CTAS 2019 Introduction:
The Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation Assessment Instrument This form will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Your participation is greatly appreciated and confidential.
1. Please select the category that best describes your position:
Tribal Leader/Government, Chief Operations/Finance
Department/Agency Administrator/Manager
Program Manager/Staff
Grant Administrator/Writer
Other (please specify)
2. In which state do you currently reside?
District of Columbia
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
3. Did your tribe apply for any Purpose Area(s) through the Department of Justice Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS)?
Yes |
No |
Unsure/Unknown |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
Skip logic. If 2019 = yes, continue to question 23 and continue again at question 29 unitl end.
If 2019 = no/unsure, skip to question 24 and continue until end.
4. CTAS uses a peer review process to rate applications. Peer review comments are typically sent to your designated Tribal Contact as listed in GMS. Did you receive the comments?
4b. If yes, did you use them to assist in writing your next application?
5. How did you become aware of the FY2019 CTAS solicitation? (Check all that apply)
US Mail
Justice.gov/Tribal Website
Grants.gov Website
Social Media
Program Office website (BJA, COPS, OJJDP, OVC, OVW)
Other: (Please identify)
6. Of the training and technical assistance available to you while applying for the FY2019 CTAS, which of the following did you use? (Check all that apply)
Applicant Webinars
GMS Help Desk
In-person Accessing Grants Training
CTAS DOJ Response Center
Online Financial Management Training
Onsite Technical Assistance
Other In-person Trainings
Online Guide: Preparing for the Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation
Conferences and or Meetings
Did not use any of these tools
Was not aware of these tools
Other: (Please identify)
7. If you accessed more than one CTAS application training and technical assistance option, which option did you find most helpful? (Check only one)
GMS Help Desk
In-person Grant Writing Trainings
CTAS DOJ Response Center Online Financial Management Training
Onsite Technical Assistance
Other In-person Trainings
Online Guide: Preparing for the Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation
Conferences and or Meetings
Did not use any of these tools
Was not aware of these tools
7B. If you selected Webinars, which webinars did you participate in?
CTAS General Overview
Budget Development Overview
Guide to the Online Tool for Grant Writing
CTAS Purpose Area 2, 3, 4, & 10
CTAS Purpose Area 1
CTAS Purpose Area 5
CTAS Purpose Area 6
CTAS Purpose Area 7
CTAS Purpose Area 8 & 9
Budget Worksheet Completion
Checklist Review and Q & A
Building Strong Grant Applications
Final Q & A
7C. Of the webinars you participated in, please check which webinar(s) you found to be most helpful.
CTAS General Overview
Budget Development Overview
Guide to the Online Tool for Grant Writing
CTAS Purpose Area 2, 3, 4, & 10
CTAS Purpose Area 1
CTAS Purpose Area 5
CTAS Purpose Area 6
CTAS Purpose Area 7
CTAS Purpose Area 8 & 9
Budget Worksheet Completion
Checklist Review and Q & A
Building Strong Grant Applications
Final Q & A
7D. Let us know your recommendations for future CTAS Webinars. (open ended comment)
8. Did you use existing online grant writing tools specific to the CTAS solicitation while preparing your grant?
8 b If Yes, which online tool(s) did you use? (check all that apply)
Guide for the CTAS Solicitation
Grants.gov online Grant Writing Training?
Other: Please Specify:
9. Are there any other training and technical assistance tools you would find helpful in completing the CTAS application? If so, please list:
10. Comments about Outreach and Training and Technical Assistance:
11. Please indicate which Purpose Areas you applied for in the FY2019 CTAS. (Check all that apply)
#1. Tribal Hiring Grant Program and Tribal Resources Grant Equipment/Training (COPS)
#2. Comprehensive Tribal Justice System Strategic Planning (BJA)
#3. Justice Systems and Alcohol and Substance Abuse (BJA)
#4. Tribal Justice Systems Infrastructure Program (BJA)
#5. Violence Against Women Tribal Governments Program (OVW)
#6. Children’s Justice Act Partnerships for Indian Communities Program (OVC)
#7. Tribal Victim Services Program (OVC)
#8. Juvenile Healing to Wellness Court (OJJDP)
#9. Tribal Youth Program (OJJDP)
#10. Addressing Violent Crime in Tribal Communities (BJA)
12. In planning and developing your grant proposal, did you:
Collaborate with multiple tribes on a consortium application
Collaborate with multiple departments on a single tribe's application
13. How often did your team/s meet to work on your proposal?
Rare planning meetings (for instance, once a month)
Occasional planning meetings (for instance, twice a month)
We held regular planning meetings throughout the application development period (for instance, weekly)
14. Thinking about the amount of time that you individually spent preparing the CTAS application, please choose the total number of hours you worked on the solicitation.
1-10 hours
11-20 hours
21-30 hours
31-40 hours
41+ hours
15. If more than one person prepared the CTAS response, please choose the total number of hours that the team worked on the solicitation.
1-40 hours
41-60 hours
61-80 hours
81+ hours
16. Do you have any comments about about the planning process for preparing your CTAS application:
17. What did you find difficult, if anything, about the FY2019 CTAS application process? (Check all that apply)
Registration Process – add comment box if selected.
Demographic Form – add comment box if selected.
Tribal Narrative Profile – add comment box if selected.
Purpose Area Narratives – add comment box if selected.
Project/Program Timeline – add comment box if selected.
Budget Detail Worksheet/Budget Narrative – add comment box if selected.
Understanding Allowable/Unallowable Costs – add comment box if selected.
Understanding the Application Requirements/Checklist – add comment box if selected.
Using the Templates – add comment box if selected.
Page Limits – add comment box if selected.
Sample documents were not available, i.e. Tribal resolutions, etc. – add comment box if selected.
Working within the Tribe to complete the proposal – add comment box if selected.
Other, please explain:
18. The following changes were made from the FY2019 solicitation.
The timeline was included as part of the narrative to reduce the number of required attachments.
Did you find these updates helpful in putting together your 2019 CTAS application?
The question-and-answer templates have been further coordinated and refined across purpose areas to ensure more clarity and to reduce duplication.
Did you find these updates helpful in putting together your 2019 CTAS application?
The demographic form as it relates to purpose area #1 (COPS Office) and its submission requirements have been updated. The demographic form applies only to applicants applying for purpose area #1 (COPS Office).
Did you find these updates helpful in putting together your 2019 CTAS application?
The budget detail worksheet was updated to be more user friendly and to reflect software updates.
Did you find these updates helpful in putting together your 2019 CTAS application?
The Narrative page limits were updated to a 10-page limit for the Tribal Community and Justice Profile and a 10-page limit for each Purpose Area narrative, with the exception of Purpose Areas 3 and 10 which have a page limit range of 10 to 15 pages.
Did you find these updates helpful in putting together your 2019 CTAS application?
19. Templates are provided to make the application process more user friendly. If you had difficulty with the templates, please select the area you had the most challenge with. (Select one)
Ability to modify spacing
N/A - I did not have difficulty
Other, please explain:
20. Budget worksheets are provided to make the application process more user friendly. If you had difficulty with the budget worksheets, please select the area you had the most challenge with. (Select one)
Ability to modify spacing
N/A - I did not have difficulty
Other, please explain:
21. Additional comments about the solicitation (this information will be used to improve future solicitations):
22. FY2019 is the tenth year of CTAS, please rate your overall satisfaction with the FY2019 CTAS Process. (Choose only one)
Very Satisfied
Very Unsatisfied
23. In order to ensure a fair distribution of Purpose Area specific funding in purpose areas where many high quality applications do not receive awards due to limited funding, please rank your preference for the following, with 1 being most preferred.
Making prior year awardees ineligible for current year solicitations
Add points to peer review scores for applicants not recently funded in the past two years
Carryover quality applications from FY2019 to FY2020 and do not accept new applications in that Purpose Area(s) in FY2020
CTAS 2019 Assessment Questionnaire (Continued) Complete this section only if you did NOT apply for Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS) in FY2019.
24. Were you or your tribal agency aware of the FY2019 CTAS opportunity?
25. Did you start the FY2019 CTAS application and then not complete it?
26. If you started the application, please share the reason(s) why it was not completed. (Check all that apply)
Complicated application process and or instructions
Confused about grant requirements (Please explain in more detail in the box below.)
Challenges with Internet/technology
Techinal issues in submitting the application (i.e. internet, weather, server)
Adminstrative delays (i.e. lack of approval from tribal council)
Furloughed due to Government Shutdown
Other (Please specify below)
Comments about why you did not complete and submit your application:
27. What did you find difficult, if anything, about the FY2019 CTAS application process? (Check all the apply)
Registration Process – if selected, open comment box
Demographic Form – if selected, open comment box
Tribal Narrative Profile – if selected, open comment box
Purpose Area Narratives – if selected, open comment box
Project/Program Timeline – if selected, open comment box
Budget Detail Worksheet/Budget Narrative – if selected, open comment box
Understanding Allowable/Unallowable Costs – if selected, open comment box
Understanding the Application Requirements/Checklist – if selected, open comment box
Using the Templates – if selected, open comment box
Page Limits – if selected, open comment box
Sample documents were not available, i.e. Tribal resolutions, etc. – if selected, open comment box
Working within the Tribe to complete the proposal – if selected, open comment box
Other, please explain:
28. Please share with us the reasons why your community chose not to apply for funding:
CTAS 2019 Assessment Questionnaire (Continued). All respondents will be asked the following questions.
29. There are numerous ways to communicate the availability of funding. Please rank the following choices in order of preference. (1 = most preferred)
Justice.gov/Tribal Website
Grants.gov Website
Other: (Please identify)
30. If you have any final comments or if you could make any suggestions to improve the CTAS process, what would they be?
31. If you would like to waive confidentiality and be contacted for further information, please provide your name and email address:
Email Address
Thank you for completing the FY2019 CTAS Solicitation questionnaire. You may register on the govdelivery website to receive updates on CTAS. https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/USDOJ/subscriber/new
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Bontrager Consulting |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-15 |