Previously Approvel NIH Extramural LRP Outcome Survey Screenshots

Attachment 2- Previosly Approved NIH Extramural LRP Outcome Survey Screenshots (OMB_0925-0627).pdf


Previously Approvel NIH Extramural LRP Outcome Survey Screenshots

OMB: 0925-0627

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LRP	Outcome	Project
Page	1
OMB	#:	0925-0627

Public	reporting	burden	for	this	collection	of	information	is	estimated	to	average	20	minutes	per	response,	including	the	time
for	reviewing	instructions,	searching	existing	data	sources,	gathering	and	maintaining	the	data	needed,	and	completing	and
reviewing	the	collection	of	information.		An	agency	may	not	conduct	or	sponsor,	and	a	person	is	not	required	to	respond	to,	a
collection	of	information	unless	it	displays	a	currently	valid	OMB	control	number.		Send	comments	regarding	this	burden
estimate	or	any	other	aspect	of	this	collection	of	information,	including	suggestions	for	reducing	this	burden,	to:	NIH,	Project
Clearance	Branch,	6705	Rockledge	Drive,	MSC	7974,	Bethesda,	MD	20892-7974,	ATTN:	PRA	(0925-0627).		Do	not	return	the
completed	form	to	this	address.
As	you	move	through	the	following	pages,	please	keep	in	mind	the	following:	
If	the	text	on	the	screen	is	too	large,	press	CTRL-	until	it	meets	your	viewing	preference.	Likewise,	if	the	text	is	too
small,	press	CTRL+.
Use	the	<>	buttons	in	the	survey	to	move	through	the	questionnaire.	Using	your	browser’s
navigation	buttons	may	prevent	data	from	being	saved	properly.
A	few	questions	indicated	with	an	asterisk	(*)	will	need	to	be	answered	before	you	can	advance	to	the	next	question.		If
you	do	not	answer,	you	will	see	a	reminder	in	the	same	window.
You	may	exit	the	survey	at	any	time	by	pressing	the	“Save	and	continue	later”	button	or	simply	by	closing	your	browser
window.		You	will	be	able	to	return	to	the	same	question	where	you	left	off	by	clicking	the	link	you	received	in	the
invitation	e-mail.
Once	you	have	clicked	“Submit”	button,	you	will	not	be	able	to	return	to	the	survey	without	contacting	us.				
If	you	experience	any	technical	difficulty,	or	have	any	questions	about	how	to	answer	the	questions,	please	contact	us
at	[email protected].
Thank	you	in	advance	for	participating!

1	of	37

Page	2

Approximately	how	many	hours	per	week	do	you	spend	on	conducting	research?	This	includes	working	on	research
projects;	supervising	students,	postdocs,	and	staff;	presenting	at	meetings	and	conferences;	writing	papers	and
grants;	and	ordering	equipment	and	supplies.
Enter	number	equal	to	or	greater	than	0.

Type	here

How	many	years	ago	did	you	leave	research?
Enter	number	equal	to	or	greater	than	0.

Type	here

2	of	37

Page	3

Career	Status
In	which	of	the	following	activities	are	you	currently	engaged?
Select	all	that	apply

Conducting	research
Mentoring	and/or	supervising	students,	postdocs,	residents,	and	staff
Writing	grant	applications	to	support	research
Publishing	research	papers
Publishing	policy	opinions,	and	other	non-research	papers
Presenting	at	meetings	and	conferences
Research-related	administration
Academic	or	hospital	administration
Teaching	and/or	developing	courses
Clinical	supervision
Patient	care
Service	as	peer	reviewer,	journal	editor,	council	member,	and	similar	roles
Other.	Please

Type	here

3	of	37

Page	4

Which	of	the	following	best	characterizes	your	current	employer?
Select	one.

I	am	not	currently	employed
Doctorate-granting/research	university	or	academic	medical	center
Biotech	or	pharmaceutical	industry
Non-research	college	or	university
Hospital	or	private	clinical	practice
Federal	government	(e.g.	NIH,	NSF)
Local	government
Non-governmental	organization	(NGO)
Private	company	in	public	policy,	business	research,	or	consulting
Law	firm
Other.	Please

Type	here

4	of	37

Page	5

Which	of	the	following	best	describes	your	primary	position?
Select	one

Principal	investigator/faculty
Department	or	office	head/chief/chair/director
Dean,	vice	president,	provost,	president,	chancellor,	or	executive	officer
Research	administrator	or	research	portfolio	manager
Staff	scientist/research	scientist
Postdoctoral	fellow/associate
Staff	clinician/attending/health	care	provider
Other.	Please	describe

5	of	37

Page	6

Did	you	complete	a	postdoctoral	fellowship	in	research?


How	many	years	was	this	fellowship?
Enter	number	greater	than	or	equal	to	1

Type	here

6	of	37

Page	7

Have	you	been	awarded	any	fellowships,	grants,	or	contracts	in	the	past	five	years?


Please	indicate	how	many	fellowships,	grants,	or	contracts	were	awarded	to	you	as	a	PI	or	key	staff	and	if	this
funding	source	currently	supports	your	research.
Number	as	a	PI,	coPI,	or	MPI

Number	as	key

Home	institution

Type	here

Type	here

NIH	research	grant	(R

Type	here

Type	here

NIH	fellowship	(F

Type	here

Type	here

NIH	career
development	grant	(K

Type	here

Type	here

Other	NIH	grant	or

Type	here

Type	here

Non-NIH	research

Type	here

Type	here

Non-NIH	federal

Type	here

Type	here

State	funding

Type	here

Type	here


Type	here

Type	here

Foundation	funding

Type	here

Type	here

Does	this	source
support	your	research
at	present?	Click	if

Please	describe

7	of	37

Number	as	a	PI,	coPI,	or	MPI

Other.	Please

Type	here

Number	as	key

Does	this	source
support	your	research
at	present?	Click	if

Please	describe

Type	here

8	of	37

Page	8

How	many	peer-reviewed	papers	have	you	published	in	the	past	five	years?
I	have	not	published	during	this	period

How	many	peer-reviewed	papers	have	you	published	in	the	past	five	years?
Please	count	each	paper	once.
As	first	author

Type	here

As	corresponding	author

Type	here

As	first	and	corresponding	author

Type	here

As	other	author

Type	here

9	of	37

Page	9

Career	Plans
How	likely	are	you	to	remain	in	a	biomedical	or	behavioral	research	career	in	the	next	five	years?
Select	one

Not	at	all	likely
Somewhat	likely
Moderately	likely
Very	likely
Extremely	likely

Why	are	you	considering	leaving	a	research	career?
Type	here

What	plans	or	career	options	are	you	considering	for	the	future?
Type	here

10	of	37

Page	10

Effects	of	the	LRP	on	Career
How	helpful	was	the	LRP	in	allowing	you	to	continue	your	research	career?
Select	one

Not	at	all	helpful
Somewhat	helpful
Moderately	helpful
Very	helpful
Extremely	helpful

How	did	participating	in	the	LRP	contribute	to	your	career	and/or	career	choices?
Select	all	that	apply

I	was	able	to	reduce	my	teaching	load
I	was	able	to	give	up	a	part-time	job
I	was	able	to	reduce	my	clinical	duties
I	was	able	to	take/stay	at	a	job	with	a	lower	salary	or	fewer	benefits
It	gave	me	confidence	that	I	can	succeed	in	a	research	career
It	improved	my	grant	writing	skills
It	improved	my	research	skills
Other.	Please

Type	here

11	of	37

Page	11

Reasons	for	Exiting	the	LRP
Did	you	stop	participating	in	the	LRP	before	your	LRP-eligible	educational	debt	was	repaid?
Select	one


What	was	the	most	important	reason	for	leaving	the	LRP?
Select	one

My	debt	was	reduced	to	a	level	at	which	re-applying	was	no	longer	a	good	use	of	my	time
I	submitted	an	application	to	the	LRP,	but	did	not	receive	another	award
There	was	uncertainty	regarding	my	employment	or	funding	for	my	position
I	did	not	know	I	could	re-apply
I	accepted	a	new	position	that	did	not	meet	the	LRP	eligibility	requirements
I	had	problems	with	reference	letters
I	had	problems	obtaining	loan	documentation	from	my	lenders
I	had	a	negative	LRP	experience
I	was	in	or	wanted
to	participate	in
another	program
that	conflicted	with

Type	here

the	NIH	LRP.
Please	name	the
My	Institutional	Business	Official	(IBO)	did	not	support	the	application	(e.g.,	would	not	send	required	salary	or
employment	certification	documentation,	etc.)
12	of	37


Type	here

13	of	37

Page	12

Career	Challenges
Which	of	the	following	career	challenges	have	you	experienced	in	the	past	and/or	are	currently	experiencing?
Items	listed	in	alphabetical	order.	Select	all	that	apply
Previously	Experienced

Currently	Experiencing

Please	describe

spouse’s/partner’s	career
Balancing	family/child	care
responsibilities	with	a	research
Balancing	research	and
administrative	duties
Balancing	research	and	clinical
Balancing	research	and	teaching
Establishing	collaborative
relationships	with	other
Finding	a	suitable	position
Finding/connecting	with	good
Loss	of	interest	in,	or	motivation
for,	a	research	career
Lower	pay	in	research
Obtaining	funding	to	support
Recruiting	talented
students/postdocs	to	research
Self-doubts	about	being	able	to
succeed	in	a	research	career
Other.	Please	describe

14	of	37

Page	13

Please	indicate	the	single	greatest	challenge	that	you	faced	while	establishing	and/or	sustaining	your	research

Accommodating	spouse’s/partner’s	career

Balancing	family/child	care	responsibilities	with	a	research	career

Balancing	research	and	administrative	duties

Balancing	research	and	clinical	duties

Balancing	research	and	teaching	duties

Establishing	collaborative	relationships	with	other	researchers

Finding	a	suitable	position

Finding/connecting	with	good	mentors

Loss	of	interest	in,	or	motivation	for,	a	research	career

Lower	pay	in	research

Obtaining	funding	to	support	research

Recruiting	talented	students/postdocs	to	research	group

15	of	37

Self-doubts	about	being	able	to	succeed	in	a	research	career


16	of	37

Page	14

Pay	Differences
According	to	numerous	reports,	significant	pay	differences	still	exist	among	demographic	groups	and	we	are	seeking
to	determine	whether	the	LRP	applicants/participants	are	subject	to	the	same	inequalities.	What	is	your	current	base
annual	salary,	not	including	bonuses	and	overtime?	If	you	are	not	salaried,	please	estimate	your	annual	earned
Please	remember	that	all	survey	responses	will	be	kept	confidential.	Only	aggregate	data	will	be	reported	to	NIH.
Please	enter	the	approximate	amount	of	your	annual	base	salary	in	dollars

Type	here

Prefer	not	to	report

17	of	37

Page	15

How	many	hours	per	week	do	you	work,	on	average?
Enter	number	equal	to	or	greater	than	0

Type	here

18	of	37

Page	16

Career	Status
Which	of	the	following	best	characterizes	your	current	employer?
Select	one

I	am	not	currently	employed
Doctorate-granting/research	university	or	academic	medical	center
Biotech	or	pharmaceutical	industry
Non-research	college	or	university
Hospital	or	private	clinical	practice
Federal	government	(e.g.	NIH,	NSF)
Local	government
Non-governmental	organization	(NGO)
Private	company	in	public	policy,	business	research,	or	consulting
Law	firm
Other.	Please

Type	here

Please	briefly	describe	your	current	position	(e.g.	physician,	program	officer,	dean,	teaching	faculty,	insurance
company	executive,	etc.).
Type	here

19	of	37

20	of	37

Page	17

Did	you	complete	a	postdoctoral	fellowship	in	research?


How	many	years	was	this	fellowship?
Enter	number	greater	than	or	equal	to	1.

Type	here

Have	you	been	awarded	any	fellowships,	grants,	or	contracts	in	the	past	five	years?

On	how	many	were	you	a	PI	or	key	personnel?
Select	all	that	apply
Number	as	a	PI,	co-PI,	or	MPI

Number	as	key	personnel

Home	institution	funding

Type	here

Type	here

NIH	research	grant	(R	series)

Type	here

Type	here

NIH	fellowship	(F	series)

Type	here

Type	here

NIH	career	development	grant	(K

Type	here

Type	here

Other	NIH	grant	or	cooperative

Type	here

Type	here

21	of	37

Number	as	a	PI,	co-PI,	or	MPI

Number	as	key	personnel

Non-NIH	research	contract

Type	here

Type	here

Non-NIH	federal	funding

Type	here

Type	here

State	funding

Type	here

Type	here

Private/industry	funding

Type	here

Type	here

Foundation	funding

Type	here

Type	here

Other.	Please	describe

Type	here

Type	here

22	of	37

Page	18

How	many	peer-reviewed	papers	have	you	published	in	the	past	five	years?
I	have	not	published	during	this	period

Please	enter	number	below
As	first	author

Type	here

As	corresponding	author

Type	here

As	first	and	corresponding	author

Type	here

As	other	author

Type	here

23	of	37

Page	19

Role	of	the	LRP	on	Career	Choices
How	did	participating	in	the	LRP	contribute	to	your	career	and/or	career	choices?
Select	all	that	apply

I	was	able	to	reduce	my	teaching	load
I	was	able	to	give	up	a	part-time	job
I	was	able	to	reduce	my	clinical	duties
I	was	able	to	take/stay	at	a	job	with	a	lower	salary	or	fewer	benefits
It	gave	me	confidence	that	I	can	succeed	in	a	research	career
It	improved	my	grant	writing	skills
It	improved	my	research	skills
The	LRP	had	no	effect	on	my	career	and/or	career	choices
Other.	Please

Type	here

24	of	37

Page	20

Reasons	for	Exiting	the	LRP
Did	you	stop	participating	in	the	LRP	before	your	LRP-eligible	educational	debt	was	repaid?
Select	one


What	was	the	most	important	reason	for	leaving	the	LRP?
Select	one

My	debt	was	reduced	to	a	level	at	which	re-applying	was	no	longer	a	good	use	of	my	time
I	submitted	an	application	to	the	LRP,	but	did	not	receive	another	award
There	was	uncertainty	regarding	my	employment	or	funding	for	my	position
I	did	not	know	I	could	re-apply
I	accepted	a	new	position	that	did	not	meet	the	program	eligibility	requirements
I	had	problems	with	reference	letters
I	had	problems	obtaining	loan	documentation	information	from	my	lenders
I	had	a	negative	LRP	experience
I	was	in	or	wanted
to	participate	in
another	program
that	conflicts	with

Type	here

the	NIH	LRP.
Please	name	the
My	Institutional	Business	Official	(IBO)	did	not	support	the	application	(e.g.,	would	not	send	required	salary	or
employment	certification	documentation,	etc.)
25	of	37

Other.	Please

Type	here

26	of	37

Page	21

Career	Challenges
Which	of	the	following	challenges	contributed	to	your	decision	to	leave	a	research	career?	Items	listed	in
alphabetical	order.
Select	all	that	apply

Please	describe

spouse’s/partner’s	career
Balancing	family/child	care
responsibilities	with	a	research
Balancing	research	and
administrative	duties
Balancing	research	and	clinical
Balancing	research	and	teaching
Establishing	collaborative
relationships	with	other
Finding	a	suitable	position
Finding/connecting	with	good
Loss	of	interest	in	or	motivation
for	a	research	career
Lower	pay	in	research
Obtaining	funding	to	support
Recruiting	talented
students/postdocs	to	research
Self-doubts	about	being	able	to
succeed	in	a	research	career
Other.	Please	describe

Please	indicate	the	single	greatest	challenge.
27	of	37

Accommodating	spouse’s/partner’s	career
Balancing	family/child	care	responsibilities	with	a	research	career
Balancing	research	and	administrative	duties
Balancing	research	and	clinical	duties
Balancing	research	and	teaching	duties
Establishing	collaborative	relationships	with	other	researchers
Finding	a	suitable	position
Finding/connecting	with	good	mentors
Loss	of	interest	in	or	motivation	for	a	research	career
Lower	pay	in	research
Obtaining	funding	to	support	research
Recruiting	talented	students/postdocs	to	research	group
Self-doubts	about	being	able	to	succeed	in	a	research	career

28	of	37

Page	22

Career	Status
Which	of	the	following	best	characterizes	your	current	employer?
Select	one

I	am	not	currently	employed
Doctorate-granting/research	university	or	academic	medical	center
Biotech	or	pharmaceutical	industry
Non-research	college	or	university
Hospital	or	private	clinical	practice
Federal	government	(e.g.	NIH,	NSF)
Local	government
Non-governmental	organization	(NGO)
Private	company	in	public	policy,	business	research,	or	consulting
Law	firm
Other.	Please

Type	here

Please	briefly	describe	your	position	(e.g.	physician,	program	officer,	dean,	teaching	faculty,	insurance	company
executive,	etc.).
Type	here

29	of	37

30	of	37

Page	23

Did	you	complete	a	postdoctoral	fellowship	in	research?


How	many	years	was	this	fellowship?
Enter	number	greater	than	or	equal	to	1

Type	here

31	of	37

Page	24

Role	of	the	LRP	on	Career	Choices
How	did	participating	in	the	LRP	contribute	to	your	career	and/or	career	choices?
Select	all	that	apply

I	was	able	to	reduce	my	teaching	load
I	was	able	to	give	up	a	part-time	job
I	was	able	to	reduce	my	clinical	duties
I	was	able	to	take/stay	at	a	job	with	a	lower	salary	or	fewer	benefits
It	gave	me	confidence	that	I	can	succeed	in	a	research	career
It	improved	my	grant	writing	skills
It	improved	my	research	skills
The	LRP	had	no	effect	on	my	career	and/or	career	choices
Other.	Please

Type	here

32	of	37

Page	25

Reasons	for	Exiting	the	LRP
Did	you	stop	participating	in	the	LRP	before	your	LRP-eligible	educational	debt	was	repaid?


What	was	the	most	important	reason	for	leaving	the	program?
Select	one

My	debt	was	reduced	to	a	level	at	which	re-applying	was	no	longer
a	good	use	of	my	time

I	submitted	an	application	to	the	LRP,	but	did	not	receive	another

There	was	uncertainty	regarding	my	employment	or	funding	for	my

I	did	not	know	I	could	re-apply

I	accepted	a	new	position	that	did	not	meet	the	program	eligibility

I	had	problems	with	reference	letters

I	had	problems	obtaining	loan	documentation	information	from	my

I	had	a	negative	LRP	experience

33	of	37

I	was	in	or	wanted	to	participate	in	another	program	that	conflicts
with	the	NIH	LRP.	Please	name	the	program
My	Institutional	Business	Official	(IBO)	did	not	support	the
application	(e.g.,	would	not	send	required	salary	or	employment
certification	documentation,	etc.)

Other.	Please	describe

34	of	37

Page	26

Career	Challenges
Which	of	the	following	challenges	contributed	to	your	decision	to	leave	a	research	career?
Items	listed	in	alphabetical	order.

Select	all	that	apply
Accommodating	spouse’s/partner’s	career
Balancing	family/child	care	responsibilities	with	a	research	career
Balancing	research	and	administrative	duties

Type	here
Balancing	research	and	clinical	duties

Balancing	research	and	teaching	duties
Establishing	collaborative	relationships	with	other	researchers
Finding	a	suitable	position
Finding/connecting	with	good	mentors
Loss	of	interest	in	or	motivation	for	a	research	career
Lower	pay	in	research
Obtaining	funding	to	support	research
Recruiting	talented	students/postdocs	to	research	group
Self-doubts	about	being	able	to	succeed	in	a	research	career
Other.	Please	describe

35	of	37

Page	27

Please	indicate	the	single	greatest	challenge.
Accommodating	spouse’s/partner’s	career
Balancing	family/child	care	responsibilities	with	a	research	career
Balancing	research	and	administrative	duties
Balancing	research	and	clinical	duties
Balancing	research	and	teaching	duties
Establishing	collaborative	relationships	with	other	researchers
Finding	a	suitable	position
Finding/connecting	with	good	mentors
Loss	of	interest	in	or	motivation	for	a	research	career
Lower	pay	in	research
Obtaining	funding	to	support	research
Recruiting	talented	students/postdocs	to	research	group
Self-doubts	about	being	able	to	succeed	in	a	research	career
Other.	Please	describe

36	of	37

37	of	37

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2017-04-07
File Created2016-01-27

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