FRA F 6180.283 C3RS User Satisfaction Survey - Managers

Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery

FRA F 6180.283 C3RS User Satisfaction Survey_Managers

OMB: 2130-0593

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Expires XX/XX/XXXX OMB Control No. 2130-0593

Public reporting burden for this information collection is estimated to average 5 minutes per response, including the time for reading, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 and its implementing regulations, a respondent is not required to respond to, conduct, or sponsor a collection of information that does not display a currently valid OMB control number. FRA intends to obtain such OMB approval for all activities within this collection of information. All responses to this collection of information are voluntary. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collection Clearance Officer, Federal Railroad Administration, Office of Research, Data, and Innovation, 1200 New Jersey Ave S.E., Washington D.C. 20590.

C3RS Program: Manager Satisfaction Survey


The following 12 questions ask about the Confidential Close Call Reporting System (C3RS) Program. The FRA is interested in learning about your experiences with the C3RS Program in the following areas: familiarity; frequency and helpfulness of program outreach activities; likelihood of encouraging reporting; and perceived impact on safety, in addition to two non-identifying demographic questions.

This data collection is strictly anonymous and voluntary. It should not take you more than 5 minutes. If results of this survey are reported, only grouped summary information will be presented.


How familiar are you with the C3RS Program?

Not at all familiar

Somewhat familiar

Quite familiar

Very familiar

For the following questions, please answer based on your current railroad management position experience:


How frequently do you receive communication about the C3RS program?



Somewhat frequently

Very frequently


Would you like to receive more or less communication about the C3RS program?

Less communication

The amount of communication is “just right”

More communication


Of the communication you have received about the C3RS program, what has been the most helpful? (choose all that apply) [skip logic: do not answer if response to #2 is “never”]

How to submit a report

What types of events are relevant

Tips to encourage reporting

Information about C3RS specific corrective actions

Other [Open-ended]

None of the communication is helpful


What communication materials would you like to receive that you do not currently receive? (choose all that apply)

How to submit a report

What types of events are relevant

Tips to encourage reporting

Information about C3RS specific corrective actions

Other [Open-ended]

I would not like any additional communication


How likely are you to encourage an employee to submit a C3RS incident report if a reportable incident occurs?

Not at all likely

Somewhat likely

Quite likely

Very likely


What would prevent you from encouraging an employee to submit a report? (Choose all that apply)

I am not familiar with the C3RS Program

I am not familiar with which event types are reportable

I am not familiar with the reporting process

I worry that the process is not confidential

Other [Open-ended]


What changes to the C3RS Program would make it more likely for you to encourage an employee to submit a C3RS incident report? (choose all that apply)

Improved ease of submitting a report

Greater assurance of confidentiality

Improved processing turnaround times

Greater awareness of the program




How confident are you that the reporting process is kept confidential?

Not at all confident

Somewhat confident

Quite confident

Completely confident


To what degree do you think the C3RS Program improves safety at your railroad?

I do not think the C3RS Program improves safety at all

I think the C3RS Program improves safety to a slight degree

I think the C3RS Program improves safety to a moderate degree

I think the C3RS Program improves safety to a great degree



How many years have you been employed…

in your current management position? _______

in other position(s) at your current railroad? _______

[Open-ended; restrict to # entry]


Have you served on the PRT at your current railroad? ____ Yes ____ No


In what department are you currently working?


(E.g., Conductor, Dispatcher, Engineer, etc.)


(E.g., Carman, Laborer, Machinist, Pipe Fitter, etc.)


(E.g., Signal Maintainer, Track Inspector, Track Supervisor, etc.)



FRA F 6180.283 (07/2023 1

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorSafar, Hadar (Volpe)
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2023-08-27

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