LEMAS-FSS non-CPFFCL Respondents

Generic Clearance for Cognitive, Pilot and Field Studies for Bureau of Justice Statistics Data Collection Activities

Forensic Science Supplement_nonCPFFCL_v7

Cognitive Interviewing for 2017 LEMAS Forensic Science Services Supplement

OMB: 1121-0339

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Non-CPFFCL Respondents

Law Enforcement Management and
Administrative Statistics - Forensic Services
Supplement (LEMAS-FSS)

The purpose of this survey is to understand the scope of forensic activity carried out by sworn and nonsworn law enforcement personnel. The survey will ask about the collection and processing of different
types of forensic evidence, evidence collection and storage, and accreditation, training, and certification
for those engaged in forensics services. The survey is meant to capture information on any and all staff
within your department that may be engaged in forensic services.
This survey asks about law enforcement personnel (sworn and non-sworn) who collect, analyze or
interpret evidence in the following forensic science disciplines:
• Biological examinations (e.g., DNA)
• Controlled substances
• Crime scene (e.g., evidence collection, reconstruction, forensic photography)
• Digital and multimedia examinations (e.g., computer, network, mobile device, video, audio)
• Document examinations
• Fingerprints (e.g., latent prints, ten prints)
• Fire investigation
• Firearms, ballistics and tool mark examinations
• Footwear/Tire tread impressions
• Toxicology
• Trace evidence
• Traffic accident reconstruction
The survey also asks about personnel who engaged in evidence processing and storage.

Law Enforcement Agency Characteristics
1. Please review the information for your agency. Please fill in any missing information and correct
any errors:
a. Contact Name:
b. Contact Title:
c. Street Address 1:
d. Street Address 2:
e. City, State Zip:
f. Email:
g. Telephone Number:
h. Agency ORI Number:
2. Which of the following best describes your agency?
a. Municipal or county police
b. Sheriff’s office
c. State Police or Highway Patrol
d. Other (please specify): _________________________
3a. As of December 31, 2016, was your law enforcement agency accredited?
a. No
b. Yes
3b. If yes, who was your agency accredited by? (select all that apply)
□ National organization (e.g., CALEA, IADLEST)
□ State accreditation
4. Which of the following best describes the organizational structure of personnel assigned to
forensic services in your agency? Personnel can include sworn officers or non-sworn employees.
[mark one]
a. A forensics laboratory whose principal function is the examination of either 1) physical
evidence by one or more full-time scientists (minimum of bachelor’s degree in natural
science, criminalistics or forensic science) OR 2) digital or multimedia evidence, in
criminal matters and providing reports and testimony to courts of law with respect to
such evidence
b. A forensic unit/bureau with at least one person assigned full-time [GO TO Q6]
c. No forensic unit/bureau but designated personnel who provide forensic services either
part-time or full-time [GO TO Q6]
d. No designated personnel who provide forensic services [GO TO Q6]
IF Q4.a is selected:
5. Does your agency have personnel that engage in forensic science services who are not
primarily assigned to your agency’s forensic crime laboratory? Consider sworn officers/
detectives or non-sworn employees who collect forensic evidence, assess crime scenes, or
conduct controlled substance screens in-field.

a. No
b. Yes
[If a or b, GO TO Q7]
IF Q4 b, c or d selected:
6. Does your agency have the option of using any of the following forensic laboratories? [GO TO
Lab type
a. State crime laboratory
b. Sheriff’s office crime laboratory
c. Medical examiner or Coroner’s
d. Federal crime laboratory
e. Other local jurisdiction laboratory
f. Commercial crime laboratory







Scope & Scale of Forensic Activities Undertaken
7. Did your agency’s personnel engage in any of the following forensic science activities during
2016? Select ‘yes’ if any agency personnel collected evidence, analyzed and interpreted evidence,
OR participated in legal proceedings for each activity. Do not include individuals who only
processed and stored physical evidence.

Digital & Multimedia Evidence (General)
If YES, mark all specific functions that apply:
a. Computer Forensics
b. Network Forensics
c. Mobile Device Analysis (e.g., cell phone, GPS)
d. Video Analysis (e.g., CCTV, body camera)
e. Forensic Audio or Voice





Crime Scene (general)
If YES, mark all specific functions that apply:
a. Evidence Collection
b. Reconstruction (e.g., blood stain pattern analysis)
c. Forensic Photography





If YES, mark all specific functions that apply:
a. Latent prints
b. Ten print






Controlled Substances (e.g., in-field screen, in-house testing)




Firearms & Ballistics/Tool Marks




Traffic Accident Reconstruction




Fire Investigation




Footwear/Tire tread impressions




Forensic biology (e.g., DNA)



10. Questioned Documents (e.g., handwriting, handprinting, signatures,



11. Toxicology (e.g., urine, blood/blood alcohol concentrations)



12. Trace evidence (e.g., gunshot residue, hair, fiber, paint, chemical, explosives)





The following questions are about the law enforcement personnel at your agency that engage in <>.
8. Does your agency have personnel that collect <>?
a. No
b. Yes [GO TO Q10]
If NO:
9. Who collects <> for your agency? [select all that apply]


Another local police department
Sheriff’s Department
State Police


Fire Department or Fire Marshal
State run laboratory
Other regional law enforcement
Federal laboratory
Medical Examiner or Coroner
Private laboratory or other commercial services

10. Does your agency have personnel that analyze and interpret the results of <>?
a. No
b. Yes [GO TO Q12]
If NO:

11. Who analyzes and interprets <> for your agency? [select all that apply]


Another local police department
Sheriff’s Department
State Police
Fire Department or Fire Marshal
State run laboratory
Other regional law enforcement
Federal laboratory
Medical Examiner or Coroner
Private laboratory or other commercial services

[IF Q10 = NO and Q11 answered GO TO NEXT DISCIPLINE OR Q21]
[CHECK: IF Q8 = No and Q10 = No, confirm if Q7 <> should be marked ‘yes’]
12. As of the pay period including December 31, 2016, enter the number of personnel who analyzed
and interpreted the results of <> by their professional certification status. When considering
personnel who are certified, only count certifications by a professional organization such as those
listed below. Do not count personnel who obtained training certificates through continuing
education or university/college training.


a. Professionally Certified
b. Not Professionally Certified
c. Total
Professional Certification Organizations include:
American Board of Criminalistics (ABC)
American Board of Forensic Document Examiners (ABFDE)
Board of Forensic Document Examiners (BFDE)
American Board of Forensic Toxicology (ABFT)
International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists (IACIS)
International Society of Forensic Computer Examiners (ISFCE)

Digital Forensics Certification Board (DFCB)
Global Information Assurance Certification (GIAC)
Law Enforcement and Emergency Services Video Association (LEVA)
International Association for Identification (IAI)
Association of Firearms and Toolmark Examiners (AFTE)
International Association of Arson Investigators (IAAI)

****IF (Q7 1, 2, or 3 = yes AND associated subdisciplines (a., b., c., or d.) = yes) ASK Q13*****
13. Please indicate how many of your agency’s personnel are professionally certified in following
activities within <>. When considering personnel who are certified, only count certifications by a
professional organization such as those listed below. Do not count personnel who obtained
training certificates through continuing education or university/college training.
<1a, 2a, OR 3a = yes>
<1b, 2b, OR 3b = yes>
<1c OR 2c = yes>
<1d = yes>




Professional Certification Organizations include:
American Board of Criminalistics (ABC)
American Board of Forensic Document Examiners (ABFDE)
Board of Forensic Document Examiners (BFDE)
American Board of Forensic Toxicology (ABFT)
International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists (IACIS)
International Society of Forensic Computer Examiners (ISFCE)
Digital Forensics Certification Board (DFCB)
Global Information Assurance Certification (GIAC)
Law Enforcement and Emergency Services Video Association (LEVA)
International Association for Identification (IAI)
Association of Firearms and Toolmark Examiners (AFTE)
International Association of Arson Investigators (IAAI)

[IF Q12.b.column1 AND Q12.b.column2 = 0 (“Not Professionally Certified” sworn or non-sworn personnel =
0), GO TO Q16]
14. For personnel who are not professionally certified (reported in Q12.b.column 1 or 2) is any training
required to engage in the analysis and interpretation of <>?
a. No [GO TO 16]
b. Yes
15. What is the average number of required training hours for personnel to analyze and interpret
the results of <>?
16. Have personnel who analyzed and interpreted the results of <> provided results, conclusions or
opinions in legal proceedings (e.g., depositions, sworn testimony, reports to court)?

Professionally Certified
Not Professionally Certified




17. As of December 31, 2016, was your agency accredited for <> by one of the organizations below?
a. No
b. Yes [GO TO 20]
Forensic Science Accreditation Entities
American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA)
American National Standards Institute-American Society for Quality National Accreditation Board (ANSIASQ ANAB))
American Society of Crime Lab Directors / Laboratory Accreditation Board (ASCLD/LAB)

18. If not accredited for <>, provide reasons why not: (Select all that apply)
□ In process of gaining accreditation [GO TO Q19]
□ Cost prohibitive
□ Lack of personnel
□ Uncertain of requirements
[GO TO Q20]
□ Not required by jurisdiction
□ Other (please specify): _______________________
19. Has your agency conducted proficiency testing for personnel who engage in <> as part of
the accreditation process?
a. No
b. Yes
20. Does your agency have written policies and procedures for <>?
a. No
b. Yes
[Check for additional “Yes” activities in Q7 1-7, repeat Q8-20 for each “Yes” activity; If no other activities 1-7
“yes”, continue to Q21]
You indicated that your law enforcement agency does not provide < LIST ALL >.
21. Who assists your agency with these type of forensic evidence? (Select all that apply)


Another local police department
Sheriff’s Department
State Police
Fire Department or Fire Marshal
State run laboratory
Other regional law enforcement


Federal laboratory
Medical Examiner or Coroner
Private laboratory or other commercial services

You indicated that your law enforcement agency does not have personnel who provide forensic services.
22. Who assists your agency with the collection, analysis and interpretation of forensic services?
(Select all that apply)


Another local police department
Sheriff’s Department
State Police
Fire Department or Fire Marshal
State run laboratory
Other regional law enforcement
Federal laboratory
Medical Examiner or Coroner
Private laboratory or other commercial services

The following questions concern your agency’s evidence processing and storage procedures, personnel and
23. Does your agency process (i.e., handle, package) and store evidence?
□ No (GO TO END)
□ Yes
24. Where is the evidence stored? [Select all that apply]
□ On-site (e.g., headquarters, station, forensic crime lab)
□ Off-site (e.g., private facility, another law enforcement agency, external forensic crime
□ Other (please specify): ____________________________
25. As of the pay period including December 31, 2016, enter the number of personnel that were
involved in evidence processing and storage by their professional certification status. When
considering personnel who are certified, only count personnel who are certified by the
International Association for Property and Evidence.
a. Certified by the International Association for Property and



b. Not certified
c. Total
26. Does your agency have written policies and procedures for evidence processing and storage?
a. No
b. Yes
27. During 2016, approximately how many cases involving forensic evidence were handled by your

[If Q27 = 0, go to END]
28. Approximately, what percentage of these cases have unanalyzed evidence?
a. 0%
b. 1-10%
c. 11-25%
d. 26-50%
e. 51-75%
f. 76-90%
g. 91-99%
h. 100%
Thank you for completing the survey.

File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorWhyde, Anthony
File Modified2017-03-03
File Created2017-03-03

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