Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Financial Education Exchange Annual Survey

Generic Information Collection Plan for Qualitative Consumer Education, Engagement and Experience Information Collections

FinEx Survey_Data Collection Instrument_07-03-2018

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Financial Education Exchange Annual Survey

OMB: 3170-0036

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OMB No. 3170-0036
Expiration Date: 08/31/2019

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Financial Education Exchange Annual Survey

Greetings from the CFPB Financial Education Exchange (CFPB FinEx)! We are interested in
getting your feedback on FinEx and on the Bureau’s tools and resources for financial educators
like you. To share your thoughts with us, please fill out this online survey:
[insert SurveyMonkey link here]
The goal of CPFB FinEx is to support financial educators in their work, so it is important to us to
collect information on how you are using our tools and resources. If you would prefer to take the
survey anonymously, please feel free to do so by not submitting your name, email address, and
work address.
This online survey will give us richer information about what is working, what could be
improved upon, and what directions you would like us to take in the future in order to best
support you in advancing the financial well-being of the people you serve.
The survey should take no longer than 30 minutes to complete. If you have any questions, please
email us at [email protected]. We greatly appreciate your feedback -- thank you for your

Privacy Act Statement
5 U.S.C. 552a(e)(3)
The information you provide will assist the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection in improving the
Bureau’s tools and resources for financial educators.
The BCFP may collect personally identifiable information such as your name, email address, and work
Information collected will be treated in accordance with the System of Records Notice (“SORN”),
CFPB.021 Consumer Education and Engagement Records, 79 FR 78839. This information will not be
disclosed as outlined in the Routine Uses for the SORN. Direct identifying information will only be used
to facilitate the survey and will be kept private except as required by law.
This collection of information is authorized by Pub. L. No. 111-203, Title X, Sections 1013 and 1022,
codified at 12 U.S.C. §§ 5493 and 5512.
Participation in this survey is voluntary.
Paperwork Reduction Act

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is
not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) control number. The OMB control number for this collection is 3170-0036. It expires on
8/31/2019. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average approximately
30 minutes per response. Comments regarding this collection of information, including the estimated
response time, suggestions for improving the usefulness of the information, or suggestions for reducing the
burden to respond to this collection should be submitted to Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection
(Attention: PRA Office), 1700 G Street NW, Washington, DC 20552, or by email to
[email protected].

1. Name _________ (responding to this question is optional)
2. Organization's name __________________ (responding to this question is optional)
3. Work email address ______________________ (responding to this question is optional)
4. City/state ____________________ (responding to this question is optional)
5. What is your role within the organization? (check all that apply)
____Provide financial education services to clients
____Provide other services to clients
____Program development
____Other (please describe)
6. What types of services does your organization provide overall? (check all that apply)
____Any type of financial education programming
____Social/human services
____Programs for children/youth
____Research/evaluation/policy analysis
____Training/technical assistance
____Financial products and services
____Other (please describe) ______________________
7. What types of financial education does your organization currently provide? (check all that apply)
____Group financial education classes
____One-on-one financial counseling/coaching sessions
____Printed or online financial education materials
____Financial planning services
____Tax preparation services
____Public education campaigns
____Housing counseling
____Credit counseling
____Other (please describe)
8. Approximately how many clients do you serve annually with financial education services?

____over 500
9. Which of the following populations do you serve? (check all the apply)
____Children and youth
____Low income/economically vulnerable
____Older Americans
____Military servicemembers/veterans
10. Since signing up for CFPB FinEx, have you used any tools or resources from the Bureau in your
financial education work?
10(a). If no, is there anything we can do to make the tools and resources more accessible and
useful? (text response)
11. If yes, which CFPB FinEx tools/resources have you used? (check all that apply)

____ FinEx webinars
____ FinEx in-person convenings
____ Ordered or downloaded printed resources to distribute to clients
____ Financial Well-Being scale
____ Financial coaching reports
____ Managing spending resources
____ Credit score and report resources
____ Take Control of Your Auto Loan resources
____ Financial Rules to Live By report and worksheets
____ Financial Wellness at Work
____ Your Money Your Goals Toolkit
____ Tax-time savings resources
____ Buying a House online tools
____ Paying for College/Student Loan Repayment online tools
____ Planning for Retirement online tools
____ Money as You Grow/parent financial education resources
____ Building Blocks to Help Youth Build Financial Capability report and resources
____ Spanish-language resources
____ Libraries resources
____ Older Americans resources
____ LinkedIn financial education discussion group
12. Please explain how you have used the resources. (text response)


13. Has using the CFPB FinEx tools/resources in your financial education work done any of the
following: (check all that apply)
____Changed how you interact with clients
____Added new elements to your financial education programming
____Changed existing programming
____Changed training/professional development of staff
____Changed the outcome metrics you collect on your program
(Please explain – text response)
14. Have you seen any changes from clients in any of the following areas from using the CFPB FinEx
tools/resources in your financial education work? (check all that apply)
____Increased engagement in the program
____Change in attitudes about finances
____Changes in financial behavior
(Please explain – text response)
15. Can you share any examples of changes in clients, in terms of behavior, motivation, etc, related to
their financial decision-making as a result of using FinEx tools/resources? (Please do not include any
personally identifying information about your clients).
(text response)
16. Have you tried anything new based on the CFPB FinEx tools/resources that did not have the intended
effect? (Please explain – text response)
17. Based on the CFPB FinEx tools/resources that you’ve explored, do any approaches seem particularly
promising to help consumers? (Please explain – text response)
18. More broadly, what are other promising new ideas, topics, or approaches in financial education that
the CFPB FinEx community should explore? (Please explain – text response)
19. Would you recommend the CFPB FinEx tools/resources to other financial educators?
____ Yes
____ No


File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorIrene Skricki
File Modified2018-11-29
File Created2018-11-29

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