Technical Modifications

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Consolidated State Performance Report (Part I and Part II)

Technical Modifications

OMB: 1810-0614

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Amendment Type by Section.Item
Amendments by Amendment Type

Sheet 1: Amendment Type by Section.Item

Changes to the 2007-08 and 2008-09 Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR): 9 New Questions, 33 Technical Amendments, 12 Deleted Questions
Question Number Subject Type of Amendment Justification
Part I
1.1.1 Academic Content Standards Technical Amendment Clarification of the question to outline changes of content standards since approval by the Department.
1.1.2 Assessments in Mathematics and Reading/language arts Technical Amendment Combines question 1.1.3 regarding changes to academic achievement standards with question 1.1.2 changes to assessments.
1.1.3 Academic Achievement standards in Mathematics and Reading/Language Arts Deleted Question Combined with 1.1.2
1.1.4 Assessments in Science Technical Amendment Combines question 1.1.3 regarding changes to academic achievement standards with question 1.1.2 changes to assessments.
1.1.5 Academic Achievement standards in Science Deleted Question Combined with 1.1.4 List of Title I schools identified for improvement Technical Amendment Required flag for Title I status (actively affirm Title I status of schools identified for improvement, corrective action, or restructuring School Corrective Action Interventions Technical Amendment Clarifications to the question based on feedback from the 2006-07 data collection. On the SY 2006-07 CSPR, several States appear to have misinterpreted the year for which data are requested. School Restructuring Interventions Technical Amendment Clarifications to the question based on feedback from the 2006-07 data collection. On the SY 2006-07 CSPR, several States appear to have misinterpreted the year for which data are requested. District Corrective Actions Technical Amendment Clarifications to the question based on feedback from the 2006-07 data collection. On the SY 2006-07 CSPR, several States appear to have misinterpreted the year for which data are requested. List of Districts Identified for Improvement Technical Amendment Required flag for Title I status (actively affirm Title I status of district identified for improvement or corrective action.
1.4.8 Interventions provides as part of School Improvement Grants Deleted Question Deleted since the 1003(g) applications submitted by SEAs captured similar information to these items. Question 1-4-8 will new replaced by six new items related to the School Improvement Grants funded under section 1003(g) of ESEA for the first time in FY 2007 (SY 2007-08) and subgrants funded under section 1003(a) of ESEA. Student Proficiency for Schools Receiving Assistance Through Section 1003(a) and 1003(g) Funds in SY 2007-08 New Question (1) As part of obtaining emergency OMB approval of the School Improvement Grant applications under the Paperwork Reduction Act, ED indicated that it would collect the information on the following topics listed below:
A. Number and percentage of students who are proficient in reading/language arts and mathematics in schools that received technical assistance through the statewide system of support and whether that number and percentage increased from the prior year as measured by State assessments .
B. Number and percentage of students who are proficient in reading/language arts and mathematics in schools that received School Improvement Funds as a result of subgrants to LEAs and whether that number and percentage increased from the prior year as measured by State assessments.
C. The number of schools that received technical assistance through the statewide system of support that— make adequate yearly progress; ii. exit improvement status.
D. The number of schools that received School Improvement Funds that— make adequate yearly progress;exit improvement status. School Improvement Status and School Improvement Assistance New Question E. Evidence that SEAs, LEAs, and schools used data to make decisions about the use of School Improvement Funds
F. Evidence indicating those school improvement strategies that were effective in contributing to increased student achievement; adequate yearly progress; and exiting improvement status.
G. The amount of funds allocated under section 1003(g) and 1003(a) to each LEA and school.
(2) SASA monitoring teams and other ED officials will use these data to ensure that SEAs, LEAs, and schools implement the school improvement activities in accordance with ESEA, the Title I Regulations, and the SEA applications that were approved by ED. §80.40(e) of the Education Department General Administrative Regulations permits ED to make site visits, such as for monitoring, as warranted by program needs. Effective School Improvement Strategies New Question Sharing of Effective Strategies New Question Use of Section 1003(g)(8) Funds for Evaluation and Technical Assistance New Question Section 1003(a) State Reservations New Question Section 1003(a) and 1003(g) Allocations to LEAs and Schools New Question
1.4.6 Dates of AYP and Identification Deleted Question While this information is important to ED, ED both needs, and collects most of this information earlier through means other than the CSPR. CSPR data are submitted in December for the previous school year and generally not available to staff until the following February. ED staff generally collects and uses this data in Aug. - Oct. for the previous school year, therefore these data collected through the CSPR are less useful. Schools with students eligible for public school choice Deleted Question Data collected are not useful to program offices, OGC does not believe that the data are required by the statute. Public School Choice - Students Technical Amendment Clarification to the directions Schools with students eligible for supplemental educational services Deleted Question Data collected are not useful to program offices, OGC does not believe that the data are required by the statute. Supplemental Educational Services - Students Technical Amendment Clarifications to the table
1.6.1 Language Instruction Educational Programs Technical Amendment (Deletion of portions of question) Revised instructions to provide greater clarity; No longer collecting # of programs or % language of instruction in English v. other languages
1.6.2 Number of ALL LEP students New Question (substantial revision of previous question) Number of All LEP students in the states Number of LEP students who received Title III language instruction educational programs services Technical Amendment Revised instructions to provide greater clarity Most Commonly spoken Languages in the State Technical Amendment Revised instructions to provide greater clarity ALL LEP student Participation in English Language Proficiency Assessments New Question (substantial revision of previous question) Required by section 1111(h)(4)(D) and section 3121(b)(1) ALL LEP student English Language Proficiency Performance New Question (substantial revision of previous question) Required by section 1111(h)(4)(D) and section 3121(b)(1) Title III LEP student Participation in English Language Proficiency Assessments New Question (substantial revision of previous question) Required by section 1111(h)(4)(D) and section 3121(b)(1) Title III LEP student English Language Proficiency Performance New Question (substantial revision of previous question) Removed collection of number and percent of students making no progress LEP Subgroup Flexibility Deleted Question Duplicate collection; Collected through State Consolidated Accountability Workbooks Status of Monitored Former LEP Students (MFLEP) Deleted Question Unnecessary breakdown of monitored former LEP by AYP grades LEP students in Non-AYP grades Deleted Question Unnecessary breakdown of monitored former LEP by untested grade levels LEP Students Assess in Native Language New Question (substantial revision of previous question) Divided question to ask separately regarding native language versions of (1) reading/language arts, (2) mathematics, (3) science assessments Native Language of Mathematics Tests Given Technical Amendment Removed collection of native language assessments by grade level Native Language of Reading/Language arts Tests Given Technical Amendment Removed collection of native language assessments by grade level Native Language of science Tests Given New Question Science assessments required for the first time in the 2007-08 school year. Native Language Versions of State NCLB Mathematic Assessment Results Deleted Question Not required Native Language Versions of State NCLB Reading/Language Arts Assessment Results Deleted Question Not Required Title III Served MFLEP Students by Year Monitored Technical Amendment Revised instructions to provide greater clarity Monitored Former LEP (MFLEP Students Results for Mathematics Technical Amendment Revised instructions to provide greater clarity Monitored Former LEP (MFLEP Students Results for Reading/Language Arts Technical Amendment Revised instructions to provide greater clarity Title III Subgrantee Performance Technical Amendment (and Deletion) Revised instructions to provide greater clarity; Deletion of number of subgrantees meeting 1, 2, or 3 AMAOs State Accountability Technical Amendment Revised instructions to provide greater clarity Termination of Title III language Instruction Educational Programs Technical Amendment Revised instructions to provide greater clarity Education programs and activities for Immigrant Students Technical Amendment Revised instructions to provide greater clarity Distribution of Immigrant Funds Deleted Question Not required Teacher Information Technical Amendment; Deleted Question Revised instructions to provide greater clarity; Deletion of #of certified Professional Development (PD) Activities of Subgrantees Related to the Teaching and Learning of LEP students Technical Amendment Revised instructions to provide greater clarity
1.8.1 Graduation Rates Technical Amendment Include comment box on the Word version of the CSPR
Part II
2.1.1- Student Achievement in Reading/Language Arts in Schoolwide and Targeted Assistance Schools Technical Amendment Slight change to wording to make consistent with section 1.3 (student performance): # Students Who Completed the Assessment & For Whom a Proficiency Level Was Assigned”
2.2.1 Subgrants and Even Start Program Participants Technical Amendment Update to school year Even Start Families Participating During the Year Technical Amendment Text changes have been made to improve consistency of data collected. Additional directions on how to calculate the age of children were added. The terms “preschool” and “school-age” were deleted before the age categories as they were unnecessary and caused confusion. Finally, the category “above age-eight” was added to collect data on children above age eight served by Even Start since programs are serving eligible children in this age group. Characteristics of Newly Enrolled Families at the Time of Enrollment Technical Amendment Clarifying text was added at the request of state coordinators to improve data collection Retention of Families Technical Amendment Clarifying text was added above the table to improve directions for completing the data set to improve data collection. Within the data table, the definitions for the categories are now defined in terms of “days of enrollment” rather than “months of participation” which caused confusion (for example, families serving six months could be counted in either item 2 or 3). The new terminology more accurately reflects how states have been collecting data and makes data collection easier for local programs. Also, the language in the current form does not allow for the reporting of families enrolled for 180 or 365 days.
2.2.2 Federal Even Start Performance Indicators Technical Amendment Clarifying test was added at the request of state data coordinators to improve data collection. Adults showing significant learning gains on measures of reading Technical amendment Clarifying test was added at the request of state data coordinators to improve data collection. Limited English proficient adults showing significant learning gains on measures of reading Technical Amendment Clarifying text was added at the request of state coordinators to improve data collection. A second “other” category was added as programs serving English Language Learners often give more than one assessment in addition to and/or instead of the BEST and CASAS and need additional rows on which to report data. The TABE was removed as this assessment does not exist in languages other than English. Adults Earning a High School Diploma or GED
Clarifying test was added at the request of state data coordinators to improve data collection. Children Age-Eligible for Kindergarten who are achieving significant learning gains on measures of language development Technical amendment Clarifying text was added at the request of state coordinators to improve data collection. Rows for reporting the PPVT-IV (the updated version of the PPVT) and the TVIP (the Spanish version of the PPVT) were added at the request of state coordinators with programs using those measures. Children Age-Eligible for Kindergarten who demonstrate age-appropriate oral language skills New Question While this is not a question that appears on the current CSPR form, it is asking for data already being collected to be reported by programs and state coordinators as required by OMB. The addition of this data field makes Even Start early childhood outcome data more consistent with other programs serving a similar population (for example, Early Reading First) and does not increase the data collection burden on either States or local grantees. A row for reporting data on the PPVT-IV has been added as that measure has been updated and some programs are moving to the new version this year. Average number of letters children can identify as measured by the PALs Pre-K Upper Case Letter Naming Subtask Technical Amendment Clarifying test was added at the request of state data coordinators to improve data collection. School-age children reading on grade level Technical Amendment Clarifying test was added at the request of state data coordinators to improve data collection. Parents who show improvement on measures of parental support for children's learning in the home, school environment, and through interactive learning activities Technical amendment Clarifying test was added at the request of state data coordinators to improve data collection.




Sheet 2: Amendments by Amendment Type

Question Number Subject Justification
SY2008-09 CSPR Technical Amendments

Deleted Items
2.2.2 Federal Even Start Performance Indicators Removed

Modified Questions: No Substantive Change
1.1.1 Academic Content Standards Response limited to 4000 instead of 8000 characters.
1.1.4 Assessment in Science Response limited to 4000 instead of 8000 characters.
1.2.1 Participation of All Students in Mathematics Assessment Clarification to question.
1.2.2 Participation of Students with Disabilities in Mathematics Assessment Clarification to question.
1.2.4 Participation of Students with Disabilities in Reading/Language Arts Assessment Clarification to question.
1.2.6 Participation of Students with Disabilities in Science Assessment Clarification to question.
1.3.1 Student Academic Achievement in Mathematics Clarification to question.
1.3.2 Student Academic Achievement in Reading/Language Arts Clarification to question. List of Title I Schools Identified for Improvement Instructions bulleted to provide clarity to question. List of Districts That Received Title I Funds and Were Identified for Improvement Instructions bulleted to provide clarity to question. Student Proficiency for Schools Receiving Assistance Through Sections 10003(a) and 1003(g) Funds Revised instructions to provide greater clarity. School Improvement Status and School Improvement Assistance Revised instructions to provide greater clarity. Effective School Improvement Strategies Clarification to question and the question in the table. Public School Choice - Students Clarification to Instructions. Availability of Public School Choice Options Clarification to question Supplemental Educational Services - Students Clarification to the definition of students who receive supplemental services.
1.5.1 Core Academic Classes Taught by Teachers Who are Highly Qualified Chart column and row headings changed to provide greater clarity to the collection. FAQ added to provide clarity about the reporting period.
1.5.2 Reasons Core Academic Classes Are Taught by Teachers Who Are Not Highly Qualified Elementary School Classes and Secondary School Classes added as table headings. Number of All LEP Students in the State Revised instructions to provide greater clarity.
1.6.3 Student Performance Citation changed in instructions to better align with the statute. All LEP Students Tested on the State Annual English Language Proficiency Assessment Title corrected from "Participation" to "Tested." Title III LEP Participation in State Annual English Language Proficiency Assessment Instructions/Table change for greater clarity. Title changed to include "state annual" and "assessment." Title III LEP English Language Proficiency Results Clarification to instructions and added language to better align the instructions. Title III Subgrantee Performance Instructions and text box added. Subgroups of Homeless Students Served Title changed from Subpopulations to subgroups. Student Achievement in Reading/Language Arts in Targeted Assistance Schools (TAS) Clarification to instructions. Even Start Families Participating During the Year Clarification to instructions and table. Retention of Families Clarification to instructions and table. Adults Showing Significant Learning Gains on Measures of Reading Revised instructions to provide greater clarity. Adult English Learners Showing Significant Learning Gains on Measures of Reading Column headings changed for ease of flow and consistency Children Age-Eligible for Kindergarten Who are Achieving Significant Learning Gains on Measures of Language Development Slight change to wording to provide greater clarity to instructions. Children Age-Eligible for Kindergarten Who Demonstrate Age-Appropriate Oral Language Skills Slight change to wording to provide greater clarity to instructions. Note added to instructions for clarity. The Average Number of Letters Children Can Identify as Measured by the PALS Pre-K Upper Case Letter Naming Subtask Wording changes to the terms to provide greater clarity to instructions. Reading/Language Arts Participation Removed "ungraded" as a category to provide greater clarity to the table. Mathematics Participation Removed "ungraded" as a category to provide greater clarity to the table. MEP Participation - Summer/Intersession Term Slight change in wording to provide clarity to instructions.

Sheet 3: Sheet3

Question Number Subject Justification

Deleted Items

1.1.3 Academic Achievement standards in Mathematics and Reading/Language Arts Combined with 1.1.2

1.1.5 Academic Achievement standards in Science Combined with 1.1.4

 Actions Taken for Title I Schools Identified for Improvement duplicate collection

1.4.6 Dates of AYP and Identification While this information is important to ED, ED both needs, and collects most of this information earlier through means other than the CSPR. CSPR data are submitted in December for the previous school year and generally not available to staff until the following February. ED staff generally collects and uses this data in Aug. - Oct. for the previous school year, therefore these data collected through the CSPR are less useful.

 Schools with students eligible for public school choice Data collected are not useful to program offices, OGC does not believe that the data are required by the statute.

 Schools with students eligible for supplemental educational services Data collected are not useful to program offices, OGC does not believe that the data are required by the statute.

 LEP students in Non-AYP grades Unnecessary breakdown of monitored former LEP by untexted grade levels

 Native Language Versions of State NCLB Mathematic Assessment Results Not required

 Native Language Versions of State NCLB Reading/Language Arts Assessment Results Not Required

 LEP Subgroup Flexibility Duplicate collection; Collected through State Consolidated Accountability Workbooks

 Status of Monitored Former LEP Students (MFLEP) Unnecessary breakdown of monitored former LEP by AYP grades

 Distribution of Immigrant Funds Not required

Modified Items: No Substantive Change

1.1.1 Academic Content Standards Clarification of the question to outline changes of content standards since approval by the Department.

1.1.2 Assessments in Mathematics and Reading/language arts Combines question 1.1.3 regarding changes to academic achievement standards with question 1.1.2 changes to assessments.

1.1.4 Assessments in Science Combines question 1.1.3 regarding changes to academic achievement standards with question 1.1.2 changes to assessments.

1.3.2 Student Academic Achievement in Reading/Language Arts

 List of Title I schools identified for improvement Required flag for Title I status (actively affirm Title I status of schools identified for improvement, corrective action, or restructuring

 School Corrective Action Interventions Clarifications to the question based on feedback from the 2006-07 data collection. On the SY 2006-07 CSPR, several States appear to have misinterpreted the year for which data are requested.

 School Restructuring Interventions Clarifications to the question based on feedback from the 2006-07 data collection. On the SY 2006-07 CSPR, several States appear to have misinterpreted the year for which data are requested.

 District Corrective Actions Clarifications to the question based on feedback from the 2006-07 data collection. On the SY 2006-07 CSPR, several States appear to have misinterpreted the year for which data are requested.

 List of Districts Identified for Improvement Required flag for Title I status (actively affirm Title I status of district identified for improvement or corrective action.

 Public School Choice - Students Clarification to the directions

 Supplemental Educational Services - Students Clarifications to the table

1.6.1 Language Instruction Educational Programs Revised instructions to provide greater clarity; deleted of portions of question (No longer collecting # of programs or % language of instruction in English v. other languages).

 Number of LEP students who received Title III language instruction educational programs services Revised instructions to provide greater clarity. Previoulsy number

 Most Commonly spoken Languages in the State Revised instructions to provide greater clarity. Previoulsy number

 Native Language of Mathematics texts Given Removed collection of native language assessments by grade level

 Native Language of Reading/Language arts texts Given Removed collection of native language assessments by grade level

 Title III Served MFLEP Students by Year Monitored Revised instructions to provide greater clarity

 Monitored Former LEP (MFLEP Students Results for Mathematics Revised instructions to provide greater clarity

 Monitored Former LEP (MFLEP Students Results for Reading/Language Arts Revised instructions to provide greater clarity

 Title III Subgrantee Performance Revised instructions to provide greater clarity; Deletion of number of subgrantees meeting 1, 2, or 3 AMAOs

 State Accountability Revised instructions to provide greater clarity

 Termination of Title III language Instruction Educational Programs Revised instructions to provide greater clarity

 Education programs and activities for Immigrant Students Revised instructions to provide greater clarity

 Teacher Information Revised instructions to provide greater clarity; Deletion of #of certified

 Professional Development (PD) Activities of Subgrantees Related to the Teaching and Learning of LEP students Revised instructions to provide greater clarity

1.8.1 Graduation Rates Include comment box on the Word version of the CSPR

2.1.1- Student Achievement in Reading/Language Arts in Schoolwide and Targeted Assistance Schools Slight change to wording to make consistent with section 1.3 (student performance): # Students Who Completed the Assessment & For Whom a Proficiency Level Was Assigned”

2.2.1 Subgrants and Even Start Program Participants Update to school year

 Even Start Families Participating During the Year Text changes have been made to improve consistency of data collected. Additional directions on how to calculate the age of children were added. The terms “preschool” and “school-age” were deleted before the age categories as they were unnecessary and caused confusion. Finally, the category “above age-eight” was added to collect data on children above age eight served by Even Start since programs are serving eligible children in this age group.

 Characteristics of Newly Enrolled Families at the Time of Enrollment Clarifying text was added at the request of state coordinators to improve data collection

 Retention of Families Clarifying text was added above the table to improve directions for completing the data set to improve data collection. Within the data table, the definitions for the categories are now defined in terms of “days of enrollment” rather than “months of participation” which caused confusion (for example, families serving six months could be counted in either item 2 or 3). The new terminology more accurately reflects how states have been collecting data and makes data collection easier for local programs. Also, the language in the current form does not allow for the reporting of families enrolled for 180 or 365 days.

2.2.2 Federal Even Start Performance Indicators Clarifying text was added at the request of state data coordinators to improve data collection.

 Adults showing significant learning gains on measures of reading Clarifying text was added at the request of state data coordinators to improve data collection.

 Limited English proficient adults showing significant learning gains on measures of reading Clarifying text was added at the request of state coordinators to improve data collection. A second “other” category was added as programs serving English Language Learners often give more than one assessment in addition to and/or instead of the BEST and CASAS and need additional rows on which to report data. The TABLE was removed as this assessment does not exist in languages other than English.

 Adults Earning a High School Diploma or GED Clarifying text was added at the request of state data coordinators to improve data collection.

 Children Age-Eligible for Kindergarten who are achieving significant learning gains on measures of language development Clarifying text was added at the request of state coordinators to improve data collection. Rows for reporting the PPVT-IV (the updated version of the PPVT) and the TVIP (the Spanish version of the PPVT) were added at the request of state coordinators with programs using those measures.

 Average number of letters children can identify as measured by the PALs Pre-K Upper Case Letter Naming Subtask Clarifying text was added at the request of state data coordinators to improve data collection.

 School-age children reading on grade level Clarifying text was added at the request of state data coordinators to improve data collection.

 Parents who show improvement on measures of parental support for children's learning in the home, school environment, and through interactive learning activities Clarifying text was added at the request of state data coordinators to improve data collection.

New or Substantially Revised Items

1.2.5 Participation of All Students in the Science Assessment Science assessments required for the first time in the 2007-08 school year. Math and reading are collected in December, whereas science is collected in February.

1.2.6 Participation of Students with Disabilities in Science Assesment Science assessments required for the first time in the 2007-08 school year. Math and reading are collected in December, whereas science is collected in February.

1.3.3 Student Academic Achievement in Science Science assessments required for the first time in the 2007-08 school year. Math and reading are collected in December, whereas science is collected in February.

 Student Proficiency for Schools Receiving Assistance Through Section 1003(a) and 1003(g) Funds in SY 2007-08 (1) As part of obtaining emergency OMB approval of the School Improvement Grant applications under the Paperwork Reduction Act, ED indicated that it would collect the information on the following topics listed below:
A. Number and percentage of students who are proficient in reading/language arts and mathematics in schools that received technical assistance through the statewide system of support and whether that number and percentage increased from the prior year as measured by State assessments .
B. Number and percentage of students who are proficient in reading/language arts and mathematics in schools that received School Improvement Funds as a result of subgrants to LEAs and whether that number and percentage increased from the prior year as measured by State assessments.
C. The number of schools that received technical assistance through the statewide system of support that— make adequate yearly progress; ii. exit improvement status.
D. The number of schools that received School Improvement Funds that— make adequate yearly progress;exit improvement status.

 School Improvement Status and School Improvement Assistance E. Evidence that SEAs, LEAs, and schools used data to make decisions about the use of School Improvement Funds
F. Evidence indicating those school improvement strategies that were effective in contributing to increased student achievement; adequate yearly progress; and exiting improvement status.
G. The amount of funds allocated under section 1003(g) and 1003(a) to each LEA and school.
(2) SASA monitoring teams and other ED officials will use these data to ensure that SEAs, LEAs, and schools implement the school improvement activities in accordance with ESEA, the Title I Regulations, and the SEA applications that were approved by ED. §80.40(e) of the Education Department General Administrative Regulations permits ED to make site visits, such as for monitoring, as warranted by program needs.

 Effective School Improvement Strategies

 Sharing of Effective Strategies

 Use of Section 1003(g)(8) Funds for Evaluation and Technical Assistance

 Section 1003(a) State Reservations

 Section 1003(a) and 1003(g) Allocations to LEAs and Schools

 Use of Section 1003(g)(8) Funds for Evaluation and Technical Assistance

 Actions Taken for Title I Schools Identified for Improvement* Supported by Funds Other than Those of Sections 1003(a) and 1003(g)

 Number of ALL LEP Students in the State Substantial revision of previous question. Required by secton 1111(b)(7)

 ALL LEP student Participation in English Language Proficiency Assessments Substantial revision of previous question. Required by section 1111(h)(4)(D) and section 3121(b)(1)

 ALL LEP student English Language Proficiency Performance Substantial revision of previous question. Required by section 1111(h)(4)(D) and section 3121(b)(1)

 Title III LEP student Participation in English Language Proficiency Assessments Substantial revision of previous question) Required by section 1111(h)(4)(D) and section 3121(b)(1)

 Title III LEP student English Language Proficiency Performance Substantial revision of previous question. Removed collection of number and percent of students making no progress

 LEP Students Assess in Native Language Substantial revision of previous question. Divided question (into & to ask separately regarding native language versions of (1) reading/language arts, (2) mathematics

 Native Language of Science Tests Given Adds question on native language versions of science assessments to meet science reporting requirements effecitive for the SY 2007-08.

 LEP Performance on Science Assememtments Adds question on LEP performance on Science assessments to meet science reporting requirements effecitive for the SY 2007-08.

Part II

 Children Age-Eligible for Kindergarten who demonstrate age-appropriate oral language skills While this is not a question that appears on the current CSPR form, it is asking for data already being collected to be reported by programs and state coordinators as required by OMB. The addition of this data field makes Even Start early childhood outcome data more consistent with other programs serving a similar population (for example, Early Reading First) and does not increase the data collection burden on either States or local grantees. A row for reporting data on the PPVT-IV has been added as that measure has been updated and some programs are moving to the new version this year.

Part II

File Typeapplication/
Last Modified By#Administrator
File Modified2009-06-09
File Created2008-03-20

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