GLO Survey draft Q&A_Final

GLO Survey draft Q&A_Final.docx

DOI Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery

GLO Survey draft Q&A_Final

OMB: 1090-0011

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This General Land Office Website User Feedback Survey is being sent to you by the General Land Office Support Team.

Your responses will help us in addressing any issues you may have with the GLO Website, as well as to better target our features to meet your needs.

Your responses will be kept private and will not be used for any purpose other than analysis conducted by the BLM.

You may expect to spend 5 to 10 minutes completing this survey.

If you have any questions about this survey, please contact [email protected].

Thank you!

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: We are collecting this information subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501) to gather user feedback for future possible GLO Website enhancements. Your response is voluntary and we will not share the results publicly. We may not conduct or sponsor and you are not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. OMB has reviewed and approved this survey and assigned OMB Control Number 1090-0011.

Estimated Burden Statement: We estimate the survey will take you 5 to 10 minutes to complete, including time to read instructions, gather information, and complete and submit the survey. You may submit comments on any aspect of this information collection to the Information Collection Clearance Officer, Bureau of Land Management, [email protected].




Reply Format


Int & Ext

Please select the functions you typically use on the website: (check all that apply).

Search Documents by Name

Search Documents by Township

Search Documents by County

Search by Identifier

Search by Location

Search by Related Documents

Bulk Data Download

Land Catalog Search

Search Survey Field Notes

Search by Document Type

Multiple Choice: Multiple Answers


Int & Ext

What field or discipline do you represent? (Check all that apply)

Biology (e.g., Wildlife)

Cadastral Survey

Earth Science (e.g., Geology, Forestry, etc.)





Land Records

Lands and Realty

Mineral Development

Renewable Energy

Social Sciences (e.g., Anthropology, Archeology, etc.)


Other (please specify)

Multiple Choice: Multiple Answers


Int & Ext

Do you have a BLM email account? (Pick one)



Internal notes - Based on the response:

  • If Yes, questions #3A and #3B (below) are available to the user.

  • If No, questions #3A and #3B (below) are skipped (not displayed) to the user.


Int Only

Which of the following best describes your office? (Pick one)

Field/Project Office

District Office

State Office

National Training Center (NTC)

National Operations Center (NOC)


Other (please specify)

Multiple Choice: Single Answer


Int Only

What other BLM applications do you use? (Check all that apply)

AFMSS (Automated Fluid Minerals Support System) (AFMSS1 or AFMSS2)

ALIS (Alaska Land Information System) 

CBS (Collections and Billing System) 

GBP (Geospatial Business Platform) formerly known as eGIS (Enterprise Geographic Information System)

ePlanning (Resources and Mineral Land Use Planning) 

FAMS (Facility Asset Management System) 

FireCode (Fire Incident Cost Code) 

FRIS (Forest Resource Information System) 

IQCS (Incident Qualifications and Certification System) 

LR2000 (Legacy Rehost 2000) 

MLRS (Mineral and Land Records System)

Navigator (GPM) 

NFLSS (National Fluids Lease Sale System) 

NISIMS (National Invasive Species Information Management System) 

PRIS (Protection & Response Information System) 

RAS (Rangeland Administration System) 

RIPS (Rangeland Improvement Project System) 

RMIS (Recreation Management Information System) 

SDMS (Alaska Spatial Data Management System) 

VMAP (Vegetation Management Action Portal) 

WFMI (Wild Fire Management Information) 

WHBPS (Wild Horse and Burro Program System) 


Other (Please specify) 

Multiple Choice: Multiple Answers


Int & Ext

Please rate your level of satisfaction with each of the following regarding this website:

  1. Is available when I need it.

  2. Is responsive when available.

  3. Provides data in a useable format.

  4. Provides consistent, repeatable results.

  5. Allows me to work more efficiently.

  6. Is easy to use and navigate my way through.

  7. Returns results as expected.

  8. I can locate the records I am looking for.

Very Satisfied

Somewhat Satisfied

Not Applicable

Somewhat Unsatisfied

Very Unsatisfied


Int & Ext

Please provide any additional comments related to the previous question that you would like to add:

Text box


Int & Ext

Please rate your preference for each of the following search methods:

  1. Type (Patents, Surveys, LSR, CDI, Tract books)

  2. Location (Map Location)

  3. Identifier (Accession #, Survey DM ID, LSR DM ID, CDI Doc ID)

  4. Land Catalog (State, Township)

Most Preferred

Somewhat Preferred

Least Preferred

Do Not Use


Int & Ext

Please provide any additional comments related to the previous question that you would like to add:

Text box


Int & Ext

Please rate the likelihood that you would use the following features, if available on the website:

  1. Ability to search without having to select a specific document type.

  2. Ability to download multiple documents as a bundle.

  3. Ability to click-and-select an area of interest on a map to view those records.

  4. Ability to retrieve all BLM land records results within one website.

  5. Ability to create an account log-in (to save searches, results, etc.).

  6. Ability to share your results to social media.

  7. Ability to provide feedback online.

Very Likely

Somewhat Likely


Somewhat Unlikely

Very Unlikely


Int & Ext

Please provide any additional comments or suggested new features related to the previous question that you would like to add:

Text box


Int & Ext

What, if any, additional data would you like to have available for a record on the website, either as search criteria or search results?

Text box


Int & Ext

What, if any, additional documents or record types would you like to have available on the website?

Text box


Int & Ext

If this application did not exist and you had to perform the same tasks manually what, in your opinion, would be the impact on your workload? (Pick one)

Over 50% Additional Workload

26 to 50% Additional Workload 

1 to 25% Additional Workload

0% impact

1 to 25% Less Workload 

26 to 50% Less Workload

Over 50% Less Workload

Multiple Choice: Single Answer


Int & Ext

Please provide any additional comments related to the previous question that you would like to add:

Text box


Int & Ext

If you do not find the information you are looking for, on the website, what other application(s) would you use to look for the information?

Text box


Int & Ext

Are you aware that the GLO Records website has a Technical Support Team, that you can submit your suggestions, comments, or questions via email?





Int & Ext

If you have received GLO user support from a User Support Specialist, how satisfied were you regarding each of the following:

  1. Ease of contacting user support

  2. Helpfulness

  3. Issue resolution

  4. Professionalism

  5. Promptness of response

  6. Quality of advice

Very Satisfied

Somewhat Satisfied

Not Applicable

Somewhat Unsatisfied

Very Unsatisfied


Int & Ext

Do you have any additional comments or suggestions on how we may improve GLO user support?

Text box


Int & Ext

Please provide any comments, suggestions, or constructive criticism not already addressed in the survey.

Text box

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorKiss, Barbara A
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2022-01-21

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