Customer Satisfaction Survey for the NSF Electronic Research Administration Forum, April 10, 2019

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Customer Satisfaction Survey for the NSF Electronic Research Administration Forum, April 10, 2019

OMB: 3145-0215

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NSF ERA Forum Webinar Survey

Thank you for participating in the April 2019 ERA Forum Webinar! Your feedback is very important to us. Please complete the following survey based on your participation in the webinar. Please answer each question to the best of your ability.

Survey Questions and Answers



In what capacity do you primarily interact with NSF?

  • Principal Investigator (PI)

  • co-Principal Investigator (co-PI)

  • Other Senior Personnel

  • Other Authorized User (OAU)

  • Sponsored Project Office

  • Authorized Organization Representative (AOR)

  • Other (please specify) [text box]

Which of the following best describes your current organizational affiliation?

  • Large research university

  • Primarily undergraduate institution

  • Minority serving institution

  • Community college

  • Other non-profit organization

  • For-profit organization

  • Other (Please specify) [text box]

Have you used the new Proposal Preparation and Submission System to submit an NSF proposal?



Please indicate how many proposals you have prepared and submitted using the new Preparation and Submission System.


  • 2 to 5

  • 6 to 10

  • More than 10

You indicated that you have not yet prepared and submitted a proposal using the new Proposal Preparation and Submission System. Please provide additional information regarding why you have chosen not to submit on

Select all that apply: [ALL ANSWERS QUESTION #6]

  • Proposal Type not yet available on the system

  • I prefer FastLane/I am familiar with FastLane

  • I have not had time to learn the new Proposal Preparation and Submission System

  • My organization requires me to use FastLane

  • I attempted to prepare and submit a proposal using the Proposal Preparation and Submission System but could not submit due to compliance check errors

  • Other: [Open ended text]


Section Title: Separately Submitted Collaborative Proposals from Multiple Organizations on

Based on the ERA Forum Webinar presentation, please answer the following questions regarding Separately Submitted Collaborative Proposals from Multiple Organization on

Survey Questions and Answers



What type(s) of collaborative proposals have you previously worked with?

  • Both separately submitted collaborative proposals and singularly submitted collaborative proposals with subawards

  • Separately submitted collaborative proposals only

  • Singularly submitted proposal with subawards only

  • Non-collaborative proposals only

How often do you include subawards in your separately submitted collaborative proposals?

  • Always

  • Often

  • Sometimes

  • Rarely

  • Never

Approximately how many separately submitted collaborative proposals have you been involved with preparing and/or submitting through FastLane?

  • None

  • 1-5 proposals

  • 6-10 proposals

  • 11-15 proposals

  • Over 15 proposals

If the proposer of a non-lead proposal rejects a request to link to a lead proposal, should the rejected request still be displayed on the Manage Collaborative Proposals screen? (Note: If the rejected request is shown, the lead could have the option to re-send the request)

  • Yes, both the lead and non-lead should have the ability to view the rejected request

  • Yes, only the lead should have the ability to view the rejected request

  • No, once a link request is rejected it should not be displayed

  • No preference

Which approach do you prefer for the submission of a lead organization proposal? (Note: If the rejected request is shown, the lead proposal personnel could have the option to re-send the request)

  • The lead organization should not be able to submit the proposal until all non-leads have submitted

  • A lead proposal can be submitted before all non-lead proposals have been submitted, but a warning is shown, and the lead proposal stays in PENDING status until all non-leads have been submitted

  • No preference

  • Other (please specify) [text box]

Should a non-lead organization in a separately submitted collaborative proposal be able to prepare and submit its own post-doctoral mentoring plan?

  • No, the lead organization should prepare and submit the post-doctoral mentoring plan for the collaborative proposal (current FastLane process)

  • Yes, non-leads should prepare and submit their own postdoctoral mentoring plans. (These separate plans would be combined into a PDF document with the lead's post-doctoral mentoring plan for NSF Review)

  • No preference

  • Other (please specify): [text box]

At what point during the separately submitted collaborative proposal submission process would you prefer to receive submission confirmation emails?

  • After each individual proposal submits

  • After all the proposals in the collaborative proposal submit

  • Email is not needed

  • No preference

How important are the following features for printing collaborative proposals?

  • Printing the full collaborative proposal

  • Printing each individual proposal

  • Printing specific sections for the full collaborative proposal

  • Printing specific sections for each individual proposal

Please rate each feature using the choices listed:

  • Very Important

  • Somewhat Important

  • Not Important

If a lead organization sends a request to collaborate to a non-lead organization, and no response is given, how should this be handled?

  • The outstanding request should either be accepted, rejected, or cancelled before the lead proposal can be forwarded to the SPO/AORs

  • The outstanding request should either be accepted, rejected, or cancelled before the lead proposal can be submitted

  • The lead proposal should receive a warning before submission, but could continue

  • The lead proposal should receive a warning and an email notification before submission, but could continue

  • The system should ignore any pending link requests, and no notification is needed

  • No preference

  • Other (please specify) [text box]


Section Title: Survey Wrap-up

Based on the overall ERA Forum Webinar presentations, please answer the following questions.

Survey Questions and Answers



Your comments, questions, and feedback are very important to NSF. Based on the ERA Forum Webinar on Separately Submitted Collaborative from Multiple Organizations on, please include any additional feedback in the space provided. (text box)

  • Open ended [text box]

Please share any topics of interest you would like to focus on at future NSF ERA Forums.

  • Open ended [text box]

OPTIONAL: If you would like to be added to NSF’s list of volunteers who participate in future application usability studies, surveys, and webinars, please enter your contact information below.

  • Your Name: ______________________________

  • Your Organization: ________________________

  • Your Email: ______________________________

Did you find today's Forum informative?




You indicated that you did not find today’s NSF ERA Forum informative. Could you please share any suggestions for improvement?

  • Open ended [text box]

Thank you for participating in this survey!

April 2019

NSF ERA Forum Webinar Spring 2019 Survey

DIAS Business Office


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