CTLEA Attachments

CTLEA OMB Attachments.pdf

Generic Clearance for Cognitive, Pilot and Field Studies for Bureau of Justice Statistics Data Collection Activities

CTLEA Attachments

OMB: 1121-0339

Document [pdf]
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Submission Attachments
Table of Contents
Attachment 1: CTLEA Pilot Survey ......................................................................................................... 1
Attachment 2: CTLEA Cognitive Interview Script .................................................................................... 5
Attachment 3: CTLEA Pilot Survey Invitation Letter ............................................................................... 9
Attachment 4: CTLEA Pilot Survey Phone, Voicemail, and Frequently Asked Questions Script ............. 11
Attachment 5: CTLEA Pilot Survey Follow Up Letter............................................................................... 17
Attachment 6: CTLEA Pilot Survey Reminder Letter ............................................................................... 19

Attachment 1: CTLEA Pilot Survey
OMB No. XXXX‑XXXX Approval Expires MM/DD/YYYY

U.S. Department of Justice
Bureau of Justice Statistics

RETURN 55thE Monroe
19 Floor
Chicago, IL 60603

(NORC acting as data collection agent)

2018 Census of Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies
Please correct any errors in the printed information below.
If you have any questions while completing this form, please contact [email protected] or call 1‑877‑346‑5693.




Area Code




Area Code



The 2018 Census of Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies (CTLEA) is a census of all tribal law enforcement agencies
granted authority by federally recognized tribes, tribal constitution, or tribal code, the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), or
state justice enforcement agencies. Information collected on this form will provide needed information to tribes, law
enforcement agencies, federal agencies, and other partners working on tribal lands. The Bureau of Justice Statistics
(BJS) greatly appreciates your assistance.


1. Please answer all questions with reference to the tribal law enforcement agency specified above.
2. For all questions, the phrase “during calendar year 2017” refers to January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017.
3. For any series of yes or no response questions, please check either “Yes” or “No” for each option.
4. Please submit your completed form by mailing it to NORC in the enclosed postage paid envelope, by faxing to NORC
at xxx xxx xxxx, or by scanning and emailing all pages to [email protected].
5. If you have questions or need assistance in completing the survey, please contact NORC via email at
[email protected] or call 1‑877‑346‑5693.

Federal agencies may not conduct or sponsor an information collection, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information, unless
it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes
per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing
and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspects of this collection of information,
including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Director, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 810 Seventh Street, NW, Washington, DC 20531. The
Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended (34 USC 10132), authorizes this information collection. Data about your agency
collected in this survey will be made publicly available after analysis. However, BJS will not release the names, phone numbers, or email addresses
of the actual persons responsible for completing the instrument. Although this survey is voluntary, BJS needs your participation to make the results
comprehensive, accurate, and timely.

Page 1

Attachment 1: CTLEA Pilot Survey (Cont.)
B2.	 During calendar year 2017, were the following
benefits provided to your tribal law enforcement
agency’s full time officers?

Your agency has been selected for this survey based on its
status as a tribal law enforcement agency granted authority
by a federally recognized tribe, tribal constitution, and/or
tribal code.
A1.	 During calendar year 2017, did your tribal law
enforcement agency employ at least one sworn law
enforcement officer with general arrest powers and/or
the authority to issue citations?
1 ¢ Yes
2 ¢ No
A2.	 For crimes and/or tribal code violations occurring on
tribal lands, which types of offenders did your officers
have the authority to issue citations or arrest during
calendar year 2017, in all circumstances?






a. Indian offenders with Indian
victims������������������������������������������� 1	¢

2	¢

1	¢

2	¢

b. Indian offenders with non‑Indian
victims������������������������������������������� 1	¢

2	¢

1	¢

2	¢

c. Indian offenders for victimless
crime (e.g., gambling, prostitution,
or drug violations)������������������������� 1	¢
d. Non‑Indian offenders with Indian
victims������������������������������������������� 1	¢

2	¢
2	¢

1	¢
1	¢

2	¢

2	¢

1	¢

2	¢

f. Non‑Indian offenders for
victimless crimes��������������������������� 1	¢

2	¢

1	¢

2	¢

a. Tribal council or tribal government�����������������

1	¢

2	¢

b. BIA 638 contract��������������������������������������������

1	¢

2	¢

c. Self‑governance compacts����������������������������

1	¢

2	¢

d. Department of Justice Coordinated Tribal
Assistance Solicitation (CTAS)����������������������

1	¢

2	¢

e. Federal grants, other than 638 funding and

1	¢

2	¢

f. State grant(s)��������������������������������������������������

1	¢

2	¢

g. Other state funding����������������������������������������

1	¢

2	¢

h. Tribal business enterprise������������������������������

1	¢

2	¢

i. Private funding source�����������������������������������

1	¢

2	¢

b. Dental insurance��������������������������������������������

1	¢

2	¢

c. Vision insurance���������������������������������������������

1	¢

2	¢

d. Life insurance�������������������������������������������������

1	¢

2	¢

e. Retirement contributions (e.g. pension/401K)

1	¢

2	¢

f. Paid time off, including annual leave and sick
time���������������������������������������������������������������� 1	¢

2	¢

g. Short and/or long term disability��������������������

1	¢

2	¢

h. Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
benefits (e.g. parental leave)��������������������������

1	¢

2	¢

i. Collective bargaining�������������������������������������

1	¢

2	¢



a. Primary side arm��������������������������������������������

1	¢

2	¢

b. Backup side arm��������������������������������������������

1	¢

2	¢

c. Body armor����������������������������������������������������

1	¢

2	¢

d. Uniform�����������������������������������������������������������

1	¢

2	¢

e. Electronic control device (e.g. Taser)�������������

1	¢

2	¢

f. Collapsible/non‑collapsible baton������������������

1	¢

2	¢

g. OC spray (e.g. pepper spray)�������������������������

1	¢

2	¢

Race/Hispanic origin:

B1.	 During FY 2017, did your tribal law enforcement agency
receive funding from the following sources?

a. Medical insurance������������������������������������������

B4.	 Enter your tribal law enforcement agency’s total
number of full time and part time sworn officers
by race and Hispanic origin for the pay period that
included December 31, 2017. If an exact number is
not available, please provide an estimate and check the
“Estimate” box.


2	¢

B3.	 During calendar year 2017, did your tribal law
enforcement agency supply the following items to
sworn personnel?

2	¢

e. Non‑Indian offenders with
non‑Indian victims������������������������� 1	¢

1	¢

Page 2






a. White,



b. Black or African



c. Hispanic
or Latino



d. American
Indian or
Alaska Native,



e. Asian,



f. Native Hawaiian
or Other Pacific



g. Two or more



h. Race/Hispanic
origin not known



Attachment 1: CTLEA Pilot Survey (Cont.)
B5.	 During calendar year 2017, were any of your tribal
police officers authorized by the state to enforce
state laws?
1 ¢ Yes
2 ¢ No

C4.	 During calendar year 2017, did your tribal law
enforcement agency make arrests for any of the
following on tribal lands?

B6.	 During calendar year 2017, were the following trainings
available to your officers on a recurring basis? Please
include training provided by your agency or any other


1	¢

2	¢

b. Leadership������������������������������������������������������ 1	¢

2	¢

c. Native language or cultural awareness���������� 1	¢

2	¢

d. Use of force����������������������������������������������������� 1	¢

2	¢

e. Patrol skills������������������������������������������������������

1	¢

2	¢

f. BIA Special Law Enforcement Commission
(SLEC) training������������������������������������������������ 1	¢

2	¢

g. Crisis response training (e.g. identification of
mental health or substance abuse issues)����� 1	¢

2	¢

a. POST required training�����������������������������������

C1.	 Enter the total number of calls for service (e.g., 911
calls, non-emergency calls, alarm, other source,
self‑dispatched, or self‑initiated) received and
dispatched by your tribal law enforcement agency
during calendar year 2017. If an exact number is not
available, please provide an estimate and check the
“Estimate” box.
Total number

Calls/requests for
service received or




C3.	 Enter the total number of juvenile (i.e. persons under
age 18) arrests made by your tribal law enforcement
agency during calendar year 2017. If the exact number
is not known, please provide an estimate and check the
“Estimate” box.
Total juvenile
arrests by your


Estimate not available


b. Arrests for violation of protection
orders�������������������������������������������������� 1	¢

2	¢

3	¢

c. Arrests for sex trafficking (Sex
trafficking is defined as: A
commercial sex act is induced by
force, fraud, or coercion OR in which
the person induced to perform such
an act is younger than age 18.)����������� 1	¢

2	¢

3	¢

d. Arrests for labor trafficking (Labor
trafficking is defined as: Recruitment,
harboring, transportation, provision,
or obtaining of a person for labor or
services through the use of force,
fraud, or coercion for the purpose of
subjection to involuntary servitude,
peonage, debt bondage, or slavery.)�� 1	¢

2	¢

3	¢

e. Arrest for opioid sales or distribution��

1	¢

2	¢

3	¢

f. Arrest for methamphetamine sales
or distribution�������������������������������������� 1	¢

2	¢

3	¢

g. Neglect, abuse or financial
exploitation of the elderly�������������������� 1	¢

2	¢

3	¢



1	¢

2	¢

b. Crime scene investigation unit����������������������� 1	¢

2	¢

c. Emergency medical services�������������������������

1	¢

2	¢

d. Fire services, including evacuation and
traffic control�������������������������������������������������� 1	¢

2	¢

e. Housing code enforcement���������������������������� 1	¢

2	¢

f. Natural resources enforcement���������������������

1	¢

2	¢

g. Parking enforcement and control������������������� 1	¢

2	¢

h. Patrol of/at casinos����������������������������������������

1	¢

2	¢

i. School resource officers�������������������������������� 1	¢

2	¢

j. Traffic law enforcement����������������������������������

2	¢

a. Animal control������������������������������������������������

Estimate not available


3	¢

D1.	 During calendar year 2017, did your tribal law
enforcement agency perform the following
safety functions?

C2.	 Enter the total number of arrests made by your tribal
law enforcement agency during calendar year 2017. If
the exact number is not known, please provide an estimate
and check the “Estimate” box.
Total arrests by
your agency

2	¢


Estimate not available


No Unknown

a. Arrests for domestic violence
(Domestic violence includes violence,
threats of violence, or serious bodily
harm committed by intimate partners,
immediate family members, or
other relatives.)����������������������������������� 1	¢


Page 3


1	¢

Attachment 1: CTLEA Pilot Survey (Cont.)
D2.	 During calendar year 2017, did your tribal law
enforcement agency officers perform any of the
following duties?
a. Prisoner transport�������������������������������������������

E2. 	 During calendar year 2017, did your tribal law
enforcement agency submit information to any of the
following FBI CJIS criminal justice database programs?





1	¢

2	¢

a. National Crime Information Center (NCIC)�����

1	¢

2	¢

2	¢

b. National Instant Criminal Background Check
System (NICS)������������������������������������������������ 1	¢

2	¢

c. National Data Exchange (N-DEx)�������������������

1	¢

2	¢

d. Next Generation Identification
(formerly known as IAFIS)������������������������������ 1	¢

2	¢

b. Jail, detention, or corrections services or
operations������������������������������������������������������� 1	¢
c. Booking and release of arrestees and
inmates������������������������������������������������������������ 1	¢

2	¢

d. Temporary hold for other authorities�������������� 1	¢

2	¢

e. Court security (e.g. bailiffs)�����������������������������

1	¢

2	¢

f. Executing arrest/search warrants������������������� 1	¢

2	¢

g. Prosecute cases (e.g. providing evidence or
testimony) in court������������������������������������������� 1	¢

2	¢

E3. 	 During calendar year 2017, did your agency submit 12
consecutive months of crime data directly to any of the


a. Bureau of Indian Affairs record systems��������� 1	¢

2	¢

2	¢

i. SORNA (Sex Offender Registration and
Notification Act) registration���������������������������� 1	¢

b. State Criminal Justice
Information Service (CJIS)������������������������������ 1	¢

2	¢

2	¢

c. FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting Program�������� 1	¢

2	¢

j. Crisis intervention
(e.g. psychological evaluation or hold)������������ 1	¢

2	¢

k. Probation officer or probationary functions���� 1	¢

2	¢

l. Support for social services
(e.g. child in need of care)������������������������������� 1	¢

2	¢

h. Process server (serving eviction notices,
protection orders from tribe/state/local police,
child support orders)��������������������������������������� 1	¢

D3.	 During calendar year 2017, did any state, local, federal
or other tribal law enforcement agencies deputize
officers from your tribal law enforcement agency giving
them authority to patrol, issue citations, make arrests
or conduct investigations?


a. Local agency��������������������������������������������������

1	¢

2	¢

b. State agency��������������������������������������������������

1	¢

2	¢

c. Federal agency����������������������������������������������

1	¢

2	¢

d. Other tribal law enforcement agencies����������

1	¢

2	¢


E4. 	 During calendar year 2017, was your tribal law
enforcement agency able to issue AMBER Alerts?
1 ¢ Yes
2 ¢ No
E5.	 During calendar year 2017, did your tribal law
enforcement agency have an IT department or IT
specialist on staff or have access to one not on staff?


1	¢

2	¢

b. Access to an IT Department or an IT
Specialist not on staff�������������������������������������� 1	¢

2	¢

c. Outside contracted IT services�����������������������

2	¢

a. IT department or an IT specialist on staff�������

E6.	 During calendar year 2017, was the following
equipment available to officers in your tribal law
enforcement agency?


1	¢

2	¢

b. Laptop/tablet in patrol vehicles����������������������� 1	¢

2	¢

c. Case management system (CMS)/
record management system (RMS)���������������� 1	¢

2	¢

d. Land mobile radio system
(e.g. LMR, radio management system) ���������� 1	¢

2	¢

e. Satellite phones���������������������������������������������� 1	¢

2	¢

f. Cell phones ����������������������������������������������������

1	¢

2	¢

g. Tablets, not in patrol vehicles�������������������������� 1	¢

2	¢

h. Electronic fingerprinting machines�����������������

1	¢

2	¢

i. GPS equipment����������������������������������������������� 1	¢

2	¢

j. Dashboard cameras����������������������������������������

1	¢

2	¢

k. Mobile hot spot or internet access throughout
your agency’s jurisdiction�������������������������������� 1	¢

2	¢

l. Mobile fingerprint scanner������������������������������

1	¢

2	¢

m. Body-worn cameras���������������������������������������� 1	¢

2	¢

n. Professional grade cameras for evidence
collection (e.g. digital or film cameras that
are not cell phone cameras)��������������������������� 1	¢

2	¢

a. Computers in the office�����������������������������������

E1.	 During calendar year 2017, did your tribal law
enforcement agency access or submit criminal justice
information (e.g., background checks, fingerprints,
etc.) through any of the following agencies/entities?
data from:

data to:





a. Internal tribal law enforcement
agency system������������������������������� 1	¢

2	¢

1	¢

2	¢

b. Local justice agency (city or
county)������������������������������������������� 1	¢

2	¢

1	¢

2	¢

c. State justice agency����������������������� 1	¢

2	¢

1	¢

2	¢

d. Other tribes������������������������������������ 1	¢

2	¢

1	¢

2	¢

e. Criminal justice fusion center��������� 1	¢

2	¢

1	¢

2	¢

1	¢

Please submit your completed form by mailing it to NORC in the enclosed
postage‑paid envelope or by faxing each page toll‑free to NORC at 1‑866‑315‑7129.
If you have questions or concerns, or if you need assistance in completing the survey,
Page 4
please contact NORC via e‑mail at [email protected]
or call 1‑877‑346‑5693.

Attachment 2: CTLEA Cognitive Interview
My name is ________ and I’m calling on behalf of the Bureau of Justice Statistics regarding the Census of
Tribal Law Enforcement pilot survey. May I please speak to _____?
I’m calling regarding Census of Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies/ pilot survey you recently completed
for us. Thank you so much for completing the survey. Could we schedule a time to conduct a debriefing
of the survey? It shouldn’t take more than half an hour.
If available at the time of the call, make sure they have copy of completed survey in front of them.
Great, let me walk you through the basic process of how the debriefing will work. First we will start with
general questions about the survey. Next, I will ask questions about a subset of the items on the survey.
We will also talk about how long the survey took to complete and the accessibility of the information
needed to complete the survey. I have your survey responses in front of me. Do you have any
questions before we start?

Page 5

Attachment 2: CTLEA Cognitive Interview
Script (Cont)
General Questions:
Were any of the questions difficult to answer?
If yes, which question(s) and why? Was any response unclear, confusing, overlapping, or missing
or terminology that needed to be better defined?
Were any additional definitions needed? If yes, for which question(s)?
What systems/records did you use to complete the survey?
How long did it take you to complete the survey? How long did it take to collect and assemble the
requested information?
Did requesting data by calendar year make it easier or more difficult to retrieve this information?
Were you able to complete the survey all at once or did it require multiple sessions?
Was the level of effort to complete the survey appropriate for the questions the survey asked?
Were any of these questions not applicable to your agency? Which ones?
Were any of questions unclear or difficult to understand? Which ones?
Would you recommend that we make any changes to the survey to enhance the clarity of the questions
or to make the survey easier to complete?
Turning to specific questions, please provide details on the following…
B4: How difficult was it to provide this information? About how long did it take to retrieve this
information? Did you have to consult other staff to answer this question? What percentage of your time
completing this question was spent on providing information for full time officers compared as
compared to part time officers? Would it have taken significantly less time to complete this question if
fewer categories had been provided?
C1: (If unable to provide the information/information unavailable) If you had answered this question,
about how long would it have taken to retrieve this data? Did you consult other staff to retrieve this
C2: (If unable to provide the information/information unavailable) If you had answered this question,
about how long would it have taken to retrieve this data? Did you consult other staff to retrieve this
C3: (If unable to provide the information/information unavailable) If you had answered this question,
about how long would it have taken to retrieve this data? Did you consult other staff to retrieve this
E1: How familiar are these terms to your agency?
E2: How familiar are these database names?

Page 6

Attachment 2: CTLEA Cognitive
Interview Script (Cont)
E5: Is the term ‘IT Specialist’ clear? How easy was this question to answer?

Page 7

Page 8

Attachment 3: CTLEA Pilot Survey
Invitation Letter
U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
Bureau of Justice Statistics
Washington, D.C. 20531

City, State Zip Code
Dear <> <<LAST_NAME>>:
I am writing to request your participation in a test of the 2018 Census of Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies (CTLEA)
pilot survey being conducted by the NORC at the University of Chicago (NORC) on behalf of the U.S. Department of
Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS).
Your agency is one of a select few asked to participate in this test to assess the survey content, question clarity, and time
required to complete the survey prior to the full data collection in 2019. The CTLEA is designed to collect information
from tribal law enforcement agencies such as yourself on agency characteristics, functions and needed resources
including, but not limited, to staffing, training, work activities and functions, technology, and information sharing
between law enforcement agencies.
The CTLEA is part of BJS’s on-going efforts to expand statistical activities related to American Indian and Alaska
Native crime and justice issues under the Tribal Law and Order Act (TLOA). TLOA expanded the role of BJS to
establish and implement a tribal data collection system and requires that BJS report to Congress annually the data
collected and analyzed in accordance with the act (P.L. 111-211, 124 Stat. 2258, § 251(b)).
To participate in this effort, first please fill out the enclosed questionnaire in its entirety and return it using the prepaid
envelope addressed to NORC, the BJS data collection agent. Second, please participate in a short interview to discuss
your experience completing the survey and understanding of the survey questions. A representative of NORC will
contact you to arrange a time to discuss the questionnaire once your completed survey is received. It will be useful to
retain a copy of the survey for your reference.
Please complete the survey by DATE. If you need assistance or have any questions concerning this pilot test, please
contact NORC at 877-346-5693 or at ctlea@norc.org. For comments or questions about the CTLEA program, please
contact Steven W. Perry, BJS Program Manager, at 202-307-0777 or at Steven.W.Perry@usdoj.gov.
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration in helping BJS on this important survey.

Jeffrey H. Anderson

Page 9

Page 10

Attachment 4: CTLEA Pilot Survey Phone, Voicemail
and Frequently Asked Questions Script

Census of Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies (CTLEA)
Telephone follow up and voicemail scripts
Hello, may I please speak with (RESPONDENT).
Hello, this is _____ calling on behalf of the U. S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)
regarding the Census of Tribal Law Enforcement (CTLEA) pilot survey. We recently sent/e-mailed you a
materials for a project called the CTLEA. Do you recall receiving these materials?
If yes, skip to ‘Yes, did receive below’.
If No, did not receive/does not recall materials:

The survey asks questions on topics such as staffing, training, equipment, and agency
functions. Can I mail or e-mail a copy of the survey to you? What is the best address/email to send the survey to?
Record information in contact document.
Thank you for your time. You can expect to receive that survey by DATE. We are hoping
to receive responses by DATE. Have a great day.
If no contact does not want the survey materials sent to him/her:
Would it be best if we contacted a different staff member at your agency to complete
the survey?
If yes:
Thank you, what is the best phone number and address to reach them at?
Record information in contact document.
Thank you for your time. Your colleague can expect to hear from me soon. Have
a great day.

Page 11

Attachment 4: CTLEA Pilot Survey Phone, Voicemail
and Frequently Asked Questions Script (Cont)
Yes, Did receive materials:

Great! Do you have any questions about the survey or the purpose of the study?
Your completed survey can be returned to NORC using the pre-addressed, pre-paid envelope,
which was included in the package or via e-mail at ctlea@norc.org. Any knowledgeable staff
person may complete the survey on behalf of your agency. We are hoping to receive responses
by DATE. About how soon can we expect to receive the completed copy?
Record information in contact document.
If you have any questions as you complete the survey, please call us toll-free at 1-877-346-5693
or email ctlea@norc.org. Thank you in advance for your participation!

Page 12

Attachment 4: CTLEA Pilot Survey Phone, Voicemail
and Frequently Asked Questions Script (Cont)

Responses to frequently asked questions:
Why are you conducting this survey?
This survey is being conducted to better understand the unique functions of tribal law enforcement; the
complexity surrounding tribal, state, and federal jurisdictions; and the interrelationships that exist
among the different law enforcement agencies in Indian Country. Information collected from this survey
will help inform funding and policy decisions to help tribes access the resources they need for public
Your participation in the CTLEA is critical and will help us gather the most accurate and comprehensive
picture of the strengths, capacity, and needs of tribal law enforcement.
PILOT AGENCIES: The pilot is being conducted survey to help us develop a survey that collects critical
information from tribal law enforcement agencies.
Who else is it being sent to?
The survey is being sent to all tribal law enforcement agencies and those agencies with special authority
including natural resources, fish and wildlife, casino and gaming enforcement that serve federally
recognized tribes and have the authority to issue arrests and/or citations. For the project to be
successful and representative of all of Indian Country, it is important that we hear from all tribal law
enforcement agencies.
PILOT AGENCIES: A select number of agencies were sent the pilot survey based on the size and location
of the agency and resident population.
How will these results be used?
The results will be used to develop an accurate and comprehensive understanding of the administration,
operations, services, and capabilities, as well as the challenges, resource gaps, and emerging crime
concerns. With recent legislative changes through the Tribal Law and Order Act (TLOA), this information
will help us measure changes in tribal law enforcement authority and capacity. The information will help
inform federal agencies, as they craft legislation, allocate resources, and develop funding programs that
will better meet tribes’ public safety needs.
PILOT AGENCIES: Your response to the pilot survey will help us to refine the survey questions that will be
used during the full data collection.
How long will this take?
TLE: We expect that the survey will take about 30 minutes to complete.
PILOT AGENCIES: The interview to review the survey content and your experience completing the survey
will take approximately 1 hour.
How will this survey benefit my agency or tribe?

Page 13

Attachment 4: CTLEA Pilot Survey Phone, Voicemail
and Frequently Asked Questions Script (Cont)

The survey will provide statistical information for tribes to demonstrate their capabilities and challenges
when applying for funding and advocating on behalf of their needs. It will also alert tribes about
emerging crime trends in Indian Country, so tribes can be more proactive about safeguarding their tribal
members from emerging threats. With increased understanding about the capacity and professionalism
of tribal law enforcement, the CTLEA will also help raise the profile of tribal law enforcement, which can
assist tribes in forming stronger partnerships and gaining access to vital criminal justice resources.
PILOT AGENCIES: Your participation in the pilot survey will help us develop a survey that collects critical
information from tribal law enforcement agencies.

Page 14

Attachment 4: CTLEA Pilot Survey Phone, Voicemail
and Frequently Asked Questions Script (Cont)

CTLEA - Law Enforcement Telephone Voicemail Script
Respondent’s Direct Telephone Line
Hello! My name is (NAME) and I am calling on behalf of the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). BJS is
conducting data collection for the Census of Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies program. You should have
received a packet in the mail containing an introductory letter and the survey. I am following up to
confirm that you received the survey and see if you have any questions. If you have received the survey,
we ask that the survey be returned to NORC as soon as possible. If you have any questions about the
survey, please call our toll free number 1-877-346-5693. Please also contact us if you think that the
survey does not apply to your agency or if we should contact someone else in your agency for survey
completion. Again, our toll free number is 1-877-346-5693 or you can email us at CTLEA@NORC.org.
Thank you!
Administrative Assistant or Secretary’s Telephone Line
Hello! My name is (NAME) and I am calling on behalf of the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). BJS is
conducting data collection for the Census of Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies program.
(RESPONDENT’S TITLE_LAST NAME) should have received a package in the mail containing the
questionnaire called the 2018 Census of Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies. I am following up to confirm
that the package arrived and to see if (RESPONDENT TITLE_LAST NAME) has any questions about the
survey. If the survey has been received, we ask that it be returned to NORC as soon as possible. If you
need assistance or would like us to resend the survey, please call our toll free number 1-877-346-5693,
or you can email us at CTLEA@NORC.org. Please also contact us if you think that the survey does not
apply to your agency. Again, our toll free number is 1-877-346-5693. Thank you!

Page 15

Page 16

Attachment 5: CTLEA Pilot Survey Follow Up
I am contacting you to request your participation in the 2018 Census of Tribal Law Enforcement
Agencies (CTLEA) pilot survey being conducted by the NORC at the University of Chicago (NORC) on
behalf of the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) and in partnership with the
International Association of Chief of Police, Indian Country Law Enforcement Section.
A package of materials was mailed to your office via USPS mail on DATE. I have attached electronic
copies of the documents that were mailed, which provides information about the CTLEA and includes a
copy of the survey to be completed. We hope that you are able to participate and provide feedback on
the survey questions.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us directly at 877-346-5693 or
at ctlea@norc.org. Once your agency has completed the survey, it can be returned via email
to ctlea@norc.org or by mail using the materials included in the hardcopy mailing that was sent to your
office. It can be also be returned by fax to 312-759-4004, sent to the attention of NAME.
Please confirm that you have received this message by responding to this email or contacting us at 877346-5693. Thank you in advance for both your time and support of this important work.
CTLEA Project Team

Page 17

Page 18

Attachment 6: CTLEA Pilot Survey Reminder Letter

U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
Bureau of Justice Statistics
Washington, D.C. 20531

City, State Zip Code
Dear <<TITLE>> <<LAST_NAME>>:
I am writing to follow up on my previous request for your participation and support for the 2018 Census
of Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies (CTLEA) pilot survey and cognitive interview.
As one of a select few agencies asked to participate in this effort, it is important we have your
participation. The CTLEA is designed to collect information from tribal law enforcement agencies on
staffing, training, budgets, work activities and functions, technology, and information sharing between
law enforcement agencies, among other topics.
The Tribal Law and Order Act (TLOA) expanded the role of BJS to establish and implement a tribal data
collection system and requires that BJS report to Congress annually on the data collected and analyzed in
accordance with the act (P.L. 111-211, 124 Stat. 2258, § 251(b)). CTLEA is part of these efforts.
Please fill out the enclosed questionnaire in its entirety and return it using the prepaid envelope addressed
to NORC at the University of Chicago, BJS’ data collection agent. Additionally, we ask that you participate
in a short debriefing interview to discuss your experience completing the survey. A representative of NORC
will contact you to arrange a time to discuss the survey questions once your completed form is received.
Please retain a copy of the completed survey for your reference.
Please complete and return the survey by DATE. For assistance or questions about the pilot survey, contact
NORC at 877-346-5693 or via e-mail at ctlea@norc.org. If you have any comments or questions about the
CTLEA program, contact Steven W. Perry, BJS Program Manager, at 202-307-0777 or e-mail at
Again, thank you in advance for your time and consideration in helping BJS on this important survey.

Jeffrey H. Anderson

Page 19

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