Model Name | DHA MSO-VSO Outreach Functional | ![]() |
Model ID | NEW MEASURE needs MID | Underlined & Italicized: Re-order | ||||||
Partitioned | No | Pink: Addition | ||||||
Date | 5/23/2017 | |||||||
Model Version | NA | Blue: Reword | ||||||
Label | Element Questions | Label | Satisfaction Questions | Label | Future Behaviors | |||
Satisfaction | Recommend Meetings and Engagements (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely) | |||||||
Satisfaction - Overall | What is your overall satisfaction with meetings and engagements that you have had with the Defense Health Agency/Military Health System? (1=Very Dissatisfied, 10=Very Satisfied) |
Recommend Meetings and Engagements | How likely are you to recommend meetings and engagements with DHA/MHS to someone else? | |||||
Satisfaction - Expectations | How well have meetings and engagements with the DHA/MHS met your expectations? (1=Falls Short, 10=Exceeds) |
Satisfaction - Ideal | How do the meetings and engagements with DHA/MHS compare to ideal organizational meetings and engagements? (1=Not Very Close, 10=Very Close) |
Model Name | DHA MSO-VSO Outreach Functional | ![]() |
Model ID | NEW MEASURE needs MID | Underlined & Italicized: Re-order | ||||||
Partitioned | No | Pink: Addition | ||||||
Date | 5/23/2017 | Blue: Reword | ||||||
QID | Skip From | Question Text | Answer Choices | Skip To | Required Y/N |
Type | Special Instructions | CQ Label |
How do you prefer to get information from the DHA/MHS? | Meetings (physical location) | Y | Radio button, one-up vertical | Skip Logic Group* | Info Channel Preference | |||
Online meetings | ||||||||
From my supervisor or through my organization | ||||||||
Website | ||||||||
Social media | ||||||||
RSS feeds | ||||||||
Printed materials (regular mail or pickup) | ||||||||
Other | A | |||||||
No preference | ||||||||
A | Please tell us how you prefer to receive DHA/MHS information: | N | Text field, <100 char | Skip Logic Group* | Info Channel OE | |||
Does your organization share DHA/MHS content with others? | Yes | A, B | Y | Radio button, one-up vertical | Skip Logic Group* | Share Content | ||
No | B | |||||||
Not sure | B | |||||||
A | How often does your organization share DHA/MHS content? | Constantly | Y | Radio button, one-up vertical | Skip Logic Group* | Share Frequency | ||
Weekly or several times a week | ||||||||
Monthly or several times a month | ||||||||
Every few months | ||||||||
Once every six months or less often | ||||||||
Not sure | ||||||||
A | In what ways does your organization share DHA/MHS content with others? (Please select all that apply.) | In meetings | Y | Checkbox, one-up vertical | Skip Logic Group* | Share Method | ||
Email alerts | ||||||||
Social media | ||||||||
Website | ||||||||
Blog posts | ||||||||
RSS feeds | ||||||||
Printed material (newsletter, brochures, etc.) | ||||||||
Other | ||||||||
Not sure | ||||||||
B | Is there anything we could do further to make it more likely that you would repurpose communications material from DHA/MHS? | Yes | B1 | Y | Radio button, one-up vertical | Skip Logic Group* | Share Improve Idea | |
No, nothing further needed | ||||||||
Not sure | ||||||||
B1 | If you have any ideas on how we can make it easier to repurpose our communications (or content) please share them here. | N | Text area, no char limit | Skip Logic Group* | Share Improve OE | |||
Have you attended DHA/MHS meetings? (physical or online) | Yes | A, B | Y | Radio button, one-up vertical | Skip Logic Group* | Meeting Attended | ||
No | ||||||||
A | Please indicate which type of meeting you have attended. (Please select all that apply.) | Quarterly executive meetings | Q | Y | Checkbox, one-up vertical | Skip Logic Group* | Meeting Type | |
Working Group meetings (8 per year) | W | |||||||
Other meetings provided by DHA/MHS | ||||||||
A | How long ago was the last meeting you attended? | Less than a month ago | Y | Radio button, one-up vertical | Skip Logic Group* | Meeting Last Attend | ||
1 to 2 months ago | ||||||||
3 to 4 months ago | ||||||||
5 to 6 months ago | ||||||||
More than 6 months ago | ||||||||
A | Were you asked for your input on the next meeting topic? | Yes | Y | Radio button, one-up vertical | Skip Logic Group* | Meeting Topic Requested | ||
No | ||||||||
Not applicable | ||||||||
A | Are you aware that you can suggest topics for future meetings? | Yes | Y | Radio button, one-up vertical | Skip Logic Group* | Meeting Topic Aware | ||
No | A1 | |||||||
Not applicable | A1 | |||||||
A1 | If you have any ideas for future meeting topics that you would like to share in this survey, please provide them here. | N | Text area, no char limit | Skip Logic Group* | Meeting Topic OE | |||
B | Where have you attended meetings? (Please select all that apply.) | Gatehouse Facility | C | Y | Checkbox, one-up vertical | Skip Logic Group* | Meeting Venue | |
DHA building | C | |||||||
Other physical location | ||||||||
Via telecom / attended online | D | |||||||
C | If you have any comments regarding physical aspects or access to the Gatehouse or DHA building venues, please share them here. | N | Text area, no char limit | Skip Logic Group* | Meeting Venue OE | |||
D | Did you have any issues with connecting, or your ability to participate in discussion, during your last online or telecom meeting? | Yes I had issues | D1 | Y | Radio button, one-up vertical | Skip Logic Group* | Meeting Online Issues | |
No issues | ||||||||
D1 | Please describe the issue you had with your online connection or your ability to participate. | N | Text area, no char limit | Skip Logic Group* | Meeting Online OE | |||
Q | Please select the answer that best completes the following statements about quarterly meetings: The length of the quarterly executive meetings is: |
Too short | Y | Radio button, one-up vertical | Skip Logic Group* | Meet Q Length | ||
About right | ||||||||
Too long | ||||||||
Q | Quarterly executive meetings should be held: | Less often | Y | Radio button, one-up vertical | Skip Logic Group* | Meet Q Frequency | ||
Current schedule is about right | ||||||||
More often | ||||||||
Q | The topics chosen for quarterly meeting are: | Never of interest | Y | Radio button, one-up vertical | Skip Logic Group* | Meet Q Topic Interest | ||
Rarely of interest | ||||||||
Sometimes of interest | ||||||||
Often of interest | ||||||||
Always of interest | ||||||||
Q | The degree of usefulness of quarterly meeting content is: | Never useful | Q1 | Y | Radio button, one-up vertical | Skip Logic Group* | Meet Q Usefulness | |
Rarely useful | Q1 | |||||||
Sometimes useful | Q1 | |||||||
Often useful | ||||||||
Always useful | ||||||||
Q1 | Please share any ideas on how we can make the quarterly meetings more useful for you. | N | Text area, no char limit | Skip Logic Group* | Meet Q Useful OE | |||
W | Please select the answer that best completes the following statements about working group meetings: The length of the working group meetings is: |
Too short | Y | Radio button, one-up vertical | Skip Logic Group* | Meet W Length | ||
About right | ||||||||
Too long | ||||||||
W | Working group meetings should be held: | Less often | Y | Radio button, one-up vertical | Skip Logic Group* | Meet W Frequency | ||
Current schedule is about right | ||||||||
More often | ||||||||
W | The topics chosen for working group meetings are: | Never of interest | Y | Radio button, one-up vertical | Skip Logic Group* | Meet W Topic Interest | ||
Rarely of interest | ||||||||
Sometimes of interest | ||||||||
Often of interest | ||||||||
Always of interest | ||||||||
W | The degree of usefulness of working group meeting content is: | Never useful | W1 | Y | Radio button, one-up vertical | Skip Logic Group* | Meet W Usefulness | |
Rarely useful | W1 | |||||||
Sometimes useful | W1 | |||||||
Often useful | ||||||||
Always useful | ||||||||
W1 | Please share any ideas on how we can make the working group meetings more useful for you. | N | Text area, no char limit | Skip Logic Group* | Meet W Useful OE | |||
Have you reviewed or shared any of the communication Toolkits provided by DHA/MHS? | Yes | T | Y | Radio button, one-up vertical | Skip Logic Group* | Toolkit Access | ||
No | ||||||||
Not sure | ||||||||
T | Please select your level of agreement with the following statements about DHS/MHS Toolkits: Toolkit content is clear and easy to understand. |
1=Strongly Disagree | Y | Radio button, scale, has don't know | Skip Logic Group* | Toolkit Clarity | ||
2 | ||||||||
3 | ||||||||
4 | ||||||||
5 | ||||||||
6 | ||||||||
7 | ||||||||
8 | ||||||||
9 | ||||||||
10=Strongly Agree | ||||||||
Don’t know | ||||||||
T | Toolkit information is thorough and complete. | 1=Strongly Disagree | Y | Radio button, scale, has don't know | Skip Logic Group* | Toolkit Complete | ||
2 | ||||||||
3 | ||||||||
4 | ||||||||
5 | ||||||||
6 | ||||||||
7 | ||||||||
8 | ||||||||
9 | ||||||||
10=Strongly Agree | ||||||||
Don’t know | ||||||||
T | Toolkit information has been useful to me or my organization. | 1=Strongly Disagree | Y | Radio button, scale, has don't know | Skip Logic Group* | Toolkit Useful | ||
2 | ||||||||
3 | ||||||||
4 | ||||||||
5 | ||||||||
6 | ||||||||
7 | ||||||||
8 | ||||||||
9 | ||||||||
10=Strongly Agree | ||||||||
Don’t know | ||||||||
T | Overall, I've been satisfied with the Toolkits I've reviewed. | 1=Strongly Disagree | T1 | Y | Radio button, scale, has don't know | Skip Logic Group* | Toolkit Satisfaction | |
2 | T1 | |||||||
3 | T1 | |||||||
4 | T1 | |||||||
5 | T1 | |||||||
6 | T1 | |||||||
7 | ||||||||
8 | ||||||||
9 | ||||||||
10=Strongly Agree | ||||||||
Don’t know | ||||||||
T1 | If you have any comments about how we might improve any Toolkits you have reviewed, please share them here. (Please include the Toolkit topic as well.) | N | Text area, no char limit | Skip Logic Group* | Toolkit Improve OE | |||
Have you worked with DHA/MHS to help you or your organization to understand and/or implement aspects of the NDAA (National Defense Authority Act)? | Yes | N | Y | Radio button, one-up vertical | Skip Logic Group* | NDAA Help Given | ||
No | ||||||||
N | How satisfied were you with the NDAA support you received from DHA/MHS? | 1=Very Dissatisfied | N1 | Y | Radio button, scale, has don't know | Skip Logic Group* | NDAA Satisfaction | |
2 | N1 | |||||||
3 | N1 | |||||||
4 | N1 | |||||||
5 | N1 | |||||||
6 | N1 | |||||||
7 | ||||||||
8 | ||||||||
9 | ||||||||
10=Very Satisfied | ||||||||
Don’t know | ||||||||
N1 | If you have any ideas on how we could improve our NDAA support to your or others, please share them here. | N | Text area, no char limit | Skip Logic Group* | Acquisition Source - Other | |||
Which best describes you? | Active duty service member (includes all uniformed services) | Y | Radio button, one-up vertical | Role | ||||
Retired service member | ||||||||
National Guard or Reserve member (active, reserve or retired) | ||||||||
Family of active duty service member | ||||||||
Family of retired service member | ||||||||
Family of National Guard or Reserve member | ||||||||
Other (provider, staff, government, media, etc.) | ||||||||
Do you belong to any of these Military or Veteran Service Organizations? (Please select all that apply.) | Air Force Association (AFA) | B | Y | Checkbox, one-up vertical | Skip Logic Group* | MSO Key Groups | ||
American Legion | B | |||||||
AMVETS (American Veterans) | B | |||||||
AMSUS, the Society of Federal Health Professionals | B | |||||||
Association of Military Surgeons of the US | B | |||||||
Association of the United States Army (AUSA) | B | |||||||
Association of the United States Navy (AUSN) | B | |||||||
Blue Star Families | B | |||||||
Fleet Reserve Association (FRA) | B | |||||||
Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) | B | |||||||
National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS) | B | |||||||
National Military Family Association (NMFA) | B | |||||||
Reserve Officers Association (ROA) | B | |||||||
VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) | B | |||||||
I belong to another Military or Veterans Service Organization | A, B | |||||||
I do not belong to any Military or Veteran Service organizations | Mutually Exclusive | |||||||
A | Are you a member of any of these other organizations? (Please select all that apply.) | Army Aviation Association of America (AAAA) | N | Checkbox, one-up vertical | Skip Logic Group* | MSO Other Groups | ||
Blue Star Families | ||||||||
Commissioned Officers Association of the US Public Health Service (COA) | ||||||||
Chief Warrant Officers Association of the US Coast Guard (CWOA) | ||||||||
Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) | ||||||||
Gold Star Wives of America (GSW) | ||||||||
Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America (JWV) | ||||||||
Marine Corps League (MCL) | ||||||||
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America | ||||||||
Marine Corps Reserve Association (MCRA) | ||||||||
Military Chaplains Association of the United States of America (MCA) | ||||||||
Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH) | ||||||||
Naval Enlisted Reserve Association (NERA) | ||||||||
Non Commissioned Officers Association (NCOA) | ||||||||
Service Women's Action Network (SWAN) | ||||||||
The Retired Enlisted Association (TREA) | ||||||||
Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) | ||||||||
United States Army Warrant Officers Association (USAWOA) | ||||||||
USCG Chief Petty Officers Association (CPOA) | ||||||||
Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) | ||||||||
None of the above | Mutually Exclusive | |||||||
B | If there are consistent themes or issues raised by your members around health care and benefits for which DHA/MHS could provide support, please share them here. | N | Text area, no char limit | Skip Logic Group* | MSO Concerns OE | |||
B | Would your group be interested in having a DHA speaker speak at any of your meetings or conferences? | We already do this | N | Radio button, one-up vertical | Skip Logic Group* | MSO wants DHA | ||
Yes we would like to explore this | ||||||||
Not at this time | ||||||||
Don't know | ||||||||
B | Which of these social media applications are used by your organization? (Please select all that apply.) | N | Checkbox, one-up vertical | Skip Logic Group* | MSO/VSO Social Media | |||
Flickr | ||||||||
Google+ | ||||||||
StumbleUpon | ||||||||
Tumblr | ||||||||
YouTube | ||||||||
Other type of social media | ||||||||
Not sure | ||||||||
We value your feedback! If you have thoughts on how to improve future DHA/MHS events or communications, please share them with us here. | N | Text area, no char limit | Improvements OE | |||||
Finally, if there are any new topics you would like to see covered in future events, communications, or toolkits, please share your ideas here. | N | Text area, no char limit | New Topics OE |
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