Form CG-3585 (Rev. 12/1 CG-3585 (Rev. 12/1 Certificate of Compliance

Certificates of Compliance, Boiler/Pressure Vessel Repairs, Cargo Gear Records, Shipping Papers and NFPA 10 Certificates


Certificate of Compliance

OMB: 1625-0037

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U.S. Coast Guard

OMB No: 1625-0037

Name of Vessel:

IMO Number:


Operator Manager:

Gross Tonnage:

Keel Laid Date:

Type of Vessel:


Oil Tanker

Chemical Tanker

Gas Carrier

Flag of Vessel:

Mobile Offshore
Drilling Unit (MODU)

Floating Installation

For Passenger Vessels only:
The maximum number of passengers is __________ . The maximum allowable total persons on board is: __________ .
For Tank Vessels:

Deadweight Tonnage: ______________________

The vessel is authorized to carry into or from United States ports (mark all that apply):

the products listed on the Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk

the products listed on the Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk subject to

conditions noted on the attached USCG Subchapter O Endorsement (SOE)

crude oil

other petroleum products

Category Z Noxious Liquid Substances (NLS) as noted on the vessel’s International Pollution Prevention Certificate
for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk (NLS Certificate).
This vessel meets the double-hull construction requirements as noted on the IOPP certificate and supplements.
On ________________________________ , this vessel must meet the U.S. double-hull design standard of 33 CFR 157.10d.
This vessel's vapor collection system (VCS) has been certified as meeting the requirements of Title 46, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 39
and Title 33, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 155.750(d) by ______________________ , under the authority of Title 46, Code of Federal
Regulations, Section 39.10-13(d), for the collection of cargo vapors listed in the certification dated ____________________________ , and is
therefore accepted for the collection of these vapors in the navigable waters of the United States.
This vessel is equipped with (mark all that apply):

segregated ballast tanks

dedicated clean ballast tanks

crude oil washing system.

This vessel is equipped with an inert gas system that complies with the requirements of SOLAS 74 (amended) II-2/4.5.5 and 46 CFR 32.
For Floating Installations (FI): (ex. Floating Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) Units/Floating Production Systems (FPS)) (see instructions)
Maximum allowable number of persons on board is ___________ and the minimum number of lifeboatmen required is __________.
For MODU’s only:
This vessel has been examined in accordance with (mark one):

33 CFR 143.207(a)

33 CFR 143.207(b)

33 CFR 143.207(c)
per _____ (YR) MODU code

The maximum allowable number of persons on board is ____________ and the minimum number of lifeboatmen required is __________.
This vessel is (mark all that apply):

Propelled by
mechanical means


Not propelled by
mechanical means

Equipped with Dynamic Positioning (DP)

That the vessel has been examined and found to be in compliance with all applicable U.S. and international marine safety and environmental protection
Tank Vessels,
Passenger Vessels
Floating Installations
and MODU’s
___________________________________________________ _____________________
Periodic Exams Due
Annual Exam Date
Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection
Date Issued
1. _______________

Date of Expiration


2. _______________
3. _______________

An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
The Coast Guard estimates that the average burden for this report is 10 minutes [or 0.17 hours]. You may submit any comments concerning the accuracy
of this burden estimate or any suggestions for reducing the burden to: United States Coast Guard Headquarters, COMMANDANT (CG-CVC-2), Attn:
Foreign and Offshore Vessel Compliance Division, 2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave, SE, Stop 7501, Washington, D.C. 20593-7501 or Office of
Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (1625-0037), Washington, D.C. 20503.
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(see instructions on Certificate of Compliance)
Type of Examination


Place, Date and Port State Control Officer
Place of examination


Port State Control Officer’s Signature
Place of examination


Port State Control Officer’s Signature
Place of examination


Port State Control Officer’s Signature
Place of examination


Port State Control Officer’s Signature
Place of examination


Port State Control Officer’s Signature
Place of examination


Port State Control Officer’s Signature
Place of examination


Port State Control Officer’s Signature
Place of examination


Port State Control Officer’s Signature
Place of examination


Port State Control Officer’s Signature
Place of examination


Port State Control Officer’s Signature
Place of examination


Port State Control Officer’s Signature

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(see instructions on Certificate of Compliance)
Complete only for COC exams occurring outside 12 NM (overseas, lightering zones, MODU’s and Floating Installations)
1. Date of Inspection

2. OCMI Zone

3. Vessel Type

4. Vessel Name

5. IMO #

6. Inspection Type

7. COC Issued:



8. For MODU’s only:




9. Drills Conducted:



Abandon Vessel


10. Nature of Deficiency :



Cite/Action Taken

Vessel Representative: (print)


USCG Inspector: (print)


Issuing Unit Name and Address:


Unit Phone and E-mail Address:

1. This inspection was not a full survey and deficiencies listed may not be exhaustive.
2. Codes for action taken, see below: (Note: code numbers are derived from international harmonization; U.S. uses similar codes and those are reflected below)

10 Deficiency Rectified

40 Rectify within 7 days

20 Vessel expelled

15 Rectify Deficiency by next port

50 Rectify within 30 days

25 Vessel denied entry

16 Rectify within 14 days

60 Rectify def prior to movement

a To the satisfaction of Class/RO

17 Rectify Def prior to departure

66 Rectify defs prior to drilling operations

b To the satisfaction of the Administration

30 Vessel Detained

67 Rectify defs prior to continued drilling operations

c To the satisfaction of the Coast Guard

34 Operations Restricted
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70 Rectify defs prior to next U.S. port after sailing foreign
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Appeal Procedures
(Reference: Title 46, Code of Federal Regulations, Subpart 1.03)
Any person directly affected by a decision or action of an OCMI may request reconsideration of the decision or action to
the cognizant OCMI following the appeal procedures contained in 46 CFR 1.03 or 33 CFR 140.25 as applicable.
1.		 Appeals must be submitted in writing within 30 days after the decision or action being appealed was made. The
appeal must contain a description of the decision or action being appealed and the reason why the decision or
action should be set aside or revised.

All appeals must be submitted first to the cognizant Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection (OCMI) for
reconsideration. Note, the issuing unit’s name/address is located in the bottom left hand corner of the Deficiency
Report if needed.

3.		 If not satisfied by the decision or action of an OCMI after requesting reconsideration, a formal appeal of that
decision or action may be made within 30 days, via the office of the cognizant OCMI, to the District Commander
of the district in which the office of the cognizant OCMI is located.
4.		 If not satisfied by the District Commander’s decision or action on appeal, a formal appeal of that decision or
action may be made within 30 days, via the office of the cognizant District Commander to Commandant (CGCVC).
5.		 Commandant (CG-CVC) is the final agency action on the appeal.

Address: United States Coast Guard Headquarters




Attn: Foreign and Offshore Vessel Compliance Division


2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave, SE, Stop 7501


Washington, D.C. 20593-7501




Email: [email protected]


For information on the U.S. Coast Guard’s Port State Control (PSC) Program, you may visit our website at:
For information on the U.S. Coast Guard’s Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Program, you may visit our website at:

CG-3585 (12/13)


All vessels: All vessels requiring an examination for issuance of a Certificate of Compliance shall notify the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection for
the port where the vessel is to be expected at least seven days before the vessel arrives to arrange the particulars of the inspection. For this
Certificate of Compliance to remain in effect, the vessel shall be maintained to the safety and construction standards as examined for compliance with
applicable marine safety and environmental protection laws and international conventions.
In accordance with the provisions of 46 CFR Part 4 and 33 CFR Part 160.215 and 33 CFR Subchapter “N”, as applicable, the vessel owner,


operator, agent, master, or person in charge is required to immediately notify the nearest United States Coast Guard Sector whenever a


marine casualty or hazardous condition occurs.


For Passenger Vessels only: The vessel must possess a valid Passenger Vessel Safety Certificate. This Certificate of Compliance shall be aboard


the vessel when embarking passengers in a United States port.


For Tank Vessels: If the vessel is authorized to carry liquefied gases in bulk, a valid Subchapter O Endorsement must be attached to this Certificate.
The vessel must also possess a valid Cargo Vessel Safety Certificate, or Cargo Vessel Safety Construction and Safety Equipment Certificates issued
under the provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended and, if applicable, an IMO Certificate of Fitness
and/or an International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk (NLS Certificate). This certificate shall be
aboard the vessel when loading, discharging, or carrying any authorized cargoes into a United States port.
For MODU's & Floating Installations only: This Certificate of Compliance is valid only while operating on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) of the
United States and shall be maintained in accordance with the standards for “All vessels”, including 33 CFR Parts 151, 155, 156 and 33 CFR Subchapter
“N”. If the vessel enters a United States port or territorial waters, additional requirements may apply. This certificate shall be aboard the vessel while
operating on the OCS. If the vessel is authorized as a tank vessel (see IOPP), also complete sections under “For Tank Vessels” as applicable.


1.		 Certificate of Compliance: Entries shall be made on this certificate in accordance with current instructions for the following types of foreign
vessel examinations which are completed in U.S. navigable waters under our PSC authority:


Renewal and annual examinations on oil tankers, chemical tankers, gas carriers.


Annual and periodic passenger vessel examinations.


Examinations incidental to repairs or alterations.


Other compliance examinations (i.e.-MARPOL, Ballast Water, etc.) or Deficiency checks.


2.		 Upon completion of an examination for issuance or re-issuance of this certificate, a new copy of this certificate with the front side filled out by the
PSCO will be given to the master.
3.		 The Examination Record, Remarks section shall include a statement that no deficiencies were issued, if applicable. However, if any deficiencies are
identified, a CG-5437B (Port State Control Report of Inspection, Form B) shall be issued to detail the discrepancies, and the statement “See CG5437B dated ___” shall be entered in the remarks section. The master should be instructed to make this certificate and the referenced document
available to the next CG examination team.
4.		 In the final column, the port and place of examination, Coast Guard unit, the date of the examination and the signature of the PSCO shall be
entered. If more than one PSCO participates in the examination, the lead PSCO shall sign the record. The date of the examination shall be the final
day of the examination.


1.		 Certificate of Compliance: Entries shall be made on this certificate in accordance with current instructions for the following types of foreign
vessel inspections which are completed under U.S. Domestic authority taking place outside 12 NM (overseas, lightering zones, MODU’s & Floating
Initial, renewal and annual inspections on oil tankers, chemical tankers, gas carriers, MODU’s and Floating Installations.


Inspections incidental to repairs or alterations.


Other compliance inspections (i.e. MARPOL, Ballast Water, etc.) or Deficiency checks.


2.		 For MODU’s only: If the MODU is examined in accordance with 33 CFR 143.207(c) note the specific MODU code by year, applicable in the space
3.		 Upon Completion of an inspection for issuance or re-issuance of this certificate, the original shall be given to the Master and a copy retained for
MISLE entry.
4.		 Examination Record: The remarks section should include a reference to any deficiencies noted during the inspection and referenced as follows:
“See Deficiency Report dated _____”. The final column, the place of inspection, Coast Guard unit, date of the inspection, and signature of the
inspector shall be entered. If more than one inspector participates in the inspection, the lead inspector shall sign the record. The date of the
inspection shall be the final day of the inspection.
5.		 If deficiencies are identified, a Deficiency Report shall be completed in its entirety and issued detailing the discrepancies and the appropriate
actions to be taken. The Master shall be instructed to retain a copy of the Deficiency Report with the COC so they are available to the next Coast
Guard inspection team.
6.		 Instructions for completing the Deficiency Report: This report shall only be completed in lieu of the CG-5437A and B (Port State Control
Report of Inspection) for COC exams occurring outside 12 NM (overseas, lightering zones, MODU’s & Floating Installations). If the
number of documented deficiencies exceeds the page allowance, begin a New Deficiency Report and document the page numbers sequentially, at
the bottom, in the space provided.
Block 3 - Vessel Type: Examples include MODU, FPSO, FPS, CVE, Gas, TVE, CHEM, and Accommodation, etc.
Block 6 - Inspection Type: Should indicate type of inspection conducted. (i.e. COC Initial, COC Annual, COC Renewal or COC Quarterly - 1st , 2nd ,
Random, PII, etc.) This section is relevant in the rare instance that a COC is not issued due to deficiencies or type of inspection (i.e. Random or NPV).
This will provide documentation for the vessel of the Coast Guard inspection.
Block 7 - If “No” is checked and a COC is not issued due to deficiencies, the following statement shall be included at the end of the form: “COC was
not issued on (date).” Additionally, the appropriate entries shall be made in MISLE.
Block 8 - (MODU’s only) Utilize the MODU Matrix. NPV should be used for scheduled inspections only. See CG-543 Policy Letter 11-06 for additional
guidance on Priority and Random Inspections.
Block 9 - If “No” is checked; a brief description in the remarks section of the Examination Record will be included. (i.e. no drills conducted due to
inclement weather).
Block 10- Deficiencies should be numbered and identify the relevant International Conventions or regulations. The discrepancy description should
contain two elements: 1) state the standard the vessel does not meet and 2) state why the vessel does not meet the standard.
CG-3585 (12/13)

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleCG3585.PDF
SubjectCertificate of Compliance
AuthorFYI, Inc.
File Modified2014-07-31
File Created2012-04-11

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