OMB Control Number: XXXX-XXXX
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX
(Older Americans Act Titles III and VII (Chapters 3 and 4)1
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 33.5 hours per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this collection is required to obtain or retain benefit (P.L. 114-144 Older Americans Act of 1965 (OAA), Section 307 (a) (6)). Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Administration for Community Living (ACL), Attention: Jennifer Klocinski, Social Science Analyst, Room 1234A, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 330 C Street SW, Washington, DC 20201 or email
The purpose of this data collection is to fulfill requirements of the Older Americans Act (OAA) and the Government Performance and Results Modernization Act (GPRA Modernization Act) of 2010 and related program performance activities. Section 202(a)(16) of the OAA requires the collection of statistical data regarding the programs and activities carried out with funds provided under the OAA and Section 207(a) directs the Assistant Secretary on Aging to prepare and submit a report to the President and Congress based on those data. Section 202(f) directs the Assistant Secretary to develop a set of performance outcome measures for planning, managing, and evaluating activities performed and services provided under the OAA. Requirements pertaining to the measurement and evaluation of the impact of all programs authorized by the OAA are described in section 206(a). The State Performance Report is one source of data used to develop and report performance outcome measures and measure program effectiveness in achieving the stated goals of the OAA.
These reporting requirements are a revision of those currently in effect (2016-2019). The factors that influenced the revision of the SPR, include: 1) the need to modernize the data structure to allow for more efficient reporting and the ability to use current technology for reporting and analysis; 2) the interest in aligning data elements within and across data collections; 3) the need to consider alternative data elements that reflect the current Aging Network and long-term care services and supports; and 4) the need to reduce reporting burden while enhancing data quality. The revised SPR reduces the number of data elements reported by 70% compared to the 2016-2019 SPR.
Data structure and Content:
This document summarizes the requirements for the State Performance Report for Titles III and VII (Chapters 3 and 4) for federal fiscal year 2019 (FFY 2019) starting 10/01/2018 and subsequent years by all State Units on Aging. The proposed data collection is aggregate data at the state-level which is consistent with the current data collection. The data collection structure is based on components and sub-components that are reflected in the Data Model found on page 3. SPR data are multi-dimensional, that is, data regarding the number of people served, the characteristics of those people served, amount of service and expenditures are reported by service and groups of services. The Service Lists by Demographic Data Requirements (see pages 4 and 5) are representations of services to be reported by program and population (older adults (Title III-B, C, and D); caregivers of older adults (Title III-E); and older relative caregivers of children and adults under age 60 with disabilities (Title III-E). Many consumer demographic and characteristic categories cross to form data elements (e.g. age and poverty status). The Data Element Categories and Intersections tables (see pages 6-9) represent which data categories intersect to form data elements. The Data Elements tables display the data to be collected and the data attributes (e.g. data codes and values). The table displays all data elements along with their attributes by component and sub-component. Full data definitions are provided in the accompanying document Data Element Definitions. The tables are for presentation purposes only. ACL/AoA will continue to require electronic transmission of the annual State Performance Report (SPR) data.
Document Layout:
Section 1: Data Model
Section 2: Service Lists by Demographic Data Requirements
Section 3: Data Element Categories and Intersections
Section 4: Data Elements
Section 1: Data Model
The Data Model below is a representation of the two main components (Aging Network and Service) within the proposed revised SPR and the corresponding sub-components.
The Service Lists by Demographic Data Requirement on the following pages are representations of services for older adults, caregivers of older adults, and older relative caregivers of children and adults under age 60 with disabilities. The goal of the diagram is to display services to be reported and which require submission of aggregate demographic information. Areas of note include: (1) Legal assistance is a restricted service for which demographic information is reported in aggregate, but no PII is associated; (2) Health promotion includes two service categories – evidence based and non-evidence based; (3) Caregiver program services counseling, support groups and training are reported separately; (4) Caregiver program service respite is reported in total and by four subcategories of respite service (in-home day; out-of-home day; out-of-home overnight; and type other); and (5) Caregiver program service assistance includes two service categories - case management and information and assistance.
Service List by Demographic Data Requirement – Title III B/C/D
Services for Older Adults (Title III B/C/D) |
Registered Services, Demographic Data Required |
Non-Registered, No Demographic Data Required |
1. Personal Care |
10. Transportation |
2. Homemaker |
11. Nutrition Education |
3. Chore |
12. Information and Assistance |
4. Home Delivered Nutrition |
13. Health Promotion: Evidence-Based |
5. Adult Day Care/Health |
14. Health Promotion: Non Evidence-Based |
6. Case Management |
7. Assisted Transportation |
8. Congregate Nutrition |
Restricted Service: Aggregated, de-identified demographic Data Required |
9. Nutrition Counseling |
16. Legal Assistance |
Demographic data are required for services 1-9 and 16.
Data on Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs) are required for services 1-6.
Nutrition Risk Scores are required for services 4, 8, and 9.
Service List by Demographic Data Requirement - Title III-E
Services for Caregivers of Older Adults and Older Relative Caregivers (caring for Children and Adults with Disabilities (age under 60) (Title III-E) |
Demographic Data Required |
No Demographic Data Required |
1. Counseling |
6. Support Groups |
2. Training |
7. Assistance: Information and Assistance |
3. Respite (all types) |
8. Information Services (public) |
3a. In-Home Respite |
3b. Out-of-Home Respite (day) |
3c. Out-of-Home Respite (overnight) |
3d. Other Respite |
4. Supplemental services |
5. Assistance: Case Management |
Aggregated unduplicated demographic data are required for services 1-5 combined. Note that respite services are broken down by type for reporting of people served, units of service and expenditures.
Many SPR demographic categories cross to form data elements (e.g. age and poverty status). The Data Element Intersections tables represent which data categories intersect to form data elements. The revised SPR limits those intersections thereby greatly reducing the total data elements for older adult services by 74%. The revised SPR for caregiver services reduces the total demographic data elements by 20%. Table 3.1 provides details of the data sub-categories for older adult services (Title III B, C, and D) and intersections between data elements. Table 3.2 provides details of the data sub-categories for all caregiver services (Title III-E) and intersections between data elements.
Table 3.1 Detail Data Element Intersections for Older Adults Services, Title III (B/C/D)
Consumer Characteristic: Older Adult Services (Title - B, C, and D) |
Total |
At or Below Poverty |
ADL 3+ |
IADL 3+ |
Age |
Age: <60 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Age: 60 -64 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Age: 65-74 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Age: 75 - 84 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Age: 85+ |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Age Missing |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Gender |
Female |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Male |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Other |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Gender Missing |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Geographic Distribution |
Rural |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Non-Rural |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Geographic Distribution Missing |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Poverty Status |
At or Below Poverty |
X |
X |
X |
Above Poverty |
X |
X |
X |
Poverty Status Missing |
X |
X |
X |
Household Status |
Lives Alone |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Lives with Others |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Lives in Long Term Care (LTC) Facility2 |
X |
X |
X |
x |
Household Status Missing |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Ethnicity |
Hispanic or Latino |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Not Hispanic or Latino |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Ethnicity Missing |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Race |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Asian |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Black or African American |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander |
X |
X |
X |
X |
White |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Race Missing |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Minority Status |
Minority |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Not Minority |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Minority Status Missing |
X |
X |
X |
X |
ADL Limitations |
0-1 |
X |
X |
2 |
X |
X |
3+ |
X |
X |
ADL Limitations Missing |
X |
X |
IADL Limitations |
0-1 |
X |
X |
2 |
X |
X |
3+ |
X |
X |
IADL Limitations Missing |
X |
X |
Nutrition Risk Score (nutrition services only) |
0-5 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
6+ |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Score Missing |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Table 3.2 represents the data intersection with poverty status (at or below poverty) for both populations of caregivers (caregivers of older adults and older relative caregivers caring for children and adults age 18-59 with disabilities).
Table 3.2 Detail Data Element Intersections for Caregiver Services, Title III (E)
Consumer Characteristic: Caregiver Services (Title III-E) |
Total - Caregiver of Older Adults |
At or Below Poverty |
Total - Older Relative Caregivers |
At or Below Poverty |
Total |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Age |
Age: 18-49 |
X |
X |
Age: 50-59 |
X |
X |
Age: 55 -59 |
X |
X |
Age: 60-64 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Age: 65-74 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Age: 75-84 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Age: 85+ |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Age: Missing |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Gender |
Female |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Male |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Other |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Gender Missing |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Geographic Distribution |
Rural |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Non-Rural |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Geographic Distribution Missing |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Poverty Status |
At or Below Poverty |
X |
X |
Above Poverty |
X |
X |
Poverty Status Missing |
X |
X |
Ethnicity |
Hispanic or Latino |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Not Hispanic or Latino |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Ethnicity Missing |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Race |
American Indian or Alaska Native |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Asian |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Black or African American |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander |
X |
X |
X |
X |
White |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Race Missing |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Minority Status |
Minority |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Not Minority |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Minority Status Missing |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Relationship |
Husband |
X |
X |
Wife |
X |
X |
Domestic Partner, including civil union |
X |
X |
Son/Son-in-Law |
X |
X |
Daughter/Daughter-in-law |
X |
X |
Sister |
X |
X |
Brother |
X |
X |
Grandparents |
X |
X |
Parents |
X |
X |
Other Relative |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Non-Relative |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Relationship Missing |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Total Children Receiving Care |
X |
Total Adults with Disabilities Receiving Care |
X |
The Data Element Tables display the data to be collected and the data attributes (e.g. data codes and values). The goal of the table is to display all data elements along with their attributes by component and sub-component. Full data definitions are provided in the accompanying document Data Element Definitions.
Each data element can be described by a series of eight metadata attributes which are listed below. If the data attribute is the same for all data elements within a component or subcomponent, it will be noted at the beginning of the component table. The attribute column will not be included as to provide additional space for other attribute descriptions.
The Data Attributes are as follows:
MD – Metadata
Data Element – Data element is a name, title, or short descriptor for a specific data element.
Element Description – Briefly summarizes a data element and its purpose.
Required – Indicates whether reporting of the data element by states is mandatory
Quantifier – Identifies whether there can be just one value reported for a data element, or if more than one value can be provided.
Services – Identifies that the data element is collected for specific services or combination of services. For example, the Nutritional Risk Scores are collected for Home Delivered Nutrition, Congregate Nutrition, and Nutrition Counseling services only. Services attribute does not apply to all sub-components.
Type – Indicates the data type for a given data element, e.g., whether it corresponds to a date, a coded value, or a string.
Codes & Values – For data elements with coded values, specifies the specific codes used and their associated values.
Business Rules & Notes – Details specific business rules, such as how many characters may be included in a string element, or the format of a date.
Each data element is identified by a unique combination of element number and data component abbreviation.
Element Number: The element number provides a way to refer to data elements. Element numbers are sequential within a data component/sub-component.
Data Component: Each taxonomic component or subcomponent is prefixed as follows to facilitate grouping and categorization:
NC – Network Component
SV – Staff/Volunteers subcomponent
SP – Service Providers subcomponent
SF – Senior Centers/Focal Points subcomponent
SD – Self-Directed (Title III B/E) subcomponent
RV – Respite Vouchers (Title III-E) subcomponent
SC-Service Component
CD – Consumer Demographics/Characteristics for Select Services (Title III B/C/D) subcomponent
CG – Caregiver of Older Adults Demographics/Characteristics for Select Services
(Title III-E) subcomponent
OR – Older Relative Caregivers (of Children and Adults with Disabilities) Demographics/Characteristics for Select Services (Title III-E) subcomponent
SU – Service Units (Title III B/C/D/E) subcomponent
EX – Expenditures (Title III B/C/D/E) subcomponent
VII – Title VII Expenditures (Chapters 3 & 4) subcomponent
LA – Legal Assistance (Title III B) subcomponent
OS – Other Services (Title III B/C/D) subcomponent
SCG – Supplemental Services (Title III-E) subcomponent for caregivers of older adults
SOR - Supplemental Services (Title III-E) subcomponent for older relative caregivers of children and adults under age 60 with disabilities
NS – Nutrition Services Incentive Program (NSIP) subcomponent
States will submit elements identifying and contextualizing their reported data.
Element Number |
Data Element |
Element Description |
Required |
Quantifier |
Type |
Codes and Values |
Business Rules/Notes |
MD1 |
State ID |
Geographical location of the data submission by State, DC and/or US Territory |
Yes |
Single |
String |
ANSI INCITS 38:2009 standard 2-letter state codes |
MD2 |
Reporting Period |
Federal Fiscal Year 10/01/20XX-09/30/20XX |
Yes |
Single |
Date |
Date range for Federal Fiscal Year of the report MM/DD/YYY - MM/DD/YYY |
MD3 |
Dataset ID |
Unique identifier for the data included in a data transmission |
Yes |
Single |
String |
N/A (not a coded element) |
• Must include component or subcomponent identification |
The Network component includes data regarding the state network.
Element Number |
Data Element |
Element Description |
Required |
Quantifier |
Type |
Codes and Values |
Business Rules/Notes |
NC1 |
Single PSA |
State is a single Planning and Service Area. |
Yes |
Single |
Boolean |
01=Yes |
NC2 |
Other Federal Funds |
Indication of other federal funds used for OAA services. (multiple selection) |
Yes |
Multiple |
Boolean (multiple select) |
01=Medicaid 02=Medicaid Waiver 03=SSBG 04=CSBG 05=USDA 06=DOT 98=Other 99=None |
• If 99=None is selected; other codes are not available. |
NC3 |
Other Federal Funds Comments |
Comments on Other Federal Funds, if appropriate. |
No |
Single |
String |
N/A (not a coded element) |
• Maximum length of 700 characters with spaces. |
The Network subcomponent includes data regarding staffing and volunteers and the state and Area Agency on Aging level of the network.
All data elements are single quantifier.
All data elements are numeric (integer) and not a coded element.
Element Number |
Data Element |
Element Description |
Required |
Business Rules/Notes |
SV1 |
SUA Staff (paid)-Full-time |
Number of paid full-time (average 35+ hours a week) at SUA as of September 30 of reporting year. Ombudsman staff are not included in count. |
Yes |
SV2 |
SUA Staff (paid)-Part-time |
Number of paid part-time (average less than 35 hours a week) at SUA as of September 30 of reporting year. Ombudsman staff are not included in count. |
Yes |
SV3 |
AAA Staff (paid)-Full-time |
Number of paid full-time (average 35+ hours a week) at AAA as of September 30 of reporting year. Ombudsman staff are not included in count. |
Yes (conditional) |
• Not required if single PSA |
SV4 |
AAA Staff (paid)-Part-time |
Number of paid part-time (average less than 35 hours a week) at AAA as of September 30 of reporting year. Ombudsman staff are not included in count. |
Yes (conditional) |
• Not required if single PSA |
SV5 |
SCSEP Beneficiaries Hired |
Number of staff working within the Aging Network (SUA, AAA…) from the OAA Title V SCSEP (Senior Community Service Employment Program). SCSEP staff are not staff managing or overseeing the SCSEP program but SCSEP beneficiaries hired by the SUA or AAA. If those individuals are full time paid staff they would be captured within SV1 and if part time SV2. |
Yes |
SV6 |
AAA Volunteers – Persons |
Number of volunteers (unduplicated) at all AAAs. |
Yes |
SV7 |
AAA Volunteers - Total hours |
Number of volunteer hours provided to all AAAs. Rounded to nearest integer. |
Yes |
The Network subcomponent includes data regarding local service providers in the state network.
All data elements are required and single quantifier.
All data elements are numeric (integer) and not a coded element.
Element Number |
Data Element |
Element Description |
Business Rules/Notes |
SP1 |
Providers (all services) |
Total number of service providers for any and all Title III services (Parts B/C/D/E) (unduplicated). |
SP2 |
Providers (Title III-B/C/D only) |
Total number of service providers for Title III-B/C/D services only (unduplicated). |
• Value cannot be larger than Providers (all services) - element # SP1 |
SP3 |
Providers (Title III-E only) |
Total number of service providers for Title III-E only (unduplicated). |
• Value cannot be larger than Providers (all services) - element # SP1 |
SP4 |
Providers (Home Delivered Meals) |
Total number of service providers for only Home Delivered Nutrition (unduplicated). This does not include providers of nutrition education or counseling |
• Value cannot be larger than Providers (all services) - element # SP1 |
SP5 |
Providers (Congregate Meals) |
Total number of service providers for only Congregate Nutrition (unduplicated). This does not include providers of nutrition education or counseling |
• Value cannot be larger than Providers (all services) - element # SP1 |
SP6 |
Providers (Home-Delivered and Congregate Meals) |
Total number of service providers for both Home-Delivered and Congregate Nutrition (unduplicated). This does not include providers of nutrition education or counseling |
• Value cannot be larger than Providers (all services) - element # SP1 |
SP7 |
Providers (Information and Assistance) |
Total number of service providers for Information and Assistance (unduplicated). |
• Value cannot be larger than Providers (all services) - element # SP1 |
The Network subcomponent includes data regarding senior centers and focal points in the state network.
All data elements are required and single quantifier.
All data elements are numeric (integer) and not a coded element.
Element Number |
Data Element |
Element Description |
Business Rules/Notes |
SF1 |
Senior Centers |
Total Number of Senior Centers in the State regardless of funding. |
SF2 |
Senior Centers- OAA Funds |
Total Number of Senior Centers in the State that received OAA Funds. |
• Value must be equal to or smaller than element #SF1. |
SF3 |
Total Number of Focal Points |
Total number of focal points designated Under Section 306(a)(3) of the Act in Operation in the Past Year. |
SF4 |
Total Number of Focal Points that are Senior Centers |
Total number of focal points designated Under Section 306(a)(3) of the Act in Operation in the Past Year that are Senior Centers. |
• Value must be equal to or smaller than element #SF3. |
The Network subcomponent includes data regarding the number of older adult consumers and caregivers that used the Self-Directed approach for services delivery. Self-Direction is an approach to service delivery. Actual service information will be collected within the appropriate service area.
All data elements are required and single quantifier.
All data elements are numeric (integer) and not a coded element.
Element Number |
Data Element |
Element Description |
Type |
Business Rules/Notes |
SD1 |
Persons Served - Older Adult |
Total Unduplicated Count of Older Adults who use self-direction to obtain services funded in whole or part by Title III B of the OAA. |
Numeric (integer) |
• Value must be equal to or less than element #SC1: Older Adults served Title III B/C/D |
SD2 |
Title III Expenditure - Older Adults |
Total outlays/payments made by the SUA and/or AAA’s using OAA federal funds to provide Title III B services through Self-Directed Care. |
Numeric dollar amount (2 decimal) |
SD3 |
Other - State Expenditure - Older Adults |
Outlays/payments made by the SUA and/or AAA’s using state funds to provide Title III B services through Self-Directed Care. |
Numeric dollar amount (2 decimal) |
SD4 |
Other - Non-State Expenditure - Older Adults |
Outlays/payments made by the SUA and/or AAA’s not using OAA or state funds to provide Title III B services through Self-Directed Care. |
Numeric dollar amount (2 decimal) |
SD5 |
Program Income Expended - Older Adults |
Gross income received and expended by the grantee and all sub grantees such as voluntary contributions or income earned only as a result of the grant project during the grant period. |
Numeric dollar amount (2 decimal) |
SD6 |
Persons Served - Caregivers Older Adult |
Total Unduplicated Count of Caregivers of Older Adults who use self-direction to obtain services funded in whole or part by Title III-E of the OAA |
Numeric (integer) |
• Value must be equal to or less than element #SC4: Caregivers of Older Adults (Title III-E registered services) |
SD7 |
Title III Expenditure - Caregivers Older Adult |
Total outlays/payments made by the SUA and/or AAA’s using OAA federal funds to provide Title III-E services for Caregivers of Older Adults through Self-Directed Care. |
Numeric dollar amount (2 decimal) |
SD8 |
Other - State Expenditure -Caregivers Older Adult |
Outlays/payments made by the SUA and/or AAA’s using state funds to provide Title III-E services for Caregivers of Older Adults through Self-Directed Care. |
Numeric dollar amount (2 decimal) |
SD9 |
Other - Non-State Expenditure - Caregivers Older Adult |
Outlays/payments made by the SUA and/or AAA’s not using OAA or state funds to provide Title III-E services for Caregivers of Older Adults through Self-Directed Care. |
Numeric dollar amount (2 decimal) |
SD10 |
Program Income Expended -Caregivers Older Adult |
Gross income received and expended by the grantee and all sub grantees such as voluntary contributions or income earned only as a result of the grant project during the grant period. |
Numeric dollar amount (2 decimal) |
SD11 |
Persons Served - Older Relative Caregivers |
Total Unduplicated Count of Older Relative Caregivers (caring for children and adults under age 60 with disabilities) who use self-direction to obtain services funded in whole or part by Title III-E of the OAA. |
Numeric (integer) |
• Value must be equal to or less than element #SC7: Older Relative Caregivers (Title III-E registered services) |
SD12 |
Title III Expenditure - Older Relative Caregivers |
Total outlays/payments made by the SUA and/or AAA’s using OAA federal funds to provide Title III-E services for Caregivers of Children and Disabled Adults through Self-Directed Care. |
Numeric dollar amount (2 decimal) |
SD13 |
- State Expenditure -
Outlays/payments made by the SUA and/or AAA’s using state funds to provide Title III-E services for Older Relative Caregivers through Self-Directed Care. |
Numeric dollar amount (2 decimal) |
SD14 |
Other - Non-State Expenditure - Older Relative Caregivers |
Outlays/payments made by the SUA and/or AAA’s not using OAA or state funds to provide Title III-E services for Caregivers of Children and Disabled Adults through Self-Directed Care. |
Numeric dollar amount (2 decimal) |
SD15 |
Program Income Expended - Older Relative Caregivers |
Gross income received and expended by the grantee and all sub grantees such as voluntary contributions or income earned only as a result of the grant project during the grant period. |
Numeric dollar amount (2 decimal) |
The Network subcomponent includes data regarding caregivers that used Respite Vouchers to receive respite services. The use of vouchers is an approach to service delivery. Actual respite service information will be collected within the appropriate respite service area.
All data elements are required and single quantifier.
Element Number |
Data Element |
Element Description |
Type |
Business Rules/Notes |
RV1 |
Persons Served -Caregivers Older Adult |
Total Unduplicated Count of Caregivers of Older Adults who use vouchers to obtain respite services funded in whole or in part by Title III-E of the OAA. |
Numeric (integer) |
• Value must be less than or equal to element #CG1 (total persons served respite). |
RV2 |
Title III Expenditure - Caregivers Older Adult |
Were outlays/payments made by the SUA and/or AAA’s using OAA federal funds to provide respite services for Caregivers of Older Adults through vouchers? |
Check box (Yes/No) |
RV3 |
Other - State Expenditure - Caregivers Older Adult |
Were outlays/payments made by the SUA and/or AAA’s using state funds (e.g., general revenue, Medicaid) to provide respite services for Caregivers of Older Adults through vouchers? |
Check box (Yes/No) |
RV4 |
Other - Non-State Expenditure - Caregivers Older Adult |
Were outlays/payments made by the SUA and/or AAA’s not using OAA or state funds to provide respite services for Caregivers of Older Adults through vouchers? |
Check box (Yes/No) |
RV5 |
Program Income Expended - Caregivers Older Adult
Was any gross income received and expended by the grantee and all sub grantees such as voluntary contributions or income earned only as a result of the grant project during the grant period? |
Check box (Yes/No) |
RV6 |
Persons Served - Older Relative Caregivers |
Total Unduplicated Count of Older Relative Caregivers who use vouchers to obtain respite services funded in whole or in part by Title III-E of the OAA. |
Numeric (integer) |
• Value must be equal to or less than element # OR1 (persons served respite). |
RV7 |
Title III Expenditure - Older Relative Caregivers |
Were outlays/payments made by the SUA and/or AAA’s using OAA federal funds to provide respite services for Older Relative Caregivers through vouchers? |
Check box (Yes/No) |
RV8 |
Other - State Expenditure - Older Relative Caregivers |
Were outlays/payments made by the SUA and/or AAA’s using state funds to provide respite services for Older Relative Caregivers through vouchers? |
Check box (Yes/No) |
RV9 |
Other - Non-State Expenditure - Older Relative Caregivers |
Were outlays/payments made by the SUA and/or AAA’s not using OAA or state funds to provide respite services for Older Relative Caregivers through vouchers? |
Check box (Yes/No) |
RV10 |
Program Income expended - Older Relative Caregivers |
Was any gross income received and expended by the grantee and all sub grantees such as voluntary contributions or income earned only as a result of the grant project during the grant period? |
Check box (Yes/No) |
The Service component includes data regarding unduplicated consumers across all services.
All data elements are required and single quantifier.
All data elements are numeric (integer) and not a coded element.
Element Number |
Data Element |
Element Description |
Business Rules/Notes |
SC1 |
Older Adult Consumers Served for registered cluster 1 and 2 services supported by the OAA Title III B/C/D |
Unduplicated Count of Consumers Served For Registered Services Supported by the OAA Title III B/C/D. Excluding Legal Assistance. |
• Number does not include caregivers served |
SC2 |
Unduplicated count of consumers served for registered cluster 1 services supported by the OAA Title III B/C/D |
Unduplicated Count of Consumers Served For Registered Services Supported by the OAA Title III B/C/D. Excluding Legal Assistance. |
SC3 |
Older Adult Consumers Served Unregistered supported by the OAA Title III B/C/D |
Estimated Unduplicated Count of Consumers Served For Unregistered Services Supported by the OAA Title III B/C/D. |
• Number does not include caregivers served |
SC4 |
Total Older Adult Consumers Served |
Total Estimated Unduplicated Count of Consumers Served Through Services Supported by OAA Title III B/C/D |
• Number does not include caregivers served |
SC5 |
Caregivers of Older Adults Served Registered |
Unduplicated Count of Caregivers of Older Adults Served For Registered Services Supported by the OAA Title III-E |
SC6 |
Caregivers Older Adults Served Unregistered |
Estimated Unduplicated Count of Caregivers of Older Adults Served For Unregistered Services Supported by the OAA Title III-E |
SC7 |
Total Caregivers of Older Adults Served |
Total Estimated Unduplicated Count of Caregivers of Older Adults Served Through Services Supported by OAA Title III-E |
SC8 |
Older Relative Caregivers Served Registered |
Unduplicated Count of Older Relative Caregivers Served For Registered Services Supported by the OAA Title III-E |
SC9 |
Older Relative Caregivers Served Unregistered |
Estimated Unduplicated Count of Older Relative Caregivers Served For Unregistered Services Supported by the OAA Title III-E |
SC10 |
Total Older Relative Caregivers Served |
Total Estimated Unduplicated Count of Older Relative Caregivers Served Through Services Supported by OAA Title III-E |
The Service subcomponent includes data regarding specific demographics and characteristics of older adult consumers. Data elements are submitted for each service and combination of services identified in the “services” column.
All data elements are single quantifier.
All data elements are numeric (integer) and not a coded element.
Element Number |
Data Element |
Element Description |
Required |
Services |
CD1 |
Total Consumers - Total |
Total Count of Consumers that received a specific service. |
Yes |
• Registered services w/ ADLs and IADLs - unduplicated (note: data element SC1 captures total registered consumers) • Each Registered service separately • Restricted service: Legal Assistance • Nutrition Education (non-registered service; estimated audience size) • Health Promotion – Evidence Based • Health Promotion – Non-Evidence Based • Other services – unduplicated count (note details are reported in the subcomponent – “other services”) |
CD2 |
Age - Total • <60 • 60-64 • 65-74 • 75-84 • 85+ • Age Missing |
Total Count of Consumers by age group that received service. |
• All registered services – unduplicated • Registered services w/ ADLs and IADLs - unduplicated • Each registered service separately • Restricted service: Legal Assistance |
CD3 |
Gender Identity - Total • Female • Male • Other • Gender Missing |
Total Count of Consumers by gender identity that received service. |
• All registered services – unduplicated • Registered services w/ ADLs and IADLs - unduplicated • Each registered service separately • Restricted service: Legal Assistance |
CD4 |
Geographic Distribution - Total • Rural • Non-rural • Geographic Distribution Missing |
Total Count of Consumers by geographic distribution (e.g. rural, non-rural) that received service. |
Yes |
• All registered services – unduplicated • Registered services w/ ADLs and IADLs - unduplicated • Each registered service separately
CD5 |
Poverty Status - Total • At or Below Poverty • Above Poverty • Poverty Status Missing |
Total Count of Consumers by poverty status that received service. |
Yes |
• All registered services – unduplicated • Registered services w/ ADLs and IADLs - unduplicated • Each registered service separately • Restricted service: Legal Assistance |
CD6 |
Household Status - Total • Lives Alone • Lives with Others
• Household Status Missing |
Total Count of Consumers by household status that received service. |
Yes |
• All registered services – unduplicated • Registered services w/ ADLs and IADLs - unduplicated • Each registered service separately
CD7 |
Ethnicity - Total • Hispanic or Latino • Not Hispanic or Latino • Ethnicity Missing |
Total Count of Consumers by ethnicity that received service. |
Yes |
• All registered services – unduplicated • Registered services w/ ADLs and IADLs - unduplicated • Each registered service separately • Restricted service: Legal Assistance |
CD8 |
Race - Total • American Indian or Alaska Native • Asian or Asian American • Black or African American • Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander • White • Race Missing |
Total Count of Consumers by race that received service. Race is duplicated person count -- NOT unduplicated. Multi-racial Consumers are counted for each racial identity. |
Yes |
• All registered services – unduplicated • Registered services w/ ADLs and IADLs - unduplicated • Each registered service separately
CD9 |
Minority Status - Total • Minority • Not Minority • Minority Status Missing |
Total Count of Consumers by minority status that received service. Racial and ethnic minority populations are defined as: Asian American, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander, American Indian and Alaska Native. (CDC) |
Yes |
• All registered services – unduplicated • Registered services w/ ADLs and IADLs - unduplicated • Each registered service separately • Restricted service: Legal Assistance |
CD10 |
ADL Score - Total • 0-1 • 2 • 3+ • ADL Missing |
Total Count of Consumers by ADL score that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services with ADL/IADL - unduplicated • Each registered service separately for which this is required (Personal Care, Homemaker, Chore, Home-delivered Nutrition, Adult Day Care, Case Mgmt) |
CD11 |
IADL Score - Total • 0-1 • 2 • 3+ • IADL Missing |
Total Count of Consumers by IADL score that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services with ADL/IADL - unduplicated • Each registered service separately for which this is required (Personal Care, Homemaker, Chore, Home-delivered Nutrition, Adult Day Care, Case Mgmt) |
CD12 |
Nutrition Risk Score - Total • 0-5 • 6+ • Score Missing |
Total Count of Consumers by Nutrition Risk Score that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services with Nutrition Risk Score - unduplicated
CD13 |
Age - At or Below Poverty • <60 • 60-64 • 65-74 • 75-84 • 85+ • Age Missing |
Count of Consumers at or below poverty by age group that received service. |
Yes |
• All registered services - unduplicated • Registered services with ADL/IADL - unduplicated • Each registered service separately
CD14 |
Gender Identity - At or Below Poverty • Female • Male • Other • Gender Missing |
Total Count of Consumers by gender identity that received service. |
Yes |
• All registered services - unduplicated • Registered services with ADL/IADL - unduplicated • Each registered service separately
CD15 |
Geographic Distribution - At or Below Poverty • Rural • Non-rural • Geographic Distribution Missing |
Count of Consumers at or below poverty by geographic distribution that received service. |
Yes |
• All registered services - unduplicated • Registered services with ADL/IADL - unduplicated • Each registered service separately • Restricted service: Legal Assistance |
CD16 |
Household Status - At or Below Poverty • Lives Alone • Lives with Others
• Household Status Missing |
Count of Consumers at or below poverty by household status that received service. |
Yes |
• All registered services - unduplicated • Registered services with ADL/IADL - unduplicated • Each registered service separately
CD17 |
Ethnicity - At or Below Poverty • Hispanic or Latino • Not Hispanic or Latino • Ethnicity Missing |
Count of Consumers at or below poverty by ethnicity that received service. |
Yes |
• All registered services - unduplicated • Registered services with ADL/IADL - unduplicated • Each registered service separately
CD18 |
Race - At or Below Poverty • American Indian or Alaska Native • Asian or Asian American • Black or African American • Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander • White • Race Missing |
Count of Consumers at or below poverty by race that received service. Race is duplicated person count -- NOT unduplicated. Multi-racial Consumers are counted in each race indicated. |
Yes |
• All registered services - unduplicated • Registered services with ADL/IADL - unduplicated • Each registered service separately
CD19 |
Minority Status - At or Below Poverty • Minority • Not Minority • Minority Status Missing |
Count of Consumers at or below poverty by minority status that received service. CDC Source: Racial and ethnic minority populations are defined as: Asian American, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander, American Indian and Alaska Native. |
Yes |
• All registered services - unduplicated • Registered services with ADL/IADL - unduplicated • Each registered service separately • Restricted service: Legal Assistance |
CD20 |
ADL Score - At or Below Poverty • 0-1 • 2 • 3+ • ADL Missing |
Count of Consumers at or below poverty by ADL score that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services with ADL/IADL - unduplicated • Each registered service separately for which this is required (Personal Care, Homemaker, Chore, Home-delivered Nutrition, Adult Day Care, Case Mgmt) |
CD21 |
IADL Score - At or Below Poverty • 0-1 • 2 • 3+ • IADL Missing |
Count of minority Consumers by poverty status that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services with ADL/IADL - unduplicated
CD22 |
Nutrition Risk Score - At or Below Poverty • 0-5 • 6+ • Score Missing |
Count of Consumers at or below poverty by Nutrition Risk Score that received service. |
Yes |
• All registered services - unduplicated • Registered services with ADL/IADL - unduplicated • Each registered service separately that requires Risk Score (Home-delivered nutrition, congregate nutrition, nutrition counseling) |
CD23 |
Age - ADL 3+ • <60 • 60-64 • 65-74 • 75-84 • 85+ • Age Missing |
Count of Consumers ADL score of 3 and above by age group that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services with ADL/IADL - unduplicated • Each registered service separately for which this is required (Personal Care, Homemaker, Chore, Home-delivered Nutrition, Adult Day Care, Case Mgmt)
CD24 |
Gender Identity -ADL 3+ • Female • Male • Other • Gender Missing |
Total Count of Consumers with ADL score 3 and above by gender identity that received service. |
Yes |
• All registered services - unduplicated • Registered services with ADL/IADL - unduplicated • Each registered service separately • Excluding Legal Assistance |
CD25 |
Distribution - ADL 3+ |
Count of Consumers ADL score of 3 and above by geographic distribution that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services with ADL/IADL – unduplicated • Each registered service separately for which this is required (Personal Care, Homemaker, Chore, Home-delivered Nutrition, Adult Day Care, Case Mgmt) Excluding Legal Assistance |
CD26 |
Poverty Status
- ADL 3+ |
Count of Consumers ADL score of 3 and above by poverty status that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services with ADL/IADL – unduplicated • Each registered service separately for which this is required (Personal Care, Homemaker, Chore, Home-delivered Nutrition, Adult Day Care, Case Mgmt) Excluding Legal Assistance |
CD27 |
Status - ADL 3+ • Lives with Others • Household Status Missing |
Count of Consumers ADL score of 3 and above by household status that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services with ADL/IADL – unduplicated • Each registered service separately for which this is required (Personal Care, Homemaker, Chore, Home-delivered Nutrition, Adult Day Care, Case Mgmt) Excluding Legal Assistance |
CD28 |
Ethnicity - ADL
3+ |
Count of Consumers ADL score of 3 and above by ethnicity that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services with ADL/IADL – unduplicated • Each registered service separately for which this is required (Personal Care, Homemaker, Chore, Home-delivered Nutrition, Adult Day Care, Case Mgmt) Excluding Legal Assistance |
CD29 |
Race - ADL 3+ |
Count of Consumers ADL score of 3 and above by race that received service. Race is duplicated person count -- NOT unduplicated. Multi-racial Consumers are counted in each race indicated. |
Yes |
• Registered services with ADL/IADL – unduplicated • Each registered service separately for which this is required (Personal Care, Homemaker, Chore, Home-delivered Nutrition, Adult Day Care, Case Mgmt) Excluding Legal Assistance |
CD30 |
Minority Status
- ADL 3+ |
Count of
Consumers ADL score of 3 and above by minority status that
received service. CDC Source: Racial and ethnic minority
populations are defined as: |
Yes |
• Registered services with ADL/IADL – unduplicated • Each registered service separately for which this is required (Personal Care, Homemaker, Chore, Home-delivered Nutrition, Adult Day Care, Case Mgmt) Excluding Legal Assistance |
CD31 |
Nutrition Risk
Score - ADL 3+ |
Count of Consumers ADL score of 3 and above by Nutrition Risk Score that received service. |
Yes |
• Home Delivered Meals |
CD32 |
Age - IADL 3+ |
Count of Consumers IADL score of 3 and above by age group that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services with ADL/IADL – unduplicated • Each registered service separately for which this is required (Personal Care, Homemaker, Chore, Home-delivered Nutrition, Adult Day Care, Case Mgmt) Excluding Legal Assistance |
CD33 |
Gender Identity
- IADL 3+ |
Total Count of Consumers with IADL score 3 and above by gender identity that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services with ADL/IADL – unduplicated • Each registered service separately for which this is required (Personal Care, Homemaker, Chore, Home-delivered Nutrition, Adult Day Care, Case Mgmt) Excluding Legal Assistance |
CD34 |
Distribution - IADL 3+ |
Count of Consumers IADL score of 3 and above by geographic distribution that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services with ADL/IADL – unduplicated • Each registered service separately for which this is required (Personal Care, Homemaker, Chore, Home-delivered Nutrition, Adult Day Care, Case Mgmt) Excluding Legal Assistance |
CD35 |
Poverty Status
- IADL 3+ |
Count of Consumers IADL score of 3 and above by poverty status that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services with ADL/IADL – unduplicated • Each registered service separately for which this is required (Personal Care, Homemaker, Chore, Home-delivered Nutrition, Adult Day Care, Case Mgmt Excluding Legal Assistance) |
CD36 |
Status- IADL 3+ • Lives with Others • Household Status Missing |
Count of Consumers IADL score of 3 and above by household status that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services with ADL/IADL – unduplicated • Each registered service separately for which this is required (Personal Care, Homemaker, Chore, Home-delivered Nutrition, Adult Day Care, Case Mgmt) Excluding Legal Assistance |
CD37 |
Ethnicity -
IADL 3+ |
Count of Consumers IADL score of 3 and above by ethnicity that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services with ADL/IADL – unduplicated • Each registered service separately for which this is required (Personal Care, Homemaker, Chore, Home-delivered Nutrition, Adult Day Care, Case Mgmt) Excluding Legal Assistance |
CD38 |
Race - IADL
3+ |
Count of Consumers IADL score of 3 and above by race that received service. Race is duplicated person count -- NOT unduplicated. Multi-racial Consumers are counted in each race indicated. |
Yes |
• Registered services with ADL/IADL – unduplicated • Each registered service separately for which this is required (Personal Care, Homemaker, Chore, Home-delivered Nutrition, Adult Day Care, Case Mgmt) Excluding Legal Assistance |
CD39 |
Minority Status
- IADL 3+ |
Count of
Consumers IADL score of 3 and above by minority status that
received service. Racial and ethnic minority populations are
defined as: |
Yes |
• Registered services with ADL/IADL – unduplicated • Each registered service separately for which this is required (Personal Care, Homemaker, Chore, Home-delivered Nutrition, Adult Day Care, Case Mgmt) Excluding Legal Assistance |
CD40 |
Nutrition Risk
Score - IADL 3+ |
Count of Consumers IADL score of 3 and above by Nutrition Risk Score that received service. |
Yes |
• Home Delivered Meals |
The Service subcomponent includes data regarding specific demographics and characteristics of caregivers of older adults.
All data elements are single quantifier. Note some variables are not required for the first 3-years of data collection
All data elements are numeric (integer) and not a coded element.
Element Number |
Data Element |
Element Description |
Required |
Services |
Total Caregiver of Older Adults - Total |
Total Count of Caregivers of Older Adults that received service. |
Yes |
• Each registered service separately (including supplemental services and respite - see below) • Unduplicated for Total Respite • Unduplicated count by respite service type: (in-home, out of home day, out of home overnight, and Other Respite). • Assistance – Information & Assistance (non-registered service; estimated unduplicated) • Information Services (non-registered service; estimated audience size) (Note: Registered services – unduplicated is not included as SC4 captures this data) |
CG2 |
- Total |
Total Count of Caregivers of Older Adults by age that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services – unduplicated (i.e. counseling, training, total respite, access assistance – case management, supplemental services) |
CG3 |
Gender Identity - Total • Female • Male • Other • Gender Missing |
Total Count of Caregivers of Older Adults by gender identity that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services – unduplicated (i.e. counseling, training, total respite, access assistance – case management, supplemental services) |
CG4 |
Distribution - Total |
Total Count of Caregivers of Older Adults by geographic distribution that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services – unduplicated (i.e. counseling, training, total respite, access assistance – case management, supplemental services) |
CG5 |
Status - Total |
Total Caregivers of Older Adults by poverty status that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services – unduplicated (i.e. counseling, training, total respite, access assistance – case management, supplemental services) |
CG6 |
- Total |
Total Caregivers of Older Adults by ethnicity that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services – unduplicated (i.e. counseling, training, total respite, access assistance – case management, supplemental services) |
CG7 |
- Total |
Total Caregivers of Older Adults by race that received service. Race is duplicated caregiver count -- NOT unduplicated. Multi-racial caregivers are counted in each race indicated. |
Yes |
• Registered services – unduplicated (i.e. counseling, training, total respite, access assistance – case management, supplemental services) |
CG8 |
Status - Total |
Caregivers of Older Adults by minority status that received
service. CDC Source: Racial and ethnic minority populations are
defined as: |
Yes |
• Registered services – unduplicated (i.e. counseling, training, total respite, access assistance – case management, supplemental services) |
CG9 |
Relationship |
Total Caregivers of Older Adults by relationship that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services – unduplicated (i.e. counseling, training, total respite, access assistance – case management, supplemental services) |
CG10 |
- At or Below Poverty |
Count of Caregivers of Older Adults at or below poverty by age group that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services – unduplicated (i.e. counseling, training, total respite, access assistance – case management, supplemental services) |
CG11 |
Identity - At or Below Poverty |
Count of Caregivers of Older Adults at or below poverty by gender identity that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services – unduplicated (i.e. counseling, training, total respite, access assistance – case management, supplemental services) |
CG12 |
Distribution - At or Below Poverty |
Count of Caregivers of Older Adults at or below poverty by geographic distribution that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services – unduplicated (i.e. counseling, training, total respite, access assistance – case management, supplemental services) |
CG13 |
- At or Below Poverty |
Count of Caregivers of Older Adults at or below poverty by ethnicity that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services – unduplicated (i.e. counseling, training, total respite, access assistance – case management, supplemental services) |
CG14 |
- At or Below Poverty |
Count of Caregivers of Older Adults at or below poverty by race that received service. Race is duplicated caregiver count -- NOT unduplicated. Multi-racial caregivers are counted in each race indicated. |
Yes |
• Registered services – unduplicated (i.e. counseling, training, total respite, access assistance – case management, supplemental services) |
CG15 |
Status - At or Below Poverty |
of Caregivers of Older Adults at or below poverty by minority
status that received service. CDC Source: Racial and ethnic
minority populations are defined as: |
Yes |
• Registered services – unduplicated (i.e. counseling, training, total respite, access assistance – case management, supplemental services) |
CG16 |
- At or Below Poverty |
Count of Caregivers of Older Adults at or below poverty by relationship that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services – unduplicated (i.e. counseling, training, total respite, access assistance – case management, supplemental services) |
The Service subcomponent includes data regarding specific demographics and characteristics of older relative caregivers (caring for children or adults under age 60 with disabilities).
All data elements are single quantifier. Note some variables are not required for the first 3-years of data collection
All data elements are numeric (integer) and not a coded element.
Element Number |
Data Element |
Element Description |
Required |
Services |
OR1 |
Total Older Relative Caregivers - Total
Total Count of Older Relative Caregivers that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services - unduplicated • Each registered service separately (including supplemental services and respite - see below) • Unduplicated for Total Respite • Unduplicated count by respite service type: (in-home, out of home day, out of home overnight, and other respite). • Assistance – Information & Assistance (non-registered service; estimated unduplicated) • Information Services (non-registered service; estimated audience size) |
OR2 |
Age - Total • 55-59 • 60-64 • 65-74 • 75-84 • 85+ • Age Missing |
Total Count of Older Relative Caregivers by age that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services – unduplicated (i.e. counseling, training, total respite, access assistance – case management, supplemental services) |
OR3 |
Gender Identity -Total • Female • Male • Other • Gender Missing |
Count of Older Relative Caregivers at or below poverty by gender identity that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services – unduplicated (i.e. counseling, training, total respite, access assistance – case management, supplemental services) |
OR4 |
Distribution Status - Total |
Total Count of Older Relative Caregivers by geographic distribution that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services – unduplicated (i.e. counseling, training, total respite, access assistance – case management, supplemental services) |
OR5 |
Status - Total |
Total Older Relative Caregivers by poverty status that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services – unduplicated (i.e. counseling, training, total respite, access assistance – case management, supplemental services) |
OR6 |
- Total |
Total Older Relative Caregivers by ethnicity that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services – unduplicated (i.e. counseling, training, total respite, access assistance – case management, supplemental services) |
OR7 |
- Total |
Total Older Relative Caregivers by race that received service. Race is duplicated caregiver count -- NOT unduplicated. Multi-racial caregivers are counted in each race indicated. |
Yes |
• Registered services – unduplicated (i.e. counseling, training, total respite, access assistance – case management, supplemental services) |
OR8 |
Status - Total |
Older Relative Caregivers by minority status that received
service. CDC Source: Racial and ethnic minority populations are
defined as: |
Yes |
• Registered services – unduplicated (i.e. counseling, training, total respite, access assistance – case management, supplemental services) |
OR9 |
- Total |
Total Older Relative Caregivers by relationship that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services – unduplicated (i.e. counseling, training, total respite, access assistance – case management, supplemental services) |
OR10 |
- At or Below Poverty |
Count of Older Relative Caregivers at or below poverty by age group that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services – unduplicated (i.e. counseling, training, total respite, access assistance – case management, supplemental services) |
OR11 |
Identity -At or Below Poverty |
Count of Older Relative Caregivers at or below poverty by gender identity that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services – unduplicated (i.e. counseling, training, total respite, access assistance – case management, supplemental services) |
OR12 |
Distribution - At or Below Poverty |
Count of Older Relative Caregivers at or below poverty by geographic distribution that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services – unduplicated (i.e. counseling, training, total respite, access assistance – case management, supplemental services) |
OR13 |
- At or Below Poverty |
Count of Older Relative Caregivers at or below poverty by ethnicity that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services – unduplicated (i.e. counseling, training, total respite, access assistance – case management, supplemental services) |
OR14 |
- At or Below Poverty |
Count of Older Relative Caregivers at or below poverty by race that received service. Race is duplicated caregiver count -- NOT unduplicated. Multi-racial caregivers are counted in each race indicated. |
Yes |
• Registered services – unduplicated (i.e. counseling, training, total respite, access assistance – case management, supplemental services) |
OR15 |
Status - At or Below Poverty |
of Older Relative Caregivers at or below poverty by minority
status that received service. CDC Source: Racial and ethnic
minority populations are defined as: |
Yes |
• Registered services – unduplicated (i.e. counseling, training, total respite, access assistance – case management, supplemental services) |
OR16 |
- At or Below Poverty |
Count of at Older Relative Caregivers at or below poverty by relationship that received service. |
Yes |
• Registered services – unduplicated (i.e. counseling, training, total respite, access assistance – case management, supplemental services) |
OR17 |
Total Children Receiving Care |
Count of children under the age of 18 receiving care. |
Yes |
• Registered services – unduplicated (i.e. counseling, training, total respite, access assistance – case management, supplemental services) |
OR18 |
Total Adults with Disabilities Receiving Care |
Count of adults age 18-59 with disabilities receiving care. |
Yes |
• Registered services – unduplicated (i.e. counseling, training, total respite, access assistance – case management, supplemental services) |
The Service subcomponent includes the number of service units provided for each service.
All data elements are required and single quantifier.
All data elements are numeric (integer) and not a coded element.
Element Number |
Data Element |
Element Description |
Services |
SU1 |
Service Units |
Total service units provided for an allowable service. See Service Definitions and Attributes for unit type for each service. |
Every Title III B/C/D/E service separately, except: Health Promotions-Evidence Based, Health Promotions-Non-Evidence Based, Other Services, Supplemental Services Note that Title III-E Respite Services are reported in total and by 3 types of respite plus "other". The types are in-home respite, out-of-home respite (day), out-of-home (overnight). Other services and supplemental services are reported in detail under their respective subcomponents. Note that all caregiver services are reported twice: once for caregivers of older adults and a second time for older relative caregivers. |
The Service subcomponent includes data regarding service expenditures (federal and non-federal) for all OAA Title III services.
All data elements are required and single quantifier.
All data elements are numeric dollar amount (2 decimal) and not a coded element.
Element Number |
Data Element |
Element Description |
Services |
EX1 |
Title III Expenditure |
Total outlays/payments made by the SUA and/or AAA’s using OAA federal funds to provide an allowable service. |
• Every Title III B/C/D/E service separately • Note that Respite services are reported in total and by type of service (in-home respite, out-of-home day respite, out-of-home overnight, and other respite) • Note that the caregiver services are repeated - once for caregivers of older adults and once for older relative caregivers. |
EX2 |
Part B Expenditure |
Part B portion of total outlays/payments made by the SUA and/or AAA’s using OAA federal funds to provide an allowable service. |
• Health Promotion: Evidence-Based Services |
EX3 |
Part D Expenditure |
Part D portion of total outlays/payments made by the SUA and/or AAA’s using OAA federal funds to provide an allowable service. |
• Health Promotion: Evidence-Based Services |
EX4 |
Other - State Expenditure |
Outlays/payments made by the SUA and/or AAA’s using state funds to provide an allowable service. |
• Every
Title III B/C/D/E service separately • Note that the caregiver services are repeated - once for caregivers of older adults and once for older relative caregivers. |
EX5 |
Other - Non-State Expenditure |
Outlays/payments made by the SUA and/or AAA’s not using OAA or state funds to provide an allowable service. Could include local and other federal funds, e.g. Medicaid Waiver. |
• Every
Title III B/C/D/E service separately • Note that the caregiver services are repeated - once for caregivers of older adults and once for older relative caregivers. |
EX6 |
NSIP Expenditure |
Total outlays/payments made by the SUA and/or AAA’s using Title III-A funding for meals. |
• Home Delivered Meals • Congregate Meals |
EX7 |
Program Income Expended |
Gross income received and expended by the grantee and all sub grantees such as voluntary contributions or income earned only as a result of the grant project during the grant period. |
• Every
Title III B/C/D/E service separately • Note that the caregiver services are repeated - once for caregivers of older adults and once for older relative caregivers. |
The Service subcomponent includes data regarding expenditures (federal and non-federal) on Title VII Chapter 3 – Elder Abuse Prevention and Chapter 4 – Legal Assistance Development.
All data elements are single quantifier.
All data elements are numeric dollar amount (2 decimal) and not a coded element.
Element Number |
Data Element |
Element Description |
Required |
Business Rules/Notes |
VII1 |
Title VII-3 Expenditure |
Total outlays/payments made by the SUA and/or AAA’s using OAA federal funds for Elder Abuse Prevention (Title VII Chapter 3). |
Yes |
VII2 |
Title VII Ch 3 Funds expended by SUA |
Total funds retain and expended by the SUA for Elder Abuse Prevention (Title VII Chapter 3) |
Yes |
VII3 |
Title VII Ch 3 funds expended by AAA |
Total funds distributed to and expended by AAAs for Elder Abuse Prevention (Title VII Chapter 3) |
Yes (conditional) |
• Does not apply to Single PSA states |
VII4 |
Title VII Ch 3 funds expended by APS |
Total funds distributed to and expended by APS for Elder Abuse Prevention (Title VII Chapter 3) |
Yes |
VII5 |
Title VII Ch 3 funds expended by other Entities |
Total funds distributed to and expended by Other Entities for Elder Abuse Prevention (Title VII Chapter 3) |
Yes |
VII6 |
Title VII-3 Other - State Expenditure |
Outlays/payments made by the SUA and/or AAA’s using state funds to provide for Elder Abuse Prevention (Title VII Chapter 3). |
Yes |
VII7 |
Title VII-3 Other - Non-State Expenditure |
made by the SUA and/or AAA’s not using OAA or state funds
to for Elder Abuse Prevention |
Yes |
VII8 |
Title VII-4 Total Expenditure |
Total outlays/payments made by the SUA and/or AAA’s for Legal Assistance Development (Title VII Chapter 4), regardless of funding source. |
Yes |
The Service subcomponent includes data regarding the state’s provision of legal assistance services by level of service and case type.
All data elements are a single quantifier.
All data elements are numeric (integer) and not a coded element.
Element Number |
Data Element |
Element Description |
Required |
Business Rules/Notes |
LA1 |
Total Number of Open Cases
Total Number of cases that were open at any time during the reporting period. A consumer may have multiple open cases. |
Yes |
LA2 |
Total Number of Closed Cases |
Total Number of cases that were closed during the reporting period. A consumer may have multiple closed cases. |
Yes |
LA3 |
Number of Closed Cases – Advice |
Total Number of closed cases by level of service equal to advice. |
Yes |
LA4 |
Number of Closed Cases – Limited Representation |
Total Number of closed cases by level of service equal to limited representation |
Yes |
LA5 |
Number of Closed Cases - Representation |
Total Number of closed cases by level of service equal to representation |
Yes |
LA6 |
Number case - Income |
Total Number of cases that were closed during the reporting period with type of Income. |
Yes |
LA7 |
Number case – Health Care |
Total Number of cases that were closed during the reporting period with type of Health Care. |
Yes |
LA8 |
Number case - Long-term Care |
Total Number of cases that were closed during the reporting period with type of Long-term Care. |
Yes |
LA9 |
Number case-Nutrition |
Total Number of cases that were closed during the reporting period with type of Nutrition. |
Yes |
LA10 |
Number case - Housing |
Total Number of cases that were closed during the reporting period with type of Housing. |
Yes |
LA11 |
Number case-Utilities |
Total Number of cases that were closed during the reporting period with type of Utilities. |
Yes |
LA12 |
Number case-Abuse/Neglect |
Total Number of cases that were closed during the reporting period with type of Abuse/Neglect. |
Yes |
Number case - Defense of Guardianship or Protective Services
Total Number of cases that were closed during the reporting period with type of Defense of Guardianship or protective services. |
Yes |
LA14 |
Number case – Age Discrimination |
Total Number of cases that were closed during the reporting period with type of age discrimination. |
Yes |
LA15 |
Number case – Other/Miscellaneous |
Total Number of cases that were closed during the reporting period with type that is not represented in the previously defined types. |
Yes |
The Service subcomponent includes data regarding state’s provision of a service for older adults using OAA funds (Title III-B) that are not included the defined service categories.
All data elements are required and single quantifier.
All data elements are repeated for each unique service provided by the state.
Element Number |
Data Element |
Element Description |
Type |
Codes and Values |
OS1 |
Service Name |
Name of a service provided using OAA funds, in whole or in part, that do not fall into the defined service categories for Title III B/C/D. |
Alphanumeric String (30 characters) |
OS2 |
Service Unit Name |
Service Unit type. e.g. Activity, hours, session
Alphanumeric String (15 characters)
OS3 |
Service Domain |
Category of service provided. |
Numeric Code |
01=Assistive Technology/ Durable Equipment/ Emergency Response 02=Consumable supplies 03=Home Modifications/ Repairs 04=Elder abuse prevention/ Elder Rights 05=Health 06=Outreach 07=Public Education 08= Socialization 09=Access not reported elsewhere 10=Other |
OS4 |
Estimated Persons Served |
Total Estimated Unduplicated Person served |
Numeric (integer) |
Estimated Service Unit |
Total estimated service units provided. |
Numeric (integer) |
OS6 |
Title III Expenditure |
Total outlays/payments made by the SUA and/or AAA’s using OAA federal funds to provide the service. |
Numeric |
Other - State Expenditure
Outlays/payments made by the SUA and/or AAA’s using state funds to provide the service. |
Numeric |
OS8 |
Other - Non-State Expenditure |
Outlays/payments made by the SUA and/or AAA’s not using OAA or state funds to provide the service. |
Numeric |
OS9 |
Program Income Expended
Gross income received and expended by the grantee and all sub grantees such as voluntary contributions or income earned only as a result of the grant project during the grant period. |
Numeric |
The Service subcomponent includes data regarding State’s provision of a supplemental service for caregivers of older adults using OAA funds (Title III-E). Supplemental services are services not included in the defined service categories which are provided on a limited basis, to complement the care provided by caregivers.
All data elements are required and single quantifier.
Element Number |
Data Element |
Element Description |
Type |
Codes and Values |
SCG1 |
Service Name |
Name of a service provided using OAA funds, in whole or in part, that do not fall into the defined service categories for Title III-E |
Alphanumeric String (30 characters) |
SCG2 |
Service Unit Name |
Service Unit type. e.g. Activity, hours, session |
Alphanumeric String (15 characters) |
SCG3 |
Service Domain |
Category of service provided. |
Numeric Code |
01=Assistive Technology/ Durable Equipment/ Emergency Response 02=Consumable supplies 03=Home Modifications/ Repairs 04=Legal and/or Financial Consultation 05=Homemaker/chore/personal care 06=Transportation 07 = Nutrition services 08=Other |
SCG4 |
Estimated Persons Served |
Total Estimated Unduplicated Person served |
Numeric (integer) |
SCG5 |
Estimated Service Unit |
Total estimated service units provided. |
Numeric (integer) |
SCG6 |
Title III Expenditure |
Total outlays/payments made by the SUA and/or AAA’s using OAA federal funds, in whole or in part, to provide the service. |
Numeric |
SCG7 |
Other - State Expenditure |
Outlays/payments made by the SUA and/or AAA’s using state funds to provide the service. |
Numeric |
SCG8 |
Other - Non-State Expenditure |
Outlays/payments made by the SUA and/or AAA’s not using OAA or state funds to provide the service. |
Numeric |
SCG9 |
Program Income Expended |
Gross income received and expended by the grantee and all sub grantees such as voluntary contributions or income earned only as a result of the grant project during the grant period. |
Numeric |
The Service subcomponent includes data regarding State’s provision of a supplemental service for older relative caregivers of children and adults under age 60 with disabilities using OAA funds (Title III-E). Supplemental services are services not included in the defined service categories which are provided on a limited basis, to complement the care provided by caregivers.
All data elements are required and single quantifier.
Element Number |
Data Element |
Element Description |
Type |
Codes and Values |
SOR1 |
Service Name |
Name of a service provided using OAA funds, in whole or in part, that do not fall into the defined service categories for Title III-E |
Alphanumeric String (30 characters) |
SOR2 |
Service Unit Name |
Service Unit type. e.g. Activity, hours, session |
Alphanumeric String (15 characters) |
SOR3 |
Service Domain |
Category of service provided. |
Numeric Code |
01=Assistive Technology/ Durable Equipment/ Emergency Response 02=Consumable supplies 03=Home Modifications/ Repairs 04=Legal and/or Financial Consultation 05=Homemaker/chore/personal care 06=Transportation 07 = Nutrition services 08=Other |
SOR4 |
Estimated Persons Served |
Total Estimated Unduplicated Person served |
Numeric (integer) |
SOR5 |
Estimated Service Unit |
Total estimated service units provided. |
Numeric (integer) |
SOR6 |
Title III Expenditure |
Total outlays/payments made by the SUA and/or AAA’s using OAA federal funds, in whole or in part, to provide the service. |
Numeric |
SOR7 |
Other - State Expenditure |
Outlays/payments made by the SUA and/or AAA’s using state funds to provide the service. |
Numeric |
SOR8 |
Other - Non-State Expenditure |
Outlays/payments made by the SUA and/or AAA’s not using OAA or state funds to provide the service. |
Numeric |
SOR9 |
Program Income Expended |
Gross income received and expended by the grantee and all sub grantees such as voluntary contributions or income earned only as a result of the grant project during the grant period. |
Numeric |
The Service subcomponent includes data regarding the number of meals served by states that were Nutrition Services Incentive Program (NSIP) compliant (meet all criteria for a meal to be supported with Title III-C funding). These data are used to calculate the Title III-A NSIP grant award allocation to states and tribal grantees.
All data elements are required and single quantifier.
All data elements are numeric (integer) type and not a coded element.
Element Number |
Data Element3 |
Element Description |
Business Rules/Notes |
NS1 |
NISP qualified home-delivered meals served under Title III-C |
Number of meals provided with in programs (home-delivered nutrition and Title III-E supplemental services) that were NSIP compliant under Title III-C |
Note that these data will have a separate workflow. These data will be reviewed and locked, separate from the other SPR data. |
NS2 |
NISP qualified home-delivered meals served under Title III-E |
Number of meals provided with in programs (home-delivered nutrition and Title III-E supplemental services) that were NSIP compliant under Title III-E |
Note that these data will have a separate workflow. These data will be reviewed and locked, separate from the other SPR data. |
NS3 |
NISP qualified congregate meals served under Title III-C |
Number of meals provided with in programs (congregate nutrition and Title III-E supplemental services) that were NSIP compliant under Title III-C |
Note that these data will have a separate workflow. These data will be reviewed and locked, separate from the other SPR data. |
NS4 |
NISP qualified congregate meals served under Title III-E |
Number of meals provided with in programs (congregate nutrition and Title III-E supplemental services) that were NSIP compliant under Title III-E |
Note that these data will have a separate workflow. These data will be reviewed and locked, separate from the other SPR data. |
1 Note: OAA Title VII, Chapter 2, Ombudsman expenditures are reported separately in the National Ombudsman Reporting System (NORS).
2 Only applies to Legal Assistance services.
3 Note that total NSIP qualified meals and total NSIP qualified meals for home-delivered nutrition and congregate nutrition will be calculated by the reporting system and are not included as data elements for submission.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Windows User |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-21 |