Registration and Equal Employment Opportunity in Apprenticeship Programs

OMB 1205-0223

OMB 1205-0223

Title 29 CFR 29 sets forth labor standards to safeguard the welfare of apprentices and to extend the application of such standards by prescribing policies and procedures concerning registration of apprenticeship. This information collection, ETA 671, has two sections: the first records the sponsor's information and the second is for the apprentice's information, filled out by the sponsor based on employment records. The submission is reviewed and signed by the state agency/ Office of Apprenticeship. The information is collected on a one-time basis.

The latest form for Registration and Equal Employment Opportunity in Apprenticeship Programs expires 2023-03-31 and can be found here.

Latest Forms, Documents, and Supporting Material
Form and Instruction
Form and Instruction
Form and Instruction
Form and Instruction
Form and Instruction
Form and Instruction
Form and Instruction
Form and Instruction
Form and Instruction
Form and Instruction
Supplementary Document
Supplementary Document
Supplementary Document
Supporting Statement A
All Historical Document Collections
Approved without change
Extension without change of a currently approved collection 2024-05-14
Comment filed on proposed rule and continue
Revision of a currently approved collection 2024-02-13
Disapproved and continue
No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 2023-01-11
Approved with change
Revision of a currently approved collection 2021-05-03
Approved with change
Revision of a currently approved collection 2020-01-31
Approved without change
No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 2018-06-28
Approved without change
Revision of a currently approved collection 2016-12-19
Comment filed on proposed rule and continue
Revision of a currently approved collection 2015-11-06
Approved without change
Revision of a currently approved collection 2015-04-03
Approved without change
No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 2012-06-05
Approved without change
Revision of a currently approved collection 2012-01-31
Approved without change
No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 2009-10-02
Approved without change
No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 2009-04-28
Approved without change
Revision of a currently approved collection 2008-10-30
Approved with change
Extension without change of a currently approved collection 2005-08-31
Approved with change
Revision of a currently approved collection 2004-02-27
Approved without change
Revision of a currently approved collection 2002-02-28
Approved without change
Extension without change of a currently approved collection 1999-11-30
Approved without change
Extension without change of a currently approved collection 1998-03-19
Approved without change
Revision of a currently approved collection 1996-11-07
Approved without change
Revision of a currently approved collection 1995-06-30
Approved without change
Revision of a currently approved collection 1994-03-21
Approved without change
Revision of a currently approved collection 1993-02-12
Approved without change
Revision of a currently approved collection 1992-01-15
Approved without change
Revision of a currently approved collection 1990-12-26
Disapproved and continue
Revision of a currently approved collection 1990-10-05
Approved without change
Revision of a currently approved collection 1989-10-11
Approved without change
Revision of a currently approved collection 1987-02-09
Approved with change
No material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved collection 1984-04-05
Approved without change
New collection (Request for a new OMB Control Number) 1983-12-30
OMB Details

Program Registration, Section I

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Workforce Management - Training and Employment

Form ETA 671Program Registration and Apprenticeship AgreementFillable FileableForm and instruction

Review document collections for all forms, instructions, and supporting documents - including paper/printable forms.

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