Agency List

OMB Forms

Federal Government Agencies and Forms
OMB NumberAgencyCode
0300 Executive Office of the President EOP
0310 The White House Office WHO
0311 Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board PCLOB
0331 Council on Environmental Quality CEQ
0348 Office of Management and Budget OMB
0349 Office of Science and Technology Policy OSTP
0350 Office of the United States Trade Representative TRADEREP
0412 Agency for International Development AID
0414 Millennium Challenge Corporation MCC
0417 Inter-American Foundation IAF
0420 Peace Corps PEACE
0430 Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board RATB
0500 Department of Agriculture USDA
0503 Office of the Secretary AgSEC
0505 Office of Chief Financial Officer OCFO
0506 Office of Communications AgGPA
0507 Office of Transportation TRANS
0508 Office of Civil Rights AgOCR
0510 Office of the General Counsel OGC
0513 Policy, E-Government and Fair Information Practices PEF
0517 Client Technology Services CTS
0518 Agricultural Research Service ARS
0524 National Institute of Food and Agriculture NIFA
0525 Office of Grants and Program Systems OGPS
0527 Extension Service EXS
0530 National Agricultural Library NAL
0531 Science and Education S&E
0535 National Agricultural Statistical Service NASS
0536 Economic Research Service ERS
0537 Agricultural Cooperative Service ACS
0550 World Agricultural Outlook Board WAOB
0551 Foreign Agricultural Service FAS
0557 Foreign Assistance Programs FAP
0560 Farm Service Agency FSA
0563 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation FCIC
0566 Commodity Credit Corporation CCC
0570 Rural Business-Cooperative Service RBS
0572 Rural Utilities Service RUS
0575 Rural Housing Service RHS
0576 Office of Rural Development Policy ORDP
0577 Office of International Cooperation & Development OICD
0578 Natural Resources Conservation Service NRCS
0579 Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service APHIS
0580 Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration GIPSA
0581 Agricultural Marketing Service AMS
0583 Food Safety and Inspection Service FSIS
0584 Food and Nutrition Service FNS
0586 Human Nutrition Information Service HNIS
0590 Packers and Stockyards Administration P&SA
0596 Forest Service FS
0598 Office of Energy OE
0599 Office of Procurement and Property Management OPPM
0600 Department of Commerce DOC
0605 General Administration ADMIN
0607 Bureau of the Census CENSUS
0608 Economic and Statistical Analysis EASA
0610 Economic Development Administration EDA
0625 International Trade Administration ITA
0640 Minority Business Development Agency MBDA
0644 United States Travel and Tourism Administration USTTA
0648 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA
0651 Patent and Trademark Office PTO
0652 Science and Technical Research SATR
0660 National Telecommunications and Information Administration NTIA
0690 Office of the Secretary OS
0691 Bureau of Economic Analysis BEA
0692 National Technical Information Service NTIS
0693 National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST
0694 Bureau of Industry and Security BIS
0700 Department of Defense DOD
0701 Department of the Air Force AF
0702 Department of the Army DOA
0703 Department of the Navy NAVY
0704 Departmental and Others DODDEP
0705 Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence OUSDI
0710 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers COE
0712 0712
0715 0715
0720 Office of Assistant Secretary for Health Affairs DODOASHA
0730 Defense Finance and Accounting Service DFAS
0750 Defense Acquisition Regulations Council DARC
0790 Office of the Secretary OS
0900 Department of Health and Human Services HHS
0905 Public Health Service PHS
0906 Health Resources and Services Administration HRSA
0907 Program Support Center PSC
0910 Food and Drug Administration FDA
0915 Health Services Administration HSA
0917 Indian Health Service IHS
0919 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality AHRQ
0920 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC
0923 Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry TSDR
0925 National Institutes of Health NIH
0930 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration SAMHSA
0935 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality AHRQ
0936 Office of the Inspector General OIG
0937 Office of Assistant Secretary for Health OASH
0938 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services CMS
0940 Office of Public Health and Science OPHS
0945 Office for Civil Rights OCR
0950 Office of Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight OCIIO
0955 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology ONC
0960 Social Security Administration SSA
0970 Administration for Children and Families ACF
0980 Office of Human Development Services HDSO
0985 Administration for Community Living ACL
0990 Departmental Management HHSDM
0991 Office of the Secretary OS
0992 Office of Family Assistance OFA
1000 Department of the Interior DOI
1004 Bureau of Land Management BLM
1006 Bureau of Reclamation RB
1008 Office of Water Policy OWP
1010 Bureau of Ocean Energy Management BOEM
1012 Office of Natural Resources Revenue ONRR
1014 Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement BSEE
1018 United States Fish and Wildlife Service FWS
1024 National Park Service NPS
1028 Geological Survey GS
1029 Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement OSMRE
1032 Bureau of Mines MINES
1035 Bureau of Trust Funds Administration BTFA
1040 Office of Planning and Performance Management OPPM
1076 Bureau of Indian Affairs BIA
1082 Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management ASLM
1084 Office of Acquisition and Property Management OAPM
1085 Indian Arts and Crafts Board IACB
1089 National Biological Service NBS
1090 Assistant Secretary for Policy, Management and Budget ASPMB
1091 Office for Equal Opportunity OEO
1092 Office of the Solicitor OSOL
1093 Office of the Secretary OS
1094 Office of Hearings and Appeals OHA
1095 Office of the Inspector General OIG
1100 Department of Justice DOJ
1103 General Administration DOJADM
1104 United States Parole Commission PARCOM
1105 Legal Activities LA
1110 Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI
1115 Immigration and Naturalization Service INS
1117 Drug Enforcement Administration DEA
1120 Bureau of Prisons BOP
1121 Office of Justice Programs OJP
1122 Office of Violence Against Women OVW
1123 Criminal Division CD
1125 Executive Office for Immigration Review EOIR
1140 Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives ATF
1190 Civil Rights Division CRT
1200 Department of Labor DOL
1205 Employment and Training Administration ETA
1210 Employee Benefits Security Administration EBSA
1212 Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation PBGC
1214 Office of the American Workplace/Office of Labor Management Standards OAW/OLMS
1215 Employment Standards Administration ESA
1218 Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA
1219 Mine Safety and Health Administration MSHA
1220 Bureau of Labor Statistics BLS
1225 Departmental Management DM
1230 Office of Disability Employment Policy ODEP
1235 Wage and Hour Division WHD
1240 Office of Workers' Compensation Programs OWCP
1245 Office of Labor-Management Standards OLMS
1250 Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs OFCCP
1255 1255
1290 Office of the Secretary OS
1291 Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management OASAM
1292 Office of the Inspector General OIG
1293 Office of the Assistant Secretary for Veterans' Employment and Training ASVET
1294 Office of the American Workplace OAW
1400 Department of State STATE
1405 Administration of Foreign Affairs AFA
1500 Department of the Treasury TREAS
1505 Departmental Offices DO
1506 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network FINCEN
1507 Office of Revenue Sharing ORS
1510 Financial Management Service FMS
1512 Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms BATF
1513 Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau TTB
1515 Customs Revenue Function CUSTOMS
1520 Bureau of Engraving and Printing BEP
1525 United States Mint MINT
1530 Bureau of the Fiscal Service FISCAL
1535 Bureau of the Public Debt BPD
1545 Internal Revenue Service IRS
1550 Office of Thrift Supervision OTS
1555 United States Secret Service SS
1557 Comptroller of the Currency OCC
1559 Community Development Financial Institutions Fund CDFIF
1590 Office of the General Counsel OGC
1591 Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration TIGTA
1600 Department of Homeland Security DHS
1601 Office of the Secretary OS
1610 Office of Civil Rights OCR
1615 U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services USCIS
1620 U.S. Secret Service USSS
1625 U.S. Coast Guard USCG
1630 Directorate of Information and Analysis and Infrastructure Protection IA&IP
1640 Directorate of Science and Technology S&T
1641 Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency HSARPA
1650 Directorate of Border and Transportation Security BTS
1651 U.S. Customs and Border Protection USCBP
1652 Transportation Security Administration TSA
1653 U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement USICE
1660 Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMA
1670 Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency CISA
1680 Office of the Undersecretary for Management M
1690 Office of the Inspector General OIG
1800 Department of Education ED
1801 Office of the General Counsel EDOGC
1810 Office of Elementary and Secondary Education OESE
1820 Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services OSERS
1830 Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education OCTAE
1840 Office of Postsecondary Education OPE
1845 Office of Federal Student Aid FSA
1850 Institute of Education Sciences IES
1855 Office of Innovation and Improvement OII
1860 Office of Communications and Outreach OCO
1865 Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools OSDFS
1870 Office for Civil Rights OCR
1875 Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development OPEPD
1880 Office of Management OM
1885 Office of English Language Acquistion OELA
1890 Office of the Chief Financial Officer OCFO
1891 Office of the Chief Information Officer OCIO
1892 Office of Inspector General EDIG
1894 Office of the Secretary OS
1895 Office of the Under Secretary OUS
1900 Department of Energy DOE
1901 Departmental and Others ENDEP
1902 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission FERC
1903 Economic Regulatory Administration ERA
1904 Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy EE
1905 Energy Information Administration EIA
1910 Office of Administration DOEOA
1990 Office of General Counsel OGC
1991 Office of Acquisition Management OAM
1992 Defense and Security Affairs DSA
1993 Policy, Safety, and Environment EPSEP
1994 National Nuclear Security Administration NNSA
2000 Environmental Protection Agency EPA
2001 Regional Office Boston ROBOSTON
2002 Regional Office New York RONEWYORK
2003 Regional Office Philadelphia ROPHILA
2004 Regional Office Atlanta ROATLANTA
2005 Regional Office Chicago ROCHICAGO
2006 Regional Office Dallas RODALLAS
2007 Regional Office Kansas City ROKANSASCITY
2008 Regional Office Denver RODENVER
2009 Regional Office San Francisco ROSANFRAN
2010 Office of Policy OP
2012 Regional Office Seattle ROSEATTLE
2015 Office of General Counsel OGC
2020 Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance OECA
2025 Office of Environmental Information OEI
2030 Office of Mission Support OMS
2040 Office of Water OW
2050 Office of Land and Emergency Management OLEM
2060 Office of Air and Radiation OAR
2070 Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention OCSPP
2080 Office of Research and Development ORD
2090 Office of the Administrator AdmO
2100 Department of Transportation DOT
2105 Office of the Secretary OST
2106 Office of the Secretary - Aviation OSTA
2110 Transportation Security Administration TSA
2115 U.S. Coast Guard USCG
2120 Federal Aviation Administration FAA
2125 Federal Highway Administration FHWA
2126 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration FMCSA
2127 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA
2130 Federal Railroad Administration FRA
2132 Federal Transit Administration FTA
2133 Maritime Administration MARAD
2135 Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation SLSDC
2137 Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration PHMSA
2138 Bureau of Transportation Statistics - Aviation BTSA
2139 Research and Innovative Technologies Administration RITA
2140 Surface Transportation Board STB
2145 Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration PHMSA
2150 Research and Innovative Technologies Administration (Old) RITA
2500 Department of Housing and Urban Development HUD
2501 Office of the Secretary HUDSEC
2502 Office of Housing OH
2503 Government National Mortgage Association GNMA
2504 Solar Energy and Energy Conservation Bank SEECB
2505 Office of Multifamily Assistance Restructuring OMAR
2506 Office of Community Planning and Development CPD
2507 Real Estate Assessment Center REAC
2508 Office of the Inspector General HUDIG
2509 Enforcement Center EC
2510 Office of the General Counsel HUDGC
2512 New Communities Development Corporation NCDC
2528 Policy Development and Research PD&R
2529 Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity FHEO
2535 Office of Administration OA
2539 Office of Lead-Based Paint and Poison Prevention OLBPPP
2550 Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight OFHEO
2577 Office of Public and Indian Housing PIH
2580 Board of Directors of the HOPE for Homeowners Program BDHHP
2590 Federal Housing Finance Agency FHFA
2700 National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA
2705 Ames Research Center ARC
2710 Armstrong Flight Research Center AFRC
2715 Glenn Research Center GRC
2720 Goddard Space Flight Center GSFC
2725 Johnson Space Center JSC
2730 Kennedy Space Center KSC
2735 Langley Research Center LRC
2740 Marshall Space Flight Center MSFC
2745 Stennis Space Center SSC
2750 Headquarters HQ
2900 Department of Veterans Affairs VA
3002 Administrative Conference of the United States ACUS
3003 Emergency Oil and Gas Guaranteed Loan Board EOGGLB
3004 Emergency Steel Guarantee Loan Board ESGLB
3005 African Development Foundation ADF
3010 Advisory Council on Historic Preservation ACHP
3011 Appalachian Regional Commission ARC
3014 Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board ATBCB
3015 United States International Development Finance Corporation DFC
3019 Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation BGSEEF
3020 James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation JMMFF
3024 Civil Aeronautics Board CAB
3030 Armed Forces Retirement Home AFRH
3035 U.S. Commission on Civil Rights CCR
3037 Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled CPBSD
3038 Commodity Futures Trading Commission CFTC
3041 Consumer Product Safety Commission CPSC
3045 Corporation for National and Community Service CNCS
3046 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission EEOC
3048 Export-Import Bank of the United States EXIMBANK
3052 Farm Credit Administration FCA
3053 Farm Credit System Assistance Board FCSAB
3055 Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation FCSIC
3060 Federal Communications Commission FCC
3064 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FDIC
3067 Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMA
3068 Federal Home Loan Bank Board FHLBB
3069 Federal Housing Finance Board FHFB
3070 Federal Labor Relations Authority FLRA
3072 Federal Maritime Commission FMC
3076 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service FMCS
3079 Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission FMSHRC
3080 Office of the Federal Coordinator for Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects OFC-ANGTP
3084 Federal Trade Commission FTC
3085 Vietnam Education Foundation VEF
3090 General Services Administration GSA
3095 National Archives and Records Administration NARA
3098 National Assessment Governing Board NAGB
3111 Harry S Truman Scholarship Foundation HSTSF
3112 U.S. Agency for Global Media USAGM
3114 ICH ICH
3116 United States Information Agency USIA
3117 International Trade Commission ITC
3120 Interstate Commerce Commission ICC
3121 Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council FPISC
3124 Merit Systems Protection Board MSPB
3125 National Capital Planning Commission NCPC
3130 National Commission on Libraries and Information Science NCLIS
3133 National Credit Union Administration NCUA
3134 Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities FCAH
3135 National Endowment for the Arts NEA
3136 National Endowment for the Humanities NEH
3137 Institute of Museum and Library Services IMLS
3138 National Institute of Building Sciences NIBS
3139 Appraisal Subcommittee of the FFIEC FFIEC
3140 National Mediation Board NMB
3141 National Indian Gaming Commission NIGC
3142 National Labor Relations Board NLRB
3145 National Science Foundation NSF
3147 National Transportation Safety Board NTSB
3148 Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation ONHIR
3150 Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRC
3155 Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board DNFSB
3170 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau CFPB
3200 Other Independent Agencies OTHINDAG
3201 Office of National Drug Control Policy ONDCP
3202 Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission OSHRC
3203 Thrift Depositor Protection Oversight Board OB
3204 Office of the Federal Inspector, Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System ANGTS
3205 Resolution Trust Corporation RTC
3206 Office of Personnel Management OPM
3207 Panama Canal Commission PANAMA
3208 Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation PADC
3209 Office of Government Ethics OGE
3210 United States Postal Service USPS
3211 Postal Regulatory Commission PRC
3212 Presidio Trust PRESIDIO
3219 Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency CIGIE
3220 Railroad Retirement Board RRB
3222 Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board FRTIB
3225 Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia CSOSA
3235 Securities and Exchange Commission SEC
3240 Selective Service System SSS
3245 Small Business Administration SBA
3250 Smithsonian Institution SI
3255 Office of Special Counsel OSC
3260 Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission MCRMC
3262 National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service NCMNPS
3263 American Battle Monuments Commission ABMC
3265 U.S. Election Assistance Commission EAC
3301 U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board CSB
3312 Other Temporary Commissions OTHTEMPC
3316 Tennessee Valley Authority TVA
3320 Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation MKU-SLUF
3327 United States Metric Board MB
3330 U.S. Trade and Development Agency USTDA
3410 Joint Board for The Enrollment of Actuaries JBEA
3420 Overseas Private Investment Corporation OPIC
3430 National Institute for Literacy NIL
3440 Office of Director of National Intelligence ODNI
3442 Central Intelligence Agency CIA
3450 Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction SIGIR
3460 Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction SIGAR
3470 Library of Congress LOC
3471 U.S. Copyright Office USCO
3480 National Council on Disability NCD
3600 Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council GCERC
4030 Financial Stability Oversight Council FSOC
4040 EGOV
5555 EEI Communications EEI
7100 Federal Reserve System FRS

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