Training Certification for Drivers of Longer Combination Vehicles

OMB 2126-0026

OMB 2126-0026

Drivers are required to present a Driver-Training Certificate (DT Certificate) to prospective employers to prove they are certified to drive Longer Combination Vehicles (LCVs). Motor carriers must not allow drivers to operate LCVs without ensuring the drivers have been properly trained in accordance with the requirements under 49 CFR part 380. The DT Certificate provides this assurance. While carriers must verify that a driver has proper training before allowing the driver to operate an LCV, it is up to the driver to obtain the required training. Motor carriers must maintain a copy of the LCV DT Certificate in the driver qualification (DQ) file, required by 49 CFR § 380.401(b). During an investigative review, motor carriers responsible for the operation of LCVs must be able to show Federal or State enforcement officials that drivers responsible for operating such LCVs are certified to do so, based on the training certificate in their DQ files. This IC is mandatory reporting and recordkeeping and requires the completion and signing of a DT Certificate. The data collected is on the certificate that the trainer creates. The training provider must provide a training certificate or diploma to the entry-level driver. If an employer is the training provider, the employer must provide a training certificate or diploma to the entry-level driver. 49 CFR § 380.513 states that the training certificate or diploma must contain the following seven items of information: (a) date of certificate issuance; (b) name of training provider; (c) mailing address of training provider; (d) name of driver; (e) a statement that the driver has completed training in driver qualification requirements, hours of service of drivers, driver wellness, and whistleblower protection requirements; (f) the printed name of the person attesting that the driver has received the required training; and (g) the signature of the person attesting that the driver has received the required training. Motor carriers may maintain the required certificate electronically or via paper copy. Generally, DQ files must be maintained at the motor carriers’ principal place of business—the training certificate must be included in the DQ file. This IC requires zero percent (0%) of the DT Certificate to be submitted electronically. The DT Certificate is required to be completed only once for each LCV driver; the LCV training certification does not expire. FMCSA has limited the collection of information to the time when it is most relevant to evaluate a driver’s qualifications to operate a LCV. If this collection of information were conducted less frequently, FMCSA and State enforcement officials would be unable to determine if a driver is qualified to safely operate a LCV in accordance with part 380 during an investigative review or a roadside inspection. The DT Certificate provides proof that the driver completed requisite training and ensures that the driver is qualified to safely operate an LCV on the Nation’s highways.

The latest form for Training Certification for Drivers of Longer Combination Vehicles expires 2023-06-30 and can be found here.

OMB Details

Training Certification for Drivers of Longer Combination Vehicles

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Transportation - Ground Transportation

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