Part 870 - Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund -- Fee Collection and Coal Production Reporting

OMB 1029-0063

OMB 1029-0063

The information received from the report is used to maintain a record of coal produced for sale, transfer or use nationwide each calendar quarter, the method of coal removal and the type of coal, and the basis for coal tonnage reported. Individual reclamation fee payment liability is based on this information and is required by the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 as amended by PL 101-508.

The latest form for Part 870 - Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund -- Fee Collection and Coal Production Reporting expires 2021-02-28 and can be found here.

All Historical Document Collections
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Extension without change of a currently approved collection 2024-02-05
Extension without change of a currently approved collection 2020-12-08
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Extension without change of a currently approved collection 2017-12-12
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Revision of a currently approved collection 2014-11-06
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Extension without change of a currently approved collection 2011-09-26
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Extension without change of a currently approved collection 2008-10-23
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Revision of a currently approved collection 2005-11-14
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Extension without change of a currently approved collection 2003-03-27
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Extension without change of a currently approved collection 2000-04-28
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Extension without change of a currently approved collection 1997-05-05
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Revision of a currently approved collection 1994-06-01
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Revision of a currently approved collection 1992-12-07
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Revision of a currently approved collection 1991-08-12
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Extension without change of a currently approved collection 1990-11-08
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Revision of a currently approved collection 1990-04-13
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Extension without change of a currently approved collection 1989-04-10
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Revision of a currently approved collection 1988-05-24
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Revision of a currently approved collection 1987-12-10
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Revision of a currently approved collection 1985-02-19
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No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 1984-09-19
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Revision of a currently approved collection 1982-04-02
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Revision of a currently approved collection 1981-04-01
OMB Details

OSM-1 Form - Fee Collection and Coal Production Reporting

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Environmental Management - Environmental Remediation

Form OSM-1Coal Reclamation Fee

Review document collections for all forms, instructions, and supporting documents - including paper/printable forms.

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