USCIS Online Account Access

OMB 1615-0122

OMB 1615-0122

The Government Paperwork Elimination Act (GPEA), Public Law 105-277, 44 U.S.C. 3504 note (1998) requires federal agencies to use and accept electronic signatures, where practicable, when conducting official business with the public. In addition, Congress passed the E-Government Act of 2002, Public Law 107-347, 44 U.S.C. §§ 101, 3501, 3541, and 3601 notes (2002), to promote the use of the Internet and emerging technologies within and across Government agencies, provide citizen-centric Government information and services, reduce costs and burdens for businesses and other Government entities, promote access to high quality Government information and services across multiple channels, and transform agency operations by utilizing, where appropriate, best practices from public and private sector organizations. As part of its ongoing effort to comply with GPEA and the E-Government Act of 2002, USCIS is transforming its business processes. This supporting statement is for part of the business transformation initiative called the Electronic Immigration System (USCIS ELIS). USCIS ELIS will collect information electronically and allow entities and individuals to electronically submit applications and petitions to USCIS. As part of the electronic collection of information, persons will create an account through the USCIS Identity Credentialling Access Management (USCIS ICAM) system.

The latest form for USCIS Online Account Access expires 2023-02-28 and can be found here.

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