Standards Reference Materials (SRM) - Customer Satisfaction Data Collection

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Standards Reference Materials (SRM) - Customer Satisfaction Data Collection

OMB: 0693-0031

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Welcome	to	the	NIST	SRM	Product	Survey

This	survey	allows	you	to	rate	your	purchased	SRM	product(s),	as	well
as	 any	 technical	 assistance	 provided.	 	 Click	 "Continue"	 to	 start	 the
NIST	SRM	Product	Survey.	
This	 collection	 of	 information	 contains	 Paperwork	 Reduction	 Act	 (PRA)	 requirements	 approved	 by	 the	 Office	 of
Management	and	Budget	(OMB).	Notwithstanding	any	other	provisions	of	the	law,	no	person	is	required	to	respond
to,	nor	shall	any	person	be	subject	to	a	penalty	for	failure	to	comply	with,	a	collection	of	information	subject	to	the
requirements	 of	 the	 PRA	 unless	 that	 collection	 of	 information	 displays	 a	 currently	 valid	 OMB	 control	 number.
Public	 reporting	 burden	 for	 this	 collection	 is	 estimated	 to	 be	 7	 minutes	 per	 response,	 including	 the	 time	 for
reviewing	instructions,	searching	existing	data	sources,	gathering	and	maintaining	the	data	needed	and	completing
and	 reviewing	 the	 collection	 of	 information.	 Comments	 regarding	 this	 burden	 estimate	 or	 any	 aspect	 of	 this
collection	of	information,	including	suggestions	for	reducing	this	burden,	may	be	sent	to	the	following:
National	Institute	of	Standards	and	Technology
Attn:	Tracy	Hayat
Office	of	Reference	Materials
100	Bureau	Drive,	Stop	2300
Gaithersburg,	MD	20899-2300
Tel:	301-975-2092	E-mail:	[email protected]
You	 are	 accessing	 a	 U.S.	 Government	 information	 system,	 which	 includes:	 1)	 this	 computer,	 2)	 this	 computer
network,	3)	all	computers	connected	to	this	network,	and	4)	all	devices	and	storage	media	attached	to	this	network
or	 to	 a	 computer	 on	 this	 network.	 You	 understand	 and	 consent	 to	 the	 following:	 you	 may	 access	 this	 information
system	 for	 authorized	 use	 only;	 you	 have	 no	 reasonable	 expectation	 of	 privacy	 regarding	 any	 communication	 of
data	 transiting	 or	 stored	 on	 this	 information	 system;	 at	 any	 time	 and	 for	 any	 lawful	 Government	 purpose,	 the
Government	may	monitor,	intercept,	and	search	and	seize	any	communication	or	data	transiting	or	stored	on	this
information	 system;	 and	 any	 communications	 or	 data	 transiting	 or	 stored	 on	 this	 information	 system	 may	 be
disclosed	or	used	for	any	lawful	Government	purpose.

OMB	Control	No.:	0693-0031					OMB	Expiration	Date:	August	31,	2024

Welcome	to	the	NIST	SRM	Product	Survey

It	 is	 not	 required	 to	 identify	 yourself	 by	 name	 or	 organization	 in	 the
survey.	 	 However,	 providing	 customer	 information	 will	 allow	 us	 to
contact	 you	 and	 respond	 to	 any	 problems,	 issues	 or	 comments	 you
submit.		We	review	all	surveys	and	when	possible,	follow	up	on	any	Fair
or	Poor	ratings.
*	Remain	anonymous?	(Required	to	be	completed.)

Customer	Information

*	Customer	Information	(Fields	are	required	to	be	completed.)
*	First	Name:
*	Surname:
*	Email	Address:

Purchase	Information:
NIST	Sales	Order	Number	(leave	blank	if	unknown)

Your	Purchase	Order	Number	(leave	blank	if	unkown)

NIST	SRM	Purchase	Information

*	SRM	Information	(Field	is	required	to	be	completed.)
*	SRM	Number:

SRM	Information	(continued)
Lot	Number	(if
Serial	Number	(if

What	is	the	intended	use	of	this	SRM	to	your	work?

SRM	Rating

*	Please	rate	the	following:	(Required	to	be	completed.)


Very	Good

Certificate	/	Report
Safety	Data	Sheet	/
SRM	Exemption
Overall	SRM	quality
Overall	SRM	value
Let	us	know	why	any	score	was	"Fair"	or	"Poor".

Would	you	purchase	this	NIST	SRM	again?
If	"No",	please	explain.

Other	comments?





Potential	Technical	Issues

*	Did	you	contact	NIST	regarding	any	technical	issues	with	this	SRM?	(Required	to	be	completed.)

Technical	Assistance

*	Was	your	technical	issue	resolved?	(Required	to	be	completed.)
No.	To	resolve	the	issue,	email	[email protected].
If	"No",	please	explain.

*	Please	rate	the	following:	(Required	to	be	completed.)


Very	Good


Timeliness	of	the
NIST	technical	staff
in	response	to	your
inquiry	or	request
Quality	of
information	provided
in	response	to	your
request	or	inquiry
Overall	customer
service	experience
Let	us	know	why	any	score	was	"Fair"	or	"Poor".

How	can	the	NIST	technical	staff	improve	their	service?




Thank	you

Thank	you	for	completing	our	NIST	SRM	Product
Technical	questions	or	concerns	should	be	directed	to	[email protected].

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File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2024-08-23

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