Memo to OMB for NIS-4J outreach (includes all attachments)

NIS4-J Outreach Generic Clearance_toOMB_merge.pdf

Generic Clearance for Cognitive, Pilot and Field Studies for Bureau of Justice Statistics Data Collection Activities

Memo to OMB for NIS-4J outreach (includes all attachments)

OMB: 1121-0339

Document [pdf]
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Robert G. Sivinski
Office of Statistical and Science Policy
Office of Management and Budget


Doris J. James
Acting Director
Bureau of Justice Statistics
Kevin M. Scott
Deputy Director, Statistical Operations


Amy D. Lauger
Chief, Institutional Research and Special Projects Unit


April 21, 2022


BJS requests to consult with national associations and jail administrators for
survey administration planning and development for the National Inmate Survey
(NIS-4) Jails under BJS Generic Clearance Agreement (OMB# 1121-0339).

This submission seeks clearance to consult with national associations and jail administrators
about the feasibility of and considerations for fielding the survey during or after the COVID
pandemic, to recruit facilities for a field pre-test, and to receive input on a facility characteristics
form. This request falls under a cooperative agreement BJS has with Westat to collect data for
NIS-4 Jails, (award 2018-R3-BX-K039.)
On September 4, 2003, the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA or the Act) was signed
by President George W. Bush (Public Law 108-79; see Attachment 1). The Act requires BJS to
“carry out, for each calendar year, a comprehensive statistical review and analysis of the
incidence and effects of prison rape.” The Act further instructs BJS to collect survey data: “…the
Bureau shall…use surveys and other statistical studies of current and former inmates…”
To implement the Act, BJS developed the National Prison Rape Statistics Program (NPRS),
which includes four separate data collection efforts: the Survey on Sexual Victimization (SSV),

the National Inmate Survey (NIS), the National Survey of Youth in Custody (NSYC), and the
National Former Prisoner Survey (NFPS).
These collections are independent but complementary. Together, they provide a breadth of
information about the prevalence and characteristics of sexual victimization in correctional
facilities. The SSV series collects administrative data about incidents of sexual victimization
reported to and investigated by adult and juvenile correctional authorities, as well as
characteristics of substantiated incidents. The NIS collects information on sexual victimization
self-reported by inmates held in adult correctional facilities, both jails and prisons. NSYC
gathers self-reported sexual victimization data from juveniles in juvenile correctional facilities.
The NFPS measures allegations of sexual assault experienced during the respondent’s last
incarceration, as reported by former inmates on active supervision.
The NIS has been conducted three times, in 2007 (NIS-1), in 2008–09 (NIS-2), and in 2011–12
(NIS-3). Each iteration of NIS was conducted in at least one facility in all 50 states and the
District of Columbia. In each iteration of the survey, inmates completed the survey using an
audio computer-assisted self-interview (ACASI), whereby they heard questions and instructions
via headphones and responded to the survey items via a touch-screen interface. The 2007 NIS
(NIS-1) completed 63,817 interviews, the 2008-09 NIS (NIS-2) completed 81,566 interviews,
and the 2011-12 NIS (NIS-3) completed 92,449 interviews.
BJS published survey findings from NIS-3 in May 2013, including the following:


An estimated 3.2% of jail inmates reported experiencing one or more incidents of sexual
victimization by another inmate or facility staff in the past 12 months or since admission
to the facility, if less than 12 months.
Among jail inmates, 1.6% (or an estimated 11,900 inmates) reported an incident of sexual
victimization involving another inmate, 1.8% (13,200) reported an incident involving
facility staff, and 0.2% (2,400) reported both an incident by another inmate and staff.
Juveniles ages 16 to 17 held in adult prisons and jails did not have significantly higher
rates of sexual victimization than adult inmates. An estimated 1.8% of juveniles ages 16
to 17 held in prisons and jails reported being victimized by another inmate, compared to
2.0% of adults in prisons and 1.6% of adults in jails. An estimated 3.2% of juveniles ages
16 to 17 held in prisons and jails reported experiencing staff sexual misconduct. Though
higher, these rates were not statistically different from the 2.4% of adults in prisons and
1.8% of adults in jails.
Jail inmates with serious mental illness reported high rates of inmate-on-inmate sexual
victimization – 3.6% versus 0.7% for inmates with no indication of mental illness.
Among non-heterosexual inmates, 8.5% of jail inmates reported being sexually
victimized by another inmate; 4.3% of jail inmates reported being victimized by staff. 1

For the fourth iteration of the National Inmate Survey, BJS made the decision to split the NIS
administration into two different awards—one for administering the survey in prisons (NIS-4
Prisons), and the other for administering the survey in jails (NIS-4 Jails). In FY2018, BJS

released a solicitation seeking a data collection agent to conduct the NIS-4 Jails. After an open
competition, Westat, Inc. was selected to develop and administer the survey under a cooperative
agreement with BJS (award number 2018-R3-BX-K039).
Request to Consult with National Associations and Jail Administrators
Work completed on the NIS-4 Jails to date includes the revision of the survey instruments,
translation of the instruments into Spanish, and programming of the ACASI questionnaire, in
addition to frame building and maintenance. The survey administration protocols are based
significantly on those from prior rounds of the NIS, though BJS engaged a small number of jail
stakeholders in 2020 on jail-specific wording in various project materials. BJS submitted a 60day Federal Register Notice for this project in summer 2020, but progress was suspended due to
the COVID pandemic. BJS is now reaching out to the field as, given the progress of the COVID19 vaccine rollout and treatment development, BJS hopes that jails will be able to facilitate a
survey pretest in 2022 in preparation for a full survey launch in early 2023
This submission seeks clearance to consult with national associations and jail administrators
about the feasibility of and considerations for fielding the survey during or after the COVID
pandemic, to recruit facilities for a field pre-test, and to receive input on a facility characteristics
form. This request falls under a cooperative agreement BJS has with Westat to collect data for
NIS-4 Jails, (award 2018-R3-BX-K039.)
COVID Considerations and Feasibility
BJS will consult with national associations and jail administrators about COVID protocols
currently in place in facilities and discuss the feasibility of conducting the survey in facilities in
2023, either while the pandemic is still ongoing or after the pandemic has ended. BJS will
provide respondents with a ten-minute assessment (Attachment A) on any considerations in
place in facilities related to visitation or inmate movement and how they might impact the
planned survey administration strategy.
Recruit Facilities for Pre-test
BJS will conduct outreach to up to ten jail facilities to serve as the four facilities in the pre-test.
BJS will select facilities that vary by size, population, and location. The pre-test test will focus
on hardware performance (touch-screen laptops), implementation protocols, data capture,
administration times, and sampling algorithms for survey versions. The pre-test will also assess
facility burden for generating and updating rosters, providing interview settings, escorting
inmates, and supporting study protocols (e.g., maintaining privacy). Attachment B contains the
recruitment materials that will be sent to facilities.
Facility Characteristics Form Feedback
The NIS will contain a facility questionnaire with questions concerning facility characteristics,
staff, PREA procedures, and the impact of COVID on facility practices. BJS is seeking feedback
on a proposed version of this form. To receive this feedback, BJS will provide facility staff with
feedback form (Attachment C). The form will ask the respondent for their interpretation of what
proposed questions are about and any terms or concepts that may be potentially confusing or
misunderstood. Respondents are asked not to complete the survey itself but only to respond to

the probing questions in the feedback form. This feedback will help BJS understand how
respondents interpret the questions and response options and measure general comprehension of
the survey.
The burden-hour estimates for the respondents are provided in Table 1. The project team expects
that consultation with national associations and jail administrators about fielding the survey
during or after the COVID pandemic will take up to 30 minutes per respondent. Conducting
outreach for the pre-test will take up to 60 minutes per facility. Reviewing the facility
characteristics survey and completing the feedback form will require 60 minutes from each
facility administrator and national association member. The burden time for all contacts under
this request is 59 hours.
Table 1. Burden-Hour Estimates for Respondents
Task #

Task Description
COVID considerations and feasibility
Outreach to facilities for pre-test
Facility characteristic form feedback
Total burden

Number of

(in minutes)

Total burden
(in hours)

Institutional Review Board
Westat’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) determined the consultation protocol to be compliant
with informed consent and data confidentiality standards. See Attachment D.
Contact Information
Questions regarding any aspect of this project can be directed to:
Amy D. Lauger
Chief, Institutional Research and Special Projects Unit
Bureau of Justice Statistics
U.S. Department of Justice
810 7th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20531
Office Phone: (202) 307-0711
E-mail: [email protected]
Attachment A:
Attachment B:
Attachment C:
Attachment D:

COVID-related Restrictions Assessment and Emails
Facility Pre-test Enrollment Materials
Facility Questionnaire Expert Review Materials
IRB Approval Letter

Attachment A: COVID-related Restrictions Assessment and Emails

NIS-4 Jails – BJS Email
NIS-4 Jails – COVID-related Restrictions Assessment – Facility Administrator
NIS-4 Jails – COVID-related Restrictions Assessment – Stakeholder
NIS-4 Jails – BJS Reminder Email


SUBJECT: National Inmate Survey (NIS-4 Jails) Facility COVID-19 Impact – Request for Your
I am writing to request your input on how the COVID-19 pandemic could affect the collection of the
upcoming National Inmate Survey (NIS-4) in jails during or after the pandemic. Your input will help us
understand how to collect the data effectively and minimize burden on the facilities visited, so I am eager
to get your feedback via a brief form.
BJS is working with Westat to conduct the NIS-4 Jails. Please complete and submit the attached form
to NAME, a Westat employee, via email no later than . The expected time to complete this
form is 10 minutes.
NAME can be reached at EMAIL or by phone at PHONE. Please let us know if you are unable to respond
by this date and we will work to find a time that fits your schedule. If you think you will not be able to
respond at all, please do let us know that, too.
Part of Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA), the NIS asks inmates about sexual assault in
correctional facilities and related topics. PREA requires the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), an agency
within the U.S. Department of Justice, to publish national and facility-level estimates of sexual
victimization in correctional facilities and common characteristics of these victimizations. The NIS is a
key part of this requirement.
BJS originally planned to conduct an iteration of the NIS beginning in the fall of 2020. The agency
delayed collection to protect the safety of the inmates, staff, and interviewers during the COVID-19
pandemic. BJS now plans to begin collection in early 2023.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (202) 307-0711 or [email protected]. Jessica
Taylor, the Project Director from Westat, is also available to address questions and comments at (240)
314-5852 or [email protected].
Amy Lauger
PREA Program Manager
Bureau of Justice Statistics


OMB No.: XXXX-xxxx

COVID-Related Restrictions Assessment for the National Inmate Survey (NIS-4 Jails)
Introduction to the National Inmate Survey (NIS)
Part of Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA), the National Inmate Survey asks inmates
about sexual assault in correctional facilities and related topics. PREA requires the Bureau of
Justice Statistics (BJS), an agency within the U.S. Department of Justice, to publish national and
facility-level estimates of sexual victimization in correctional facilities and common
characteristics of these victimizations. The NIS is a key part of this requirement.
To collect the NIS data, a research team typically visits a selected facility for up to several days.
Data are collected directly from inmates in a private setting using audio computer-assisted selfinterview (ACASI) technology, which uses a laptop computer to allow inmates to see the
questions on the screen, hear the questions being read through headphones, and answer the
questions in complete privacy by touching the computer screen in the appropriate place.
During the previous NIS collections, we found this methodology to be effective in producing
high quality data while protecting the confidentiality of the responses from inmates. Each
interview lasts an average of 35 minutes.
BJS originally planned to conduct an iteration of the NIS beginning in the fall of 2020. The
agency delayed collection to protect the safety of the inmates, staff, and interviewers during
the COVID-19 pandemic. BJS now plans to begin collection in early 2023.
Our current request
We are asking for your input to see how the COVID-19 pandemic could affect the collection of
the NIS in jail facilities, beginning in early 2023.
Your participation in this survey is voluntary. The expected time to complete this form is 10
Please email your completed form to  by xx/xx/xxxx.
If you have questions, please email NAME at EMAIL or contact Westat at xxx-xxx-xxxx.


1. Is your facility currently allowing in-person visitation from…

a. Researchers or research teams?
b. Friends/family of inmates?
c. Other individuals? If yes, please specify


2. Does your facility have any of the following pandemic-related precautions currently in
place? Please check yes or no for a research team and for other visitors.

a. Visitors must show proof of being fully
vaccinated against COVID-19
b. Visitors must show proof of being upto-date with all COVID-19 booster
c. Visitors are required to wear masks at
all times
d. Visitors are required to maintain
social distancing at all times
e. Visitors are subject to a COVID-19
screening questionnaire (e.g. recent
exposure, symptoms or recent travel)
f. Visitors are subject to a temperature
g. Visitors must provide proof of a
negative COVID test within 24 hours of
the visit
h. Inmates must be vaccinated to receive
i. Inmates must be masked to receive

Research team

Other visitors

3. What other COVID-19 precautions related to inmate visitation does your facility have in


4. From which of the following governing organizations does your facility obtain its COVID
response guidance?
a. The county/municipality Public Health Department
b. The state Public Health Department
c. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
d. Other, If yes, please specify

5. Has your facility hosted a researcher or team of researchers to conduct in-person
research or survey activities since March 2020?
6. How does your facility’s current inmate population compare to pre-pandemic levels
(prior to March 2020)? Please provide your best estimate.

Significantly more inmates now
About the same number of inmates
Significantly less inmates now

7. How does your facility’s current staffing level compare to pre-pandemic levels (prior to
March 2020)? Please provide your best estimate.

Significantly more staff members now
About the same number of staff members
Significantly less staff members now

8. Do you have any additional information that would help us determine the factors that
may challenge a research team visiting jails beginning in early 2023?
Please email your response to 
Thank you for your participation!


OMB No.: XXXX-xxxx

The National Inmate Survey (NIS-4 Jails) COVID-Related Restrictions Assessment
Introduction to the National Inmate Survey (NIS)
Part of Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA), the National Inmate Survey asks inmates
about sexual assault in correctional facilities and related topics. PREA requires the Bureau of
Justice Statistics (BJS), an agency within the U.S. Department of Justice, to publish national and
facility-level estimates of sexual victimization in correctional facilities and common
characteristics of these victimizations. The NIS is a key part of this requirement.
To collect the NIS data, a research team typically visits a selected facility for up to several days.
Data are collected directly from inmates in a private setting using audio computer-assisted selfinterview (ACASI) technology, which uses a laptop computer to allow inmates to see the
questions on the screen, hear the questions being read through headphones, and answer the
questions in complete privacy by touching the computer screen in the appropriate place.
During the previous NIS collections, we found this methodology to be effective in producing
high quality data while protecting the confidentiality of the responses from inmates. Each
interview lasts an average of 35 minutes.
BJS originally planned to conduct an iteration of the NIS beginning in the fall of 2020. The
agency delayed collection to protect the safety of the inmates, staff, and interviewers during
the COVID-19 pandemic. BJS now plans to begin collection in early 2023.
Our current request
We are asking for your input to see how the COVID-19 pandemic could affect the collection of
the NIS in jail facilities, beginning in early 2023. Please answer with respect to what you’ve
learned in your role about jails affiliated with your association.
Your participation in this survey is voluntary. The expected time to complete this form is 10
Please email your completed form to  by xx/xx/xxxx.
If you have questions, please email NAME at EMAIL or contact Westat at xxx-xxx-xxxx.
1. Which association do you represent?



American Jail Association (AJA)
National Association of Counties (NACo)
National Sheriffs’ Association (NSA)
Other (please specify):

2. Are you familiar with jail facilities currently allowing in-person inmate visitation?
a. Yes
b. No
3. What sort of COVID-related restrictions/requirements do these jail facilities currently
have in place regarding in-person inmate visitation?
4. Are you aware of any jail facilities that have hosted a researcher or team of researchers
to collect data in-person in the past six months?
a. Yes
b. No
5. What sort of COVID-related restrictions/requirements do these jail facilities currently
have in place regarding in-person research?
6. Thinking about the changes in practices and policies in jail facilities due to the pandemic,
what parts of hosting a team of researchers to conduct an in-person survey might be
challenging to facilities?
7. As far as you can tell, what COVID-related practices and policies in jails might change
between now and 2023?
8. Do you have any additional information that would help us determine the factors that
may challenge a research team visiting jails beginning in early 2023?


Please email your response to 
Thank you for your participation!


SUBJECT: National Inmate Survey (NIS4 Jails) Facility Visitation amidst COVID-19 – Reminder
A few weeks ago, we asked for your input on how the COVID-19 pandemic could affect the collection of
the upcoming National Inmate Survey (NIS-4) in jails during or after the COVID-19 pandemic. This
email is a reminder that your input will help improve the survey operation and minimize impact and
burden on the facilities visited, and we would greatly appreciate your review by .
Please let us know if you are unable to respond by this date and we will work to find a time that fits your
schedule. If you think you will not be able to respond at all, please do let us know that, too.
I am re-attaching the brief feedback form for your convenience.
BJS is working with Westat to conduct the NIS-4 Jails. Please complete and submit the attached form to
NAME, a Westat employee, via email no later than . NAME can be reached at EMAIL or by
phone at PHONE.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (202) 307-0711 or [email protected]. Jessica
Taylor, the Project Director from Westat, is also available to address questions and comments at (240)
301-5852 or [email protected].
Amy Lauger
PREA Program Manager
Bureau of Justice Statistics


Attachment B: Facility Pre-test Enrollment Materials

NIS-4 Jails – BJS Introduction Letter – Pre-test Study
Facility Information Overview
Facility Roles and Responsibilities

SUBJECT: National Inmate Survey Pre-Test – Request for Assistance

Dear :
I am writing to ask for your assistance with the fourth National Inmate Survey in Jails (NIS-4J). Since the last
NIS, we have received helpful recommendations from jail administrators, advocates, and other interested
stakeholders. These recommendations were invaluable as we enhanced the survey to address important issues
identified in past collections. We are now planning to pre-test the NIS-4J instrument with inmates in several
jails, and we are hoping to conduct a pre-test in your jail facility. The pre-test would last approximately half a
day as we interview ten inmates in your facility.
BJS has entered into a cooperative agreement with Westat, a private research company, to conduct the data
collection and analysis activities for the NIS-4J. BJS is committed to conducting this pre-test safely and has
received Westat’s assurance that they will adhere to safety protocols designed to minimize the risk of the
transmission of COVID-19. Westat will work closely with facility personnel to adhere to all safety
Should you agree to participate, a Westat representative (Susan Cross) will contact you in . She will
provide details about our plans for the pre-test and answer any questions you may have. If you would like for
Ms. Cross to work with a liaison from your office, please let us know whom she should contact. We understand
the potential burden of even conducting a small pre-test in your jail, but we will work diligently to minimize its
impact on facility operations. Ms. Cross can be reached by email ([email protected]) or by phone (800)
937-8281 x2664.
The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) is mandated by the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA; P.L. 108-79) to
carry out a comprehensive statistical analysis and report on the prevalence and nature of sexual victimization
within jail facilities. Findings from the most recent data collection were published by BJS in Sexual
Victimization in Prisons and Jails Reported by Inmates, 2011-12, and are available online at
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (202) 307-0711, [email protected]. Jessica Taylor,
the Project Director from Westat, is also available to address questions and comments at (240) 301-5852,
[email protected].
Amy D. Lauger
PREA Program Manager
Bureau of Justice Statistics

U.S. Department of Justice

Bureau of Justice Statistics

Jail Facility Information Overview

Implementation Process
Preparing for Data Collection




BJS and Westat will host an introductory webinar to introduce the
survey to jail administrators from sampled facilities.
Westat will contact the facility administrator to learn who will serve as
the coordinator for the facility.
Westat will provide the facility coordinator with materials about the
National Inmate Survey and begin planning for data collection at the
Through emails and phone calls, Westat will review protocols and
logistics with the facility coordinator.
Westat and the coordinator will schedule the data collection visit.
If minor inmates (ages 16 or 17) are held in the facility, Westat
will request that the facility provide consent in loco parentis (ILP)
for minor inmates.

Data Collection Begins




Westat will begin visiting facilities to conduct interviews.
Four weeks before the visit, the coordinator will provide an electronic
test roster of arraigned inmates including the inmate’s identification
number, name, gender, date of birth, race/ethnicity, admission date,
and housing assignment.
The coordinator will provide a full roster the Wednesday before the
visit and an updated roster the first day of the visit.
The coordinator will locate space in the facility where Westat
interviewers can meet individually with inmates to conduct the
surveys. The coordinator will arrange for facility staff to escortinmates
to and from the interview area(s).
The coordinator will complete a web-based Facility Questionnaire by
the last day of the visit.

Jail Facility Roles and Responsibilities

U.S. Department of Justice

Bureau of Justice Statistics

Facility administrator

Designate a facility coordinator: The facility administrator will designate a staff
person who will work with Westat to prepare for the survey team visit and to
complete the facility survey.

Facility coordinator

Describe facility characteristics: The coordinator will provide information about
the facility (e.g., number of living units, number of inmates, whether the
administrator runs any facilities in other locations such as annexes or satellite
locations) through a series of emails and brief telephone interviews. This
information will be used to plan for the visit.


Plan visit logistics: In preparation for the survey visit, the coordinator will
identify private rooms where each researcher will conduct the interviews and
arrange the daily schedule so inmates can be available. These plans will be
prepared in advance and then confirmed when the team supervisor meets with the
coordinator on the first day of the visit.


Arrange for counseling services: The coordinator will ensure that counseling is
available for inmates.


Schedule the facility visit: The coordinator and Westat staff will schedule the
visit based on the facility schedule, expected number of inmates, and availability of
researchers. For larger facilities, the research team will include up to eight Westat


Provide inmate roster: Four weeks prior to the visit date, the coordinator will
provide Westat with a test roster of arraigned inmates in the facility. The roster
will contain each inmate’s identification number, name, gender, date of birth,
race/ethnicity, admission date, and housing assignment.


Provide roster updates: The Wednesday before the visit, the coordinator will
provide Westat a full roster. The coordinator will provide Westat an updated roster
on the first day of the visit, adding newly arraigned inmates.


Complete a facility questionnaire: By the last day of the visit, the coordinator
will complete a web-based Facility Questionnaire that collects information about the


Provide support during data collection visit: The coordinator will be the point
of contact while the interviews are taking place. This includes scheduling the
interviews for the selected inmates and arranging for staff to escort inmates to and
from the interview rooms.


If minor inmates are held in the facility:

Consent for minor inmates to participate: The facility will grant permission
to interview minor inmates in loco parentis.


Define mandatory reporting procedures: NIS-4J researchers are
considered subject to state and local mandatory reporting requirements. When
minor inmates make verbal allegations of abuse or harm to a researcher, a
report will be made. General procedures will be specified by the agency liaison.
However, the facility coordinator will be asked to define the specific
procedures for the facility (e.g., name and contact information for the agency
designated to receive the report).

Attachment C: Facility Questionnaire Expert Review Materials

NIS-4 Jails – BJS Introduction Email
NIS-4 Jails – BJS Facility Questionnaire Feedback Form
NIS-4 Jails – BJS Reminder Email
NIS-4 Jails – BJS Thank you Email

SUBJECT: National Inmate Survey Jails Facility Questionnaire – Request for Your Input
I am writing to request your help in reviewing the Facility Questionnaire that will be used in the
upcoming National Inmate Survey (NIS-4) in jails.
NIS-4 is part of the Bureau of Justice Statistics’ National Prison Rape Statistics Program, which gathers
data on the incidence and prevalence of sexual assault in correctional facilities. Collection of these data
is mandated under the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 and the fourth data collection is scheduled
to be conducted in selected jail facilities nationwide in 2023.
Please do not answer the survey questions in the attachment, rather, we would like you to review it and
provide us with your feedback on whether the questions would make sense in your jail facility. We
welcome any suggestions you have to improve the items by typing your comments directly into the grey
boxes throughout the questionnaire.
BJS is working with Westat to conduct the NIS-4 Jails Facility Questionnaire. Please complete and
submit the attached review form to , a Westat employee, via email no later than
.  can be reached at  or by phone  0] During the past 12 months, that is since this date last year, were allegations of
sexual abuse or sexual harassment at [FACILITY NAME] investigated by staff at the facility,
referred to an organization outside the facility to investigate, or both?

Staff at the facility investigated
Referred to an organization outside the facility

24. Does [FACILITY NAME] have a policy that an inmate who makes an allegation of sexual abuse or
sexual harassment must be notified of the outcome of the investigation?



Impact of COVID on Facility Practices
21. During the past 12 months, that is since this date last year, how did COVID affect each of these practices?
25a. Number of inmates
released early
25b. Amount of time
Correctional Officers spend in
the housing units
25c. Amount of inmate
movement within the facility
25d. Inmate participation in
recreational activities
25e. Inmate participation in
employment opportunities
25f. Number of visitors inside
the facility
25g. Number of volunteers
inside the facility

Increased Increased
Decreased Decreased
a lot
a little
a little
a lot

Question 25 Feedback
If the above wording is clear and reasonable for jail facilities, write “OK” below. Otherwise,
please provide any suggestions for improving the wording of question 25.

Additional Feedback
Please use this space to provide additional comments or suggestions that could help improve this


Additional Feedback

Thank you for providing this important information about [FACILITY NAME].


SUBJECT: National Inmate Survey Jails Facility Questionnaire – Reminder Request
A few weeks ago, we asked for your help in reviewing items from the Facility Questionnaire that will
be used in the upcoming National Inmate Survey (NIS-4) in jails. This email is a reminder that your
input will help improve the data collected by this survey, and we would greatly appreciate your review
by .
Please let us know if you are unable to respond by this date and we will work to find a time that fits
your schedule. If you think you will not be able to respond at all, please do let us know that, too.
I am re-attaching the questionnaire for your convenience. Please do not answer the survey questions; we
are just seeking your comments and feedback (in the grey boxes throughout the questionnaire) on
whether you think the questions would make sense in your jail facility.
BJS is working with Westat to conduct the NIS-4 Jails Facility Questionnaire. Please complete and
submit the attached review form to , a Westat employee, via email no later than
.  can be reached at  or by phone (xxx) xxx-xxxx.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (202) 307-0711 or [email protected].
Jessica Taylor, the Project Director from Westat, is also available to address questions and comments
at (240) 301-5852 or [email protected].
Amy Lauger
PREA Program Manager
Bureau of Justice Statistics

SUBJECT: National Inmate Survey Jails Facility Questionnaire – Thank you for your feedback!
Dear :
I am writing to thank you for supporting the National Inmate Survey (NIS). We are grateful for your assistance with
reviewing the Facility Questionnaire and providing your feedback. Your input has helped us finalize the survey and to
begin our preparations for the upcoming fourth data collection of the NIS.
To assist the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) in carrying out the Prison Rape
Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA, Public Law 108-79) mandate, Westat will survey inmates in jail facilities nationwide
about the prevalence, characteristics, circumstances, correlates, and outcomes of sexual victimization while in facility
custody. Data collection is planned for early 2023.
Within the following year, you should receive notice from BJS of the release of the study report. We recognize the
contribution that you have made to the study and hope that you find the report useful.
If you have any questions about NIS or PREA, please contact me at  or by email at [email protected].
Amy D. Lauger
PREA Program Manager
Bureau of Justice Statistics



March 30, 2022


Jessica Taylor, Project Director


Sharon Zack, Westat IRB Administrator


Amendment Approval of NIS-4 Jails, Project Number 6654
(Amendment ID: 3673)
FWA 00005551

As IRB Administrator of the Westat Institutional Review Board (IRB), I reviewed the materials
submitted for the following: NIS-4 Jails, Project Number 6654. The Westat IRB reviews all
studies involving research on human subjects. This project was last reviewed in January 2022.
This request is to approve a brief survey of jail administrators and national association members.
The purpose of the survey is to assess the feasibility of and considerations for fielding the survey
during or after the COVID pandemic.
The regulations (45 CFR 46) permit expedited review of minor changes in previously approved
activities. I am therefore approving the modifications under expedited authority.

Your continuing review was due before April 10, 2022. It was approved on 3/14/22.
Your next continuing review is due before April 10, 2023.
IRB approval is required before any new or modified research activities are conducted or
when there is a problem involving risks to human subjects.
Upon learning of an incident, you must contact the IRB Office within 24 hours via
telephone (301-610-8828) or email ([email protected]).
Institutional Review Board
Janet Ciarico

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2022-04-26
File Created2022-04-26

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