NIST Associates Information System (NAIS)

OMB 0693-0067

OMB 0693-0067

NIST Associates (NA) will include guest researchers, research associates, contractors, and other non-NIST employees that require access to the NIST campuses or NIST resources. The NIST Associates Information System (NAIS) information collection instrument(s) are completed by incoming NAs. The NAs will be requested to provide personal identifying data including home address, date and place of birth, employer name and address, and basic security information. The data provided by the collection instruments will be input into NAIS, which automatically populates the appropriate forms, and is routed through the approval process. NIST's Office of Security receives security forms through the NAIS process and is able to allow preliminary access to NAs to the NIST campuses or resources. The data collected will also be the basis for further security investigations as necessary.

The latest form for NIST Associates Information System (NAIS) expires 2022-09-30 and can be found here.

OMB Details

General Information for NIST Associates

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Workforce Management - Training and Employment

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