LEAP survey attachments

LEAP Attachments C through U.pdf

Generic Clearance for Cognitive, Pilot and Field Studies for Bureau of Justice Statistics Data Collection Activities

LEAP survey attachments

OMB: 1121-0339

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Attachment C
«AH_Title» «AH_Name»
«Address1» «Address2»
«City», «State» «Zip»
Dear «AH_Title» «AH_Name»,
The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) is pleased to introduce the upcoming Law
Enforcement Agency Pulse (LEAP) survey.
The LEAP is a new pilot survey developed by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), the principal federal
statistical agency in the Department of Justice and the official source for criminal justice statistics in the
United States. BJS is working in partnership with IACP and RTI International on LEAP.
The purpose of the LEAP survey is to identify the most efficient, least burdensome way to collect timely
data on key topics, such as agency personnel, budget, and hiring/retention. Responses and feedback from
law enforcement agencies such as yours will be critical to developing this innovative data collection.
In the next few weeks, BJS will invite <> to participate in the LEAP survey. Specifically,
your agency will be asked to complete a short online survey covering key topics in law enforcement.
Recognizing the importance of this work, the IACP <
> provides our full support for LEAP and encourages you to participate. I appreciate that your agency is busy and I thank you for your support of LEAP. BJS, IACP, and RTI International have designed the LEAP to help improve BJS’s law enforcement agency data collections by minimizing the burden on <> <>. I hope your agency can find time to complete this short survey, as well as provide feedback if you have any. If you need to change the point of contact for your agency or update your contact information (including email address), please call the LEAP helpdesk at <>. If you have questions about LEAP, please contact the RTI data collection team by phone at <> or e-mail at [email protected]. If you have any general comments about this data collection, please contact the BJS Program Manager Sean Goodison at <> or [email protected]. Sincerely, <> <> International Association of Chiefs of Police Attachment D <> <<NAME>> OR CURRENT CHIEF EXECUTIVE <<AGENCYNAME>> <<ADDRESS1>> <<ADDRESS2>> <<CITY>>, <<STATE>> <<ZIP>> Dear «TITLE» «NAME»: I am writing to invite the <<AGENCY NAME>> to participate in the 2024 Law Enforcement Agency Pulse (LEAP) survey from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). BJS is the principal federal statistical agency in the Department of Justice and the official source for criminal justice statistics in the United States. Our mission is to collect, analyze, publish, and disseminate criminal justice data. The LEAP survey is a new pilot program to assess the most effective way to conduct future law enforcement surveys. We want to identify the most efficient, least burdensome way to collect timely data on key topics, such as agency personnel, budget, and hiring/retention. This brief survey covers topics related to basic personnel and operational activities and takes approximately 40 minutes to complete. BJS is working with RTI International, a non-profit research institute, to conduct LEAP. Additionally, BJS has partnered with the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) for this project. You may have received a pre-notification from IACP regarding the LEAP survey. To complete your survey, go to <<LINK>>. You may start and stop as needed. Your agency’s log-in information is: User name: <<AgencyID>> Password: <<PIN>> Please complete this questionnaire online by <<DATE>>. For your reference, a copy of the survey can be downloaded from the website. If you need to change your agency’s point of contact or update your contact information (including email address), go to <<LINK>> using the username and password shown above and follow the instructions provided on the website. BJS is authorized to conduct this data collection under 34 U.S.C. § 10132. BJS will use the data collected in LEAP only for research and statistical purposes, as described in 34 U.S.C. § 10134. As a pilot program, no data submitted by your agency will used outside of BJS and any public report will only use aggregated results without identifying individual agencies or responses. More information about the various authorities that govern BJS data is available in the BJS Data Protection Guidelines on the BJS website. If you have questions, please contact the RTI data collection team at <<PHONE#>> or leap@rti.org. If you have general comments about LEAP, please contact the BJS Program Manager, Sean Goodison, Ph.D., at 202-307-0765 or Sean.Goodison@usdoj.gov. Sincerely, Kevin M. Scott, Ph.D. Acting Director Bureau of Justice Statistics Attachment E Title Page Law Enforcement Agency Pulse (LEAP) Survey FAQS Conducted by Bureau of Justice Statistics, US Department of Justice RTI International International Association of Chiefs of Police The Law Enforcement Agency Pulse (LEAP) survey was developed by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). The LEAP survey is a new pilot program to assess the most effective way to conduct future law enforcement surveys. The goal of the LEAP pilot is to identify the most efficient, least burdensome way to collect timely data on key topics, such as agency personnel, budget, and hiring/retention. Only 500 agencies have been randomly selected to participate in the pilot program. LEAP data collection will occur in the summer and fall of 2024. The following presents some frequently asked questions law enforcement agencies may have about the LEAP. What information does LEAP collect? LEAP asks questions on personnel, budget, hiring and retention, and data use. However, data collected from LEAP will not be used to produce statistics on agency operations. As a pilot program, no data submitted by your agency will used outside of BJS and any public report will only use aggregated results without identifying individual agencies or responses. Instead, LEAP will be used to design future law enforcement surveys. Why is LEAP important? If successful, future iterations of LEAP would facilitate more frequent publication of law enforcement data. This would allow agencies, researchers, and policy makers to understand law enforcement operations at local, county, state, and national levels. Simultaneously, BJS understands that law enforcement agencies have limited time to participate in surveys. The goal of LEAP is to identify how to balance these competing demands and create a new, streamlined data collection design that provides up-to-date data, while minimizing the burden on law enforcement agencies. How is LEAP different? LEAP is a shorter survey, which takes only 40 minutes to complete. While the LEAP pilot will not be used to produce public statistics on agency operations, the LEAP pilot data will assist BJS for developing future surveys that may be both more timely and less burdensome to law enforcement agencies. What will I be asked to do? The chief executive will be asked to designate a staff member to complete the survey (i.e., point of contact). The agency point of contact will be given information on how to access the online Attachment E survey (or request a paper survey if desired). The website will be secure and will allow respondents to save and close the survey at any time. The survey can be reopened later to enter or edit responses until the final responses are submitted. Agencies will also be given a paper copy of the survey if they prefer to submit the survey by mail, email, or fax. LEAP Schedule Summer – Fall 2024 • • • BJS will send a letter inviting law enforcement agency chief executives to participate in LEAP. Chief executives invited to participate in LEAP can designate a point-of-contact who will complete the survey. RTI International, as the BJS data collection agent for the LEAP pilot, will provide the chief or point-of-contact with access to the survey website and collect the survey data. Winter – Spring 2024 • BJS will review findings from LEAP and assess the feasibility of conducting future iterations of LEAP or similar law enforcement agency surveys. Shaded Box For more information about LEAP, visit https://bjslecs.org/LEAP or contact the RTI International data collection team at LEAP@rti.org. For additional information on the Law Enforcement Core Statistics suite of BJS data collection efforts related to law enforcement, visit https://bjslecs.org/. You may also contact: Mark Pope Policing Research Program Director RTI International 3040 E Cornwallis Blvd, RTP, NC 27709 mpope@rti.org 919-485-5701 Sean Goodison, PhD LEAP Program Manager Bureau of Justice Statistics 999 North Capitol Street NE, Washington, DC 20002 Sean.Goodison@usdoj.gov 202-307-0765 Attachment F <<TITLE>> <<NAME>> OR CURRENT CHIEF EXECUTIVE <<AGENCYNAME>> <<ADDRESS1>> <<ADDRESS2>> <<ADDRESS3>> <<CITY>>, <<STATE>> <<ZIP>> Dear <<Title>> <Name>>: The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) is currently piloting a new program, the 2024 Law Enforcement Agency Pulse (LEAP) Survey. The pilot aims to assess new methods of collecting data on personnel, budget, and hiring/retention within law enforcement agencies in the United States. The results of this pilot program will be used to identify ways to minimize the reporting burden of law enforcement agencies for future BJS surveys. This brief survey covers topics related to basic personnel and operational activities and takes approximately <<TIME>> to complete. The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) recognizes the importance of this work for the nation’s law enforcement community. Both IACP and RTI International a non-profit research institute, are partners with BJS for the LEAP pilot program. IACP provides our full support of the LEAP survey and encourages the <<AGENCY>> to participate. Your participation will help ensure that LEAP is a success. Law enforcement professionals have an interest in improved data availability and transparency, while minimizing the reporting burden on agencies. The LEAP pilot seeks to help BJS and law enforcement find that balance. We know that your staff have many responsibilities and limited time, but we hope that you will provide the requested information and contribute to this effort. We thank you in advance for your participation in this important study. Sincerely, <<IACP SIGNATORY>> <<IACP SIGNATORY TITLE>> International Association of Chiefs of Police Attachment G TO: <<EMAIL>> SUBJECT LINE: Request to Participate: BJS 2024 Law Enforcement Agency Pulse (LEAP) Survey Dear «TITLE» «NAME»: I am writing to invite the <<AGENCY NAME>> to participate in the 2024 Law Enforcement Agency Pulse (LEAP) survey from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). BJS is the principal federal statistical agency in the Department of Justice and the official source for criminal justice statistics in the United States. Our mission is to collect, analyze, publish, and disseminate criminal justice data. BJS is working with RTI International, a non-profit research institute, to collect LEAP survey data. The LEAP survey is a new pilot program to assess the most effective way to conduct future law enforcement surveys. We want to identify the most efficient, least burdensome way to collect timely data on key topics, such as agency personnel, budget, and hiring/retention. This brief survey covers topics related to basic personnel and operational activities and takes approximately <<TIME>> to complete. I know your agency is busy, but the <<AgencyName>>’s participation is critical to the success of LEAP. Your agency’s responses cannot be replaced and will help us determine the best method for collecting critical data on law enforcement operations from similar agencies. To complete your survey, go to <<LINK>>. You may start and stop as needed. Your agency’s log-in information is: User name: <<AgencyID>> Password: <<PIN>> Please complete this questionnaire online by <<DATE>>. For your reference, a copy of the survey can be downloaded from the website. If you need to change your agency’s point of contact or update your contact information (including email address), go to <<LINK>> using the username and password shown above and follow the instructions provided on the website. BJS is authorized to conduct this data collection under 34 U.S.C. § 10132. BJS will use the data collected in LEAP only for research and statistical purposes, as described in 34 U.S.C. § 10134. As a pilot program, no data submitted by your agency will used outside of BJS and any public report will only use aggregated results without identifying individual agencies or responses. More information about the various authorities that govern BJS data is available in the BJS Data Protection Guidelines on the BJS website. If you have questions, please contact the RTI data collection team at <<PHONE#>> or leap@rti.org. If you have general comments about LEAP, please contact the BJS Program Manager, Sean Goodison, Ph.D., at 202-307-0765 or Sean.Goodison@usdoj.gov. Sincerely, Kevin M. Scott, Ph.D. Acting Director Bureau of Justice Statistics Attachment H «TITLE» «NAME» OR CURRENT CHIEF EXECUTIVE «AGENCY» «ADDRESS1», «ADDRESS2» «CITY», «STATE» «ZIP» Dear «TITLE» «NAME»: The «AGENCY» has been invited to participate in the 2024 Law Enforcement Agency Pulse (LEAP) survey by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). BJS is the principal federal statistical agency in the Department of Justice and is working with RTI International and the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) to conduct LEAP. The LEAP survey is a new pilot program to assess the most effective way to conduct future law enforcement surveys. We want to identify the most efficient, least burdensome way to collect timely data on key topics, such as agency personnel, budget, and hiring/retention. If you have already completed the survey, please accept our sincere thanks. If you have not yet submitted, please do so when possible. We understand your agency is busy. However, your participation is critical and your agency’s responses cannot be replaced. Your contribution on the LEAP survey will help shape future law enforcement agency surveys. The questionnaire takes approximately <<TIME>> to complete. Please complete the questionnaire at <<LINK>> and enter your agency’s log-in information: User Name: <<AgencyID>> Password: <<PIN>> Please complete this questionnaire online by <<DATE>>. For your reference, a copy of the survey can be downloaded from the website. If you need to change your agency’s point of contact or update your contact information (including email address), go to <<LINK>> using the username and password shown above and follow the instructions provided on the website. BJS is authorized to conduct this data collection under 34 U.S.C. § 10132. BJS will use the data collected in LEAP only for research and statistical purposes, as described in 34 U.S.C. § 10134. As a pilot program, no data submitted by your agency will used outside of BJS and any public report will only use aggregated results without identifying individual agencies or responses. More information about the various authorities that govern BJS data is available in the BJS Data Protection Guidelines on the BJS website. If you have questions, please contact the RTI data collection team at <<PHONE#>> or leap@rti.org. If you have general comments about LEAP, please contact me at 202-307-0765 or Sean.Goodison@usdoj.gov. Sincerely, Sean Goodison, Ph.D. LEAP Program Manager Bureau of Justice Statistics Attachment I TO: <<EMAIL>> SUBJECT LINE: Request to Participate: BJS 2024 Law Enforcement Agency Pulse (LEAP) Survey Dear «TITLE» «NAME»: The «AGENCY» has been invited to participate in the 2024 Law Enforcement Agency Pulse (LEAP) survey by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). BJS is the principal federal statistical agency in the Department of Justice and is working with RTI International and the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) to conduct LEAP. The LEAP survey is a new pilot program to assess the most effective way to conduct future law enforcement surveys. We want to identify the most efficient, least burdensome way to collect timely data on key topics, such as agency personnel, budget, and hiring/retention. If you have already completed the survey, please accept our sincere thanks. If you have not yet submitted, please do so when possible. We understand your agency is busy. However, your participation is critical and your agency’s responses cannot be replaced. Your contribution on the LEAP survey will help shape future law enforcement agency surveys. The questionnaire takes approximately <<TIME>> to complete. Please complete the questionnaire at <<LINK>> and enter your agency’s log-in information: User Name: <<AgencyID>> Password: <<PIN>> Please complete this questionnaire online by <<DATE>>. For your reference, a copy of the survey can be downloaded from the website. If you need to change your agency’s point of contact or update your contact information (including email address), go to <<LINK>> using the username and password shown above and follow the instructions provided on the website. BJS is authorized to conduct this data collection under 34 U.S.C. § 10132. BJS will use the data collected in LEAP only for research and statistical purposes, as described in 34 U.S.C. § 10134. As a pilot program, no data submitted by your agency will used outside of BJS and any public report will only use aggregated results without identifying individual agencies or responses. More information about the various authorities that govern BJS data is available in the BJS Data Protection Guidelines on the BJS website. If you have questions, please contact the RTI data collection team at <<PHONE#>> or leap@rti.org. If you have general comments about LEAP, please contact me at 202-307-0765 or Sean.Goodison@usdoj.gov. Sincerely, Sean Goodison, Ph.D. LEAP Program Manager Bureau of Justice Statistics Attachment J LEA Pulse Survey Bureau of Justice Statistics U.S. Department of Justice c/o RTI International PO Box 12194, Cox Building _FDC Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2194 ATTN: Data Capture xxxxx ____________________________________________________ ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED *CaseID* <STAGE>-<CaseID>-<Control> «Title» «Name» OR CURRENT CHIEF EXECUTIVE «AgencyName» «ADDRESS1»«ADDRESS2» «CITY», «STATE» «ZIP» Attachment J Dear «SurveyContactTitle» «Name» The «AGENCY» has been invited to participate in the 2024 Law Enforcement Agency Pulse (LEAP) survey by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). Our records show that as of <<DATE>>, we have not received your completed questionnaire. If you have completed the survey, please accept my sincere thank you. If you have not completed the questionnaire, please submit your survey by <<DUE DATE>>. The survey takes approximately <<TIME>> to complete. Please use the following information to log onto the LEAP website (<<LINK>>). Username: «AgencyID» Password: «Pin» BJS is authorized to conduct this data collection under 34 U.S.C. § 10132. BJS will use the data collected in LEAP only for research and statistical purposes, as described in 34 U.S.C. § 10134. As a pilot program, no data submitted by your agency will used outside of BJS and any public report will only use aggregated results without identifying individual agencies or responses. More information about the various authorities that govern BJS data is available in the BJS Data Protection Guidelines on the BJS website. Your response is very important. Your agency’s responses cannot be replicated by another agency. We kindly ask that you submit your questionnaire as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please contact RTI International (BJS’s data collection agent for LEAP) by phone at <<PHONE#>> or by e-mail at leap@rti.org. Sincerely, Sean Goodison, Ph.D. LEAP Program Manager Bureau of Justice Statistics Attachment K TO: <<EMAIL>> SUBJECT LINE: Request to Participate: Law Enforcement Agency Pulse (LEAP) Survey Dear <<Title>> <Name>>: At the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), we are working with the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) and RTI International to field the Law Enforcement Agency Pulse (LEAP) survey. The LEAP survey is a new pilot program to assess the most effective way to conduct future law enforcement surveys, designed to minimize the burden on <<Agency Size>> <<Agency Type>>. Recognizing the importance of this work, the IACP <<Section/Chapter>> provides our full support for LEAP and encourages you to participate. Please complete the questionnaire at <<LINK>> and enter your agency’s log-in information: User Name: <<AgencyID>> Password: <<PIN>> Please complete this questionnaire online by <<DATE>>. Your participation will help the LEAP pilot be a success. The results will be used to design future law enforcement data collections that minimize the burden on agencies while providing critical data on agency operations. We know that your staff have many responsibilities and limited time, but we hope that you will provide the requested information and contribute to this effort. We thank you in advance for your participation in this important study. Sincerely, <<IACP SIGNATORY>> <<IACP SIGNATORY TITLE>> International Association of Chiefs of Police Attachment L <<TITLE>> <<NAME>> OR CURRENT CHIEF EXECUTIVE <<AGENCYNAME>> <<ADDRESS1>> <<ADDRESS2>> <<ADDRESS3>> <<CITY>>, <<STATE>> <<ZIP>> Dear <<Title>> <Name>>: At the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), we are working with the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) and RTI International to field the Law Enforcement Agency Pulse (LEAP) survey. The LEAP survey is a new pilot program to assess the most effective way to conduct future law enforcement surveys, designed to minimize the burden on <<Agency Size>> <<Agency Type>>. Recognizing the importance of this work, the IACP <<Section/Chapter>> provides our full support for LEAP and encourages you to participate. Please complete the questionnaire at <<LINK>> and enter your agency’s log-in information: User Name: <<AgencyID>> Password: <<PIN>> Please complete this questionnaire online by <<DATE>>. Your participation will help the LEAP pilot be a success. The results will be used to design future law enforcement data collections that minimize the burden on agencies while providing critical data on agency operations. We know that your staff have many responsibilities and limited time, but we hope that you will provide the requested information and contribute to this effort. We thank you in advance for your participation in this important study. Sincerely, <<IACP SIGNATORY>> <<IACP SIGNATORY TITLE>> International Association of Chiefs of Police Attachment M 2024 LEAP Nonresponse Phone Follow-up Script NT00. PROGRAMMER, DISPLAY: STATUS, DATE OF LAST CALL, NUMBER OF ATTEMPTS QINT1. Hello, this is <<INTERVIEWER NAME>>, calling on behalf of the Bureau of Justice Statistics in the U.S. Department of Justice regarding the 2024 Law Enforcement Agency Pulse survey, also known as LEAP. To ensure I’ve contacted the correct law enforcement agency, I would like to ask a few brief questions. I have the name as…[PROGRAMMER: FILL AGENCY NAME.] Is that correct? 1 YES [GO TO QINT3] 2 NO [GO TO QINT2] QINT2. What is the agency’s name? ______________________ QINT3. What is the agency’s address? [PROGRAMMER: FILL ADDRESS] 1 YES – MATCH TO RECORDS [GO TO QINT5] 2 NO – DOES NOT MATCH RECORDS [GO TO NEW_ADDR1] NEW_ADDR1. INTERVIEWER: RECORD ADDRESS, ASKING RESPONDENT TO REPEAT IF NECESSARY. ADDRESS 1: ADDRESS 2: CITY: STATE: ZIP: QINT5. Let me just check to see if the information we have on record is up to date. [PROGRAMMER: DISPLAY AGENCY NAME, ADDRESS, NEW INFORMATION JUST PROVIDED AND VICINITY LIST.] INTERVIEWER: USE LOOKUP TABLE TO IDENTIFY ANY AGENCIES WITH NAMES THAT ARE SIMILAR TO THE NAME OF THE AGENCY TI IS TALKING TO. IF ANY SIMILAR, DISCUSS WITH RESPONDENT. ONCE AGENCY IS CONFIRMED SELECT FROM LIST AND CONTINUE. Attachment M QINT7. I’m following up on a survey invitation that we sent to <<AGENCY>>. Have I reached <<area >><<phone>>? 1 2 3 CORRECT NUMBER [GO TO QINT10] NOT CORRECT [GO TO QINT8] WOULD LIKE TO BE CALLED ON A NEW NUMBER [GO TO TEL06] QINT8. What phone number have I reached? ________________________ [PROGRAMMER: APPEND THE PHONE NUMBER TO THIS CASE.] [GO TO QINT10] TEL06. What is the number you would like to be contacted at? ________________________ (ENTER NUMBER WITH NO DASHES, SPACES OR OTHER PUNCTION) INTERVIEWER: RECORD THE NUMBER, THEN CALL THE RESPONDENT BACK ON THE NEW NUMBER. [PROGRAMMER: APPEND THE PHONE NUMBER TO THIS CASE.] [GO TO QINT10] QINT10. Which one of the following best describes your agency? 1 2 3 4 -1 -2 State law enforcement agency Sheriff’s agency County law enforcement agency Local law enforcement agency DON’T KNOW REFUSED QINT11. [PROGRAMMER: DISPLAY AGENCY’S ORI NUMBER.] What is your agency’s ORI number? INTERVIEWER: DO THEY MATCH OR ARE THEY DIFFERENT? 1 MATCH 2 DIFFERENT -1 DON’T KNOW PROGRAMMER: IF QINT1 AND QINT3 = 1, OR IF QINT1 AND QINT11=1 (IF APPLICABLE), OR IF QINT3 AND QINT11=1 (IF APPLICABLE), CONTINUE. IF QINT5=2, GO TO QINT30. ELSE, GO TO QINT30. Attachment M QINT12. May I speak with <<Title>> <<name>>? TRANSFER TO POC (LIVE) [GO TO QINT15] GATEKEEPER IS POC [GO TO QINT15] TRANSFER TO VM FOR POC [GO TO ANSPROMPT1] NO/NOT AVAILABLE – SCHEDULE CALLBACK [GO TO INT06] POC NO LONGER CHIEF/SHERIFF/AGENCY OR POC/PERSON NO LONGER IN AGENCY [GO TO QINT13] -2 REFUSED [GO TO QINT18] 1 2 3 4 5 QINT13. What is the new (chief’s/sheriff’s/agency head’s) name? _______________________ 9 REFUSED [GO TO QINT14] QINT14. May I speak with the (chief/sheriff/agency head)? 1 2 3 4 5 TRANSFER TO POC (LIVE) [GO TO QINT15] GATEKEEPER IS POC [GO TO QINT15] TRANSFER TO VM FOR POC [GO TO ANSPROMPT1] NO/NOT AVAILABLE – SCHEDULE CALLBACK [GO TO INT06] REFUSED [GO TO QINT18] QINT15. [IF Q12=1 OR Q14=1 OR Q16=2, FILL: Hello, this is <<INTERVIEWER NAME>> calling on behalf of the Bureau of Justice Statistics in the U.S. Department of Justice regarding the 2024 Law Enforcement Agency Pulse Survey, also known as LEAP.] I’m following up on our invitation that asked your agency to participate in the LEAP survey. Since we did not hear back from your agency, I wanted to call to see if you received the invitation. 1 2 3 4 -2 YES [GO TO QINT18] NO [GO TO QINT20] NO ANSWER [END CALL] WENT TO VOICEMAIL [GO TO ANSPROMPT1] REFUSED [GO TO QINT18] Attachment M ANSPROMPT1. [DISPLAY FOR CALLING ROUNDS 1 AND 2] Hello, this is _____________, calling on behalf of the Bureau of Justice Statistics in the U.S. Department of Justice regarding the 2024 Law Enforcement Agency Pulse Survey, also known as LEAP. This message is for <<POC NAME>>. Our records show that we have not yet received your completed survey. We hope that you can complete the survey within the next week. If you have any questions about the survey, please call our toll-free number, 833-997-2719. [DISPLAY FOR CALLING ROUND 3] Hello, this is _____________, calling on behalf of the Bureau of Justice Statistics in the U.S. Department of Justice regarding the 2024 Law Enforcement Agency Pulse Survey, also known as LEAP. This message is for <<POC NAME>>. Our records show that we have not yet received your completed survey. Your participation helps to ensure the accuracy of the study results and we cannot substitute another agency for yours. We hope that you can complete the survey by [DATE]. If you like, please call our toll-free number 833-997-2719 and a member of the research team can assist you. 1 2 3 LEFT MESSAGE. END CALL. SOMEONE PICKED UP. [GO TO QINT15] UNABLE TO LEAVE MESSAGE. END CALL. INT06. When would be a better time to call back? INTERVIEWER: IF RESPONDENT INDICATES THAT THEY ARE WILLING TO TALK NOW BUT THEY ARE DRIVING, SAY: I’m sorry, but for your safety we’re not able to continue while you’re driving. IS THIS CALLBACK SET BY THE RESPONDENT OR SOMEONE ELSE? (INTERVIEWER NOTES: CALLBACK SHOULD ONLY BE SET IF THE RESPONDENT REQUESTED OR AGREED TO BE CALLED BACK.) CALLBACK DEFINITION: CALLBACK BY SUBJECT: THE RESPONDENT SELECTED TO COMPLETE THE INTERVIEW PROVIDED A SPECIFIC TIME AND DATE FOR THE APPOINTMENT. CALLBACK BY OTHER: SOMEONE OTHER THAN THE SELECTED RESPONDENT ASKED FOR US TO CALLBACK, OR THE SELECTED RESPONDENT DID NOT PROVIDE A SPECIFIC DATE AND TIME TO BE CALLED BACK. 1 2 3 APPOINTMENT BY SUBJECT [GO TO APPOINTMENT SCHEDULE SCREENS AND THEN QINT29] APPOINTMENT BY OTHER [GO TO APPOINTMENT SCHEDULE SCREENS AND THEN QINT29] REFUSED. I will just try again later. [GO TO QINT29] Attachment M QINT18. [PROGRAMMER: IF AGENCY HAS NOT RECEIVED COMMUNICATIONS (Q15=2), DO NOT ASK. ELSE, ASK OF EACH AGENCY THAT HAS NOT REFUSED.] The LEAP survey is a new pilot program to assess the most effective way to conduct future law enforcement surveys. We want to identify the most efficient, least burdensome way to collect timely data on key topics, such as agency personnel, budget, and hiring/retention. This brief survey covers topics related to basic personnel and operational activities and takes approximately 40 minutes to complete. Would you please tell me more about your agency’s reasons for not participating? INTERVIEWER: ENTER VERBATIM IN OPEN ENDED BOX FOR CODE 00, THEN CODE THE RESPONSE ___________________________________________ SELECT ALL THAT APPLY: 0 ENTER VERBATIM 1 COMPLETE — AGENCY CLAIMS THAT SURVEY HAS BEEN SUBMITTED/SENT 2 DUE DATE — CANNOT RESPOND BY DUE DATE 3 LIMITED TIME/RESOURCES — NOT RELATED TO DUE DATE 4 APPLICABILITY — AGENCY THOUGHT SURVEY DID NOT APPLY TO THEM 5 NO INTEREST – AGENCY STAFF ARE UNINTERESTED IN THE SURVEY TOPIC OR GOALS 6 NO BENEFIT – AGENCY RECEIVES NO BENEFIT FROM PARTICIPATION/SURVEY 7 VOLUNTARY – PARTICIPATION IS NOT MANDATED BY LAW 8 SURVEY FATIGUE — AGENCY RECEIVES TOO MANY SURVEY REQUESTS 9 LACK OF DATA — DATA NOT AVAILABLE DURING SURVEY PERIOD 10 LACK OF DATA — DATA DO NOT EXIST OR ARE NOT MAINTAINED 11 INACCESSIBLE DATA – DATA EXIST, BUT ARE NOT EASILY ACCESSIBLE 12 POOR QUALITY DATA – DATA EXIST, BUT ARE OF QUESTIONABLE/POOR QUALITY 13 CONFIDENTIALITY – DATA ARE NOT TO BE SHARED OUTSIDE OF AGENCY/AUTHORITY 14 FEDERAL ROLE – FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SHOULD NOT BE INVOLVED IN LOCAL ISSUES 15 JURISDICTION RULE – JURISDICTION DOES NOT PARTICIPATE IN RESEARCH 16 OTHER 17 REFUSED TO GIVE REASON FOR DELAY/REFUSAL QINT19. INTERVIEWER: IF REFUSAL, DO NOT ASK; CODE 05 [NO, will not complete survey] ELSE: How would you prefer to complete the survey? You have the option to complete it online or by hard copy. 1 2 3 4 5 POC has completed web survey or sent hard copy [GO TO QINT28] YES, will complete survey online [GO TO QINT21] YES, will complete a hard copy [GO TO QINT23] YES, will complete a hard copy already received [GO TO QINT28] NO, will not complete survey [GO TO QINT29] QINT20. IF QINT15=2: Let me send you the survey again. You have the option to complete it online or by hard copy. Which do you prefer? 1 YES, will complete survey online [GO TO QINT21] Attachment M 2 3 YES, will complete a hard copy [GO TO QINT23] NO, will not complete survey [GO TO QINT18] QINT21. Would you like me to send the survey link and login information to you again? 1 2 Yes [GO TO QINT22] No [GO TO QINT28] QINT22. What is your email address? ________________________________ [GO TO QINT26] QINT23. Would you like me to mail you another copy of the survey? 1 2 Yes [GO TO QINT24] No [GO TO QINT28] QINT24. Should I use the address we have on file for you or another address? 1 2 Address on file [GO TO QINT27] Another address [GO TO QINT25] QINT25. What is that address? ________________________________ [GO TO QINT27] QINT26. We will send a link to the survey and the access code by email. We look forward to receiving your completed survey. I appreciate you taking the time to speak with me today. Have a nice day. INTERVIEWER: END CALL. QINT27. We will mail the questionnaire in the next day or two. We look forward to receiving your completed survey. I appreciate you taking the time to speak with me today. Have a nice day. INTERVIEWER: END CALL. QINT28. We look forward to receiving your completed survey. I appreciate you taking the time to speak with me today. Have a nice day. INTERVIEWER: END CALL. QINT29. I appreciate you taking the time to speak with me today. Have a nice day. INTERVIEWER: END CALL. Attachment M QINT30. Thank you for answering these questions. I need to discuss our records with my supervisor to determine if your agency is eligible to participate in this survey. If your agency is eligible, someone from the study team will be in touch. Have a nice day. INTERVIEWER: END CALL. Attachment N «AH_TITLE» «AH_NAME» OR CURRENT CHIEF EXECUTIVE «AGENCY NAME» «ADDRESS1», «ADDRESS2» «CITY», «STATE» «ZIP» Dear «AH_Title» «AH_Name», We have made several attempts to contact you regarding the participation of the <<AGENCY NAME>> in the 2024 Law Enforcement Agency Pulse (LEAP) survey. Your responses are critical to the success of the study. This survey is managed by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), with support from our data collection partners, RTI International and the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP). BJS is a federal statistical agency and the official source for criminal justice statistics in the United States. Our mission is to collect, analyze, publish, and disseminate criminal justice data. Please submit your response soon. Your responses will inform the design of future law enforcement surveys taken by you and other similar agencies. The <<AGENCY NAME >>’s responses cannot be replaced with another law enforcement agency. You may still access the questionnaire online at <<LINK>> and then enter your agency’s log-in information: User Name: «AgencyID» Password: «PIN» For your reference, a copy of the survey can be downloaded from the website. If you need to change your agency’s point of contact or update your contact information (including email address), go to <<LINK>> using the username and password shown above and follow the instructions provided on the website. BJS is authorized to conduct this data collection under 34 U.S.C. § 10132. BJS will use the data collected in LEAP only for research and statistical purposes, as described in 34 U.S.C. § 10134. As a pilot program, no data submitted by your agency will used outside of BJS and any public report will only use aggregated results without identifying individual agencies or responses. More information about the various authorities that govern BJS data is available in the BJS Data Protection Guidelines on the BJS website. If you have questions, please contact the RTI data collection team at <<PHONE#>> or leap@rti.org. If you have general comments about LEAP, please contact me at 202-307-0765 or Sean.Goodison@usdoj.gov. Sincerely, Sean Goodison, PhD LEAP Program Manager Bureau of Justice Statistics Attachment N Attachment O TO: <<EMAIL>> SUBJECT LINE: Law Enforcement Agency Pulse (LEAP) Survey Dear «AH_Title» «AH_Name», We have made several attempts to contact you regarding the participation of the <<AGENCY NAME>> in the 2024 Law Enforcement Agency Pulse (LEAP) survey. Your responses are critical to the success of the study. This survey is managed by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), with support from our data collection partners, RTI International and the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP). BJS is a federal statistical agency and the official source for criminal justice statistics in the United States. Our mission is to collect, analyze, publish, and disseminate criminal justice data. Please submit your response soon. Your responses will inform the design of future law enforcement surveys taken by you and other similar agencies. The <<AGENCY NAME >>’s responses cannot be replaced with another law enforcement agency. You may still access the questionnaire online at <<LINK>> and then enter your agency’s log-in information: User Name: «AgencyID» Password: «PIN» For your reference, a copy of the survey can be downloaded from the website. If you need to change your agency’s point of contact or update your contact information (including email address), go to <<LINK>> using the username and password shown above and follow the instructions provided on the website. BJS is authorized to conduct this data collection under 34 U.S.C. § 10132. BJS will use the data collected in LEAP only for research and statistical purposes, as described in 34 U.S.C. § 10134. As a pilot program, no data submitted by your agency will used outside of BJS and any public report will only use aggregated results without identifying individual agencies or responses. More information about the various authorities that govern BJS data is available in the BJS Data Protection Guidelines on the BJS website. If you have questions, please contact the RTI data collection team at <<PHONE#>> or leap@rti.org. If you have general comments about LEAP, please contact me at 202-307-0765 or Sean.Goodison@usdoj.gov. Sincerely, Sean Goodison, PhD LEAP Program Manager Bureau of Justice Statistics Attachment P LEA Pulse Survey Bureau of Justice Statistics U.S. Department of Justice c/o RTI International PO Box 12194, Cox Building _FDC Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2194 ATTN: Data Capture xxxxx ____________________________________________________ ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED *CaseID* <STAGE>-<CaseID>-<Control> «Title» «Name» OR CURRENT CHIEF EXECUTIVE «AgencyName» «ADDRESS1»«ADDRESS2» «CITY», «STATE» «ZIP» Attachment P Dear «SurveyContactTitle» «Name», The «AGENCY» has been invited to participate in the 2024 Law Enforcement Agency Pulse (LEAP) survey by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). Our records show that as of <<DATE>>, we have not received your completed questionnaire. If you have completed the questionnaire, please accept my sincere thank you. If you have not completed the questionnaire, please use the following information to log onto the LEAP website (<<LINK>>). Your responses are critical and will help shape future law enforcement surveys. Username: «AgencyID» Password: «Pin» BJS is authorized to conduct this data collection under 34 U.S.C. § 10132. BJS will use the data collected in LEAP only for research and statistical purposes, as described in 34 U.S.C. § 10134. As a pilot program, no data submitted by your agency will used outside of BJS and any public report will only use aggregated results without identifying individual agencies or responses. More information about the various authorities that govern BJS data is available in the BJS Data Protection Guidelines on the BJS website. Your agency’s responses cannot be replicated by another agency. As we are nearing the end of data collection, we kindly ask that you submit your questionnaire as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please contact RTI International (BJS’s data collection agent for LEAP) by phone at <<PHONE#>> or by e-mail at leap@rti.org. Sincerely, Sean Goodison, Ph.D. LEAP Program Manager Bureau of Justice Statistics Attachment Q TO: <<EMAIL>> SUBJECT LINE: Request for Participation: BJS Law Enforcement Agency Pulse (LEAP) Survey Hello <<AgencyHeadTitle>> <<AgencyHeadName>>, My name is Sean Goodison and I’m a Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) statistician. BJS is the principal federal statistical agency in the Department of Justice. The <<AGENCY NAME>> was selected for BJS’s Law Enforcement Agency Pulse Survey (LEAP) and I’m writing to encourage you to complete the LEAP for your agency. We are working with RTI International and the International Association of Chiefs of Police to conduct LEAP. You may have heard from one or both of these partners. The LEAP survey is a new pilot program to assess the most effective way to conduct future law enforcement surveys. We want to identify the most efficient, least burdensome way to collect timely data on key topics, such as agency personnel, budget, and hiring/retention. This brief survey covers topics related to basic personnel and operational activities and takes approximately <<TIME>> to complete. This survey is an opportunity for <<size>> <<AgencyTypeNarr>> to shape future law enforcement surveys to be more convenient and useful for agencies. You may access the current survey questionnaire online by visiting <<LINK>> and then entering the following information specific to your agency: Username: <<AgencyID>> Password: <<Password>> Alternatively, let me know if you prefer submitting responses by mail. We can send a paper version of the questionnaire to you with a no-cost, business reply envelope. We’d appreciate your survey completion as soon as possible. I understand that all survey requests, including this one, require time and effort to complete, but the survey is brief and will help improve future law enforcement surveys. We want as many selected agencies as possible submitting before we must close the collection process. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or if I can assist you in completing the survey. Thank you for serving our communities daily. I hope you can help BJS serve the public by collecting these important law enforcement data. Sincerely, Sean Goodison, Ph.D. LEAP Program Manager Bureau of Justice Statistics Attachment R «AGENCYHEADTITLE» «AGENCYHEAD» OR CURRENT CHIEF EXECUTIVE «AGENCYNAME» «ADDRESS1», «ADDRESS2» «CITY», «STATE» «ZIP» Dear <<AgencyHeadTitle>> <<Agency Head>>: On behalf of the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), RTI International is collecting data for the 2024 Law Enforcement Agency Pulse (LEAP) survey. The <<AgencyName>> has been invited to participate, but we have yet to receive a response. The LEAP survey is a new pilot program to assess the most effective way to conduct future law enforcement surveys. This pilot program is also in partnership with the International Association of Chiefs of Police. There is limited time for your agency to participate in this important national study. Please complete the LEAP questionnaire as soon as possible. I understand that your agency is busy, and I genuinely appreciate your attention to this survey request. You may still access the questionnaire online at <<LINK>>and then enter your agency’s log-in information: User Name: <<AgencyID>> Password: <<PIN>> For your reference, a copy of the survey can be downloaded from the website. Please feel free to share the questionnaire with others at your agency who can assist you in providing the requested information. BJS is authorized to conduct this data collection under 34 U.S.C. § 10132. BJS will use the data collected in LEAP only for research and statistical purposes, as described in 34 U.S.C. § 10134. As a pilot program, no data submitted by your agency will used outside of BJS and any public report will only use aggregated results without identifying individual agencies or responses. More information about the various authorities that govern BJS data is available in the BJS Data Protection Guidelines on the BJS website. If you have questions, please contact the RTI data collection team at <<PHONE#>> or leap@rti.org. If you have general comments about LEAP, please contact me at 202-307-0765 or Sean.Goodison@usdoj.gov. Sincerely, Sean Goodison, Ph.D. LEAP Program Manager Bureau of Justice Statistics Attachment S LEA Pulse Survey Bureau of Justice Statistics U.S. Department of Justice c/o RTI International PO Box 12194, Cox Building _FDC Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2194 ATTN: Data Capture xxxxx ____________________________________________________ ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED *CaseID* <STAGE>-<CaseID>-<Control> «Title» «Name» OR CURRENT CHIEF EXECUTIVE «AgencyName» «ADDRESS1»«ADDRESS2» «CITY», «STATE» «ZIP» Attachment S Dear «SurveyContactTitle» «Name», The «AGENCY» has been invited to participate in the 2024 Law Enforcement Agency Pulse (LEAP) survey by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). Our records show that as of <<DATE>>, we have not received your completed questionnaire. If you have completed the questionnaire, please accept my sincere thank you. If you have not completed the questionnaire, please use the following information to log onto the LEAP website (<<LINK>>). Your responses are critical and will help shape future law enforcement surveys. Username: «AgencyID» Password: «Pin» BJS is authorized to conduct this data collection under 34 U.S.C. § 10132. BJS will use the data collected in LEAP only for research and statistical purposes, as described in 34 U.S.C. § 10134. As a pilot program, no data submitted by your agency will used outside of BJS and any public report will only use aggregated results without identifying individual agencies or responses. More information about the various authorities that govern BJS data is available in the BJS Data Protection Guidelines on the BJS website. Your agency’s responses cannot be replaced by another agency. If you have any questions, please contact RTI International (BJS’s data collection agent for LEAP) by phone at <<PHONE#>> or by e-mail at leap@rti.org. Sincerely, Sean Goodison, Ph.D. LEAP Program Manager Bureau of Justice Statistics Attachment S SUBJECT: Reminder – Law Enforcement Agencies Pulse Survey Dear «TITLE» «NAME»: The «AGENCY» has been invited to participate in the 2024 Law Enforcement Agency Pulse (LEAP) survey by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). Our records show that as of <<DATE>>, we have not received your completed questionnaire. If you have completed the questionnaire, please accept my sincere thank you. If you have not completed the questionnaire, please use the following information to log onto the LEAP website (<<LINK>>). Your responses are critical and will help shape future law enforcement surveys. Username: «AgencyID» Password: «Pin» BJS uses the data collected in LEAP only for research and statistical purposes, as described in U.S. Code Title 34, §10134. As a pilot program, no data submitted by your agency will used outside of BJS and any public report will only use aggregated results without identifying individual agencies or responses. Your agency’s responses cannot be replaced by another agency. If you have any questions, please contact RTI International (BJS’s data collection agent for LEAP) by phone at <<PHONE#>> or by e-mail at leap@rti.org. Sincerely, Sean Goodison, Ph.D. LEAP Program Manager Bureau of Justice Statistics Attachment T «TITLE» «NAME» OR CURRENT CHIEF EXECUTIVE «AGENCY NAME» «ADDRESS1», «ADDRESS2» «CITY», «STATE» «ZIP» Dear «TITLE» «NAME»: The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) began conducting the 2024 Law Enforcement Agency Pulse Survey (LEAP) in <<MonthYear>>. We sent the <<AGENCY NAME>> an invitation to participate in the study at that time. Unfortunately, we have not yet received your completed survey. Your responses are critical to the success of the study. BJS is the principal federal statistical agency in the Department of Justice and is working with RTI International and the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) to conduct LEAP. The LEAP survey is a new pilot program to assess the most effective way to conduct future law enforcement surveys. We want to identify the most efficient, least burdensome way to collect timely data on key topics, such as agency personnel, budget, and hiring/retention. There are only a couple of weeks remaining to complete the questionnaire. We must receive your completed survey by <<DATE>> to allow your agency’s perspective to be included. Your responses are critical for improving future law enforcement surveys. Please access the questionnaire online at <<LINK>> and then enter your agency’s log-in information: User Name: «AgencyID» Password: «PIN» BJS is authorized to conduct this data collection under 34 U.S.C. § 10132. BJS will use the data collected in LEAP only for research and statistical purposes, as described in 34 U.S.C. § 10134. As a pilot program, no data submitted by your agency will used outside of BJS and any public report will only use aggregated results without identifying individual agencies or responses. More information about the various authorities that govern BJS data is available in the BJS Data Protection Guidelines on the BJS website. If you have questions, please contact the RTI data collection team at <<PHONE#>> or leap@rti.org. If you have general comments about LEAP, please contact me at 202-307-0765 or Sean.Goodison@usdoj.gov. I greatly appreciate your consideration. Sincerely, Sean Goodison, Ph.D. LEAP Program Manager Attachment T Bureau of Justice Statistics Attachment T SUBJECT: End of Study Notification – Law Enforcement Agencies Pulse Survey Dear «TITLE» «NAME»: The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) began conducting the 2024 Law Enforcement Agency Pulse Survey (LEAP) in <<MonthYear>>. We sent the <<AGENCY NAME>> an invitation to participate in the study at that time. Unfortunately, we have not yet received your completed survey. Your responses are critical to the success of the study. BJS is the primary statistical agency for the Department of Justice and is working with RTI International and the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) to conduct LEAP. The LEAP survey is a new pilot program to assess the most effective way to conduct future law enforcement surveys. We want to identify the most efficient, least burdensome way to collect timely data on key topics, such as agency personnel, budget, and hiring/retention. There are only a couple of weeks remaining to complete the questionnaire. We must receive your completed survey by <<DATE>> to allow your agency’s perspective to be included. Your responses are critical for improving future law enforcement surveys. Please access the questionnaire online at <<LINK>> and then enter your agency’s log-in information: User Name: «AgencyID» Password: «PIN» BJS uses the data collected in LEAP only for research and statistical purposes, as described in U.S. Code Title 34, §10134. As a pilot program, no data submitted by your agency will used outside of BJS and any public report will only use aggregated results without identifying individual agencies or responses. If you have questions, please contact the RTI data collection team at <<PHONE#>> or leap@rti.org. If you have general comments about LEAP, please contact me at 202-307-0765 or Sean.Goodison@usdoj.gov. I greatly appreciate your consideration. Sincerely, Sean Goodison, Ph.D. LEAP Program Manager Bureau of Justice Statistics Attachment U NOT HUMAN RESEARCH DETERMINATION February 1, 2024 Mark Pope 919-485-5701 mpope@rti.org Dear Mark Pope: On 2/1/2024, the IRB reviewed the following submission: Type of Review: Title: Investigator: IRB ID: Funding Source: Customer/Client Name: Project/Proposal Number: Contract/Grant Number: Initial Study 2023 Law Enforcement Core Statistics Mark Pope STUDY00022762 Dept of Justice BJS Dept of Justice BJS 0219277 15PBJS-23-GK-01943-BJSB 15PBJS-23-GK-01943-BJSB IND, IDE, or HDE: None The IRB determined that the proposed activity is not research involving human subjects as defined by DOJ regulations 28 CFR 46. Although RTI IRB oversight of this activity is not required, this determination applies only to the activities described in the IRB submission and may not apply should any changes be made. If the nature or scope of the activity changes and there are questions about whether the revised activities constitute human subjects research, you should contact the IRB to discuss whether a new submission and determination is necessary. Sincerely, The RTI Office of Research Protection Page 1 of 1 </pre><Table class="table"><tr><Td>File Type</td><td>application/pdf</td></tr><tr><Td>Author</td><td>Snee, Eliza</td></tr><tr><Td>File Modified</td><td>2024-07-11</td></tr><tr><Td>File Created</td><td>2024-07-11</td></tr></table></div></div></div><hr> © 2024 OMB.report | <a href="/privacy_policy.php" rel="nofollow">Privacy Policy</a> <hr > </div> </body> <script defer async src="/js/instant.page.3.0.0.js" type="module" data-cfasync="false"></script> </html><script data-cfasync="false" src="/cdn-cgi/scripts/5c5dd728/cloudflare-static/email-decode.min.js"></script>