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pdfCopy of N-DEx System Distance Learning Feedback: N-DEx System Overview
Attendee Feedback
1. Please rate your satisfaction with:
Very Satisfied
Neither Satisfied
Nor Dissatisfied
Very Dissatisfied
Strongly Disagree
Registering for the
Accessing the class on
the course date
The quality of audio
used in the course
The quality of video
used in the course
The overall technical
quality of the course
2. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements:
Strongly Agree
The objectives of the
course were clearly
The course contained
opportunities for
interactive learning.
The course objectives
were met.
The time allotted for the
course material was
3. How relevant is the material to your role?
Extremely relevant
Not so relevant
Very relevant
Not at all relevant
Somewhat relevant
4. How clear was the presentation of information?
Extremely clear
Not so clear
Very clear
Not at all clear
Somewhat clear
5. How do you feel about the amount of information presented?
Too little information
About the right amount of information
Too much information
6. How engaging was your instructor?
Extremely engaging
Not so engaging
Very engaging
Not at all engaging
Somewhat engaging
7. How would you rate your instructor's knowledge of the material?
Very good
8. Please rate your current confidence level for using the N-DEx System based on the knowledge or skills
presented in the course.
Extremely confident
Very confident
Somewhat confident
Not so confident
Not at all confident
9. What part of the course did you find most useful?
10. What aspects of the course could be improved?
11. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns to share about the course, or about N-DEx
Distance Outreach efforts in general?
12. Which of the following best describes your primary role within your agency?
13. In the past six months (or since first access, if less than six months), about
how often have you used the N-DEx System?
Privacy Act Statement
Authority: The collection of this information is authorized under Title 34 U.S.C. § 10211, 44 U.S.C. § 3101, and the general record
keeping provision of the Administrative Procedures Act (5 U.S.C. § 301). Completing the survey and providing your contact information
is voluntary.
Principal Purpose: The purpose of this survey is to gather feedback regarding your experience with the N-DEx System distance
learning session. If provided, your contact information will be used to contact you regarding your N-DEx System distance learning
session experiences.
Routine Uses: All surveys will be maintained in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974. Information on the survey may be disclosed
with your consent, and may be disclosed without your consent as permitted by all applicable routine uses as published in the Federal
Register (FR), including the routine uses for the FBI Online Collaboration Systems (JUSTICE/FBI-004), published at 82 FR 57291
(Dec. 4, 2017), and the routine uses for the National Data Exchange (N-DEx), FBI-020, 72 FR 56793 (Oct. 4, 2007), as amended by 82
FR 24151, 157 (May 25, 2017). Routine uses may include sharing information with other federal, territorial, state, local, and tribal
criminal justice agencies.
Pursuant to Paperwork Reduction Act requirements, this collection has been assigned the following control number by the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB): xxxx-xxxx. This OMB control number expires 12/31/2021.
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | View Survey |
File Modified | 2019-11-13 |
File Created | 2019-10-31 |