Focus Groups for Parents: Money As You Grow

Generic Information Collection Plan for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Bureau Service Delivery

Parent Recruiting Plan FINAL

Focus Groups for Parents: Money As You Grow

OMB: 3170-0024

Document [pdf]
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Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Parents Initiative 2016
CFP-13-Z-00005 BPA Call 016
March 28, 2016

Focus Group Recruiting Plan
Moe Baker Maktabi
Vice President
[email protected]
P 703.787.9100 x136| F 703.787.0162
22978 Lois Lane
Ashburn, VA 20148
DUNS #076104350

CFPB: Call 016 – Parents Initiative 2016 – Parent Recruiting Plan

Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................ 3
GOALS ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
TASKS ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
AUDIENCE ................................................................................................................................................. 4
STRATEGY................................................................................................................................................. 4
Craigslist .......................................................................................................................................................................4
Google AdWords..........................................................................................................................................................4
Libraries .......................................................................................................................................................................5
Partners ........................................................................................................................................................................6

LOGISTICS................................................................................................................................................. 6
APPENDIX A: DRAFT CRAIGSLIST AD.............................................................................................. 8
APPENDIX B: DRAFT RECRUITING SCREENER AND WEBSITE ............................................... 9
APPENDIX C: DRAFT ADWORDS RECRUITING ADVERTISEMENTS ..................................... 12
APPENDIX D: DRAFT LIBRARY PATRON RECRUITING FLYER ............................................. 13
APPENDIX E: DRAFT LIBRARY WEB BANNER............................................................................. 14
APPENDIX G: DRAFT SCREENER ..................................................................................................... 15


CFPB: Call 016 – Parents Initiative 2016 – Parent Recruiting Plan

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act made broad changes to the
financial regulatory environment in the United States. Many of these changes were made to help
ensure protection against the financial environment responsible for the 2008 recession. Created
by the Act, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) strives to make markets for
consumer financial products and services work for Americans – whether they are applying for a
mortgage, choosing among credit cards, or using any number of other consumer financial
products. Above all, this means ensuring that consumers get the information they need to make
the financial decisions they believe are best for themselves and their families.
As part of the Parent Initiative 2016 (Call 16), Information Experts (IE) will leverage its
experience and lessons learned from previous related campaigns to conduct focus groups with
parents to evaluate their opinions about the newly launched “Money as you grow” section of the
CFPB website. Based on the data captured through the focus groups, Information Experts will
develop a report detailing parents’ response to the new website and make recommendations on
how well it is performing and, if necessary, how it can be enhanced.

• Validate the CFPB’s framework of how children develop financial skills, habits, and
• Gather candid feedback on the content and activities available on the newly launched
CFPB Parents page; and
• Identify gaps between parents’ needs and the resources currently available.
To achieve these goals, Information Experts will:




Develop a recruitment screening questionnaire in cooperation with CFPB to validate the
research objectives and ensure participants represent a mix of parents with multiple child
age ranges, locations, and background;
Solicit and screen parents who are willing and interested in participating in such a study;
Manage all the logistics of the focus groups including running advertisements soliciting
participants, screening potential focus group members, finding sites to hold the focus
groups, and recording the sessions;
Conduct up to 10 focus groups to ensure the participation of 70 parents to uncover “what
media and messages resonate with parents as they build their children’s financial
Prepare a report of findings identifying research trends, and making specific
recommendations to CFPB in order to improve the parent page.


CFPB: Call 016 – Parents Initiative 2016 – Parent Recruiting Plan

The target population for this plan are parents and caregivers with school-age children. For
purposes of this call, school-age is defined as pre-K through high school students. The focus
groups will be held in the four cities in which the Media Plan 1 will be run for Call 16, which are
the same four cities the Google AdWords campaign ran in Call 9. They are:

Baltimore, MD
Boston, MA
St. Louis, MO
Seattle, WA

To ensure we are able to achieve our goal of 70 participants in four cities, we are going to
implement a four-part outreach strategy. This will include the use of Craigslist, Google
AdWords, CFPB partner libraries, and the individuals and organizations that assisted in soliciting
parents in Call 9. Each of these will be used only in the cities where the focus groups will be
Craigslist is a classified advertisement website with sections devoted to jobs, housing, for sale,
items wanted, gigs, services, community, résumés, and discussion forums. The site receives more
than two million new job listings each month, making it one of the top job boards in the world.
Information Experts successfully used Craigslist in past efforts to solicit focus group participants
and anticipates similar results for this Call.
We will PatrL for each city. 1 There might be a nominal cost to run some of these ads. Individuals
who see these ads and are interested in participating in the focus groups will be directed to call a
toll-free number and leave their name and phone number. Information Experts will monitor this
number and respond to a message by the close of the next business day. We will qualify the
individual and – if qualified – register him or her for a focus group.
If an individual prefers not to call the toll free number, they can also go to a webpage 2 developed
and hosted by Information Experts. On this webpage they will be able to review the qualification
requirements, certify they meet them, and leave their contact information so we can register them
for the focus group that meets their schedule.
Google AdWords
Because of the success achieved with Google AdWords campaign on the earlier Call, we propose
using Google’s Text Network to solicit parents to participate in the focus groups. New text
advertisements have been developed for the solicitation campaign, which will run from April 25

See Appendix A for draft text for Craigslist advertisements.
See Appendix B for draft of text for screening and registration Website.

CFPB: Call 016 – Parents Initiative 2016 – Parent Recruiting Plan

through May 24, 2016. 3 (Because these dates partially overlap the Media Plan, we expect the
added benefit of driving additional traffic to the newly revised CFPB website.)
The keywords used for Media Plan 1 will be used with this campaign. We will also include
additional keywords that specifically target parents of school-age children. These new keywords
will be monitored for effectiveness during the course of the campaign and swapped out or paused
as appropriate.
Like the Craigslist ads, these ads will direct interested individuals to the Information Expertsdeveloped website where they can screen themselves and leave their contact information, or call
the toll free number.
Expenses for both the Craigslist ads and the AdWord ads will be charged to the ODC printing,
advertising, and conferencing support line detailed in our response to the Call 16 RFQ.
Because of CFPB’s highly successful relationship with public libraries across the nation,
Information Experts recommends leveraging these resources to solicit parents and caregivers of
school-age children to participate in the focus groups in the four target cities. We also
recommend that one or two libraries per city be asked to provide meeting facilities to host the
focus groups. We believe these venues will provide credibility to the focus groups and help
reduce any concerns patrons might have that this is not a legitimate, government-sponsored
To facilitate the libraries’ efforts to solicit their patrons to participate, Information Experts will
develop a PDF letter-size flyer with details about the focus groups, the criteria the patrons must
meet to participate, the requirement to sign an informed consent form, and the amount of
compensation to be paid upon successful completion of the focus group. 4 CFPB can email this
PDF to libraries so they can print it and/or CFPB can send pre-printed copies to the partnering
libraries. Either way, the libraries can post it on their community bulletin boards.
In addition, Information Experts will develop a web banner 5 that libraries can post to their
websites. This can be linked to the Information Experts-developed registration page. Finally,
Information Experts will also develop a sharegraphic 6 that libraries can post to their Facebook


See Appendix C for draft text for Google AdWords Text Network advertisements.
See Appendix D for draft text for libraries flyer.
See Appendix E for draft text for web banner.
See Appendix F for draft text for sharegraphic.


CFPB: Call 016 – Parents Initiative 2016 – Parent Recruiting Plan

On an earlier Call, the use of partner organizations to solicit participants in focus groups also
proved effective. Information Experts would like to work with CFPB to contact these
organizations again to seek their assistance. These organizations and their contacts are:

National PTO – Todd Mann [email protected]
USDA-NIFA – Susan Shockey [email protected]
Coalition for Community Schools – Mary Kingston Roche [email protected]
Council for Economic Education – Mary Blanusa [email protected]
Jump$tart Coalition – David Casserly [email protected]
Families in Schools – Oscar Cruz [email protected]
CFPB Officer of Servicemember Affairs – Nelson Akeredolu
[email protected]
Home School Foundation – William Estrada – 540-338-5600

To kick-off this part of the recruiting plan, CFPB would contact these organizations by email,
phone, or in person to brief them on the overall objectives and encourage them to work with
Information Experts to solicit focus group participants. Information Experts will draft the
introductory email for CFPB to send to the group representatives. (We assume that Mr.
Akeredolu can be contacted in person and the Mr. Estrada at the Home School Foundation will
require a telephone call.) After CFPB makes the initial contact, Information Experts will reach
out to each organization to coordinate their efforts to identify potential participants in each
metropolitan area.

Information Experts representatives will contact each prospective focus group member to
determine if they meet the minimum requirements 7 and if they are willing to sign an informed
consent form 8. We will also explain the overall objectives of the focus group, how long it will
last, that they will need to spend approximately 20 minutes reviewing the website before
attending the focus group, inform them that the session will be recorded, and what their expected
role will be.
In the event meeting rooms cannot be secured through the libraries, Information Experts will rent
meeting rooms either at hotels or work with companies that provide meeting facilities. To
minimize expenses for the participants, reasonable efforts will be made to use facilities that
provide free parking and accessible via public transportation.
Information Experts intends to record (audio only) each session to ensure an accurate record of
each session is captured for subsequent review to facilitate the writing of the summary report.

See Appendix G for draft screener.
The Informed Consent Form will be provided by CFPB to Information Experts.

CFPB: Call 016 – Parents Initiative 2016 – Parent Recruiting Plan

Information experts is purchasing a two-microphone digital recorder to further ensure the quality
of the recordings.
Upon entering the focus group meeting room, each participant will be greeted and asked to
review and sign the informed consent form and complete a short survey questionnaire. They will
also be told that only those individuals who remain for the entire session will be compensated for
their participation.
As an honorarium, a Visa gift debit card will be given to each participant.


CFPB: Call 016 – Parents Initiative 2016 – Parent Recruiting Plan

HEAD: $75 for Parents or Caregivers of School-age Children Who Participate in Focus Group
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has launched a new website that helps
parents teach their children money skills, habits, and attitudes and will pay $75 for your opinion
about it.
If you meet all of the following criteria, please click the link below for additional details and or
call our toll-free number (844) 295-5730 to register for this study.

I am a parent or caregiver of one or more children in pre-K through high school
I live within 50 miles of central Baltimore, Boston, St. Louis, Seattle (THIS WILL
I can spend 20 minutes reviewing a website before attending the focus group
I can participate in an in-person 90-minute focus group

About CFPB
The CFPB is a 21st century federal agency that helps consumer finance markets work by making
rules more effective, by consistently and fairly enforcing those rules, and by empowering
consumers to take more control over their economic lives. For more information, visit
Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
Do NOT contact us with unsolicited services or offers.


CFPB: Call 016 – Parents Initiative 2016 – Parent Recruiting Plan

HEAD: $75 for Your Opinion
Thank you for your interest in participating in the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
(CFPB) focus group.
CFPB has launched a new website that helps parents teach their children money skills, habits,
and attitudes and will pay $75 for your opinion about it if you qualify.
If you meet all of the following criteria, please click the “I Qualify” button below. If you do not
meet all the criteria, please click the “I Don’t Qualify” button.
NOTE: Only 15 to 20 individuals in each city will be selected to participate even though more
may meet the qualifications.
I confirm that:

I am a parent or caregiver of one or more children in pre-K through high school
I live within 50 miles of central Baltimore, Boston, St. Louis, or Seattle
I can spend 20 minutes reviewing the website before attending the focus group
I can participate in a 90-minute in-person focus group

About CFPB
The CFPB is a 21st century federal agency that helps consumer finance markets work by making
rules more effective, by consistently and fairly enforcing those rules, and by empowering
consumers to take more control over their economic lives. For more information, visit
HEAD: Thank you!
Thank you for verifying you meet all of the criteria to be considered for the CFPB focus group.


CFPB: Call 016 – Parents Initiative 2016 – Parent Recruiting Plan

Please provide the following contact information, select the city you live near, add any additional
notes (optional) in the text box, and click the submit button at the bottom of the page.
Or, if you prefer not to fill out the form, please call our toll-free number (844) 295-5730 and
leave your name, email address, and phone number.
Either way, within 24 hours, someone from Information Experts, the company CFPB has
retained to manage the focus groups, will get in touch with you to schedule you for a focus
First Name: ________________________________
Last Name: ________________________________
Phone Number: ________________________________
Email Address: ________________________________
Check which city you want to participate in:
(Check only one)

St. Louis

OPTIONAL: In the field below, include any additional information such as preferred date and
times you would be available.

HEAD: Thank you for your interest!
We are sorry you don’t meet all of the criteria to participate in the CFPB focus group and
appreciate your interest. If you know of someone who does meet the criteria and think they
would be qualified and interested in participating, please direct them to this website.


CFPB: Call 016 – Parents Initiative 2016 – Parent Recruiting Plan

HEAD: Thanks again!
We are glad you meet all of the criteria to participate in the CFPB focus group and appreciate
your interest.
Someone from Information Experts, the company CFPB has retained to manage the focus
groups, will get back to you by the close of the next business day to schedule you for a focus
One more thing!
If you know of someone else who meets the criteria and you think they’d be interested in
participating, please direct them to this website.


CFPB: Call 016 – Parents Initiative 2016 – Parent Recruiting Plan

Google AdWords Text Ads have the following character limitations:
Headline: 25 chars
Description Line 1: 35 chars
Description Line 2: 35 chars
URL: 255 chars
Ad 1:
$75 for Your Opinion (21 chars)
Parents needed for focus group (26 chars)
Share your views about new website (29 chars)
Ad 2:
Need Parents’ Opinions (22 chars)
Share your views in focus group (31 chars)
Get paid $75 for less than 2 hours (35 chars)
Ad 3:
Improve Kids Money Habits (25 chars)
Parents and caregivers needed to (32 chars)
participate in focus group for $75 (35 chars)


CFPB: Call 016 – Parents Initiative 2016 – Parent Recruiting Plan


HEAD: Review a website. Share your opinion. Earn $75.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau* (CFPB) has launched a new website that helps
parents teach their children money skills, habits, and attitudes. And we’d like your opinion about
What do I have to do?
All you have to do is spend 20 minutes reviewing the website at home then participate in a 90focus group with other parents at a convenient location in the Boston area. Your feedback will
help us create a website that will help parents and caregivers teach their children money skills,
habits, and attitudes. For participating, we will give you a $75 Visa gift card.
Who can participate?
Only those who meet these criteria are eligible to participate:

Parent or caregiver of one or more children in pre-K through high school;
Live within 50 miles of central Boston;
Is willing to spend 20 minutes reviewing a website; and
Is available for an in-person 90-minute focus group.

To confirm your eligibility to participate and schedule a session please call our toll free number
at (844) 295-5730 or visit (REGISTRATION SITE)
*About CFPB
The CFPB is a 21st century federal agency that helps consumer finance markets work by making
rules more effective, by consistently and fairly enforcing those rules, and by empowering
consumers to take more control over their economic lives. For more information, visit


CFPB: Call 016 – Parents Initiative 2016 – Parent Recruiting Plan



CFPB: Call 016 – Parents Initiative 2016 – Parent Recruiting Plan

The following text will be reviewed with each focus group candidate before they are scheduled
for a session:
I am going to read you four criteria to determine if you qualify to participate in a CFPB focus
group on its new website. Please listen and acknowledge whether each of them describes you.
1. You are a parent or caregiver of one or more children in pre-K through high school;
2. You live within 50 miles of central Boston, Baltimore, St. Louis, or Seattle;
3. You are willing to spend 20 minutes reviewing a website before attending a focus group;
4. You are available for an in-person 90-minute focus group.
Do all four of these statements describe you?
If the focus group candidate responds “yes” to every question, only then will we ask for personal
information to schedule them for a focus group. They will be told that the participation in the
focus group will be covered by Informed Consent agreement, which we will e-mail to them.
They will be directed to review the agreement, sign it, and bring it with them to the focus group
session. Blank copies of the agreement will be available at the focus groups for those participants
who forget to bring their form.


File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorInformation Experts
File Modified2016-04-20
File Created2016-04-20

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