derived liquid fuels

  • Non-alcohol fuels derived from biological materials (e.g., biofuels, such as soy diesel fuel)

  • Electricity, including electricity from solar energy

As a basis for estimating total AFV inventory and alternative fuel use in the United States, the Form EIA-886 is an annual survey that collects information about:

  • The number and type of alternative fueled vehicles and other advanced technology vehicles that vehicle suppliers ‘made available’ in the reporting year and plan to make available in the current calendar year. The term “made available” means the vehicle either was delivered for the first time to a dealer, leasing company, or end user; was available for delivery to a dealer, leasing company, or end user; or was otherwise placed “in use” during the reporting period. Advanced technology vehicles include hybrid electric vehicles, whose input fuel is gasoline or diesel, and fuel cell vehicles. Vehicle suppliers consist of original equipment manufacturers (OEM) and aftermarket vehicle converters. An OEM is an entity (company, organization, association, etc.) that markets and warrants an on-road vehicle for use in the U.S. OEMs include organizations that perform vehicle conversions before the vehicle is initially delivered to an end user, for use of the vehicle in the U.S. An aftermarket vehicle converter is an entity that converts, modifies, or repowers vehicles from one fuel or source of power to another, for use of the vehicle in the U.S. The conversion is performed after the vehicle's initial delivery to an end user;

  • The number, type, miles traveled and geographic distribution of AFVs in use in the reporting year;

  • The amount and distribution of each type of alternative fuel consumed in the reporting year (i.e., previous calendar year); and

  • The number, type, and disposition of vehicle retirements in the reporting year.


EIA proposes the following revisions from the previously approved Form EIA-886:

        • Improve the Form EIA-886 to better use visual design to reduce the respondent’s burden, while leaving unchanged the existing constructs being measured on the form. For example, instructions will be placed next to the questions where the instructions are needed, and dense paragraphs will be broken up into bullet-pointed lists. Survey methodology literature and empirical evidence from cognitive testing of other forms suggest these changes, along with other edits to formatting, will allow respondents to read and process the information more quickly.

        • Modify the drop down selection menus under Parts 2 and 3 to include the fuel type/engine configuration code “EVC-PH” to capture data on plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV). PHEVs are considered alternative fueled vehicles under the Energy Policy Act of 1992 definition of an alternative fueled vehicle because their primary fuel source is electricity; however, PHEVs differ from straight battery-powered electric vehicles because PHEVs use the electric battery as the primary energy source, relying on battery power for propulsion for a limited range (15-40 miles) before switching to internal combustion propulsion. Currently, EIA collects data on electric battery-powered vehicles with the code “EVC BP.” Adding the code “EVC PH” will differentiate between straight battery-powered AFVs and PHEVs.

The information collection proposed in this supporting statement has been reviewed in light of applicable information quality guidelines. The information has been determined to be collected, maintained, and used in a manner consistent with the OMB, DOE, and EIA information quality guidelines.


  1. Legal Authority

The legal authority for this data collection effort is provided by the following two provisions:

Energy Policy Act of 1992:

United States Code Title 42 Section 13253 of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (Public Law 102-468) requires estimates of (1) the number of each type of alternative fueled vehicle likely to be in use in the United States; (2) the probable geographic distribution of such vehicles; and (3) the amount and distribution of each type of replacement fuel [alternative fuel]. Additionally, Section 503 requiressuppliers of alternative fueled vehicles to report on the number of each type of alternative fueled vehicles that such supplier (a) has made available in the previous calendar year; and (b) plans to make available for the following calendar year. The data are used to respond to public requests for information on AFVs and alternative transportation fuels and to provide Congress with a measure of the extent to which the objectives of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPACT) are being achieved.

15 U.S.C. §772(b), of the Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974 (FEA Act), Public Law 93-275, outlines the types of individuals subject to the information collection authority delegated to the [Secretary] and the general parameters of the type of data which can be required. Section 772(b) states:

All persons owning or operating facilities or business premises who are engaged in any phase of energy supply or major energy consumption shall make available to the Administrator such information and periodic reports, records, documents, and other data, relating to the purposes of this chapter, including full identification of all data and projections as to source, time, and methodology of development, as the Administrator may prescribe by regulation or order as necessary or appropriate for the proper exercise of functions under this chapter.

  1. Needs for and Uses of the Data

Data from the Form EIA-886 are needed to determine if sufficient quantities of AFVs are available for purchase by federal and state agencies and fuel suppliers, and to provide Congress with a measure of the extent to which the objectives of EPACT92 are being achieved. While auto manufacturers and aftermarket vehicle converters are not required to manufacture AFVs, fleets such as the federal government, state governments, and fuel providers must meet regulatory requirements in petroleum reduction via AFV acquisitions. EIA’s supplier data informs these parties as well as the public to the availability of AFVs in the marketplace. In addition, the data serve as market analysis tools for Congress, federal and state agencies, AFV suppliers, vehicle fleet managers, and other interested organizations and persons. These data are also used to respond to numerous public requests for detailed information on AFVs and ATFs--in particular, the number of AFVs distributed by state, as well as the amount and location of the ATFs consumed.

EIA publishes summary information from the Form EIA-886 database in the annual Alternative Fuel Vehicle Data report on EIA’s website (http://www.eia.gov/renewable/afv/). This report covers historical and projected supplies of AFVs, as well as AFV usage by selected user groups, and estimates of total U.S. AFV counts and U.S. consumption of ATFs. These data provide a baseline for DOE's transportation sector energy models. They also provide the energy consumption measures for alternative transportation fuels in EIA’s State Energy Data System. For example, EIA's National Energy Modeling System (NEMS) has a component model that forecasts transportation sector energy consumption and provides a framework for AFV policy and technology analysis. Data obtained from Form EIA-886 are used to improve the explanatory power of the NEMS Transportation Demand Model by allowing for greater detail in AFV type and characteristics.

  1. Use of Information Technology

The Form EIA-886 Web-based data collection system helps meet the data requirements to evaluate how federal agencies meet guidelines for reducing petroleum consumption via the use of AFVs and ATFs, as outlined in EPACT92, Executive Order 13149, “Greening the Government Through Federal Fleet and Transportation Efficiency,” and Executive Order 13423, “Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management.” Executive Orders 13149 and 13423 both set forth guidelines to ensure that the Federal Government exercises leadership in the reduction of petroleum consumption through improvements in fleet fuel efficiency and the use of alternative fuel vehicles and alternative fuels.

The Department of Energy’s Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) is responsible for tracking these regulatory requirements. In addition, the General Services Administration’s (GSAs) Office of Governmentwide Policy collects federal fleet data via the Form SF82, “Agency Report of Motor Vehicle Data.

To automate and reduce duplicative reporting by federal agencies, the Federal Automotive Statistical Tool (FAST) Web-based data collection system was developed jointly by FEMP, EIA and GSA to assist fleets in meeting all the aforementioned data reporting requirements. As a condition of approval for the Form EIA-886, OMB required EIA to address the duplicative reporting that existed for federal agencies during the 2000 Form EIA-886 clearance process. EIA consulted with FEMP and GSA to develop a unified data collection system that allows federal agencies to report once on all vehicle fleet characteristics requirements.

EIA then implemented a Web-based data collection system to collect information from the remainder of the universe of respondents (i.e., state agencies, fuel providers, transit agencies, local governments and private organizations). This system enables respondents to electronically submit data, which reduces the respondents’ burden of completing and mailing paper survey forms.

A significant benefit of the EIA Web-based system is that a respondent’s survey form is pre-filled with certain data from the previous year, so the respondent needs only to verify and make updates, rather than keying in new data. The EIA electronic system also significantly reduces the time needed to complete the survey form by providing online instructions, drop-down menus, data validation rules, and auto-population of features.

Federal agencies report the data requirements of the Form EIA-886 via FAST, and the remaining EIA-886 respondents use the EIA-886 Web-based data collection system to comply with these reporting requirements. At the close of the survey cycle, data reported in FAST are transferred into the EIA-886 Web-based data collection system for processing.

EIA encourages all Form EIA-886 respondents to use the electronic data collection system. During the 2011 survey cycle, 85% of Form EIA-886 respondents reported through this system. The remaining respondents do not have Internet access and/or prefer to use another reporting method, such as fax or first class mail.

  1. Efforts to Reduce Duplication

A thorough review of AFV-related surveys and regulatory programs reveals that, while data collection programs exist, the Form EIA-886 is the only survey that collects complete historical or short-term forecasts of the types and quantities of AFVs made available by AFV suppliers and collects the number, type, and geographical location of the AFVs, along with the consumption of alternative fuels by these vehicles. The below table outlines the various DOE and non-DOE programs related to alternative fuels and provides a description of their coverage as compared to the coverage of the Form EIA-886.



Form/Regulatory Requirement

Department of Energy

Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy

State & Alternative Fuel Provider Fleet Program [10 CFR Part 490]


Requires covered fleets either to acquire AFVs as a percentage of their annual light-duty vehicle acquisitions or to employ other petroleum reducing methods in lieu of acquiring AFVs.

Reasons these data are not duplicative of data collected by the Form EIA-886:

  • Order 20-CFR Part 490 requires the reporting of only vehicle acquisitions, and not vehicle inventory. Attempting to estimate vehicle inventory from this acquisitions data, as needed by EIA to determine fuel consumption, cannot be performed with statistical confidence.

  • The reporting requirements apply only if a state government or fuel provider: 1) owns, operates, leases, or controls at least 50 light duty vehicles (LDVs) within the United States (excluding law enforcement vehicles, emergency motor vehicles and non-road motor vehicles); 2) 20 of those LDVs are used primarily within any Consolidated/ Metropolitan Statistical Area; and 3) those same 20 LDVs are centrally fueled, or are capable of being centrally fueled. (The term “centrally fueled” means that a refueling infrastructure exists within reasonable traveling distance from the fleet.) The void left by those organizations that are not required to report to DOE, or whose vehicles are exempted, make it cumbersome, expensive, and detrimental to the overall quality of fulfilling EPACT92’s mandates by attempting to supplement these data from other sources.

  • Data on fleets exempt from the rulemaking are needed to accurately estimate total AFVs in use and ATF consumption and to satisfy many public requests for detailed information on AFVs and ATFs, (e.g., in determining where to locate a refueling facility).



Form/Regulatory Requirement

Department of Energy

Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy

Private & Local Government Fleet Determination


Under the Energy Policy Act of 1992, DOE was directed to determine whether private and local government fleets should be subject to DOE’s Alternative Fuel Transportation Program and associated requirements. In March 2008, DOE determined not to require that private and local government fleets acquire AFVs, because such a requirement is not currently necessary to achieve the Replace Fuel Goal (a statue to replace 30% of U.S. motor fuel with non-petroleum fuels by 2030).

Reasons these data are not duplicative of data collected by the Form EIA-886:

  • As stated in the summary above, private and local government fleets are not subject to regulatory requirements that AFVs routinely be acquired. As a result, the Form EIA-886 is the best source of comprehensive AFV inventory and alternative fuel consumption data.



Form/Regulatory Requirement

Department of Energy

Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy

Federal Energy Management Program

Executive Order 13149 – Greening the Government Through Federal Fleet & Transportation Efficiency


The purpose of this April 2000 order was to ensure that the Federal Government exercise leadership in the reduction of petroleum consumption through improvements in fleet fuel efficiency and the use of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) and alternative fuels. Agencies were required to develop performance strategies to meet goals, and DOE was directed to establish a data collection and reporting system for collecting annual agency performance data on meeting the goals of this order and other applicable statutes and policies.

Reasons these data are not duplicative of that collected by the Form EIA-886:

  • EIA, GSA and FEMP coordinated all AFV data requirements and developed the Federal Automotive Statistical Tool (FAST) to capture compliance and EPACT92 mandates in one Web-enabled data collection system. EIA, GSA and FEMP gathered all its individual mandated requirements and consolidated them into one data collection for federal agencies. After the implementation of FAST in 2001, EIA merged its online data collection for Federal AFVs with FAST and Federal agencies now report their Form EIA-886 data through this system. The Form EIA-886 is not duplicative, as it collects data for the remainder of the universe of respondents (i.e., state agencies, fuel providers, transit agencies, local governments and private organizations).



Form/Regulatory Requirement

Department of Energy

Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy

Federal Energy Management Program

Executive Order 13423 – Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy & Transportation Management


The purpose of this January 2007 order was to ensure that federal agencies conduct their environmental, transportation, and energy-related activities under the law in support of their respective missions in an environmentally, economically and fiscally sound, integrated, continuously improving, efficient, and sustainable manner. Goals were established to (1) reduce the fleet’s total consumption of petroleum products by 2 percent, annually, through the end of fiscal year 2015; (2) increase the total fuel consumption that is non-petroleum-based by 10 percent, annually, relative to agency baselines for fiscal year 2005; and (3) use plug-in hybrid vehicles when commercially and economically available.

Reasons these data are not duplicative of that collected by the Form EIA-886:

  • All AFV-related inventory and fuel consumption data relevant to this Executive Order were incorporated into FAST. EIA, as a co-sponsor of the Web system, is not duplicating efforts to capture data for the Form EIA-886. The data requirements from this Executive Order do not duplicate the questions asked on the Form EIA-886.



Form/Regulatory Requirement

General Services Administration

Office of Governmentwide Policy

Federal Management Regulation Part 102-34 Motor Vehicle Management Subpart J – Federal Fleet Report


The Federal Fleet Report (FFR) is an annual summary of federal motor vehicle fleet statistics based upon fleet composition at the end of each fiscal year and vehicle use and cost during the fiscal year. The FFR is compiled by GSA from information submitted by federal agencies. The FFR is designed to provide essential statistical data for worldwide federal motor vehicle fleet operations. Review of the report assists federal agencies, including the GSA, in evaluating the effectiveness of the operation and management of individual fleets and to identify high cost areas where fleet expenses can be reduced. The reporting categories of data included in the FFR are inventory, acquisitions, operating costs, miles traveled and fuel used.

Reasons these data are not duplicative of that collected by the Form EIA-886:

  • Prior to the development of FAST, GSA fielded the form SF-82 Agency Report of Motor Vehicle Data (now obsolete) to gather information on motor vehicles in the federal fleet. At one time, the Form EIA-886 and the Form SF-82 collected duplicative data from federal agencies; however, after 2001, EIA and GSA no longer fielded the individual survey instruments. Instead, they both utilized the FAST system to gather their required vehicle data from federal agencies.

  1. Reducing Burden on Small Business

The Annual Survey of Alternative Fueled Vehicles collects data from AFV suppliers and users of AFVs. The small business response burden for this survey is minimal, because most of the data requested (the AFV and ATF information) are reported by fleet operators, who are considered ‘large’ businesses. The typical smaller respondent is a conversion company (i.e., an AFV supplier), and the number of conversion companies has declined in recent years.

Respondents to the Form EIA-886 are given options concerning how data are to be submitted to EIA. Small businesses may use the electronic data submission system that reduces reporting burden. The proposed changes to the Form EIA-886 also reduce burden on small businesses by instructing respondents to provide estimates for planned AFV supply amounts, based on available information at the time of report completion, thus not requiring a small business to apply the rigorous forecasting methods that large businesses typically have at their disposal.

  1. Consequences of Collecting Data Less Frequently

Currently, EIA is the only resource for summary-level totals of AFV inventory and ATF consumption for the U.S. Because the Form EIA-886 is a mandatory survey of vehicle suppliers, it also provides the only comprehensive picture of the current and projected supply of alternative fueled and advanced technology vehicles in the U.S.

If EIA collected and reported data on the AFV/ATF industry less frequently, EIA would be in violation of Section 503 of EPACT92, which mandates the annual collection of this data. Furthermore, should monitoring the progress of AFV supply and alternative fuel consumption not occur on a minimum annual basis, the volatility and rapidly changing nature of the industry may not be captured, thus impairing the ability to effectively implement AFV and ATF policy mandates.

  1. Compliance with 5CFR 1320.5

The data collection is in compliance with the guidelines to reduce the public’s paperwork and reporting burden as outlined in 5 CFR 1320.5.

  1. Special Circumstances

There are not any special circumstances that would require the Annual Survey of Alternative Fueled Vehicles to be conducted in a manner inconsistent with the guidelines in 5 CFR 1320.5.

  1. Summary of Consultations Outside the Agency

EIA did not receive any response from the public to the June 26, 2012, (77 FR 38278) Federal Register notice soliciting comments on the extension with changes of the Form EIA-886.

  1. Remuneration

Payments or gifts will not be given to respondents for completing the Form EIA-886 survey.

  1. Disclosure of Information

The information reported on Form EIA-886 will be protected and not disclosed to the public to the extent that it satisfies the criteria for exemption under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. §552, the DOE regulations, 10 C.F.R. §1004.11, implementing the FOIA, and the Trade Secrets Act, 18 U.S.C. §1905.

The Federal Energy Administration Act requires EIA to provide company-specific data to other Federal agencies when requested for official use. The information reported on the Form EIA-886 may also be made available, upon request, to another component of the Department of Energy (DOE) and to any Committee of Congress, the Government Accountability Office, or other federal agencies authorized by law to receive such information. A court of competent jurisdiction may obtain this information in response to an order. The information may be used for any non-statistical purposes such as administrative, regulatory, law enforcement, or adjudicatory purposes.

Disclosure limitation methods are applied to the statistical data published from the Form EIA-886 survey regarding alternative fuel vehicles "planned to be made available in the following calendar year," to ensure that the risk of disclosing identifiable information is very small.

For all other data published from the Form EIA-886, disclosure limitation methods are not applied. Thus, there may be some statistics that are based on data from fewer than three respondents, or that are dominated by data from one or two large respondents. In these cases, a knowledgeable person may be able to estimate the information reported by a specific respondent.

  1. Justification for Sensitive Questions

Sensitive questions are not asked on the Annual Survey of Alternative Fueled Vehicles.

  1. Reporting Burden Estimates

The average annual respondent burden for Form EIA-886 is approximately four hours, calculated as follows:

30 Original Equipment Manufacturers x 2.5 hours = 75 hours

20 AFV converters x 2 hours = 40 hours

100 Users of AFVs and ATFs (complex fleets) x 24 hours = 2,400 hours

1,900 Users of AFVs and ATFs (simple fleets) x 3 hours = 5,700 hours

Total Burden = 8,215 hours for 2,050 respondents

Total Annual Respondent Cost:

Based on (1) the time needed to retrieve the requested information from existing information systems and (2) the time needed to report that data to EIA via a Web reporting system, the average annual respondent cost for Form EIA-886 is approximately $271, calculated as follows:

Original Equipment Manufacturers ($67.74 per hour x 75 hours = $5,081)

Conversion Companies ($67.74 per hour x 40 hours = $2,710)

Users of AFVs and ATFs ($67.74 per hour x 8,100 hours = $548,694)

Total Cost = $556,485

An average cost per hour of $67.74 is used because this is the average loaded (salary plus benefits) cost for an EIA employee. EIA assumes that the survey respondent workforce completing surveys for EIA is comparable with the EIA workforce.

  1. Total Annual Cost to Respondents

There are not any costs other than burden hours associated with the revisions to this data collection.

  1. Estimate of Cost to the Federal Government

The annual cost to the Federal Government for Form EIA-886 is estimated at $375,000. This cost estimate includes funds for data collection, follow-up for non-response, data processing, estimation, survey documentation, data analysis, and preparation of data reports.

  1. Changes in Respondent Burden

Reasons for changes in respondent burden, which result in a reduction from 10,812 hours to 8,215 hours, are three-fold:

  1. Because the number of original equipment manufacturers and aftermarket vehicle converters in the marketplace has decreased, EIA estimates the survey frame of suppliers for the Form EIA-886 will decrease from 75 to 50 respondents, thus creating a decrease in overall respondent burden hours.

  2. With increasing use of automated fleet management information systems in most organizations, EIA estimates a reduction in the amount of time organizations need to compile and report data to EIA. Automation of fleet information into databases allows for quicker information gathering, collection and reporting, especially when the data are then entered via a Web-based data collection system, such as the Form EIA-886 Internet data collection system.

  3. From a proposed redesign of the Form EIA-886 with improved presentation of the questionnaire items and instructions, EIA estimates a 1.2 hour reduction in the time required to respond to the questionnaire.

While none of the existing constructs measured on the Form EIA-886 change, the proposed form is reformatted to better use visual design to reduce the respondent’s burden. A detailed explanation of the proposed form redesign is presented in the following table:

Form Attribute/Section

Before Revisions

After Revisions

Overall Length

The current Form EIA-886 consists of a three-page questionnaire and nine pages of instructions.

The proposed Form EIA-886 consists of a three-page questionnaire and five pages of instructions embedded within the survey. Instructions are combined with the questionnaire wherever possible for clarity and visual effectiveness. Extraneous and obsolete instructions are eliminated.

Respondent Information

The current Form EIA-886, Section 1 gathers identification information in tabular format. Operational status information is disjointed in relation to AFV-related activities.

The proposed Form EIA-886, Part 1 is redesigned to improve the accuracy of reported information by using visual cues, such as length-appropriate white spaces, radial buttons, check boxes, and better defined questions on operational status and organization description. Definitions to clarify the AFV-related terms are embedded within the questions to reduce the time respondents need to understand accurately file the form.

AFV User Data

The current Form EIA-886, Section 2 contains dense paragraphs for instructions and a requirement to create an additional data entry page for each state in which vehicles are used.

The proposed Form EIA-886, Part 2 (1) poses direct questions that list all required data points, (2) incorporates the most relevant instructions immediately ahead of the data entry tables, and (3) presents instructions in bulleted format with emphasis on notes, what to include, and what not to include.

The data grid for AFVs in use incorporates the geographic state location as the first column in the grid, thus reducing the burden for respondents when filing for multiple states.

Part 2 is reduced from five questions down to three. The need for the respondent entering their organization status (i.e., frame) is obsolete and is removed (see 2011 Section 2, question 1), because the respondent frame data is identified before a respondent opens a form for each survey cycle.

AFV Supplier Data

The current Form EIA-886, Section 3 contains dense paragraphs for instructions and extraneous questions (i.e., organization status).

The proposed Form EIA-886, Part 3 (1) poses direct questions that list all required data points;(2) incorporates the most relevant instructions immediately ahead of the data entry tables; and (3) presents instructions in bulleted format with emphasis on notes, what to include, and what not to include.

The need for the respondent entering their organization status (i.e., frame) is obsolete and is removed (see 2011 Section 3, question 1), because the frame data is programmed into the database before the respondent enters the system.


The current Form EIA-886 contains a separate nine-page instruction packet. It combines the standard required sections (i.e., sanctions, disclosure information, where to submit, etc.) with detailed instructions by section. A thorough review of the text revealed several obsolete references and instructions.

The proposed Form EIA-886 assists the respondent with more concise instructions, definitions, and required information. Instructions are integrated with the questionnaire for clarity.

Page 1 of the form describes the purpose, required respondents, due date, how to file a response, and questions. Page 6 provides the codes needed to file the paper form. Page 7 contains the most relevant definitions needed to understand the questionnaire. Page 8 contains the legal requirements such as sanctions, reporting burden, and confidentiality of information.

  1. Schedule for Collecting and Publishing Data

The time schedule for data collection and related analysis activities for the 2012 Report is summarized, below. (Similar schedules will be followed in subsequent years.)

Schedule for Data Collection, Analysis and Publication

Activity Estimated Completion Date

Mail Form EIA-886 Survey for 2012 Report Year March 15, 2013

Survey Response Due to EIA May 15, 2013

Begin Follow-up Contact with Respondents May 15, 2013

End Follow-up Contact with Respondents July 15, 2013

Complete Data Collection September 15, 2013

Perform Data Analysis and Prepare Preliminary Data Report December 2, 2013

Publish Survey Results on EIA Website February 28, 2014

  1. OMB Number and Expiration Date

The OMB Number (1905-0191) and data collection expiration date will be displayed on the data collection form.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleEIA-886 Supporting Statement, Part A
SubjectOMB Forms Clearance Process Supporting Statement, Part A
AuthorCynthia Amezcua
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-30

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