Education and Human Resources Program Monitoring Data Collections

OMB 3145-0226

OMB 3145-0226

The scope of this information collection request will primarily cover descriptive information gathered from education and training projects that are funded by NSF. NSF will primarily use the data from this collection for program planning, management, and audit purposes to respond to queries from the Congress, the public, NSF's external merit reviewers who serve as advisers, including Committees of Visitors (COVs), the NSF's Office of the Inspector General and as a basis for either internal or third-party valuations of individual programs. The collections will generally include three categories of descriptive data: (1) Staff and project participants (data that are also necessary to determine individual-level treatment and control groups for future third-party study or for internal evaluation); (2) project implementation characteristics (also necessary for future use to identify well-matched comparison groups); and (3) project outputs (necessary to measure baseline for pre- and post- NSF-funding level impacts).

The latest form for Education and Human Resources Program Monitoring Data Collections expires 2022-07-31 and can be found here.

OMB Details

Advancing Information STEM Learning (AISL) Monitoring System - Baseline Survey

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Education - Higher Education

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