This submission is being made to the Office of Management (OMB) for the approval of information collection requirements contained in the Commission’s NCE LPFM Report and Order adopted December 10, 2019, and released on December 11, 2019, where the Commission revised its rules and procedures for considering competing applications for new and major modifications to noncommercial educational full-service FM and full-power television (NCE), and low power FM (LPFM) broadcast stations. The changes are designed to improve the comparative selection and licensing procedures, expedite the initiation of new service to the public, eliminate unnecessary applicant burdens, and reduce the number of appeals of NCE comparative licensing decisions. First, to improve the NCE comparative process, the NCE LPFM Report and Order: (1) eliminates the governing document requirements for established local applicants and applicants claiming diversity points; (2) establishes a uniform divestiture pledge policy; (3) expands the tie-breaker criteria and revises the procedures for allocating time in mandatory time-sharing situations; and (4) clarifies and modifies the “holding period” rule. Second, the NCE LPFM Report and Order adopts the following changes to the LPFM comparative process: (1) prohibits amendments that attempt to cure past unauthorized station violations; (2) authorizes time-sharing discussions prior to tentative selectee designations; and (3) establishes procedures for remaining tentative selectees following dismissal of point aggregation time-share agreements. Third, the NCE LPFM Report and Order adopts the following general changes: (1) defines which applicant board changes are major changes; (2) clarifies the reasonable site assurance requirements; (3) streamlines construction deadline tolling procedures and notification requirements; (4) lengthens the LPFM construction period; and (5) eliminates restrictions on the assignment and transfer of LPFM authorizations. Specifically, pertaining to this Information Collection and NCE and LPFM stations, the Commission is removing the restrictive LPFM station three-year “holding period” certification from CDBS Forms 314 and 315, and revising the relevant rules, 47 CFR Sections 73.865 and 73.7005, the forms, and corresponding instructions, as follows: (1) changing all references to “holding period” to “maintenance of comparative qualifications,” and requiring NCE stations awarded by the point system to certify satisfying the four-year “maintenance of comparative qualifications” period; (2) requiring LPFM applicants to certify that it has been at least 18 months since the station’s initial construction permit was granted in accordance with 47 CFR Section 73.865(c) ; (3) requiring LPFM applicants to certify that the assignment/transfer of the LPFM authorization satisfies the consideration restrictions of 47 CFR Section 73.865(a)(1) ; (4) requiring LPFM authorizations awarded by the LPFM comparative point system, to indicate whether the LPFM station has operated on-air for at least four years since grant; (5) requiring NCE applicants to certify that the proposed acquisition comports with 47 CFR Section 73.7005(c) diversity requirements, based on any “diversity of ownership” points awarded in an NCE points system analysis. Please see the non-substantive change request for the reason for this change request to the Office of Management and Budget for approval.
The latest form for Application for Consent to Assignment of Broadcast Station Construction Permit or License, FCC Form 314; Application for Consent to Transfer Control of Entity Holding Broadcast Station Construction P expires 2023-09-30 and can be found here.
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Federal Enterprise Architecture: General Government - Central Records & Statistical Mgt