Form CJ-44 LEMAS - Local Departments and Primary State Police Agenc

Generic Clearance for Cognitive, Pilot and Field Studies for Bureau of Justice Statistics Data Collection Activities


Cognitive Interviewing for the 2020 LEMAS

OMB: 1121-0339

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Form CJ-44

OMB No. 1121-0240: Approval Expires XX/XX/201X


In correspondence about this survey, please refer to the Agency ID number at the top left of this box. (Please correct any error in name and mailing address in the box
below. If the label is correct, please check the box in the bottom right hand corner.)

Agency ID:




The label is correct







Area Code



Completion and Return Instructions

Unless otherwise noted, please answer all questions using June 30, 2019 as a reference.


Please do not leave any items blank. If the answer to a question is none or zero, write “0” in the space provided. When exact numeric
answers are not available, please provide estimates.


Use an X when marking an answer in a box.


There are four ways to submit this survey:

Online at https://TBD Please use the Agency ID and Password listed above to access the survey on the secure, encrypted website.
This method allows for the ability to save partial data and return at a later time. If you or another staff member needs to access the
survey multiple times, please only “submit” the survey once it is complete.


Mail the survey to RTI International (RTI) in the enclosed postage-paid envelope


Scan and email the survey to [email protected]


Fax each page of the survey to XXX-XXX-XXXX (toll free)


Please submit your completed questionnaire by XX XX, 2019.


If you have questions about the survey, items on the questionnaire, or how to submit completed responses, please contact the Survey Team at
RTI by email at [email protected] or call the Help Line at XXX-XXX-XXXX (toll free). The Help Line is available from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
(EST). When communicating about the survey, please reference your Agency ID.


If you have general comments or suggestions for improving the survey, please contact Shelley S. Hyland, LEMAS Program Manager, Bureau
of Justice Statistics, by phone at 202-616-1706 or by email at [email protected].


Please retain a copy of your completed survey for one year. Questionnaires completed through the online option can be printed for your
Burden Statement

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average two hours per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data
sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate, or any
other aspects of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Director, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 810 Seventh Street, NW,
Washington, DC 20531. The Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended (34 U.S.C. § 10132), authorizes this information collection. Although
this survey is voluntary, we urgently need and appreciate your cooperation to make the results comprehensive, accurate, and timely.

Section I: Personnel
Unless otherwise noted, please answer all questions using June 30, 2019, as a reference.

Enter the number of full-time and part-time paid agency employees for the pay period that included June
30, 2019. Count employees who are regularly scheduled to work less than 35 per week as part-time. If none,
enter '0'.


a. Sworn officers with general arrest powers
b. Non-sworn/civilian personnel
c. TOTAL employees (sum of lines ‘a’ and ‘b’)

Enter the number of FULL-TIME SWORN officer vacancies for the pay period that included June 30,
Number of full-time sworn officer vacancies


Enter the number of FULL-TIME personnel according to their PRIMARY job responsibility for the pay
period that included June 30, 2019. Count each full-time staff person only once. If a person performs more
than one function, enter that person’s count in the job category in which s/he spent most of her/his time. If none,
enter ‘0’.
Sworn officers with
general arrest powers
a. Administration -- Chief of police, assistants and other
personnel who work in administrative capacity. Include
finance, human resources and internal affairs.
b. Operations – Police officers, detectives, inspectors,
supervisors, and other personnel providing direct law
enforcement services. Include traffic, patrol,
investigations and special operations.
1. Patrol/field officers only
2. Detectives/investigators only
c. Support – Dispatchers, records clerks, crime analysts,
crime lab technicians and other personnel providing
support services other than administrative. Include
communications, crime lab, fleet management and
1. Dispatchers only

d. Other (e.g., crossing guards, parking enforcement, etc.)
AGENCY ID: ___________




Enter the number of FULL-TIME SWORN officers by RACE, HISPANIC ORIGIN and SEX for the pay
period that included June 30, 2019. If none, enter ‘0’.


a. White, non-Hispanic
b. Black or African American, non-Hispanic
c. Hispanic or Latino
d. American Indian or Alaska Native, non-Hispanic
e. Asian, non-Hispanic
f. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, non-Hispanic
g. Not known
h. TOTAL (sum ‘a’ to ‘g’)

5. Enter the SEX, RACE and HISPANIC ORIGIN of the chief executive (i.e., Chief of Police, Commissioner)
for the pay period that included June 30, 2019.
a. Sex
b. Race and Hispanic Origin
White, non-Hispanic
Black or African American, non-Hispanic
Hispanic or Latino
American Indian or Alaskan Native, non-Hispanic
Asian, non-Hispanic
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, non-Hispanic
Not known

AGENCY ID: ___________



Enter the number of FULL-TIME SWORN officers by RACE, HISPANIC ORIGIN and SEX who held
the following supervisory positions for the pay period that included June 30, 2019. If a position does not
exist in your agency, enter ‘N/A’. If none, enter ‘0’.
(below chief executive
and above sergeant or
first-line supervisor)

Sergeant or
first-line supervisor

a. White, non-Hispanic
b. Black or African American, non-Hispanic
c. Hispanic or Latino
d. American Indian or Alaska Native, non-Hispanic
e. Asian, non-Hispanic
f. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, non-Hispanic
g. Not known
h. TOTAL (sum ‘a’ to ‘g’)
i. Male
j. Female
k. TOTAL (sum ‘i’ and ‘j’)

Enter the number of FULL-TIME agency personnel who were bi- or multilingual as of June 30, 2019.
Full-time employees are those regularly scheduled for 35 or more hours per week. If none, enter ‘0’.
Bilingual or Multilingual
Full-Time Personnel
a. Sworn with general arrest powers
b. Non-sworn/civilian personnel

AGENCY ID: ___________



As of June 30, 2019, how did your agency address the following problems/tasks? Mark the most appropriate
box for each problem/task listed below. Mark only one box per row.

Type of problem/task
a. Agency standards/accreditation

Agency HAS
unit with
to address this

Agency DOES NOT HAVE a specialized unit
with full-time personnel
addresses this
Agency has problem/task,
but does not Agency does jurisdiction
personnel to
not formally does not have
address this
address this this problem

b. Bias/hate crime
c. Bomb/explosive disposal
d. Child abuse/endangerment
e. Community policing
f. Crime analysis
g. Cybercrime
h. Domestic violence
i. Firearms
j. Gangs
k. Homelessness
l. Human trafficking
m. Impaired drivers (DUI/DWI)
n. Internal affairs
o. Juvenile crimes
p. Mental health/crisis
q. Missing children
r. Opioids
s. Parking enforcement
t. Public relations
u. Research and planning
v. School safety
w. Sexual assault
x. Special operations (e.g.
y. Terrorism/homeland security
z. Traffic enforcement
aa. Victim assistance
AGENCY ID: ___________


Section II: Budget
9a. Enter your agency's total operating budget for the fiscal year that included June 30, 2019. If the budget is
not available, provide an estimate and check the box below. Do NOT include building construction costs or
major equipment purchases.






Please mark here if this figure is an estimate
9b. Please indicate the date range of your agency’s fiscal year that included June 30, 2019:





9c. Did your agency’s total operating budget for the fiscal year that included June 30, 2019 include a line item
for community policing activities?
10. Enter the total estimated value of money, goods, and property received by your agency from an ASSET
FORFEITURE program during the fiscal year that included June 30, 2019. If data are not available,
provide an estimate and check the box below. Include federal, state and local funds. If no money, goods or
property were received, enter '0'.






Please mark here if this figure is an estimate

Section III: Community Policing (LOCAL POLICE ONLY)
11. During the fiscal year including June 30, 2019, did your agency have a problem-solving partnership or
written agreement with any of the following?
a. Academic/university staff
b. Advocacy groups
c. Business groups
d. Federal law enforcement agencies
e. Law enforcement organizations (e.g., IACP, Police Foundation)
f. Neighborhood associations
g. Non-law enforcement government agencies
h. State or local law enforcement agencies
i. Victim service providers
j. Other (please specify):

AGENCY ID: ___________


12. During the fiscal year including June 30, 2019, did your agency solicit feedback from the community for
any of the following?


a. Allocating resources to neighborhoods
b. Assessing community trust
c. Evaluating officer or agency performance
d. Informing agency policies and procedures
e. Prioritizing crime/disorder problems
f. Training development
13. During the fiscal year including June 30, 2019, which of the following did your agency do?


a. Maintain a written community policing plan
b. Conduct a citizen police academy
c. Conduct citizen range days
d. Work with a Community Advisory Committee
e. Other (please specify):

Section IV: Selection and Training
14a. Indicate your agency's minimum education requirement which new SWORN personnel recruits must have
at hiring or within two years of hiring. Mark only one response.
Four-year college degree required
Two-year college degree required
Some college but no degree required
Total credit hours required:
High school diploma or equivalent required
No formal education requirement  SKIP to #15

14b. Does your agency consider MILITARY SERVICE as an exemption to this minimum education

AGENCY ID: ___________


15. Which of the following screening techniques are used by your agency in selecting new SWORN officer
Background check
a. Credit history check
b. Criminal history check
c. Driving record check
d. Social media check
Personal attributes





e. Cognitive ability assessment (e.g., writing, reading
comprehension, analytical skills)
f. Interpersonal skills assessment
g. Personality/Psychological inventory
h. Psychological interview
i. Polygraph exam
Physical attributes
j. Drug test
k. Medical exam
l. Vision test
m. Physical agility/fitness test

 If no, SKIP to #16

n. (If yes to #15m) Does your agency have different
standards based on sex?
16. How many total hours of ACADEMY training and FIELD training (e.g., with FTO) are required of your
agency’s new (non-lateral) SWORN officer recruits? Include law enforcement training only. If no training of
that type is required, enter ‘0’.
Academy training hours
Field training hours
a. State mandated hours
b. Additional training hours
c. TOTAL hours of training (sum ‘a’ and ‘b’)
17. What is the minimum annual number of in-service hours of training that is required for your agency’s
FULL-TIME SWORN officers? Include law enforcement training only. If no training of that type is required,
enter ‘0’.
Minimum annual hours
per officer
a. State mandated hours
b. Additional training hours
c. TOTAL hours of training (sum ‘a’ and ‘b’)
AGENCY ID: ___________


Section V: Hiring and Retention
18. Enter the number of FULL-TIME SWORN officers who were HIRED during the fiscal year including June
30, 2019. Include all full-time sworn personnel hired whether they are currently employed by the agency or not.
Number of Full-Time
Sworn Officers Hired
a. Entry-level hires (non-lateral)
b. Lateral transfers/hires
c. Other new hires
d. Total NEW HIRES (sum of rows a through c)
 If #18a is 0, SKIP to #22 on page 10.
19. On average, how many total weeks does it take to hire an entry-level SWORN officer? Consider the
time from application submission to offer of employment. Do not include basic academy training.
Average number of weeks until hire
20. Which of the following types of applicants for entry-level SWORN officer hires were targeted
through special recruitment efforts during the fiscal year including June 30, 2019?


a. 4-year college graduates
b. Military veterans
c. Multi-lingual speaking
d. People with prior law enforcement experience
e. Racial/ethnic minorities
f. Women
g. Other (please specify):

21. Did your agency offer any of the following incentives for entry-level SWORN officer hires during the
fiscal year including June 30, 2019?
a. Employment signing bonus
b. Free or reimbursed academy training
c. Salary paid during academy training
d. Training academy graduation bonus
e. Relocation assistance (e.g., moving, travel costs)
f. Other (please specify):

AGENCY ID: ___________



22. Enter the number of FULL-TIME SWORN officers who separated from your agency during the fiscal year
including June 30, 2019. If none, enter ‘0’.
Number of Full-Time
Sworn Officers Separated
a. Resignations
b. Dismissals
c. Medical/disability retirements
d. Non-medical retirements
e. Probationary rejections
f. Other separations (e.g. death)
g. Total SEPARATIONS (sum ‘a’ to ‘f’)
23. Which of the following best describes your agency's exit interview policy used to assess officers' reasons for
departure? Mark [X] only one.
Agency conducts exit interviews with officers selected by the agency
Agency conducts exit interviews with officers if they request one
Agency conducts exit interviews based on other policy
Exit interviews typically not conducted
24. Enter the salary schedule for the following FULL-TIME SWORN positions as of June 30, 2019. If a
position does not exist on a full-time basis in your agency, enter 'NA.' In cases where there is not a range in
salary, please write the same salary for minimum and maximum.
Base ANNUAL Salary
a. Chief executive (chief, director, sheriff, etc.)
b. Sergeant or equivalent first-line supervisor
c. Entry-level officer or deputy (post-academy)



.00 $
.00 $
.00 $



25. Did your agency authorize or provide any of the following special pay for SWORN officers during the fiscal
year including June 30, 2019?
a. Bilingual ability pay
b. Education incentive pay
c. Hazardous duty pay
d. Merit/performance pay
e. Military service pay
f. Residential incentive pay
g. Shift differential pay
h. Special skills proficiency pay
AGENCY ID: ___________


26. Did your agency use any of the following methods to increase its retention rate for your FULL-TIME
SWORN officers during the fiscal year including June 30, 2019?
a. College tuition reimbursement
b. Employee Assistance Program
c. Enhanced medical benefits
d. Enhanced retirement benefits
e. Extra overtime opportunities
f. Flexible hours to attend college
g. Free or financial allowance for uniforms
h. Housing allowance or mortgage discount program
i. Increased pay at specific service milestones
j. Job sharing or time splits
k. On-duty time allowance for fitness maintenance
l. Paid maternity leave
m. Paid paternity leave
n. Peer support program
o. Relaxed residency requirements
p. Take home vehicle
q. Other (please specify):

27. What is the standard shift length for SWORN PATROL/ROAD officers in your agency?
Hours per Day

AGENCY ID: ___________


Section VI: Equipment and Operations
28. As of June 30, 2019, which of the following types of WEAPONS or ACTIONS were authorized for use by
your agency’s FULL-TIME SWORN officers?

a. Handgun
b. Shotgun or manual rifle
c. Semi-automatic rifle (e.g., AR-15)
d. Fully automatic rifle (e.g., M-16)

e. Open hand techniques
f. Closed hand techniques
g. Takedown techniques (e.g., straight arm bar)
h. Hold or neck restraint (e.g., carotid hold)
i. Leg hobble or other restraints (not including handcuffs)
j. OC spray/foam
k. Chemical agent projectile (e.g., CS/tear gas, OC pellets)
l. Baton
m. Blunt force projectile (e.g., bean bag, rubber bullets)
n. Conducted energy device (e.g., Taser, stun gun, Stinger)
o. Other (please specify):

Authorized for fulltime sworn officers:
On duty
Off duty


Authorized for fulltime sworn officers:
On duty
Off duty


29. As of June 30, 2019, how many of the following types of video cameras were operated by your agency on a
REGULAR basis? If none, enter ‘0’.
Total Number
a. Fixed-site surveillance in public areas
b. Mobile surveillance
c. On aerial drones
d. In patrol cars
e. On police officers (e.g., body-worn cameras)

On weapons

AGENCY ID: ___________


30a. As of June 30, 2019, how many handlers and K-9s did your agency employ? If none, enter ‘0’.
 If your agency did not have any K-9s, SKIP to #31.
30b. (If at least one K-9) What types of activities did your K-9s engage in?
a. Bomb/explosive detecting
b. Cadaver
c. Drug detecting
d. Person trailing
e. Public enforcement
f. Other (please specify):

Section VII: Technology
31. As of June 30, 2019, did your agency maintain a website?
32. As of June 30, 2019, did your agency use social media to communicate with the public?
33. As of June 30, 2019, did your agency use any of the following on a REGULAR basis?
a. Computer aided dispatch (CAD)
b. Record management system (RMS)
c. Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) or
Next Generation Identification (NGI)
d. Geographic information systems (GIS)
e. Facial recognition

Infrared (thermal) imagers

g. License plate readers (LPR)
h. Tire deflation devices

Gunshot detection (e.g., Shotspotter)


Firearm tracing (e.g., eTrace)

k. Ballistic imaging (e.g., NIBIN, IBIS)
AGENCY ID: ___________


34. As of June 30, 2019, did your agency use data for any of the following activities?
a. Budget allocation
b. Hot spot analysis
c. Intelligence analysis
d. Patrol allocation
e. Predictive policing
f. Social network analysis
g. Targeted enforcement

Section VIII: Policies and Procedures
35. Does your agency have written policy or procedural directives on the following?
Officer conduct
a. Code of conduct and appearance
b. Maximum work hours allowed. Please specify:
c. Off-duty conduct
d. Use of deadly force/firearm discharge
e. Use of less-lethal force
Dealing with special populations/situations
f. Domestic disputes
g. Homeless persons
h. Juveniles
i. Mentally ill persons
j. Persons with intellectual or developmental disabilities



k. Active shooter
l. Body-worn cameras
m. Civilian complaints
n. Checking on immigration status by patrol/deputy officers
o. Detaining federal immigration violators
p. In-custody deaths
q. Mass demonstrations
r. Motor vehicle stops
s. Prisoner transport
t. Racial profiling/unbiased policing
u. Reporting use of force
v. Social media use
w. Stop and frisk
x. Strip searches
y. Vehicle pursuits



AGENCY ID: ___________


36. As of June 30, 2019, do your FULL-TIME SWORN officers regularly check the immigration status of
persons detained?
No  If no, SKIP to #39

37. (If yes to #36) Under what circumstances do your FULL-TIME SWORN officers regularly check
immigration status?


a. During a street/pedestrian stop
b. During a traffic stop
c. After arrest for a misdemeanor offense
d. After arrest for a felony offense
e. Only when suspected of a federal immigration violation

38. Do your FULL-TIME SWORN officers verify immigration status with the Department of Homeland

 SKIP to 40

39. (If no to #36) What are the reasons your FULL-TIME SWORN officers do not regularly check
immigration status of persons detained?


a. Prohibited by departmental policy
b. Prohibited by local or state legislation
c. Unable to verify status while in the field
d. Concerned about victims not reporting to police
e. Concerned about the perception of racial profiling
f. Other (please specify):

40. As of June 30, 2019, does your agency have an operational computerized Early Intervention System for
monitoring or responding to problematic officer behavior?
AGENCY ID: ___________


41. Enter the number of formal citizen complaints received during the fiscal year including June 30, 2019, by
current disposition status. If none, enter ‘0’.
All complaints

Use of force complaints

a. Sustained
(sufficient evidence to justify disciplinary action
against the officer(s))
b. Other disposition
(e.g., unfounded, exonerated, not sustained,
c. Pending
(final disposition of the allegation has not been
d. TOTAL complaints received
(sum of 'a' through 'c')
42. Is there a civilian complaint review board or agency in your jurisdiction that reviews complaints against
officers in your agency?
43. As of June 30, 2019, does your agency REQUIRE another law enforcement agency to conduct an
investigation in the following situations? Only include investigations conducted by another law enforcement or
criminal investigative body. Do NOT include civilian reviews.
a. Discharge of a firearm at or in the direction of a person
b. Use of force resulting in a subject sustaining serious bodily injury
c. Use of force resulting in a subject’s death
d. In-custody death not due to use of force (e.g., suicide, intoxication or accident)
Thank You!
Thank you for participating in this survey.
Please retain a copy for your records as project staff may call to clarify responses.
Submit this form using one of the following four methods:
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx (toll-free)
Mail: Use the enclosed postage-paid envelope,
or mail to:
RTI International
ATTN: Data Capture
5265 Capital Blvd.
Raleigh, NC 27616-2925

AGENCY ID: ___________



File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorHyland, Shelley
File Modified2019-08-30
File Created2019-08-30

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