OMB Control No. 1615-012 Expiration Date: 03/31/2018
NCSC Telephone Survey
Privacy Act Statement
This is a telephone survey and personally identifiable information (PII) will not be collected. Questions and their answers related to overall satisfaction with the call center experience are collected. The survey administrator will not ask for any kind of PII (name, e-mail, etc.) and will not record any PII, even when it’s shared with the survey administrator. The only PII the survey administrator is provided is the respondent’s phone number, which is needed to contact you. Your number is destroyed within 90 days from the day it was retrieved. Participation in the survey is voluntary and participants have the option of declining the survey at any point.
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement
An agency may not conduct or sponsor an information collection and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated at 12 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, completing and submitting the form. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Customer Service & Public Engagement Directorate, Public Engagement Division, 111 Massachusetts Ave., Washington, DC 20529. OMB No. 1615-0121. Do not return the completed form to this address.
IVR and website questions, asked of everyone
All instructions in this survey are displayed in red. Do not read any text in red to the respondent.
Did respondent answer phone?
○ |
Yes |
○ |
No |
I'm calling from Barbaricum, LLC on behalf of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. You are being contacted today as you or another person at this number recently called the USCIS 1-800-line for assistance. Are you the person that called?
IF NO – ASK: Could I please speak with the person who called?
We are conducting a customer satisfaction survey that rates the quality and performance of USCIS services to its customers. Please note that you might be contacted by a USCIS representative regarding the customer service issues discussed in this call.
May we begin our survey questions?
○ |
Yes |
go to Q1 |
○ |
No |
end interview and thank |
Web Questions:
I am going to read out a list of USCIS resources. For each of the USCIS resources that I read out, please tell me if you used that resource to receive help with your questions before calling the USCIS 1-800-line? read OUT – MULTIPLE RESPONSE - CODE ALL MENTIONS
Prompt -- I am required to read all the response options to be complete.
The USCIS Website |
No = go to Q4 / yes = go to Q5 |
EMMA- The Interactive Virtual Assistance on the USCIS website |
No = go to Q2 / yes = go to Q3 |
The Website Self-Help Tools such as: |
go to Q6 |
A USCIS Field Office |
go to Q6 |
Other, please specify _______________________ Record verbatim |
go to Q6 |
Question Q02 (if
Q1 EMMA = no)
USCIS recently introduced to its website a virtual assistant named “EMMA”. EMMA is an interactive tool designed to help customers answer common immigration questions. Have you heard about EMMA prior to this call?
○ |
Yes |
○ |
No |
Question Q03 (if
Q1 EMMA = yes)
You mentioned that you had used EMMA, the Interactive Virtual Assistance on the website. Please tell me where you would place yourself on a scale from 1 to 7, where 1 is extremely dissatisfied and 7 is extremely satisfied.
Prompt: Would you place yourself closer to 1 extremely dissatisfied or 7 extremely satisfied?
Prompt if respondent says dissatisfied/satisfied: And, how close would you say you were to being 1 extremely dissatisfied / 7 extremely satisfied?
○ |
1 - Extremely dissatisfied |
○ |
2 |
○ |
3 |
○ |
4 |
○ |
5 |
○ |
6 |
○ |
7 - Extremely satisfied |
Question Q04 (if
Q1 website = no)
Why did you decide to call the USCIS 1-800-line rather than visit the USCIS website for answers? Was it because: read out and rotate – single response
Prompt: I am required to read all the response options to be complete.
Prompt: And, what was the primary or most important reason?
○ |
Do not frequently use computer |
○ |
Do not know where to look for information |
○ |
Website would not have the information I need |
○ |
Wanted to talk to somebody |
○ |
Other |
always last |
Question Q05 (if
Q1 website = YES)
Why did you decide to call the USCIS 1-800-line after visiting the USCIS website for answers? Was it because: read out and rotate – single response
Prompt: I am required to read all the response options to be complete.
Prompt: And, what was the primary or most important reason?
○ |
You couldn't find the information you needed on the web site |
○ |
The information on the web site was incomplete |
○ |
The information on the web site was not updated |
○ |
The information on the web site was confusing |
○ |
You didn't trust the information on the website |
○ |
You wanted to talk to somebody |
○ |
Other |
always last |
Agency Satisfaction:
Before we begin to ask about your experience using the USCIS 1-800-line, I’d like to ask you about your satisfaction with the entire United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) agency. Thinking about your entire immigration experience thus far, how satisfied are you with USCIS as a whole? Please tell me where you would place yourself on a scale from 1 to 7, where 1 is extremely dissatisfied and 7 is extremely satisfied.
○ |
1 - Extremely dissatisfied |
○ |
2 |
○ |
3 |
○ |
4 |
○ |
5 |
○ |
6 |
○ |
7 - Extremely satisfied |
USCIS 1-800-line Questions: Overall Satisfaction
Question Q06 (Ask
all respondents)
Great. Thank you. Now we will begin with our questions regarding your most recent USCIS 1-800-line experience. How many times in the past month have you called the USCIS 1-800-line?
○ |
1 time |
go to Q8 |
○ |
2 times |
go to Q7 |
○ |
3 times |
go to Q7 |
○ |
4 times |
go to Q7 |
○ |
5-10 times |
go to Q7 |
○ |
11-20 times |
go to Q7 |
○ |
21-50 times |
go to Q7 |
○ |
Over 50 times |
go to Q7 |
○ |
Don’t know |
go to Q8 |
I am going to read out a list of reasons that might have led you to call the USCIS 1-800-line more than once. Please tell me which of the reasons, if any, apply to you. read out and rotate – MULTIPLE RESPONSE - CODE ALL MENTIONS
Prompt: I am required to read all the response options to be complete.
You did not receive the information you needed |
To check case status |
To verify information |
You were not able to reach a live representative |
To ask for additional information (various reasons) |
Could not enter receipt number |
Technical issues with the USCIS 800-line. |
Long wait time and discontinued call |
Other, please specify _______________________ Record verbatim |
always last |
Question Q08 (ASK
Thinking specifically about your overall experience the last time you called the USCIS 1-800-line, to include the USCIS 1-800-line call menu and any telephone representatives you may have spoken with. Please tell me where you would place yourself on a scale from 1 to 7, where 1 is extremely dissatisfied and 7 is extremely satisfied with that call to the USCIS 1-800-line.
Prompt: Would you place yourself closer to 1 extremely dissatisfied or 7 extremely satisfied?
Prompt if respondent says dissatisfied/satisfied: And, how close would you say you were to being 1 extremely dissatisfied / 7 extremely satisfied?
○ |
1 - Extremely dissatisfied |
go to Q9 |
○ |
2 |
go to Q9 |
○ |
3 |
go to Q9 |
○ |
4 |
go to Q9 |
○ |
5 |
go to Q10 |
○ |
6 |
go to Q10 |
○ |
7 - Extremely satisfied |
go to Q10 |
Question Q09 (Ask
if Q8 = 1-4)
What is the primary reason that you had mixed feelings or were dissatisfied with your USCIS 1-800-line experience? read out and rotate – single response
Prompt: I am required to read all the response options to be complete.
Prompt: And, what was the primary or most important reason?
○ |
The recording was difficult to follow |
go to Q11 |
○ |
The recording did not provide enough information |
go to Q11 |
○ |
I was not able to reach a representative |
go to Q11 |
○ |
I had to wait too long on hold |
go to Q11 |
○ |
The agent was not able to help me |
go to Q11 |
○ |
I did not receive the Information I needed |
go to Q11 |
○ |
I am unsure if the information I received is what I needed |
go to Q11 |
○ |
I received inconsistent Information from different people on the USCIS 1-800-line |
go to Q11 |
○ |
Don’t Know / No Answer |
DO NOT READ always last |
go to Q11 |
Question Q10 (Ask if Q8= 5-7)
What is the primary reason for your overall satisfaction with your 1-800 line experience? read out and rotate – single response
Prompt: I am required to read all the response options to be complete.
Prompt: And, what was the primary or most important reason?
○ |
Received all the information I needed from the 800-Line |
go to Q11 |
○ |
Received some of the information I needed from the USCIS 1-800-line |
go to Q11 |
○ |
Received good service |
go to Q11 |
○ |
It was quick and easy to use |
go to Q11 |
○ |
The representative was polite |
go to Q11 |
○ |
Other, please specify _______________________ Record verbatim |
go to Q11 |
○ |
Don’t Know / No Answer |
DO NOT READ always last |
go to Q11 |
Question Q11 (ASK
Is there anything that could have been done to improve the service on the USCIS 1-800-line? OPEN END -- RECORD VERBATIM -- PROBE -- What else?
I am going to read you a list of common reasons why people call the USCIS 1-800-line. Please tell me the main reason for your most recent call.
read out and rotate – single response
Prompt: I am required to read all the response options to be complete.
Prompt: And, what was the primary or most important reason?
○ |
Check the status of an application or case |
go to Q13 |
○ |
Change an address |
go to Q14 |
○ |
Appointment related issue |
go to Q14 |
○ |
Correct error on a document received |
go to Q14 |
○ |
USCIS Local Office information or ASC |
go to Q14 |
○ |
Report fraud or security issue |
go to Q14 |
○ |
Other, please specify _______________________ Record verbatim |
always 2nd to last |
go to Q14 |
○ |
Don’t Know / No Answer |
DO NOT READ always last |
go to Q14 |
I am going to read out a list of cases or applications that might have led you to call the USCIS 1-800-line. Please tell me which of the statements I read out, if any, apply to you. read out and rotate – MULTIPLE RESPONSE - CODE ALL MENTIONS
Prompt: I am required to read all the response options to be complete.
I90, Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card |
I485, Application to register Permanent Residence of Adjust Status |
N400, Application for Naturalization |
I765, Application for Employment Authorization Document (Work Permit) |
I131, Petition for Travel Documents (includes Reentry Permit or Advance Parole) |
I751, Petition to Remove Conditions of Residence |
I130, Petition for Alien Relative |
N600, Application for Certificate of Citizenship |
I129f, Petition for Alien Fiancé |
I821, Application for Temporary Protected Status |
Other, please specify _______________________ Record verbatim |
always last |
IVR Questions: Satisfaction with Interactive Voice Recording (IVR)
I am going to read out a statement about the USCIS 1-800-line, where would you place yourself on a scale from 1 to 7, where 1 is strongly disagree and 7 is strongly agree.
The USCIS 1-800-line call menu was easy to use.
Prompt: Would you place yourself closer to 1 strongly disagree or 7 strongly agree?
Prompt if respondent says disagree/agree: And, how close would you say you were to being 1 strongly disagree or 7 strongly agree?
○ |
1 – Strongly disagree |
go to Q15 |
○ |
2 |
go to Q15 |
○ |
3 |
go to Q15 |
○ |
4 |
go to Q15 |
○ |
5 |
go to Q16 |
○ |
6 |
go to Q16 |
○ |
7 - Strongly agree |
go to Q16 |
I am going to read out a list of reasons that might have made the USCIS 1-800-line call menu less easy to use. Please tell me which of the reasons, if any, apply to you.
Prompt: I am required to read all the response options to be complete.
There are too many options in each section of the menu |
The menu options are too technical to understand |
There is no option to answer my question /the options are too difficult to understand |
There is no option to reach a representative |
Unable to enter a receipt number |
Other, please specify _______________________ Record verbatim |
always last |
I am going to read several statements about the USCIS 1-800-line call menu. For each statement that I read, please place yourself on a scale from 1 to 7, where 1 is strongly disagree and 7 is strongly agree.
PROMPT: Would you place yourself closer to 1 strongly disagree or 7 strongly agree?
PROMT IF RESPONDENT SAYS DISAGREE/AGREE: And, how close would you say you are to point 1 strongly disagree / 7 strongly agree?
Strongly disagree |
Strongly agree |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
The recording was easy to understand. |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
The length of the recorded information was just right. |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
The speed of the recorded information was just right. |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
The quality of the recording was clear. |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
The recording gave me the information I needed. |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
Thinking specifically about your experience with the USCIS 1-800-line call menu, where would you place yourself on a scale from 1 to 7, where 1 is extremely dissatisfied and 7 is extremely satisfied when thinking about your experience using the 1-800-line call menu?
Prompt: Would you place yourself closer to 1 extremely dissatisfied or 7 extremely satisfied?
Prompt if respondent says dissatisfied/satisfied: And, how close would you say you were to being 1 extremely dissatisfied / 7 extremely satisfied?
○ |
1 - Extremely dissatisfied |
go to Q22 |
○ |
2 |
go to Q22 |
○ |
3 |
go to Q22 |
○ |
4 |
go to Q22 |
○ |
5 |
go to Q24 |
○ |
6 |
go to Q24 |
○ |
7 - Extremely satisfied |
go to Q24 |
What is the primary reason you had mixed feelings or were dissatisfied with the USCIS 1-800-line call menu? Was it because:
read out and rotate – single response
Prompt: I am required to read all the response options to be complete.
Prompt: And, what was the primary or most important reason?
○ |
Did not receive the information I needed |
GO TO Q23 |
○ |
Had to wait too long on hold |
Go to q25 if IVR Only |
go to q26 if t1 |
GO TO Q34 if T2 |
○ |
Unable to reach a representative |
Go to q25 |
○ |
The recording was difficult to follow |
Go to q25 if IVR Only |
go to q26 if t1 |
GO TO Q34 if T2 |
○ |
The recording was not specific enough to answer your question |
Go to q23 |
○ |
The recording did not provide an option to answer my question |
Go to q23 |
○ |
Other, please specify _______________________ Record verbatim |
Always last |
Go to q25 if IVR Only |
go to q26 if t1 |
GO TO Q34 if T2 |
What specific information did you need that the USCIS 1-800-line call menu recording did not provide?
read out and rotate – single response
Prompt: I am required to read all the response options to be complete.
Prompt: And, what was the primary or most piece of information?
○ |
Case status information |
Go to q25 if IVR Only |
go to q26 if t1 |
GO TO Q34 if T2 |
○ |
Application information |
Go to q25 if IVR Only |
go to q26 if t1 |
GO TO Q34 if T2 |
○ |
Green Card (general information) |
Go to q25 if IVR Only |
go to q26 if t1 |
GO TO Q34 if T2 |
○ |
Length of process |
Go to q25 if IVR Only |
go to q26 if t1 |
GO TO Q34 if T2 |
○ |
Change of Address |
Go to q25 if IVR Only |
go to q26 if t1 |
GO TO Q34 if T2 |
○ |
How to bring someone to the US |
Go to q25 if IVR Only |
go to q26 if t1 |
GO TO Q34 if T2 |
○ |
Order form |
Go to q25 if IVR Only |
go to q26 if t1 |
GO TO Q34 if T2 |
○ |
Citizenship/Naturalization (general information) |
Go to q25 if IVR Only |
go to q26 if t1 |
GO TO Q34 if T2 |
○ |
Appointment/Interview information |
Go to q25 if IVR Only |
go to q26 if t1 |
GO TO Q34 if T2 |
○ |
USCIS local office information |
Go to q25 if IVR Only |
go to q26 if t1 |
GO TO Q34 if T2 |
○ |
Work Permit (general information) |
Go to q25 if IVR Only |
go to q26 if t1 |
GO TO Q34 if T2 |
○ |
Other, please specify _________ Record verbatim |
Go to q25 if IVR Only |
go to q26 if t1 |
GO TO Q34 if T2 |
What is the primary reason you were satisfied with the USCIS 1-800-line call menu? Was it because:
read out and rotate – single response
Prompt: I am required to read all the response options to be complete.
Prompt: And, what was the primary or most important reason?
○ |
You received all of the information you needed |
Go to q25 if IVR Only |
go to q26 if t1 |
GO TO Q34 if T2 |
○ |
You received some of the information you needed |
Go to q25 if IVR Only |
go to q26 if t1 |
GO TO Q34 if T2 |
○ |
It was quick and easy to use |
Go to q25 if IVR Only |
go to q26 if t1 |
GO TO Q34 if T2 |
○ |
You reached a representative |
Go to q26 |
go to q26 if t1 |
GO TO Q34 if T2 |
Q25 (Ask if respondent is IVR
Only OR Q22= 3)
Our records indicate you did not speak to a live representative in your last call. What was the primary reason?
read out and rotate – single response
Prompt: I am required to read all the response options to be complete.
Prompt: And, what was the primary reason.
○ |
I received all the information I was looking for in the USCIS 1-800-line call menu. |
GO TO Q45 |
○ |
There was no option in the menu to reach a representative. |
GO TO Q45 |
○ |
The wait time for a representative was too long, and I discontinued my call. |
GO TO Q45 |
○ |
The menu was too difficult to follow. |
GO TO Q45 |
○ |
There was no option in the menu to answer my question. |
GO TO Q45 |
○ |
There were too many options in each section of the menu. |
GO TO Q45 |
○ |
I did speak to a live representative in my last call to the USCIS 1-800-line |
GO TO Q26 |
○ |
Other, please specify _______________________ Record verbatim |
GO TO Q45 |
Tier 1 Questions: Satisfaction with Customer Service Representative (CSR); overall and by vendors.
Please think about the recent call you made to USCIS in which you spoke to a customer service representative, what was the main reason you chose to speak to a live representative? Was it because:
read out and rotate – single response
Prompt: I am required to read all the response options to be complete.
Prompt: And, what was the primary or most important reason?
○ |
The recording was unable to answer my question |
○ |
You wanted to speak with a live person |
○ |
Other, please specify _______________________ Record verbatim |
I am going to read several statements about the customer service representative (CSR) with whom you spoke. For each statement that I read, please place yourself on a scale from 1 to 7, where 1 is strongly disagree and 7 is strongly agree. The customer service representative:
PROMPT: Would you place yourself closer to 1 strongly disagree or 7 strongly agree?
PROMT IF RESPONDENT SAYS DISAGREE/AGREE: And, how close would you say you are to point 1 strongly disagree / 7 strongly agree?
Strongly disagree |
Strongly agree |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
...seemed to fully understand my questions. |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
…was polite. |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
…did not rush me. |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
…answered my questions promptly. |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
Question Q31 (Ask
all tier 1 respondents)
Did the customer service representative give you all of the information you needed?
○ |
Yes |
GO TO Q33 |
○ |
No |
GO TO Q32 |
You indicated that you did not receive all the information that you needed from the customer service representative. What particular information were you looking for that you did not receive?
read out and rotate – single response
Prompt: I am required to read all the response options to be complete.
Prompt: And, which was the primary or most important piece of information you were not able to receive?
○ |
Next steps to continue with my case |
○ |
Specific details about my case |
○ |
Processing times information |
○ |
Information about a letter or document sent by USCIS |
○ |
General information (please specify) _____________ |
○ |
Other, please specify _______________________ Record verbatim |
PROMPT: Would you place yourself closer to 1 extremely dissatisfied or 7 extremely satisfied?
PROMPT IF RESPONDENT SAYS DISSATISFIED/SATISFIED: And, how close would you say you were to being 1 extremely dissatisfied /7 extremely satisfied?
○ |
1 - Extremely dissatisfied |
GO TO Q45 |
○ |
2 |
GO TO Q45 |
○ |
3 |
GO TO Q45 |
○ |
4 |
GO TO Q45 |
○ |
5 |
GO TO Q45 |
○ |
6 |
GO TO Q45 |
○ |
7 - Extremely satisfied |
GO TO Q45 |
Tier 2 Questions: Satisfaction with Immigration Service Officer (ISO)
Your call was identified as being directed to an Immigration Services Officer (ISO).
Voice Call Back Question
When you were directed to the Immigration Service Officer (ISO) did you utilize the Call Back Feature?
○ |
Yes |
GO TO Q36 |
○ |
No |
GO TO Q35 |
Why did you choose not to utilize the Call Back Feature?
Did you find the Call Back Feature helpful?
○ |
Yes |
GO TO Q38 |
○ |
No |
GO TO Q37 |
Why didn’t you find the Call Back Feature helpful?
Were you able to reach an Immigration Services Officer (ISO) the last time you called the USCIS 1-800-line?
○ |
Yes |
GO TO Q40 |
○ |
No |
GO TO Q39 |
In a few words, why were you unable to reach to reach AN Immigration Services Officer (ISO)?
I am going to read several statements about the Immigration Services Officer (ISO) with whom you spoke. For each statement that I read, please place yourself on a scale from 1 to 7, where 1 is strongly disagree and 7 is strongly agree. The Immigration Services Officer (ISO):
PROMPT: Would you place yourself closer to 1 strongly disagree or 7 strongly agree?
PROMPT IF RESPONDENT SAYS DISAGREE/AGREE: And, how close would you say you are to point 1 strongly disagree / 7 strongly agree?
Strongly disagree |
Strongly agree |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
...seemed to fully understand my questions. |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
…was polite. |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
…did not rush me. |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
…answered my questions promptly. |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
○ |
Question Q44 (Ask
all Tier 2 respondents)
Did the Immigration Services Officer (ISO) give you all the information you needed?
○ |
Yes |
GO TO Q44 |
○ |
No |
GO TO Q43 |
You indicated that you did not receive all the information that you needed from the Immigration Services Officer (ISO). What particular information were you looking for that you did not receive?
read out and rotate – single response
Prompt: I am required to read all the response options to be complete.
Prompt: And, which was the primary or most important piece of information you were not able to receive?
○ |
Next steps to continue with my case |
○ |
Specific details about my case |
○ |
Processing times information |
○ |
Information about a letter or document sent by USCIS |
○ |
General information (please specify) _____________ |
○ |
Other, please specify _______________________ Record verbatim |
Continuing to think about your experience with that Immigration Services Officer (ISO). Where would you place yourself on a scale from 1 to 7, where 1 is extremely dissatisfied and 7 is extremely satisfied with that Immigration Services Officer (ISO).
PROMPT: Would you place yourself closer to 1 extremely dissatisfied or 7 extremely satisfied?
PROMPT IF RESPONDENT SAYS DISSATISFIED/SATISFIED: And, how close would you say you were to being 1 extremely dissatisfied /7 extremely satisfied
○ |
1 - Extremely dissatisfied |
○ |
2 |
○ |
3 |
○ |
4 |
○ |
5 |
○ |
6 |
○ |
7 - Extremely satisfied |
We are almost done with the interview, I just need to ask a few more questions for statistical purposes. First, what is your primary language? OPEN END -- PRE-CODE
○ |
Amharic |
○ |
Albanian |
○ |
Arabic |
○ |
Chinese – Mandarin |
○ |
Chinese - Cantonese |
○ |
Creole |
○ |
Filipino/Tagalog |
○ |
French |
○ |
German |
○ |
Hindi |
○ |
Japanese |
○ |
Persian/Farsi |
○ |
Polish |
○ |
Portuguese |
○ |
Russian |
○ |
Swahili |
○ |
Urdu |
○ |
Vietnamese |
○ |
English |
○ |
Spanish |
○ |
Refused |
○ |
Other, please specify _______________________ Record verbatim |
I also need to record your gender. Should I record male or female?
○ |
Male |
○ |
Female |
Question Q49 (ASK
And, from which time zone did you call the 1-800 line?
○ |
Eastern Standard Time (EST). |
○ |
Central Standard Time (CST). |
○ |
Mountain Standard Time (MST). |
○ |
Pacific Standard Time (PST). |
○ |
Other, please specify _______________________ Record verbatim |
Question Q50 (ASK
Finally, which of the following age groupings captures your age? Are you between:
read out– single response
○ |
18 and 30 |
○ |
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File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | USCIS |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-26 |