Individuals or companies engaged in manufacturing, distributing, or selling aircraft who want to fly those aircraft with a dealer’s certificate instead of registering them permanently in the name of the entity are mandated to submit information to this collection, by completing an application for dealer’s certificate. An FAA Aircraft Registry conveyances examiner reviews the application to ensure that it is completely and properly filled out. If it is correct, the Registry issues, by computer, the number of dealer’s certificates requested and mails them to the dealer. Certificates are valid for one year. The application is retained electronically for verification of action taken (certificates issued) if needed. If this information were not collected, there would be no basis for issuance of dealer’s aircraft registration certificates. The information is collected on AC Form 8050-5.
The latest form for Dealer's Aircraft Registration Certificate Application expires 2021-01-31 and can be found here.
Document Name |
Form |
Supporting Statement A |
Supplementary Document |
Supplementary Document |
Supplementary Document |