Nondiscrimination as it Applies to FTA Grant Programs

OMB 2132-0542

OMB 2132-0542

The information collection request is for a revision of a currently approved information collection under OMB control number 2132-0542 “Non-Discrimination as it Applies to FTA Grant Programs. This is a mandatory collection of information that requires that recipients of FTA funds submit Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) plans during the application stage. This requirement is necessary to assure that affirmative action is properly and earnestly undertaken by grant recipients and that project sponsors receiving financial assistance pursuant to a FTA-funded project shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability. This collection has been revised due to an updated EEO Circular, FTA C 4704.1A,"Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Act Guidance". Under this circular, recipients are required to update an EEO Program every four years as opposed to every three years as previously done. This has reduced the burden on smaller agencies, resulting in a decrease in respondents. The information being collected is an EEO plan and analysis to ensure that the Civil Rights program requirements are met. No special form is used to collect this information. Each plan may differ in size and format, but each grantee’s plan must adhere to specific program requirements prior to receipt of funding assistance. The EEO and affirmative action plans are for record-keeping purposes and are requested on occasion or during the State Management Review or Triennial Review by FTA’s Office of Civil Rights. An example of an EEO Plan has been included in the supplemental section of this ICR.

The latest form for Nondiscrimination as it Applies to FTA Grant Programs expires 2022-02-28 and can be found here.

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